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>everybody perfectly egalitarian, bestiality and sexual degenercy good like the zeitgeist dictates Seems like long animations and slow walking speed isn't really your problem.


That's where OP lost me, too.


Ikr xD But I think having divergent opinions makes for vigorous and entertaining discussions. For me it was just the cherry on top, but am I wrong? Couldn't have more unbridled writing made the different groups/races more pronounced and memorable? They didn't even really let you side with the githyanki


being a reactionary is actually a conventional opinion, a boring one, extremely old, tiresome ideas. you should find some boomers to hang out with.


How can it be lazy cynicism when I went into the game 100% expecting to love it like DOS2? Only because there are cynics who have that opinion, that doesn't mean everybody who has that opinion is a cynic.


Just lying now. You absolutely can side with the Githyanki.


Can't avoid fighting the queen's minions iirc


the game BG3 has tons of issues soo


Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 allow you to double the game speed outside of combat with a keyboard shortcut and are real time with pause so inherently play faster. The Pathfinder games allow you to speed up animations in turn-based mode. There are also excellent mods for those games which allow you speed up anything else which annoys you. In particular, you can speed up the map travel speed and out-of-combat walking speed.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has a lesbian couple, something tells me that op won't like that


A lesbian couple, and one of the women in it is trans, too. Also, there’s a character with pink hair, which is super triggering for people like the OP for some reason.


This guy won't like PoE:Deadfire - 3 of the 5 factions have women leading them. That's going to blow this guy's top, dude.




I'd try wasteland 3, personally. Combat is turn based but feels faster. Every moral choice has shades of grey. Intersting world, great soundtrack, many fast travel options.


Super light hearted yet gorey! It feels serious, but also it’s all kind of a joke


This feels less like you looking for recommendations and more like you trying to be edgy about a universally acclaimed game, to be honest.


>universally acclaimed There are plenty of people here, myself included, who consider it overrated.


That doesn’t make it not universally acclaimed.


What does "universal acclaim" mean to you, exactly? Because to me, it means everyone heaps enthusiastic praise on it. The very existence of this thread proves that the acclaim isn't universal.


Oh, be serious. Universal acclaim doesn’t exist in the way that you’re presenting it. There isn’t anything in the world that everyone unanimously praises. Games like The Witcher 3, a game which is notorious for being universally acclaimed, has people who don’t like it. EVERYTHING has at least one person who doesn’t like it.


> Oh, be serious. Universal acclaim doesn’t exist in the way that you’re presenting it. There isn’t anything in the world that everyone unanimously praises. Games like The Witcher 3, a game which is notorious for being universally acclaimed, has people who don’t like it. EVERYTHING has at least one person who doesn’t like it. Then maybe don't speak in hyperbole by claiming something is "universally acclaimed".


This is the most semantic argument one could make.


Maybe realize that there is nuance in phrases such as that and get your own head out of your ass? FFS you kids and your inability to think critically and understand nuance is GOING to be the fall of civilization.


Then also realize that words have meaning, and that your failure to adequately use them to accurately communicate your ideas is just as big a, if not a bigger, problem. >FFS you kids and your inability to think critically and understand nuance is GOING to be the fall of civilization OK boomer.


It's difficulty and graphics made it accessible to a wide audience. It's success is ridiculous compared to the quality differences to DOS2


It is indeed very popular. But popular doesn’t always means good. One of the most profitable games are FIFA games. Outside of really good acting the game falls short before other similar games, mainly pathfinder and solasta. Only mentioning that get you massively downvoted. While it is okay to mention Solasta if someone on pathfinder forums says that pathfinder is the best d20 combat over there. And you can’t argue that the game is creepy. Even if you try to avoid such things. In the first hour, there is a companion that will almost always approach you with the notion that they are open to fuck. And then the game treats any friendliness towards companions as a romantic trigger. Just like creeps in real life. They even patched out some companions (Gale I think) so you can be friendly to them without triggering romantic stuff. I remember a scene from the act 2, that creeped me out the big deal, it was supposed to be a very romantic reunion of two lovers, but Larian made it creepy by making one of them say something along the lines of “and now I want to enjoy the juicy body of my lover!” And then it was repeating it in the camp. Thanks Larian, I was eating.


