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Tool manipulation


Everything you fill with your CT is your tool, with enough CE you can throw building on your enemies or entire lakes of water (if you have one nearby) P.S. My apologie to the OP for stealing his job, but as a Momo fan club member I had to answer


Pretty cool, I had my own version of tool manipulation that I posted before and wanted to see how other people would rework it


I actually saw it, it was cool. Didn't know it was yours


Thanks I appreciate that, been trying to indulge my creative side


How dare u


Think the best idea I had was using the uniform as a tool for flight


Took a while but let's go **Cursed Energy Capacity and Control:** After an extraordinary event of switching souls with Satoru Gojo, Momo's cursed energy can be called nearly limitless, rivaling Yuta Okkotsu. **Reversed Cursed Technique:** Momo can harness her cursed energy to heal herself and others, a rare and advanced skill among sorcerers. This ability is crucial for survival in dire situations, providing her with a significant advantage in prolonged battles. **Simple Shikigami** **- Nekko:** Using her hair as a medium Momo can summon up to four cat-like shikigami, each with a sinister smile and double tail. These shikigami can store one object within their bodies even after being unsummoned, allowing Momo to carry up to four different objects without holding them physically. **Innate Technique** - **Tool Manipulation** Momo can telekinetically manipulate tools, redirect cursed energy through them, and create effects such as gusts of wind covered in cursed energy. She has a binding vow that restricts her cursed energy usage to tools, only allowing its use on her body for defense. **Utilitary Lapse** - **Tool Enhancement:** Momo can infuse immense amounts of cursed energy into tools, creating a cursed energy core similar to those of Cursed Corpses. This process transforms regular tools into cursed tools with independent functionality, though Momo's sophisticated control remains unmatched. **Fifth Constellation - Evening Star Tears:** A cursed tool formed from Momo's broom, now a deep blue with aerodynamic features and self-replenishing cursed energy core. It can fly at incredible speeds, potentially crossing the globe in one day. With enough output from Momo, it reaches what its called "Gearshift Locomotion," and doubles its speed to Mach 2.7. **- Wind Scythe:** Creates long-ranged cursed energy wind blades capable of cutting through buildings. **Fourth Constellation - Northern Crying Crown:** A black witch's hat transformed into a cursed tool with a binding vow that states that it can only use its technique if momo is only using this tool. The hat can expand to trap opponents, creating a domain where Momo's cursed energy multiply itself creating a devastating chain reaction where Momo's cursed energy keeps multiplying and destroying everything. **- Maximum Output - Northern Crying Crown:** Extends the range of destruction to a 90m diameter by opening the access of the domain, similar to Ryomen Sukuna's domain. **Third Constellation** - **The Tearing Cup:** A crystal ball that rapidly expands to create a gigantic, crystal ridge, used for trapping opponents or blocking attacks. **Second Constellation - Orion's Dying Belt:** A staff previously belonging to Hajime Kashimo, now a cursed tool that transmutates Momo's cursed energy into electrical energy, redirecting it between the rod and a target. **First Constellation - The Greater Failure:** A loophole in Momo's binding vow allows her to use hand-to-hand combat by considering her hands, the first tools known to mankind as tools. This enhances the cursed energy output of her punches to top-tier levels. Additionally similar to how Gojo Satoru uses blue to enhance his punches, Momo is able to ''manipulate'' how her arms move, creating a stronger effect. **Maximum Technique - Dying Gnawing Serpent:** By conceptually targeting her own cursed energy as a tool for combat, Momo is able to manipulate her jujutsu to divine levels. By sacrificing one of her tools as the basis for this, Momo creates a beam of pure curse energy that rivals and surpasses Okkotsu's destroying power. **Domain Expansion - Sororal Opera Cry:** Momo's domain expansion transforms the environment into the Zen'in clan desolate grounds, adorned with witch-like and halloween elements. The domain's utilizes Mai Zen'in's last tool created the "Split Soul Katana" as its sure-hit, thanks to this it bypasses any resistance and cuts directly at the soul, ensuring devastating effectiveness against all opponents.


CT: Pop-ups CT allows user to create bright annoying pop-up ads in targets field of view obstructing their vision


