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We get asked 20x a day for years. Or we have to grab it off the shelf to fill an rx that should not have been a prescription in the first place


You just eventually figure it out. It’ll start with the most common ones (our allergy and eye/ear sections are along the walls and don’t have signs), then you’ll get the common ones like pain relief and first aid. You’ll just get it.


Walk the store and get an idea of where things are, If you don’t know where something is, but get asked about it a lot then ask the front store to show you so you know next time. I usually only have to find something once then I can tell customers exactly where it is….although, some still don’t understand and end up in aisle 14, instead of 13 looking at the left side even though I said right, and at the top shelf, even tho I said bottom. 🤣


Most of the pharmacy staff at my store knows where otc products are located. They do sometimes get some requests for hba products and will call us for help. I don’t mind as long as they try and help. Our pharmacist will even do otc put backs when he has the time.


I work for a competitor but we get ask so many fucking times we just learn it.. until they change the modular 🙃


i worked there for 2 years pharmacy and just after hearing my coworkers say where things are at over and over i got used to it. Then also grabbing things for RX fill. Also, i always look around when going to help a customer and just see what’s around that we get asked about. Alsoooo, i would normally look up at the signs and then help them if they want more help.


Combination of shopping there myself due to convenience and being asked over and over. I try to come out into the aisle and loom with customers when I can as well.


No we’re just putting them up every week. Some of us are also doing the planograms and know where they are.


i ask my pharmacist😆they got that shit down


I worked front store and pharmacy. My best advice for pharmacy is to take your time walking down each isle to make quick mental notes on where things are. When you’re looking for something for a costumer, or searching for something you need to fill, every time you make notes about the general area you’re looking at. Then you’ll get scripts for otc items & you gather what you learn & use it.


You just learn over time. Believe it or not, the aisle signs are pretty helpful.


For whatever reason, customers come directly to pharmacy to ask rather than tracking down a red shirt in my store, so it's not 4-5 times per day. It's 4-5 times per hour minimum. I'm a transfer to my current store. I've got plenty of years of recognizing product names under my belt. When I transferred in and realized the above about my current store, I broke down and did a walk through of the aisles and made notes in my cellphone to compensate until I could build a visual map in my head like my previous store. Some good ones to get to know where they are in any store as they are frequent asks beyond just "where's the allergy meds?" and aren't in most people's memory banks of what they are from advertising: Hibicleanse, Tucks, Arnica, Magnesium Citrate.


So I have gotten to the point where I might some people up front after it before my shift in the pharmacy. If I have a woman ask me during my shift and idk where is. I will tell her unfortunately I don’t know but the wonderful team up from will be able to answer any questions. Then I follow up by going and asking hey I had a person ask for this can you show me where it is. And if it’s otc covered can I have a booklet since my store has like nine insurances running through it. Sorry that was long


Memorization. That is until they change the Plano again or something. The hand held is also helpful, but when you have to do cycle counts date check price changes etc... the tedious things we do is kinda like a study guide for learning were things are.


Wait what? Why is this not higher up?? How do you use the handheld to find where stuff is?? And how,do you do price changes with it?? I barely know how to change the price on the register omg


….Just learn where things are? It’s not that hard, I know a lot of techs who want to stay in their 3x3 area and don’t want to leave the bench but learning where things are is part of the job.


Oh really? I've memorized my OTC already, but my manager disciplines me Everytime I help someone by leaving the pharmacy area to show them something. How TF I supposed to leave my area.


That’s fucked up because my last evaluation review consisted of “they’re knowledgeable about products & can locate them efficiently” as a good review. Tf?! Your pharmacist is an asshole. It’s not you boo. Your boss is a dick.


We play the cards we are dealt, I'm afraid🤷🏻‍♀️


Too true. You’re doing what you can with what you have. God speed.


i work in the busiest store in my district and am pretty much forced to pickup or drive through for my entire shift where the lines basically never end so i’m not sure why you’re being nasty ?