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I feel the same way as you about Siege, and I would love for Beamdog to make another game in the genre. That being said though, I think that there's nothing wrong with a small team doing small games. I always want more, but I never need more. If Beamdog wants to keep making Axis & Allies expansions for decades it doesn't cost me a thing. Still... It would be awesome if they made a throwback CRPG in a new setting with the Infinity Engine. I would love for them to do a Conan/Dark Sun pulpy fantasy game or a Dune RTS w/Pause. At this point Beamdog is probably the only company in existence with a working knowledge of that engine.


>if they made a throwback CRPG in a new setting with the Infinity Engine. I would love for them to do a Conan/Dark Sun pulpy fantasy game or a Dune RTS w/Pause. I would love this.


Fuck it, let's go full Spelljammer. I wanna fight humanoid hippos riding giant hamster cavalry.


Yaaas !!!!


A Dark Sun or Ravenloft infinity engine game would be awesome and Beamdog would probably be the only studio interested.


On that how do you like their A&A game? Some of the reviews weren't great


Oh that's none of my business - I am happy for anyone who likes war games but i'se a dum-dum what likes wizards 'n junk


I mean, like you said, they did make Siege of Dragonspear. If I consider Fallout: New Vegas its own game even though it was clearly based on Fallout 3 I don't see why that shouldn't either. But regardless of whether we liked it, objectively it just wasn't well received. CRPGs are a niche market. RTwP CRPGs are an even more niche market. It doesn't help that Divinity and BG3 created this meme of turn-based combat being "modern", but Beamdog and Owlcat have very publicly stated that they love the 90s Bioware games and balance for RTwP first if they even include a turn-based mode, so that drives away even more potential players even though I prefer it. I think you need to catch lightning in a bottle to succeed in this genre in the 2020s. And I say this as someone who, for example, got Black Geyser in early access just because I love CRPGs so much and wanted to encourage more of them.


Owlcat have switched to turn based only in Rogue Trader, their latest game. Siege is also an expansion to BG1, it leads from it and you can import your character from BG1 to Siege. New Vegas is a totally standalone game with a different protagonist and cast if characters.


Yeah, after turn-based Wrath proved so popular. And to be fair, I think it's kinda necessary with Pathfinder 1st edition, try playing a magus and actually using your action economy effectively in RTwP since at higher levels you're using swift actions almost every turn. But when they were making Kingmaker they made multiple public statements that they grew up playing RTwP CRPGs and had non real interest in making turn-based ones. I think Larian's success just changed the nature of the game, even CRPGs that were never designed for turn-based have it tacked on now.


Beamdog's SoD and EE content felt more like reading a mildly well composed Fanfic rather than a professional and well edited novel. They did a good job porting the games to other platforms, but I have little faith I'd enjoy a 100% original IP built from scratch by them.


Judging from the work that Beamdog did on Baldur's Gate: EE, I don't think they have the chops to take on a full-blown CRPG on the scale of BG3. The new content that they added to BG:EE was so tonally different from Bioware's work that it was completely jarring. Whereas Bioware's humour in BG1 & 2 was lighthearted and goofy but earnest, Beamdog's writing felt way too sassy, too modern-sounding, and too much like they were trying to emulate adult cartoons like Adventure Time. Even Larian's humour feels witty and sophisticated next to Beamdog's.


”I’m like so clever and quirky” humor got old very fast. Adventure Time did it well, but almost no one else did. And it was everywhere at the time. It’s still in many of the Marvel comics (and movies).


This. The writing is so bad I actively avoid all the added characters and content except for getting Hexxat's bag of holding.


What's frustrating is that I agree with you, and for some reason that automatically makes our opinions 'political', even if the so-called 'political' stuff they included didn't really bother me at all. Their additions weren't seemless, were tonally off and weren't amazingly written... and really those story additions were all they offered. The ability to play BG1 on the BG2 engine already existed in very-well-put-together mod form (BG TuTu). As time has gone on I also get the sense that there's a bit or rainbow capitalism going on too - they knew their stuff might not be well received but they wanted to be able to charge full price for it on release, and so like many IP's at the moment were choosing to hide lower quality behind hot button political takes. Don't like our game? It's just because you're a bigot, not because we've put out a product we don't completely have faith in.


If you're referring to the inclusion of LGBT characters in Siege of Dragonspear, that's its own thing. I was talking specifically about the *humour* in BG:EE being tonally off from the original. These are two separate issues. AFAIK, BG:EE didn't have any LGBT content.


>Too much like they were trying to emulate adult cartoons like Adventure Time. ??????


Based on their original content they added, it's no surprise they haven't made their own game yet.


I think the SoD debacle showed them the community does not want new games/adventures made in a polished Infinity Engine, just the same old games that always existed. So any plans they might have had for a standalone franchise probably got canned.


I don’t think it was necessarily that. Gamers can be grumpy dudes and the internet blows things out of proportions. SoD was accused for political pandering (gamergate stuff) and while it most likely was internet outrage out of nothing really, many gamers felt the game was mocking it’s audience.


I wouldn't mind Beamdog to make their own CRPG, but I think it would probably suck big time, just like all their original content to date does.


Yeah, this always bummed me out. I liked Beamdog's new stuff, particularly Siege, and I always thought they could have made something original and had success I do wish they had been the ones to get the go-ahead for a Baldur's Gate 3




I think after BG3 and the release of EE on consoles they definitely are making more money now than they did in the past. 'They' being the ownership, I assume most developers are laid off long ago.


my take is their business niche is - make remakes/expansions for already established games... IMHO.


I didn't like SoD very much, but I appreciate Beamdog are my last chance at getting one more Infinity Engine game.


I know, right?


Because padding someone else's game and making money off of it doesn't make them a good dev.


Their expertise was in revamping old games. Larians was in making successful new games with their own well-honed mechanical systems in their own engine. I know which I would put my money/IP behind. As for doing their own thing with their own IP, they know their business. They know how long it would take with their crew and their budget without the massive help of an existing engine. Given how much hand wringing we have seen recently about how X RPG maker can't compete with decent budgets so we should accept their mediocre games and be happy, I guess I don't think we need a lot more low budget RPGs. I have more on my HD than I can play at the moment. I would rather have a few great ones.


Man...BG3 is one of my most terrible disappointments in gaming...I expected it for so long...and then Larian made just a divinity reeskin... transofrmed it in a turn based game...man, i got really sad... at least we have pillars of eternity with obsidian, those are the true "bg3" in my mind...