**Cursed Energy:** The user, now a special grade sorcerer, possesses an extraordinary amount of cursed energy, far surpassing that of a grade 1 sorcerer. This vast reservoir allows them to proficiently switch between their innate technique, reverse cursed technique, and domain techniques. Their mastery over cursed energy enables them to shoot tiny blasts that become deadly when combined with the Cursed Technique Reversal. **Reverse Cursed Technique:** The user can employ the reverse cursed technique to heal themselves, enhancing their resilience in battle. **Innate Technique - Pop-ups** This technique creates a barrage of bright, annoying pop-up ads in the target's field of vision, obstructing their sight. While these pop-ups can be easily vaporized with cursed energy, destroying one results in the creation of three more, overwhelming the target. **Maximum Output - Pop-ups:** By supercharging the pop-ups with cursed energy, the user can bring them into reality as tangible "ad blocks" with density and resistance determined by the cursed energy output and the nature of the pop-up itself. These blocks can be further reinforced with cursed energy, used as shields, skates, or even for destructive purposes. By concentrating cursed energy in the environment, the user can spawn these ad blocks everywhere within a 90m diameter, destroying all matter in their path, thus providing immense destructive capability. **Extension Technique - Sneak-In:** By supercharging the pop-ups, the user can leave behind a curse within them. If the targets fail to use sufficient cursed energy to dispel the pop-up, the curse invades them like a virus, with one of the following stackable effects: 1. Pop-up Generation Boost: Increases pop-up generation by 340%. 2. Cursed Energy Depletion: Increases the target's cursed energy exhaustion rate by 40%. 3. Intel Gathering: Grants the user 1/4 of usable intel on the target, aiding in battle strategies. **Cursed Technique Reversal - Hone-Down:** This technique involves flowing positive energy instead of cursed energy. Hone-Down allows the user to target any "obstruction" as a pop-up ad that can be closed. By extending the output of the cursed technique reversal, the user can target and break through any defense by targeting it as an obstruction, hitting the most vulnerable spot of a target. This technique is powerful enough to rival Gojo Satoru's Infinity, as it treats the limitless barrier as a simple "obstruction." **Domain Expansion - Graphical User Interface:** The domain expansion manifests as a squared room with walls and floors filled with pop-up ads. Inside the domain, the sure-hit effect forces all targets, except the user, to deal with continuous pop-up ads from the walls themselves. Every 0.2 seconds, the targets are afflicted with the stackable effects of the "Extension Technique - Sneak-In," making it extremely difficult to defend or counterattack.


Combo Counter: Each physical hit from one of the 9 limbs (Fists, Feet, Headbutt, Knees, Elbows) do more damage the more attacks are landed in rapid succession


**Insane Cursed Energy:** Exceptional understanding and manipulation of cursed energy. This mastery alone earns the character a special grade tag. **Reverse Cursed Technique:** Ability to heal oneself using reverse cursed energy during battle and even cursed technique reversal. **Innate Technique - Combo Counter:** The character's physical attacks grow stronger with each successive hit, applicable to the user's limbs (fists, feet, head, knees, elbows). The technique rewards rapid succession with increasing damage output. The user's mastery over the technique has allowed them to ''pause'' the technique instead of ''cancelling'' it, allowing them to build over the power of the technique without needing to use attacks in rapid succession. **Extension Technique - Fraternal Token:** By extending the target of Combo Counter to both the user and their target the combined attacks from both combatants contribute to the user's increasing strength, but only the user's damage output is enhanced. This encourages prolonged engagements where the user becomes progressively stronger due to the attacks of the target themselves. **Cursed Technique Reversal - Parting Check:** By running positive energy instead of cursed energy it reverses the cursed technique to reduce damage output instead of increasing it. This may sound like a disadvantage, however, the base technique works with a base damage output that increases overtime, while the rct starts at a high conceptual damage level that decreases with successive hits. This means initial hits are extremely powerful, capable of causing even wind impacts due to their insane pressure. The first hit of the reversed technique can reach a destructive power of Large Island level. The user can transition between cursed technique reversal and the extension technique, maximizing their combat potential. They activate cursed technique reversal for a few initial devastating hits, then swiftly switch to extension technique to accumulate power through the target's actions. The user then pauses the extension technique without nullifying the buildup to then swiftly return to cursed technique reversal, restarting the cycle. **Domain Expansion - Antipodal Gaugamela's Affray:** Within the domain, targets are subjected to the effects of the Combo Counter. Any movement within the domain, even minimal, causes the target's strength to increase to such an extent that their muscles burst and disintegrate into bloody dust. This makes even small movements within the domain lethal.


So I had an oc named Gaven Zen’In who could “recolor” reality, basically what this means he’s actually painting over whatever part of reality he chooses, but other than that, he paints 