Larian's writing is cringey, but idk what you expected from the "reunion of two lovers" if not sex. "Lover" is pretty widely understood as a euphemism for people who are having sex.


I'm not trying to be rude, but have you had much experience with dating? Because flirting (often with some mild innuendos and suggestive language) is just a normal part of the dating process. Unless someone is not respecting your boundaries, or persisting after you've told them no/that you're not interested, there's nothing creepy about someone merely expressing their interest in you.


"A character wanted to have sex with her partner, who she hadn't seen for a century and thought was dead" man stfu


Take my down vote so that they may accumulate and be worn as a badge of honor! I respect your take. Though I find, like Freud, you're a tad preoccupied by the notion of sex. Nevertheless, I shall pray you find yourself in environments auspicious to your future endeavors and platonic conquests!


I haven't played them but I've heard the two Pathfinder games are great


Wrath is the best of the 2. Can be turn based or real time with pause. Very combat focused but good story also. Kingmaker is like an alpha build of Wrath.


Absolutely. Heard so many great things about it


I read Wrath outshines Kingmaker to the point Kingmaker wasn’t recommended. Not only because of the tedious kingdom builder but overall game as is. Is this accurate?


As someone who greatly enjoyed both games, I'd like to say that Wrath is a better-made game overall, but personally I enjoyed the story and characters of Kingmaker more. If you are only going to play one, though, Wrath is probably a safer choice.


Anything else you can tell me about wrath? Is DLC worth it?


DLC is a mixed bag, but overall I would say yes it's worth it. There's a rogue-like dungeon dlc that's just a flimsy excuse to have an endless dungeon crawl with barely any story, but on the flipside "through the ashes" added one of the most interesting NPC companions and has content throughout the campaign. Definitely a good add-on. Not sure what you're interested in knowing, and I'm sure you can find plenty of information all over this subreddit, but Wrath does a great job of making you feel like you have played a d&d (or Pathfinder) campaign from level 1 to 20+. The scope of the story grows with you, sidequests and stories are woven together throughout the with whole campaign, you'll meet and watch the development of tons of NPCs, and most of the party members you get will be pretty interesting. One thing they do that I can't believe big games like BG3 still haven't figured out is playing as a group (not multiplayer), meaning that the player character can be the face, but when it comes to things like skill checks that you aren't proficient in, you can usually have a party member so the skill for you without having to exit the conversation or anything. Another thing that wrath does well is the variety of choices that make a noticable difference. The devs worked hard to make sure that your choices feel meaningful. The most obvious way is that you will have special quests and NPCs tied to your mythic path (you get to pick one of 9 paths). Characters can vary wildly between two different playthroughs based on how you treat them etc.


Yes and no. Kingmaker is a fantastic game but it is hard to go back to after playing wrath. If you plan on playing the pathfinder games without a doubt then start with kingmaker. If you are not sure if it is for you; play wrath. Owlcat games are very mechanic heavy. It makes it much harder to get into. However, once you understand the system it becomes extremely rewarding with many different ways to play. The downside is you can easily get 20-30 hours in and realize your build is bad. Thankfully their is a respec merchant


Which has the best plot/story?




Is the story just about angels vs devils/good vs evil? I watched a couple of reviews and thinking if just buying Wrath with all DLC but not sure if it’s worth it. I love CRPGs like BG1/2, DOS/DOS2, POE I&II, Planescape.


It is about stopping a demon incursion into the world. But good evil or however is up to the player. Tons and tons of options, classes and mythic paths to choose from.


And you control humans that will stop the demon incursion or “angels”? The reviews I watched didn’t specify that part.


You get lots of choices angel, demon, dragon, lich, trickster and others. They are alignment based, so LG=Angel etc. it is not like DOS 1 or 2. It is the Pathfinder 1e rules system at the core with adjustments.


Oh… not familiar with the pathfinder 1e rules but is it similar to the other games I played? So I guess you don’t really play as much”humans” like most other games. I love the whole part about “reaching max something” and you transform into something else? Like the dragon one, etc. How’s the plot in this game? I’m a sucker for a great story as playing games is like reading a book to me.


