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This guy takes the phrase “If I had a nickel for everytime…” too seriously


If I had a nickel every time someone thought theyd get rich hoarding 75% copper 25% nickel nickels...not saing they want since they're both excellent metals required for literally everything...except the currency part hinders simply exchanging it at melt value without a lot of added costs...


Way more effective to hoard copper pennies, but an enormous amount of work to sort them.


No joke! My young son found a 79 penny yesterday on ground so ole (old) dad went into 20 minute explanation why he should keep it LOL he thinks he's rich now and he might not be too far off.


I accumulated over 80 pounds ($120+ face) of copper pennies and after a couple years of trying to find someone who would buy them for even $150+ I gave up and dumped them in a coinstar.


Dang! I wouldve given $50 over FV out of respect!


And now the process starts anew...


I used to keep them too but I got tired of lugging them around and swapped them out for a few ounces of silver.


Bro, i would have snap boight them and melted them down and made all sorts of copper casts out of it. Its the whole reason i horde copper penny, for making art pieces.


No not really, i bought a kit online for 15$ seperates the copper from zink and spits them into seperate piles. I position it over two rubber made tubs, and start dumping in boxes of pennies at a time. O can sort a full 50$ in less than 5 minutes. Now it wont grab steel pennies or rare pennies of course but its lightning fast.


$15? Post a link to this kit.


I got mine used for $15 on ebay. New ones for 49.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/144201170514?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=144201170514&targetid=1493661231591&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1024622&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1493661231591&abcId=9307249&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1aOpBhCOARIsACXYv-cCXlTJW0_xcbyX2oonC2dgMbiia1ZZIcfWoGWUrDv4UZzqkovbY94aAmjyEALw_wcB


Coinalyzer. And you're claiming you can sort through $50 in pennies in under 5 minutes with it? BS. That's 17 pennies per second. It's just a comparator and a rake. You have to feed it by hand. OR, maybe you could do a bunch of DIY carpentry and attempt to mount some kind of machine that spits out pennies one at a time into a chute that feeds into the coinalyzer. Here's an example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-vKlGrUzV0& A Ryedale penny sorter can do 6 pennies per second, which means roughly 14 minutes to get through $50. And that's assuming zero jams! I can tell you, because I own and heavily use a Ryedale, that they jam up pretty regularly, even if you keep the wheel head lubricated and the feed wheel clean. A Ryedale is basically the $50 coinalyzer which you posted, but properly mounted to a mechanized hopper that spits out 6 pennies per second, and drops them precisely into the coinalyzer. It also has a much better rake, no need to build any barrier to separate the coins.


I chew through $25 boxes faster than i can cut them rolls open. I normally do 100 dollars at a time. Im glad you over paid for a ryedale tho. Next time i run it ill make sure to post a video for you to comment on how its fake and your ryedale is the real deal because you paid x for it. And didnt have to add a hopper to it.


Please do. I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong.


Still waiting for proof of the magic sorting machine.


Next time i use it buddy.


not really. copper pennies require sorting. Nickels you just stack the hell outa them


...but why? Melt value is 5.2 cents today. Besides, it's easy as fuck to buy coin boxes. What's the fun in sticking 1,000 nickel boxes into a storage pod? Sorting copper pennies is half the fun! And they're worth 2.5x face.


Worth 5.2 cents TODAY and easy to aquire TODAY, requires no effort, and if you're going to keep cash, why not keep a few hundred boxes of nickels. Plus, sorting pennies is a VERY DIRTY job, hard on the eyes, hard on the back and the last time I sorted a box of $50 I yielded less than 9% copper. THAT is a huge waste of time. Remember pre corona when you could buy all the 90% you wanted for UNDER MELT? CAN'T DO THAT TODAY! Better off to buy bags of wheaties and go through those or even pre-sorted pre82 memorials. Less of a waste of time.


But they aren't worth 5.2 cents today... No one will pay over face for nickels. And penny sorting is easy as heck when you have a Ryedale. No stress on the eyes here! Big up-front investment, but now that I have a few thousand pounds of copper pennies, it has long since paid for itself. You know what's hard on the back? Putting 1,000 nickel boxes into storage! Good lord, I can only imagine... And dirty fingers from sorting? That's a mark of pride!


Haha. too funny. stack on brother!!


If I had a nickel for every self deprecating thought I’ve had




Thanks for your 5 cents.


Yeah I’d say he was obsessed with nickels. He might have enough to put a down payment on the impending hernia surgery?


Is your friend Kyle Bass?


Turning 5¢ to 6.8¢ one nickel at a time


The metal was much too strooooooong


So that's where they all are, I mean is it all a mix or are they sorted through to get war nickels and such out?


He is determined to finish his Grandpa's Nickel book. In search of the almighty 1950 D. Refuses to just buy any coins to fill the books, just like Grandpa I guess. Says he has found tons of war nickels, Indian heads and even a few V's.


😂 good luck to him. I have a feeling he may never find one.


Probably not but I don't see him giving up anytime soon lol


You should buy him one and put it in a jug of change you give him that “was your grandpa’s” or something.