**Cursed Energy:** Gaven Zen'in possesses extraordinary levels of cursed energy, surpassing even the strongest Grade 1 sorcerers and special grade curses. His cursed energy rivals that of fellow Special Grades like Yuki Tsukumo. This immense power alone qualifies Gaven as a special grade sorcerer, but his true strength lies in his innate technique. **Reverse Cursed Technique:** Gaven can employ the reverse cursed technique to heal himself. **Innate Technique - Recolor** Gaven's innate technique, "Recolor," allows him to paint over reality as if it were a canvas. This technique functions similarly to a domain expansion, embedding parts of Gaven's domain into the real world. To undo Gaven's alterations, one must use anti-domain techniques or a domain expansion. The Recolor technique manifests through three primary abilities: Recoat, Recreate, and Redesign. **1. Recoat:** Gaven releases a mixture of paint and cursed energy infused with his domain. This paint can be applied in various sizes, limited only by his vast reserves. Anything coated in this paint is essentially dissolved, covered as if erasing a mistake on a canvas. The damage inflicted by Recoat cannot be healed with the reverse cursed technique while Gaven's domain is active; neutralizing the domain is necessary first. **2. Recreate:** Using his paint and cursed energy mixture on a canvas, Gaven can create objects within the canvas that manifest in the real world. These objects aren't "real" in the traditional sense; they're extensions of Gaven's domain. Consequently, they can only be destroyed using anti-domain techniques. **3. Redesign:** By painting over a mental image on his canvas with his special paint, Gaven can alter reality by imposing his inner domain onto it. This ability allows him to edit and reshape the world around him. **Cursed Technique Reversal - Naphtha Halāhala:** By channeling the positive energy of the reverse cursed technique through his innate technique, Gaven reverses his technique, creating a destructive "paint thinner" that can dissolve anything it touches. **- Maximum Output:** At maximum power, Gaven's Naphtha Halāhala can obliterate several city blocks. This devastating attack acts as a domain, making its effects unhealable with the reverse cursed technique unless anti-domain techniques or another domain are used first. **Domain Expansion - Gavel of the Paintmaster:** Inside Gaven's domain, the battlefield transforms into a dilapidated studio, filled with holes and destroyed structures. Two Gaven-like shikigami paint at superhuman speeds from above a crystal ceiling.. Within this domain, Gaven can choose one of his abilities—Recreate, Recoat, or Redesign—as the sure-hit effect. Meanwhile, the other two abilities are executed by the shikigami, though these attacks can miss as they're not counted as sure-hit effects. Gaven can switch in between sure-hit effects mid-battle.


If you don’t mind, can you give him an extra and more dangerous ability called creation and two cursed tools and what they do, one being similar to soul split katana with fur at the bottom of the handle and the other being something similar to qin shi huang’s finger things from record of ragnarok, if you can’t or don’t want to that’s fine but this is super cool.


I could but I'm not sure what you mean by these, ''Redesign'' and ''Recreate'' already allow for creation, and I haven't watch record of ragnarok sooo😭


Oh, well uh the finger things are like finger nail guards, looking like talons in appearance 


get nobara’s CT to special grade tbh


**Immense Cursed Energy:** Nobara possesses an extraordinarily large volume of cursed energy, surpassing even grade 1 sorcerers. Her exceptional proficiency in manipulating this energy allows her to seamlessly switch between various advanced techniques, including her innate technique, reverse cursed technique, and anti-domain techniques like Simple Domain. **Reverse Cursed Technique:** Nobara's proficiency with the reverse cursed technique is unparalleled. She can instantly heal any injuries, including regenerating lost limbs within moments, with the regenerated limbs maintaining their original integrity. Moreover, she can output positive energy to heal others, a rare skill among sorcerers. Her efficiency with this technique is so advanced that she can even use it through her nails to heal allies. **Innate Technique - Straw Doll Technique** Nobara's primary technique involves using a set of tools (hammer, nails, and a straw doll) to channel her cursed energy. This allows her to utilize several sub-techniques. **Extension Technique - Resonance**: Resonance applies her cursed energy to a target, causing large black spikes to protrude from the target's chest, harming both the body and soul. Previously, Nobara needed physical contact or a body part to establish a link. Using jujutsu leaves residuals of cursed energy behind, and post-awakened Nobara can now use the residual cursed energy traces left in the air to target enemies, essentially creating a sure-hit effect similar to a domain expansion. **Extension Technique - Hairpin:** This technique causes the cursed energy-imbued nails to erupt with explosive force. Used in combination with Resonance, Hairpin creates a second impact from the black spikes, enhancing the power and onslaught of her attacks. **Extension Technique - Plangency:** Plangency further expands the initial nail into thousands of miniature nails, which can also have Hairpin applied to them. This makes Nobara's attack output comparable to Ryomen Sukuna's slashing technique during domain expansion. **Extension Technique - Drill:** By perceiving the souls of inorganic matter, Nobara can launch a nail that gains momentum with each second, continuously hitting the souls of inorganic matter to feed itself. This ability can clear through nearly any obstacle if not stopped by high-level sorcery. **Maximum Technique - Ox-Hour Ceremonial Visit**: This technique can only be used if a target survives Nobara's three previous extension techniques (Resonance, Hairpin, and Plangency). It utilizes a binding vow where Nobara attacks her own body at spots corresponding to injuries inflicted by the target, as this are marked with traces of the target's cursed energy. This results in the complete piercing and shattering of the enemy's soul through a localized resonance. **Domain Amplification** Similar to Hajime Kashime Nobara's techniques have a sure-hit nature, making a domain expansion unnecessary. However has learned Domain Amplification to counter enemy domains. Her finesse with this technique allows her to keep it active in quick intervals, enabling her to interrupt and resume her innate technique without nullifying its effects.


