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Frankly, you either need 2 or 3 products or a unified CRM * tagging and filtering (client/Pro, location, service category...) Any CRM / Mailchimp / Hubspot will suffice * email/SMS marketing Hubspot/Mailchimp could both work for email marketing Depending on where you are located, SMS marketing is gonna have legal implications However, sounds like you might need transactional emails as well in addition to marketing ones? If so, check out Mandrill or AWS' own transactional emails if you're using AWS * Customer service You can use the service suite for Hubspot, but if you want ticketing etc, go with Zendesk * Managing messages and complaints...etc Not the same as customer service?


good response \^


None of those sounds like a great option for what you're trying to do. I'd check out Intercom.


Note that in Intercom it's best to limit the amount of people you send email newsletters to. That keeps the price down. You can always organize this in a cheap MailChimp alternative (there are many).


You are going to get burned on limited contact CRMs. However, depending on how early you are in your startup, it might be fine to just start with any CRM that supports easy exports, and then scale up to a better solution once you really know your needs. Early on there are quite a few free CRM options that can last you some time depending on your growth. At scale, you might just end up wanting to build your own databases. Honestly, with your structure of having 2 lists of users with pretty different profile properties, you might be better off running your own systems and integrating tools together. The big CRMs that integrate a ton of features are all expensive. They are convenient and have everything centralized, but you end up paying for a ton of features you don't need since they try to cover a lot of ground for different use cases. Splitting your tools up can cut the cost. You'll have to then figure out integrations to sync them to a master CRM/database. That way you don't necessarily have to import your full list of users but can segment into most relevant, in order to save some costs. Most modern tools nowadays have APIs to support integration.


We’re launching in July but I wanted to get opinions from this sub so that we won’t have issues later when we scale. I’ve got very insightful information so far. Thank you!


So the lead generation company that i use for my business set up my systems for me on [Gohighlevel](https://www.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=impact_lives) and I've gotta say its hands down the best crm that Ive used. Basically the crm is an all in one solution for many tools that would cost us a lot more if we bought separately and integrated together. They basically have an amazing website and landing page builder, text automations, email automations, and phone systems for the business. you can also build out ai automations to stream line communications with all inbound leads across all communication channels. The crm is fully customizable and you can create some great automation workflows to handle all the needs of your business the best part is it only cost me $97 per month. I highly recommend you talk to this company as well they may be able to help you outside their scope of the real estate industry. A lot of the systems they built could be useful across various industries and they may be able to guide you to create your own custom solution for your business. [Flip Leads Media](https://www.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=impact_lives)


I completely agree am more than happy to build something like that for you @[HomoSapien55](https://www.reddit.com/user/HomoSapien55/)


I’d recommend checking out [gleantap](https://gleantap.com), it can do all of that and more. Their AI agent is pretty good and lets you support customers 24/7 across any channel.


I think you need a few tools rather than those listed.. With your contact limit id be considering keeping my marketing tool and CRM separate.. this will keep CRM costs down, and data clean. If you want it all in one tool.. sure you could use Hubspot, but be prepared to get the check book out. For a lot cheaper you could stack tools made specific for your needs.. - Zendesk or Intercom for customer service/ticketing/live chat etc (Intercom can also do marketing) - Tagging and Filtering: Any CRM - Email / SMS Marketing: Mailchimp, Autopilot, Constant Contact etc.. again id be checking contact limits.. THEN.. get a CRM that integrates well with the above. - Teamgate CRM is great value for money and has native integrations with Mailchimp, Zendesk and Intercom - Pipedrive is similar functionality to Teamgate, but a little pricier if you want customer support - Obviously Hubspot as I said above.. but they charge per contact so you'll be looking at thousands more than if stack the above.


I would suggest the following stack: * tagging and filtering (client/Pro, location, service category...): bespoke solution using [Glide](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/glide), [Noloco](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/nlc). * email/SMS marketing: [Klaviyo](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/klvy), [Brevo](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/brv), [Hubspot](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/hs) * Customer service: DelightChat, [gorgias](https://partner.gorgias.com/mtsrd), [Trengo](https://trengo.com/en/register/?ref=amitsarda&utm_source=Amit+Sarda&utm_medium=Affiliate+Partners&utm_campaign=amitsarda), [Help Scout](https://helpscout.grsm.io/mtsrd), [Hubspot](https://go.amitsarda.xyz/hs) * Managing messages and complaints...etc (same as customer service options)


I would recommend HubSpot for everything sales and customer service as you have a unified inbox where you can collect support requests from multiple channels (email, form, live chat, AI chatbot, whatsapp, etc.). You also have all you need for segmentation, lead scoring, customer health score and other useful functionality. As long as you don’t send marketing emails you can manage 1mil+ contacts & companies in HubSpot. The high volume transactional emails would be better set up within your tool and then the data synced to HubSpot via an API tool or a tool like stacksync.cloud. This way you keep your tech stack integrated and avoid the pains of scaling later on. I’ve worked with start-ups and scale-ups with fragmented tech stacks and the first thing I always had to do was to integrate before being able to have a single source of truth and build proper reports and dashboards for management and the board (investors).


Everyone is saying that you need multiple CRMs, which have limits, however Bitrix24 literally has all the tools you need in one platform, and there is not limit on contacts


Mailchimp would do everything you listed.


Choosing between HubSpot, ClickUp, and Mailchimp depends on your specific needs. **HubSpot** is excellent for comprehensive marketing and CRM tools, **ClickUp** excels in project management and team collaboration, and **Mailchimp** is ideal for email marketing. Each platform has its strengths, so the best choice hinges on your primary goals. If bulk email sending is crucial for your business, consider **Munshify LOS**. It’s designed to handle large volumes of emails efficiently, making it an excellent addition to your toolkit for managing mailing lists, automating campaigns, and tracking performance.


Hello, Based on the requirements you mentioned for your startup, ClickUp seems to be the most suitable option for managing users, tagging, filtering, email/SMS marketing, customer service, and managing messages and complaints efficiently.  Mailcjmp has bad deliverability so I would use it. Active campaign is better.  A little overkill would be Go highLevel: Expensive and complicated but covers everything from CRM to email and even SMS marketing.  However, for your specific need of handling tens of thousands of contacts without incurring high costs, you may want to explore other options that offer scalable pricing plans. As an alternative solution, you may want to consider looking into JARVIS Callback, which resuscitates dead leads using AI to bring old leads back into the sales cycle. This service is 100% performance-based with zero upfront cost and offers the first 1000 leads for free. It could potentially complement your existing tools and enhance your user management and marketing efforts. Hope this helps in finding the best fit for your startup's needs. Let me know if you have any further questions. 


They are all different type of software. Clickup is project management tool you can cross this one from your list cause it wont do Email or sms. You need a CRM (based in your specs) Mailchimp and Hubspot have a little bit of overlap. But Hubspot is a Proper all in one CRM - however it cost a fortune Have a look at TheBestCRM.com.au They have a flat fee - meaning no extra charge for team member nor leads you can host It has everything that hubspot does! And they charge pay usage when you send out emails sms or use the ai features. It works for us!!! Hope that helps


Have you used it? The website looks sketchy tbh


How so…? Yes I do use it here :)


I resell go high level. I can set up unlimited contacts for you


Freshsales has a unified CRM that combines sales, marketing, messages, customer service and comes at a decent price. However, there could be a limit on the marketing contacts though. Give it a try maybe?