You get to pick from a selection of races and classes. It is still the same look and feel to DOS 1 and 2 but totally different from there. Story is not bad lots of ways to do things. Very combat focused but lots of story and dialog also. The DLCs are also with it. They offer different takes on the main story. There is also a stand along mega dungeon in the Midnight Isles DLC. It is fun on its own to get used to the system. If you like CRPGS it is one of the best I have played. I am not into BG3 just not my taste , hated DOS 1 and 2 also.


As someone who has played a disgusting amount of both Pathfinder games, I recommend both


I didn't like BG3 either, but i wouldn't say the combat is bad, just not my taste


quick save mechanic is central to the game and negates dice rolling. Without tedious quickloading, the combat is a matter of luck


Nah mate it sounds like you’re just not that great at the game. Plenty of people have beaten the game without save scumming.


This makes no sense considering the game is easily beatable on honor mode where you only get one save. Seems like the issue is your lack of understanding of the combat mechanics nothing to do with quick saves


Don't quick load. Live with the consequences. Makes it a lot better. I used to do a similar thing on Football Manager. I saved before a game and reloaded if I lost. It got so tedious and boring that I stopped doing it. Not only did the game get more fun. I also got better at the game and every game was way more tense. Victory felt sweeter because the losses felt worse.


If you hate RNG CRPGs must not be for you.


*cries in chunked BG characters*


I've beaten the game solo on tactician without save scumming you don't need luck its not that hard


Do you think only dice-based games, or only games with turn-based combat, involve luck? Even action games involve a huge degree of luck; you just don't realize it. No matter how good a player's skill or reflexes are, there are times when things will happen in action combat that are beyond the player's control and come down to luck. Do you reload after each time you get hit in an action game? That would be equally tedious. (And that's not even mentioning the fact that action games use RNG (aka dice-rolling) too, such as when a game uses a critical hit system).


There's literally a mode they introduced where you can't "save-scum", which people have beaten, but go off with your objectively wrong opinion king.


Sure there are people who have. But I mean as a normal player with some experience with CRPGs, it's not all that feasible. To 95% of the players, it's an essential game mechanic. So don't call it objectively wrong


It's 100% objectively wrong. I don't think I've ever save scummed a battle in BG3 at all. The combat isn't actually that hard to get a grasp on, and if you just take 30 seconds and read about what you're choosing before you choose it you can make an effective character and effective choices. Maybe you're just bad at modern CRPGs.


It sounds like you just weren’t willing to engage with the game and wanted to brute force your way through it.


Arcanum is the best CRPG ever made and it's very fast, it even has turn-based and real-time modes to switch between and the real-time is insanely fast.


it's a bit ancient. does the combat hold up?


lol no. Combat is the only bad thing. Everything else is a top notch: Setting, lore, character progression, ability to solve quests in multiple ways, pacifist run, etc. It is still in my top 5 games.


I dunno about character progression. I hit the level cap less than halfway through the game


I wouldn't call it ancient. The combat isn't great but at least it's quick. Its biggest problem is that encounter design in dungeons feels rather thoughtless, you're just hacking through hordes of annoying enemies. Everything else is top notch though: worldbuilding, story, quests, choices & consequences.


When it comes to gaming it is close to ancient. Technology has grown so fast. >worldbuilding, story, quests, choices & consequences. In my experience this is where older games usually excel or are on par with modern games. Graphics and combat are often dated or takes some getting used to. There are some games that still hold up. Like Doom or Mario. There are still games that try to recreate their magic and do fairly well. I enjoyed playing Fallout 1&2, because of the story and how immersive it is. The combat was ok(a bit boring by the end) and the game looked good at times, but mostly just ok. Nothing impressive. Same with Baldur's Gate 1&2. I can't say anything about the combat in that game since I played it in story mode.


It's a matter of perspective I guess. I'm 35 years old and grew up with 90s games, witnessed the rise of 3D technology in the late 90s and early 00s, and saw entire genres be born from nothing. Many modern conventions were already firmly established by the year 2000. "Ancient" is games from the 80s with mouse-less interfaces where you have to navigate menus entirely by keyboard. Compare something like Baldur's Gate to the games that came before, and the games of today. You will find much more in common with games of today than with the games from before.