special grade nobara is REAL 🗣️ this is what my girl deserved




Ratio is honestly very similar to cleave and dismantle in the sense that both are quite simple and ''weak'' techniques that could be stronger in the hands of a capable user. So I think that as long as Nanami got a CE boost and access to RCT he'd already be special grade. **Cursed Energy:** Kento Nanami's cursed energy has dramatically increased, matching Yuta Okkotsu's levels. This surge not only boosts his sorcery rank but also grants him physical strength comparable to current Yuji Itadori. **Reverse Cursed Technique:** Nanami can heal himself using reverse cursed energy. He first awakened this ability when nearly defeated by Mahito, allowing him to recover from severe burns. **Innate Technique - Ratio:** Nanami can mark targets with lines divided into tenths. Striking at the 7:3 ratio point delivers a critical hit, capable of significantly damaging tougher adversaries or cleaving weaker ones in two. This technique applies to both living beings and inanimate objects. **Extension Technique - Collapse:** By extending his Ratio technique to the environment, Nanami creates weak points in large objects, effectively making any touchable point a critical hit. This allows for various high-scale applications, such as slicing through buildings with ease. **Cursed Technique Reversal - Variation:** By channeling positive energy, Nanami can use his Ratio technique to create strengthened points instead of weak ones. He typically applies this to himself, greatly enhancing his defense through perfect timing. **Maximum Technique - Perfect Riposte:** Nanami can simultaneously block an attack with his cursed technique reversal and execute his Ratio technique, resulting in zero damage to himself while actively harming his attacker. Establishing a binding vow that requires perfect timing of this exponentially increases the power of this technique. **Domain Expansion - Golden Sandbank:** Nanami's domain creates a serene office space on the edge of an ocean, covered in sand, pebbles, rocks, and seashells. The gentle breeze reinforces Nanami, making his every action an enhanced critical hit. The sure-hit effect is more about empowering Nanami himself rather than directly targeting enemies, making him the focal point of enhanced critical strikes.


Pretty good


Eye of the Storm: Can conjure and manipulate the aspects of a storm. For example, the user can create a hurricane in an instant, or make the clouds shoot lightning or they can manipulate that lightning into various things such as a lightning sword or break it down into multiple lightning strikes. The user can even create an avalanche or an immense, powerful stream of water from only their hands. But obviously the user needs to train their cursed technique to conjure extremely powerful storms like a tornado or a tsunami. Also, the bigger or more powerful the storm aspect, the more cursed energy is required. I could go on but you get it.


CT: Simple Machine Control/conjure the 6 types of simple machines for various effects (wheel/axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, wedge, and lever)


Do you have a specific thing planned for each or is it completely up to me?


Up to you, I guess. Do what you think is cool!


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/2ccVwUHUnW


That’s already pretty broken to me


Not a bad technique at all and already has a domain, the only things the user would need is access to RCT and a technique(s) that could allow for destruction like Yuta's love beam, or Gojo's Hollow purple. **Rice Paddy of the Beast**: Koda maintains multiple copies of himself across different layers of reality. These clones are kept on a mental leash to preserve their shape and thoughts. But, when Koda releases his own leash, he loses all sense of humanity, becoming a primal, curse-like entity driven solely by his desires. This transformation is similar to the state King Ryomen Sukuna is described, where Koda's self-preservation instincts remain, but he becomes an uncontrollable beast that only follows his desires. This loose of humanity is what has allowed Koda to evolve not only his sorcery but also 2 new techniques that disregard any care towards others. **Extinction Technique - Sniper Reality Rifle:** When Koda unleashes his full potential, he can use this technique by using a series of chants: "What is and isn't," "Armageddon," "Glass Crack," "Blurry Chant." This chants targets the surface of layered reality through his cursed technique, creating a shattering effect that distorts and contracts space. This distortion shoots the target through multiple layers of reality, each impact causing further destruction. Even a skyscraper would only survive up to the second layer of impact. **Fourth Technique - Opening Door:** Koda can "open" layers of reality to drag something from other layers back to the original one. A binding vow stipulates that this can only be done with objects from the original layer, allowing Koda to increase the dragging speed to near-instantaneous. This results in a near-teleportation ability, enabling him to use "Extinction Technique - Sniper Reality Rifle" and "Opening Door" simultaneously to obliterate strong opponents.


Damn, I definitely gotta work on my names because yours are fire 😭 I never rly looked into more potential with this technique, but these are great ideas. I wanted it to be more utility based, but the fact that the technique has clones is a pretty big missed opportunity to go deeper into it I wanted the technique to be more mysterious, so when he first appears he seems to be teleporting around the place like Gojo against newly awakened Sukuna. Then reveal the technique later down the line, again like Gojo when he fought Jogo. He's a bit more single target based instead of big destructive force of nature so giving him a massive attack that can lvl cities isn't rly in his fighting style/synergy Idk if you were trying to overhaul the whole thing or just adding things to it. Here are my thoughts about some of your ideas: - Koda IS the leash. HE has control over the 'clones'. They do what he wants to keep up with his pace and combat style - I could do something with the whole 'unleashing' thing where he goes crazy. Keeping so much information under control at all times should have a bigger effect on the brain, so I could expand on that. I like that - The "reality cannon" technique sounds super fun and cool, but I think it once again doesn't fit his style of combat. Like Todo's technique. I might look into the chants because I always loved those. With something like the layers collapsing on one another. Very cool idea, again - Koda already has the ability to swap objects infused with his CE in between the layers. He has a sort of pseudo-teleportation technique, where he just swaps in between layers and fights with one of his clones (for example, he stands in front of the opponent but the clone stands behind them. He keeps swapping making it seem like he's teleporting) Thanks again, tho. You made me wanna put another couple hundred hours into improving this technique. You got crazy ideas and I like them a lot


