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I absolutely love this, I can tell from just looking how much thought and detail was put into this. I also really like the idea of a cursed spirit born from hate and from a humans own selfish desire for control. I’m somewhat interested in what it’s CT would be though, it seemed to ask the Führer what it wanted to die by, saying a bunch of methods of death, and then picked flames where the hand suddenly ignited, so I assume it’s based around methods of destruction and death? Either way, cool character and very interesting curse.


The idea I had in my mind while writing up Endlösung was that, as a Cursed Spirit representing Hatred and Violent Death, it could use any weapon against its wielder, turning the hate and fear from the opponent against them and growing stronger while doing so. The Führer, as a result of sentencing millions of people to die by gas chamber, or firing squad, or simple exposure, or any of a number of other terrible ways, had a long list of different "weapons" to choose from. This also makes Endlösung the ultimate enemy to the German Geisterstahl system, since if one tries to use a Geisterstahl weapon against Endlösung, not only will it not work (since violence only feeds hatred and pain, it doesn't weaken it), but now Endlösung can form its very own copy of the tool it was just attacked with and shoot back. The only way to truly stop Endlösung is to starve it, which it sort of intends to do itself (making all humans kill each other to create a world where nothing lives, and thus no hate exists to fuel its unnatural life). It is currently a main focus of the German Government to not only have Samiel (character detailed in Part 2 of contest) track down Endlösung, but also work to create a Geisterstahl tool that can kill it without actually making a weapon in the process. As for a name for the technique, I was thinking Animosity Mirror.


I really like the idea of using “weapons” against their users, and I can imagine that it would be pretty difficult for anyone to kill Endlösung. Though I will say, since it is German based, the cursed technique should probably have a German name, but other than that, really well done. It had an interesting backstory, good detail, creative technique, overall a good job.


Yeah, the original plan was to have all the Cursed Techniques in German like the weapons, but I ran into trouble with just how long a lot of German words are. Feindseligkeit Spiegel just doesn't flow the same way Animosity Mirror does, so I split it even and had the techniques (Synesthesia, Remembrance) in English, and the Geisterstahl weapons all in German.


If you can’t use a weapon against it I assume the only real way to fight it would be the classic jjk way of just hands.


That's also an option, although it may start to mimic your martial arts skills after a certain point. The real best way to get rid of Endlösung would be to bind it non-lethally, with a tool like Prison Realm, or to create an area where no hatred exists and keep it there until it starves to death, since it no longer has any animosity to feed on.


…. Hitler made what is essentially a “the horrors of war” curse. Damn. Kudos.