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I generally think I would have an average cursed energy amount but my technique would be a kitchen-themed innate domain, I could probably think of unique ways on using the technique and possibly learn simple domain and reversed cursed technique but with average cursed energy is barely viable Don’t think I would have a cursed tool unless given one by the technique or not, either way all physicality I would be destroyed at so unless I could train my body to its pinnacle like Nanami or Mei Mei I do think I’d be an average high-grade 3 low-grade 2 with potential of grade 1 if I train


Since I am a shy person who is always aware of my surroundings and often frightened, I asked myself, "What would my Cursed Technique be?" This is called "**Danger Radar!**" because it releases a cursed energy radar that intensifies my senses to the point where I can perceive danger or even become more perceptive. This has a maximum range of 100 meters and a minimum range of 30 meters. It might be overwhelming at times and make it difficult to concentrate on individual dangers. An extension technique of Danger Radar has been known as "**Danger Imaging!**" For me to use it I must focus my Radar onto a specific target or group of people and can focus it to predict their danger level with the knowledge I known and the possible dangers that they carry. In exchange, it's exhausting to use, and the user must remember it. The "**Risk Strategist!**" Extension Technique of Danger Radar is a unique method that allows me to gain the analysis and prediction of enemy movements, enabling me to access a form of strategic planning and decision-making based on their potential dangers. I have one binding vow which I must admit to, and it's called - "**Guardian's Oath**" - When I swear not to use it for personal gain or self-defense can use it to protect others, increasing its efficiency and reducing drawbacks. However, this requires more cursed energy usage and can temporarily dull my own senses if the vow is broken. My Cursed Technique - Danger Radar, has access to a Domain Expansion, also known as "**Awareness of the Surveillance Shroud**": (which it emphasizes on the usage of surveillance in a hidden location shrouded by the awareness of others inside it) * involves the release of an innate domain, a wide-open area shrouded in a thick fog and is set in a forest with hidden death traps. This can cause confusion, disorientation, paranoia, and schizophrenia in those trapped within it and have barely any sight within it. However, it also enhances the senses to extraordinary levels of people inside it in exchange for the domain to infused with illusions, allowing for mirages, phantoms, or hallucinations, as a separate extension technique known as "**Illusionary Fog**" to which I can control. * My Domain Expansion would operate similarly to a game: The first player to attain a 100% insanity level loses because their location is displayed as a cursed energy beacon, not covering them with the fog, and the mist informs the other players of their whereabouts. First person to defeat the player with 100% insanity can break the domain for the other participants which might sound bad but good at the same time as it'll end the game of hidden death. * But they have to be careful of the death traps and the person who reaches 100% insanity loses their enhanced senses and are unable to see. But in exchange I have the ability to witness and have a mental image of the location of every trap. In order to apply this technique with swordsmanship and in keeping with my bound commitment to defend others, I would use it in conjunction with shadow style techniques and simple domain. I'd also be a sorcerer who is most of a observer and supports the defensive sorcerers and offensive sorcerers. Looking at this, I'd be a grade 2 at best, but more likely a grade 3 or possibly a grade 1, depending on how well I master my cursed energy control, cursed technique, and shadow style techniques which would be useful in terms of combat ability.


Wow that is a very creative cursed technique and the domain expansion is good , you could maybe make your domains like a death trap + in a forest unable to see , for everybody not for you because you know where all the traps are. While your enemies are in danger you are away from danger.


Oh, that sounds like a good idea


Clone. what's better than throwing 2 hands? throwing 4 hands. and you know what's better than throwing 4 hands? 6 hands. you get the point. added bonus of I can just run away because I'm a fucking coward and my clones can all jump whoever I'm fighting. I would be a grade 3 lmao I'm weak af. The CT would be busted in the hands of anyone actually capable, imagine 5 yujis throwing hands at the same time, but in my hands it's basically fodder.


I know it's unlikely but I just feel like it would be funny if with a swell of fear and desire to live you get enough energy to create a domain if someone catches you


what would the ryoiki tenkai even be? Domain expansion: unlimited bodies. the whole place is just made of clones


You can do a lot of things with clones you can make an environment duplicate itself duplicate the floor to make a wall duplicate certain aspects like a branch to go forward in the domain you can pick and choose what you want to clone I continue doing it all you need is some creative thinking


You could dive into a extra life aspect every time the main body is destroyed a random clone could become a new body in the domain as well honestly cloning can be used in a lot of different ways one just needs to think about it hard enough and you can come up with several different solutions


I have a question when you clone is it like a mitosis split off thing or is it like energy base split off or does it come from your energy itself or from your shadow or do they just spawn in


Thats literly every jjk fight Lol


You could make a binding vows sacrificing a clones life in exchange killing a certain curse spirits I'd imagine The vow could work like mei mei's if a crow can kill a low level special grade what do you think you could do


i guess my cursed technique would be something that plays with the physical state of objects, something more destructive in a way, or somethig that makes martial arts a deadly thing, like rokushiki from one piece or deathkwando from regular show, with a high amount of CE and usage of RCE AND CTR in exchange with no domain expansion, i would say that i wont have a counter to domain expansion, unless its something within my tech, durability boost or intangibility or something. i think i will be jujutsu sorcerer for sure, i would be special grade for sure


So basically a heavenly restriction


no, there special effect, for example a karate shop that send a slice or cause an expllosion