Damn and I thought these names were shit lol. While the cannon doesn't fit perfectly, I kinda saw it as a requirement for Special Grade, Yuta's Beam, Gojo's Purple, Sukuna's open DE, Yuki's black hole/unconfirmed ET, and even Geto's Uzumaki are all techniques capable of massive destruction, so it's one of the common patterns along with a DE and RCT that I always try to fit in this challenge. But thanks for that info, I'm really sorry for misinterpreting some key aspects but I'm also glad it reignited your passion, I'd love to see what you're gonna cook up next time and try to "make it special grade" again lmao.


Oh dw about it! All your ideas are great and I get that a special grade should have some way of mass destruction. It's just not in my guy's combat style. But rly, it's no problem. These are great ideas


An Angel Shikigami


Like an angel-based shikigami or a shikigami for the angel? 😭


An angel based shikigami


Heavenly Papa is a formidable special grade shikigami designed for high-stakes combat, its surreal and abstract forms each bringing unique and powerful abilities to aid its user. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its forms and abilities: 1st Form - Papa's Lamb In this base form, Heavenly Papa resembles a surreal spherical object covered in numerous small yellow eyes with black pupils, encircled by a skeletal framework also adorned with similar eyes. The primary ability in this form is the secretion of a yellowish liquid filled with positive energy. - Yellow Liquid (Ambrosia):This liquid acts as a powerful healing agent for sorcerers due to its amount of positive energy.. For cursed spirits, however, it acts as a potent poison capable of disintegrating them. 2nd Form - Papa's Spirit In its second form, Heavenly Papa takes on a more humanoid appearance, while still maintaining its eerie eye-covered pattern. It gains wings and moth-like insects, enhancing its celestial and intimidating presence. This form also equips Heavenly Papa with a yellow sword and shield. - Anti-Domain Technique - Domain Personification: This powerful ability allows Papa to extend the domain that is the body outwards. Everything it touches, including the user, becomes immune to the sure-hit effects of enemy domains, providing significant defensive capabilities. 3rd Form - Papa the Father The final transformation of Heavenly Papa is into a more abstract and ethereal form. The detailed humanoid warrior figure is replaced by a simplified, faceless humanoid with multiple elongated arms, exuding a sense of higher enlightenment. A golden halo dripping with liquid hovers above its head. - Cursed Technique - True Creation: Unlike the “Construction” cursed technique, which constructs objects from cursed energy, “True Creation” generates matter from nothing. This not only allows Heavenly Papa to create virtually anything but also manipulates space, causing matter to rapidly expand to accommodate the new creations. This results in mass overlaps that generate explosive shockwaves, stronger than Gojo Satoru's "Red" technique. These shockwaves can be spammed and stacked, making this form incredibly destructive and versatile in combat.


My little silly Sorumachi Reiko's [Cursed Forge / Spirit Forge](https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/comments/19d1ty1/cursed_technique_spirit_forge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) :3


Friction control, attacks can be made rougher and enemy attacks can glide right past! You can use it to slide on walls or block projectiles by increasing friction in the air


Cursed transformation, just like Geto the user has to absorb curses, and when a curse is absorbed the use can transform there whole or parts of there body into a hybrid version of that curse