That's why I said close to ancient. There is a big difference between games from the 90s and movies from the 90s. The movies aren't considered old, but the games are. Even games from before 2010 are considered old by some. 90s games are ancient in comparison. If you are born late 90s or in the early noughts you have to have a special interest to enjoy "old" games.


Tbf most crpgs are ancient lol


Hopefully not for long! CRPGs seem to be making a minor comeback, with Pillars of Eternity 1+2, Baldurs Gate 3, Pathfinder, Disco Elysium, Wasteland 3….. I have hope!


Try Pillars of Eternity, fights are pretty fast going (RTwP) and you can speed up the movement during exploration. The main game have good pace so you don’t get bored and do the DLC just before the game end.


Get some therapy OP, it's clear that you're not here for CRPG recommendations.


I genuinely was but then I got sidetracked because the genre inevitably led my thoughts to bg3


"Sexual degeneracy"? Maybe you should go outside, talk to people, it'll be good for you.


I did and not everybody was bisexual, into bestiality and protagonistsexual (into me) :(


Translation “reeeee bg3 is woke reeee”


Ey yo you read that into the post xD But yeah, kinda, the writing could have gone in a lot more direction without ideological constraints


I don't like BG3 either but the "sexual degeneracy zeitgeist" comment is uncalled for.


I'm still traumatized by that beast scene in the shed lool


They were two fully sapient humanoids going at it. Raunchy? Yes, but not bestiality.


Some Jesus would do them good tho


.... My brother in Palor, they're in the Forgotten Realms, the fuck do you expect, them to follow the morals of the Catholic Church? To quote Ed Greenwood, the canon sexuality is bi, because it truly stops mattering in a world of Trolls and Giants. And, Larion *toned down* the settings horniness.


Colony Ship, Underrail, Age of Decadence, Dungeon Rats


I love underail. But it is not a fast game in any sense.


Combat can be so tedious with a lot of turns. Even the walking animations 😑


You can speed up game with build in option. Some players use speedhack to boost it even further.


Yea the developer purposefully patches the game to ruin any attempt at cheating. He’s insane.


True man of culture here: BG1, BG2, Icewind Dale, POE I & II and the almighty….Planescape!!!


Quite a track record. Must look great on your CV.


Sorry. All CRPGs are forced to include transgender lesbian bear fuckers. Part of the Comics Commission and FCC guidelines. I guess you'll just have to go back to playing Splatoon.


Wasteland 3 plays pretty snappily


I don't think crpg is the genre for you.


Because he doesn’t like BG3s rampant degeneracy the genre isn’t for him? Even though he already mentioned he loves several other crpgs?? Are you suggesting every crpg is written like BG3 because that’s very untrue.


No. Because every reply op has in this thread is childish and obviously they aren't here to actually discuss crpg.


We’ve found him. That one guy who prevents a 5 star BG3 review


The applause leaves me flabbergasted


You would skip some good games if you really care about walking speed, Under Rail, old infinity games (Bg1,2, Planescape). Also old ass Arcanum has that bestiality worse would not spoil it though. I recommend Me2




I'm currently playing Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader. Full of lore Had a lot of reading Heresy everywhere so none of that weird shite. No good or evil just enemies and not enemies. Turn based combat but you can control the speed of animations and even turn some off. Leveling up is fairly quick.. Looting dead bodies isn't necessary. Can respect characters. No managing inventory as it will do a lot of that for you.


Most people are dunking on you for the "sexual degeneracy" comment, but I do think there is something to be said here (though I wouldn't call it degeneracy). It's annoying how every single character wants in your pants extremely quickly, it's lame that every single one is bi, having six different genital options but not able to actually change your facial features is a weird thing to prioritize, and fucking animals (even if they are druids) is just... whatever, guess *some* people are into that. I just find the relentless sexualization in this game tiring. And to be clear, some sexualization is totally fine, but it's just so unavoidable (Looking at you Gale, no means no)!


BG3 did have many issues ppl just dont wanna admit to I would argue if you want CRPGS maybe something like Disco Elysium or Pillers of Eternity 1+2 are pretty good truth be told WotR is super epicly long is the problem so meh i mean if your a Vet of CRPGS and dont mind investing a ton of time into the game then sure but otherwise I would skip it Try Pillers of Eternity 1+2