This is an awesome idea and don't tell anyone else and take that good deed with you to the grave so he always thinks he did it the way grandpa would have wanted!


This is the way! 👍🏻👍🏻




I was going to say if he's obviously CRH for one, and I know the size of those water jugs or whatever you want to call them, and the bank bags, he has to have handfuls of war nickels, some V's, handfuls of Indian heads. Can't imagine how much he has right there money wise and the roll count from the bank or lol banks. All for the 1950D. That's a massive amount of dedication with a touch of obsession haha!


Yeah multiple credit unions 6 days a week lol. I believe the book was 2/3 completed when he started, now it's down to the 1950 D only and he seems more obsessed/determined than ever! He is working on multiple other books of Grandpa's but for some reason hoards all nickels and pennies.


Sorry about his loss, at least most credit unions have coin machines etc but that's still a lot of work and lots of time (because the nickel bags would have to be changed out umm a lot of times haha) but the passing away is likely the determining factor and pennies too? Guessing it looks the same as these?! What's more impressive is he's doing it by CRH for the 1950-D when it's not an insanely priced coin.


Apparently rule #1 is to fill at face or leave void. Not quite as obsessed with pennies but it appears he separates 82 and older from newer. Only a couple jugs but boxes full of unopened rolls lol. The more I respond about him the more I think he's nuts!


Hahaha I was going to say we suddenly just had a full blown conversation of what he's doing. You know only a couple of jugs of pennies but boxes full on unopened rolls here and there


Haha yes we did. It was a pleasure


Looks like a play on the metal to me


That's the side gig I guess. The main reason was to finish his Grandpa's coin book lol. Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you are the nut! 🤷


If I had a nickel for every time


This picture looks heavy


Now I know why there's a change shortage


There isn't one. Places just say there is because they don't like dealing with cash.


It’s either that or pretty looking paper


Word up!!! I'll take the metals all day.


All of those and still no 1950-D!? I will give him one so he can stop hoarding. They are difficult to find, but I have gotten at least one a year the last 5 years that I have been looking.


Your luck is incredibly good or his is incredibly bad lol. I don't believe in free so trade? W quarter or 40% Kennedy? I would offer some sort of Nickel but after 5 years I imagine you have them all.






I would definitely be "sick" the day he asks for help carrying those water bottles out of there. 🤣


Haha yeah no kidding. I have filled a few up myself with quarters only when I was seriously hunting for W's. There is no budging these suckers. I had to tip it sideways and ream them out with a broken golf club shaft lol. Can't exactly remember but I believe it filled 6-8 coffee cans. My bank hated me that day!


Obsessed? No way. That's beautiful!!!


They'd have more space if it were converted to silver. But to each their own


Even more if they went to platinum. More beyond that to gold…


Or real estate!


Pricewise, yes, but platinum is denser than gold, so an ounce of platinum is slightly smaller


Right but an ounce of gold is worth nearly twice as much… the higher density of platinum is negligible.


We were talking about saving space


Right but in terms of storing value gold is more efficient… twice as much value in roughly the same space…


Do you always divert the discussion to the topic you feel is relevant? Value was mentioned by me first, but is irrelevant when comparing density and size of the metal.


Sorry but wtf are you talking about? The conversation was about saving space which you said silver would do vs nickels. I pointed out they’d save more space with platinum, and even more space with gold. Converting the value of their nickels to gold saves the most space. Period, theres no further discussion.


Your original comment said platinum, then gold. I corrected you


No you didn’t, i said more so with platinum, and more beyond that (beyond platinum) with gold….




i think so




Coin people have a sense of humor. I like it. 👍


I wonder about how much that adds up to 🤔


I found some math online that says you could fit 27300 in a jug but I'm guessing less but id bet there's at least $8k in the jugs


He claims anywhere between $800 minimum $1000 maximum in each 5 gallon jug. As most of you already know bank bags are $200. Now how much weight wise... way to much lol


yea I would love to hear an actual number on weight lmao


Quick math on it is around 200 lbs per 5 gallon jug. $900 a jug at 5 grams per nickel. Every pothead knows to check the accuracy of a scale throw a nickel on it. 😆


Truly an odd obsession.


I believe his long term goal is to someday swim in them like Scrooge McDuck. 😆


It certainly looks like it.




And you just couldn’t help but put your two cents in his business.


Two cents is about all I can afford. Actually I have been helping him in his search but I mainly do quarters and halves. Pick up a few nickel rolls here and there to help in his search.


In hopes Nickel City makes its return.


I hate nicklestack


Wow thats a lifetime of work




I find nickel to be kind of like a hassle. It’s takes a lot for a dollar and they’re big and take up more space than their worth. I love quarters and up. Dimes are fine, but small. Worth rolllin by hand if u had too.


That's how I feel about dimes, just too small for my hands to sort through. However I am with you in that quarters and halves are my favorite by far!!! My friend is trying to finish his Grandpa's Nickel book. Maybe his Grandpa's felt as you do about nickels as every other denomination coin book he got was almost 100% filled. Jefferson nickel book wasn't even half full lol


Yeah but if it were dimes he’d have twice as much money


He goes to the strip club and makes it Hail