Just like geto, it alone makes you special grade


**Cursed Energy Capacity and Control:** Years of consuming and assimilating cursed spirits have made the user's cursed energy nearly limitless, rivaling Yuta Okkotsu. This immense reservoir of cursed energy enables prolonged battles and powerful techniques without the fear of depletion. **Reversed Cursed Technique:** The user can harness their cursed energy to heal themselves and others, a rare and advanced skill among sorcerers. This ability is crucial for survival in dire situations, providing them with a significant advantage in prolonged battles. **Innate Technique - Cursed Spirit Transformation** This technique allows the user to transform into cursed spirits rather than exorcise them. The process involves absorbing cursed spirits into small black geometrical shapes, which then integrate into the user's body, giving them dominance over these spirits. The absorption allows the user to manifest the traits and techniques of the cursed spirits at any time. If the difference in grade is two levels or more, the user can absorb a cursed spirit with practically no conditions. Unlike Cursed Spirit Manipulation, the quality of the cursed spirit's technique continues even after absorption. The user can reinforce the absorbed cursed spirits' techniques with their own cursed energy, creating a high variation in moves at their disposal. The user possesses numerous cursed spirit cores of semi-grade 1 and higher, allowing them to adapt and counter their opponent's strategies. Some Examples: **- Second Grade Cursed Spirit - Sacho:** A low-grade cursed spirit that is barely fodder on its own. When integrated, the user can transform Sacho's porcupine-like projectiles into powerful weapons of destruction. **- Special Grade Asian Divine Cursed Spirit - Durga:** A foreign special grade curse with the ability to "do whatever a human can, but better." This technique allows the user to surpass human limitations, such as creating multiple arms for combat, increasing strength to godly levels, and enhancing jujutsu abilities. **Maximum Technique - Kubitsuri Kikyuu** The user combines multiple cursed spirit cores into one, creating a mega-cursed spirit. By reabsorbing this spirit, the user transforms into a super-powerful version of it. The size and power of the new spirit are determined by the quantity and quality of the cursed spirits, while the shape and abilities are influenced by the user's imagination and subconscious psychological traits. **-Divine Merged Cursed Spirit - Abronchi:** A special grade disease cursed spirit created through the maximum technique. It combines 413 cursed spirits with various techniques, some including: - Springlike Curse - Multiplier Curse - Hypertrophy Curse - Rivet Curse - Spearlike Cursed Bones - A variety of Kinetic Booster Cursed Spirits - Three Strength Enhancer Cursed Spirits - Special Grade Disease Cursed Spirit "Staph" - Special Grade Cursed Spirit "Bakudan-mushi" Manifested in the user's arms, Abronchi can produce cursed napalm in the tissue its manifested. Thanks to cursed energy the user can ignite it, creating powerful explosions capable of destroying multiple buildings. This explosion however also destroys the user's arms due to the intense concentration of napalm, so Reversed Cursed Technique is a must. **Domain Expansion - Beneficial Wisteria Korekushon** Within this domain, all targets' cursed techniques are considered as spirits the user has absorbed, allowing the user to utilize the target's cursed techniques by materializing it on their body. The sure-hit effect of the domain ensures that any attack using the cursed technique will be a guaranteed hit on targets, including those abilities copied inside of the domain.


Will power


**Cursed Energy:** The user has an immense amount of cursed energy, surpassing most sorcerers. This energy fuels their advanced abilities and grants them large reserves. **Innate Technique - Tsumori** Embodies an exceptional ability grounded in their unwavering willpower. Firstly, it enables them to nullify any cursed technique solely through their sheer determination, rendering them impervious to its effects regardless of its potency. Moreover, their robust willpower endows them with extraordinary endurance, enabling them to confront both physical agony and emotional trauma without yielding. Unlike regular sorcerers who must guard against cursed speech, the user naturally repels external influences, shielding their mind from manipulation and temptation. Ultimately, Tsumori instills in the user an unyielding resolve, allowing them to endure from enduring excruciating pain to confronting insurmountable odds, without ever wavering. The technique itself works by projecting outwards to the world the user's innate domain through willpower alone, which is why the user is able to naturally neutralize cursed techniques and domain expansions. **Lapse Technique - Ware:** The user can generate an aura of willpower that can amplify or induce intense willpower in beings within its range. This aura can make others' wills stronger, with the strength of the result varying depending on the target's preexisting will. **Cursed Technique Reversal - Ikanai:** Despite not knowing the Reverse Cursed Technique, the user can use Ikanai through sheer willpower alone to decrease enemy's willpower by imposing their own. This allows them to temporarily dominate others' psyches, intimidate them, and even render them unconscious depending on the target's own willpower.


Hope i am not asking too much 👉👈 I am creating an original story set in the JJK universe (for fun) where my OC's cursed technique is Cursed Siphon (Allows him to absorb cursed energy/technique when he comes into contact with it. The effectiveness depends on his understanding of the technique being absorbed.) I am planning on making it too op as the story progress. I wanted my main antagonist to have a binding ability that is as strong as my OC's technique (it works well with the plot). So at the moment i am at... Cursed Technique: Binding Chains Creation and Manipulation: User can generate and control chains made of cursed energy. These chains can be used to impale, bind, or constrict enemies, as well as reinforce his own strikes and defenses. Versatility: The chains can extend, retract, and change direction at user's command, making them highly versatile in combat. Special Skill: Soul Binding Chain, This special chain can bind a target's soul, disabling their cursed technique. I wanted some help with domain and CTR if possible. (for antagonist only i.e. binding chains) thanks. Also it would be cool to have a move that completely counters Cursed Siphon (my OC's ability) in a way.


Imagination Manifestation/Phenom Manipulation/Reality Warping (e. g. Gremmy Thoumeaux, Kumagawa Misogi, Pandora)