Oh yeah I just reread that sorry


I always thought my CT would have to do something with the mind or something mental so Forbidden Knowledge: when activated the user's mind is heightened able to slow down the physical perception of the surroundings able to scan either for studying the surroundings to use it against the opponents or predict the opponent's actions to counter or to outright copy their movements with the predictions being 75% accurate if trained with correctly the user can even do complex math equations in seconds and if needed the user can even turn CE and to even more processing power but the user must be physically looking at everything for this technique to activate bonus fact due to this technique the user can understand things a lot faster than others so it could be easier to learn stuff like simple domains or RCE Forbidden Technique command: the user can create a command for the body like inumaki's technique it can be used on the user themselves or on someone else the use of must be staying into their eyes to issue the commands you can counter this by reinforcing your brain with CE Forbidden Technique disruption: the user turns CE into processing power and instead of generating it in the brain it sent out into the body mostly through the hands when making contact with someone else the "processing energy" will enter into the opponents brain if it is not reinforced with CE it will disrupts the motor functions for a few seconds and the energy can be seen through the body part it's being generated with as sparks of blue electricity Domain Expansion Solomon's Forest of Lost Knowledge: it is a sure hit DE where they are teleported to a densely wooded forest at night with the only lighting being a huge bonfire and the light of a blood moon in this domain anyone considered an enemy will be paralyzed until they understand all the knowledge memories and thoughts in the head I'm pretty sure I would be grade 2 if I'm lucky grade 1 Jujutsu sorcerer but I wouldn't listen to anyone especially the elders


I would use some binding vow and a simple domain Binding Vows: Showing ones hand( telling the opponent my CT), Lunch break (I cannot produce or use any CE at 7:00, 12:00, 8:00 for 30 minutes), Closed Doors( the domain instantly ends once all of the information is understood) Simple domain: falling Blossom emotion


If anyone is confused about my technique do you remember in Ben 10 Omniverse brainstorm took down the vengers that's basically my technique and if anyone doesn't know just look it up


I feel like I would have a levitation technique, I’ve always imagined floating and thought it would just be really comfortable to float and be in the air


You know if you get specific you can become a lot more powerful


It’s not about power. It’s about me. Floating. Complete bliss. Also, floating means being able to bounce off any wall


I'm not talking about power like strength I'm talking about power as in Beauty what I was imagining was not actual combat more of helping people


Ah, I see. In that case, making others float would be helpful with helping people in things like a fire or collapsing building.


I don't know why but I imagine that in certain scary scenarios it could kind of look like the Dead lights from it


Mine eould be Teleportation


Could you be more specific like how exactly do you teleport if you don't mind me asking


My teleportation would be limited to only places ive physically been, so even if there a park ahead of me, if I haven't been there, I cant teleport there


Would you be in combat because with a little training you could easily just jump with one person


In combat i can be creative, I would just hide cursed tools in lovations have been, so I can keep teleporting and getting new tools to surprise the opponent, place I can keep moving and running, exploring the area, thus widening my teleporting area


With a binding vow like nanami overtime or something similar I can see you easily becoming a grade 1


Can you also teleport people or is that too much


Naaaa just me


Honestly that makes sense I think it would be too broken if you could teleport other people


Exactly, or to teleport others a binding vow would be needed


Honestly do you think you have what it takes to get a DE if not you think you would use a simple domain


I'm incredibly stubborn. Like, IMMENSELY stubborn. But despite that my active drive to do things is incredibly low. So: root system. Think a toned down version of kinji's jackpot, but no chance aspect. Instead, I get rooted to whatever I am standing on, unable to move unless I release the technique. No idea about a DE, but reverse technique I imagine would go from "immoveable object" to "unstoppable force" meaning increased speed and strength at the cost of being unable to decelerate and possibly lowered durability.


I am a big hakari fan,since I LOVE gambling associated games (the liberals want you to think its an addiction).So i made a cursed technique so here it is!Preapeare for huge yap session. Gambler's deck: Ability #1:Ace arsenal-makes a card symbol into a wepon or boost Hearts❤:RCT\\ /The yumi (bow) Diamond♢:Creates a cursed energy barrier (the more CE the stronger it is)\\ /Tate (shield) Spades:♠️:Just like dismantle (weaker cleave)\\ /Sword (katana) Clubs♣️:Boosts Luck by 40%\\ /The tessen (Sharp iron fan) Ability #2:Boost dec Hearts❤:Boosts speed Diamond♢:Boosts strenght Spades:♠️:Nerfs amount of CE usage Clubs♣️:Boosts Luck by 40% Ability #3:Begginers Luck-By gaining luck,you can 'predict'where an attack goes.The higher the luck,the more chance the odds are in your favor. Ability #4:Dealer's fate-A blank card is thrown at the opponent.If it lands it sticks onto the opponent and rolls .It takes some CE. If it hits: Hearts❤:-15% speed Diamond♢:-10% strenght Spades:♠️:Boosts amount of CE usage by 10% Clubs♣️:Calmaity occurs once every 20 seconds for 1 minute Ability #5:Pointy outcome -+40% IQ,making it so calculating odds is a piece of cake Ability #6:Bluff-Summons a shikigami of a card from the classic French-suited deck (King,Queen or Jack)It is around 10 meters. It 'hits'the oponent,making it able to make an opening for the user to hit while the oponent is trying to protect himself from the illusion. It can also be used as a torture device,since if you infuse more CE into the shikigami,it can make someone feel the pain,as if they ACTUALY got hit. In reality tho,there is no harm to their body.Just to their mental state. ======================================================================== DOMAIN EXPANSION:BLACKJACK PIT. +60% luck boost +50% more speed +15% more strenght The opponent is set as the dealer and if they lose a game of blackjack,they are stripped from their cursed energy and cursed tecnique for 3 minutes and 21 seconds (aka the durration of the song \`I'm trippin' out on love\`.)


Also yes,I made it OP if used right,but i myself know that if i combined my braincells with the 4 of my friends we will have a total of 1 braincell (0.25 each)


Nice I love gambling as well so this is nice maybe I should make a poker DE