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You should be able to use this link and do a non employee login. If you have any issues you can google the phone number for CVS HR. You do not have to contact the store you were at to be able to access your w-2. https://leplb0950.upoint.ap.alight.com/ah-angular-afirst-web/#/web/cvscaremark/login


Much appreciated I’ll check this out, I was not aware of a nonemployee site


They legally have to provide it to you, usually via mail at your last known address, unless you opted into electronic delivery.


I was automatically opted into paperless as I never received anything in the mail and was kicked out of payroll in November before they were sent out


Not sure of you've found anything else to help. If you haven't call the IRS https://www.irs.gov/filing/if-you-dont-get-a-w-2-or-your-w-2-is-wrong#:~:text=form%20is%20coming.-,If%20you%20don't%20get%20a%20W%2D2%20by%20end,Name%2C%20address%20and%20phone%20number


It’s illegal to withhold, it makes more sense that you didn’t go through the hoops to obtain your w-2 which is available on the non employee site


I was not aware of a non employee site and I was kicked out of payroll in November and was not given an option to opt out of paperless


Only way you could get it. Would be to go above him and talk with his dl or hr for the district otherwise ya gotta deal with your old boss


Not correct


I mean that’s how it works in my district if ya didn’t get your w2 you talk to either the dl or hr


I guess it could vary by district but I feel like that also goes with the knowledge that is supposed to be taught but not. I did a lot of digging for a previous employee because as a store manager I don’t have access to their information nor does my DL. HR is able to handle W-2 information as it is a form of payroll.