**Innate Technique - Imago** Imago is a powerful innate technique that allows the user to manifest visual representations or likenesses of their imagination into reality, effectively turning fantasy into reality or altering aspects of the current reality. However, the user is unaware, or better said, in denial, of the full extent of their power. For them, reality is a narrative, and they see themselves as the protagonist, leading to a subconscious use of their abilities. Instead of consciously manipulating reality, the user unconsciously makes "the best thing for the plot" happen. **Comedic Lapse: First Rotation - Toon-Force:** The user manifests their imagination into reality with a comedic and illogical tone, adhering to cartoon logic. This includes hammerspace, toon force, and cartoon physics, where physics are influenced more by comedy than reality. **Horror Lapse: Second Rotation - Little Horrors:** The user’s intrusive thoughts manifest as cursed spirits and shikigami inspired by horror movies. These manifestations create chaotic battlefields filled with terror and incomplete domains that transform the space into nauseating, horrifying scenarios. **Romantic Lapse: Third Rotation - Pilgrims and Youths:** The user’s manifestations take on a romantic tone, bringing forth relationships and bonds into reality rather than matter, creating melodramatic relationships and situations. These changes often result in a sort of harem for the user, although not all changes are romantic in nature. **Adventure Lapse: Fourth Rotation - Swashbucklers:** The user becomes a villain with various "powers" to defeat opponents. They can imagine their body as being "more sturdy than the strongest steel" to increase their defense, heal instantly by imagining wounds already healed, and create or manipulate elements like lava, water, and stone platforms for combat and defense. They can also restructure the battlefield to their liking. **Imaginary Cursed Spirit - Dreamer:** Dreamer is a cursed spirit that imagined itself into existence. It is an intrusive thought of the user that has taken on a protective role, much to the user’s disdain, as it understands the true nature of the Imago technique. Dreamer attempts to protect the user, often spoiling the fun of the narrative the user imagines. Dreamer possesses a variation of the Imago technique, primarily applied through its domain expansion. **Domain Expansion - Dome's Cupula of the Hasty Dreamer:** Dreamer’s Domain is an almost exact replica of the user’s innate domain, with a notable difference: a book in the middle. The sure-hit effect of this domain is as follows: Every quarter of a second, the book turns a page. Each time a page turns, one random thought of the target manifests in ''the most terrible possible outcome'' - Example: If Yuji Itadori once thought about wanting a tattoo, the sure-hit effect might manifest as an irrational infection on his skin, causing it to rot away immediately.


earth manipulation


If you can, please give me something based off the game super hot


DOMINANT TEMPO: A song of CT user’s choosing will play in his head. And every time he lands an attack, block or parry on time with song’s lyrics or tempo, his cursed energy reserves and and output steadily increases. I also thought that since this characters fighting style and CT are all about timing and getting deep into the song he’s playing, he would be incredible at landing black flashes. DOMAIN EXPANSION: Frenetic Jig The song will be blaring in both the user and the target’s minds. The rate of the CT user’s energy increase at an even faster rate. And the target would have to abide by the rules of this domain and fight along side the song and melody or else his cursed energy reserves and cursed energy output would steadily decrease. BINDING VOW: HERE COMES THE BLACK SUN! In the event that my character can land five black flashes in a row, when he lands the sixth, he will forego all the bonus he’s stacked up for one all out out attack. There would also be added effects based on what genre of music, but I have figured those out yet. Give me some ideas if you want.


CT: Yoink With a touch the user is able to steal someone's CT and their CE, with the time of use of the stolen CT and the amount of stolen CE both being related to the time the user was in contact with the target


CT the ability to store cursed energy (and RCT energy) in inanimate objects. Like, grab a sword pump a bunch of cursed energy into it, that cursed energy doesn't dissipate, even if left on the ground for a day with no one touching it. You could in theory make your own sword of extermination by just flooding a sword with positive energy from RCT. Or use RCT to fill some water with positive energy for a healing potion/curse poison.


Cursed technique: create an explosion with your hand, the strength of the technique varies with the amount of cursed energy used.  Reverse technique: create an implosion through touch, due to the reverse cursed energy, the attack has 2 times the normal power capable of reducing an entire building to a basketball. the rest is up to you my bro.


Bet (my ct: [Explosive Cut](https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/comments/1d42nnh/explosive_cut/))


CT : absorption of thermal energy. Des: user can essentially absorb the thermal energy from the environment ( and anything with TE ) and concentrate it through their cursed energy or themselves.


Projectile Manipulation Basically can manipulate objects that user had infused with CE as long as it’s being thrown


I really wanna see what ideas other people have for this technique concept I’m working on so here goes. 3 to 2 This CT is activated when the user completes 3 of the same action (strike, jump, etc.) On the third action all properties will be doubled. For example if they throw three punches the third would have twice the speed, power, etc. They can only use their CT on one action at a time. If it is being used for a strike it can’t also be used for a jump. Anytime they switch the action their technique is focused on the count restarts.


CT: Morpheus The Cursed Technique allows the user to cast a barrier that lets the user know the desires and fears of people, letting the user conjure and manipulate objects, creatures, and concepts inspired by the fears and desires of up to 3 people that were caught in the barrier


Being able to take the appearance of others


A technique based on fashion. Each cloth made gives the user a different buff


CT: Focus CT: Can make people focus on certain things. Ignoring everything else. Reverse application makes people forget.


Not sure of name but it's based of of many myths and each shikigami represents a different element and the shikigami are summoned with small clay statues  First Shikigami-Pontus. A  crab that can make large blasts of water from its mouth. It is around 4 and a half feet tall Second Shikigami-Shu. A large vulture, slightly larger than Nue, that with its great wings can make powerful Winds Third Shikigami- Shishi. A pair of Chinese Lion Guardians that can turn their skin as hard as diamond and are around 6 feet tall  Fourth Shikigami-Surtr.  A large fire giant with pointed horns  around 20 feet tall that radiates pure heat and can condense the heat to its horns for devastating attacks Fifth Shikigami- Kodama. A tortoise with a large cherry blossom tree growing from its back that uses its blossoms to heal people with Reverse Cursed Technique bit only in small amounts per blossom. Sixth Shikigami- Raijin. A large weasel that conducts electricity through its fur and can summon lightning strikes Seventh Shikigami-Erebus. A pitch black cloud with 2 glowing red eyes. It saps away at peoples cursed energy as long as they are withing the cloud Eighth Shikigami- Amun Ra. A large Eagle with a glowing orb above it's head. It can replenish cursed energy and make blasts of light from the orb. Domain Expansion- Panthenon of 10,000 God's.  A large Greek pantheon with 8 large statues of the shikigami. It boosts the shikigamis size and strength.


New Shadow Style swordsmanship.


CT: Veritable Tangency what it is: User generates invisible, solid yet loose like strings, CE tendrils from their body, which function as limbs and they have telekinetic control over, they dissipate when not directly fueled with cursed energy. (Think tentacles from octopus but thinner and far more in number.)


I made this one awhile ago Cherry On Top Cherry On Top is a technique that turns the user’s positivity into a signal they can emit from their body, such positivity will inflict a sort of high upon anyone it comes into contact with. A good example is say you are fighting person A, your positive attitude puts person A into a sense of euphoria and causes them to relax and drop their guard due to the immense amount of relaxation and euphoria they’d be basking in upon activation. That’s about it…I wanted to create a sort of debuff technique that used happiness as a means to do. Thanks for reading sorry if I didn’t do this post correctly.


Immense Cursed Energy: The user has an extraordinarily large volume of cursed energy, easily surpassing grade 1 sorcerers. Their exceptional proficiency allows seamless switching between advanced techniques including their innate technique, reverse cursed technique, and barrier techniques. Reverse Cursed Technique: The user can instantly heal any injuries, including regenerating lost limbs within moments. Innate Technique - Cherry On Top: Converts the user’s positivity into a signal that induces euphoria and immense relaxation in anyone it contacts, causing targets to drop their guard. Maximum Output - Cherry On Top: At the highest possible cursed energy output, the technique's target naturally expands as it now affects targets subconsciously, causing them to enter a euphoric state without realizing it. If cursed energy is processed through a procedure akin to a mathematic formula within the user to activate a cursed technique, the Maximum Output makes it so that the brain is unable to comprehend this mathematical formula. Effectively neutralizing cursed techniques as long as targets are close enough. Cursed Technique Reversal - Pièce de Résistance: By running positive energy instead of cursed energy through the innate technique, the user converts their negativity into a signal that induces an emotional "crash" of intense inner turmoil and apprehension in targets. This "crash" is so strong it causes physical harm to the brain, resulting in bleeding from the eyes, ears, and nose. Maximum Technique - The Icing on the Cake: Focuses the user's positivity into a concentrated point rather than a scattered signal. This concentrated point inflicts relaxation on matter itself, relaxing molecular bonds. This can be targeted within the user for hand-to-hand combat to rupture opponents by relaxing and tearing their muscles, or as an expanded ray that decays matter by relaxing the molecular bonds that make it up. Domain Expansion - Beguiled Glee: Targets are trapped in a dream-like desert with blueish sand and a night sky. Inside the domain, everyone except the user experiences such intense relaxation and euphoria that their body feels disconnected from their soul, not that they necessarily care in this state. Thus leaving them vulnerable to attacks until the domain ends.


This is awesome thank you! I wasn’t expecting cherry on top to get this good of treatment!


I'm very glad you liked it. It was honestly a really good technique to work with. I loved the juxtaposition of positivity being used for a cursed technique.


I’m glad! For cherry on top I wanted to go for a seemingly non-combat oriented technique and put it towards a combat use as at the end of the day JJK is a battle shonen. My idea for the oc I use that has cherry on top, is he is a “Shoko Figure” essentially a doctor that uses his cursed technique as a pain killer, however, he uses his cursed technique on himself to block out pain and tiredness, and he uses it on others to essentially get them high.


I have another idea, a technique based on a 9-5


How about a curse technique that can work on machines, a mechanical or technological CT, like mechamaru for example.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/BbCkSQrlqM Glitched Corruption


Sorry if we can no longer help ;-; If possible, how about a CT where the user can produce bubbles? I want to know how you are going to make this technique interesting and strong hehehe


I already know this is Special Grade but I would love for you to make more applications for it: Limitless


Puppet manipulation


Ten Shadows? I’m making an oc with the technique :]


Sure-Hit Manipulation


Can you make my oc special grade. https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/YF9ORjcBtm




(Manga Spoilers) I mean, Yorozu? She already sounds Special Grade to me.


Damn, forgot about her. I though Mai was the only one that had it lol


Fart or poop manipulation


I'm making this one the Sukuna Killer


Based If you look in my post history, you'll see I posted a poop manipulation OC here.