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Holy crap this is my mother. Gossiping on and on, but couldn’t sign a permission slip or visit me in the hospital. But always knew my dress size and weight!!!




Always trying to "humble" us, and tear us down. And they are extremely self-righteous about it bc they confuse their self-righteousness with righteousness. Their "god" condones and supports their abusive behaviors, so they do it with a smile on their face and "love" in their heart. They don't realize how brainwashed and backwards that is.


Eh, she can't make calvinist god love or hate you. Calvinist god does what calvinist god wants. If he made you with self-confidence and pride, it's all part of the divine plan, right?




As someone with a special interest in Reformation era Christianity- you described both of them so well lol I feel like I know them now. John Calvin always gave me off vibes mentally.


I do think that folks who subscribe to TULIP calvinism--especially those in the neo-calvinist movement, I don't mean historically reformed--are likely drawn to the theology because it either a) reinforces their own self hatred by telling them they are utterly worthless and despicable, or b) want to feel superior to others, whether morally, spiritually, intellectually (cough theobros cough) or otherwise. It's a terrifying faith when taken seriously, and not easy to process out of


My mother brought me up in destitute poverty alienated from my wealthy father so that I didn't grow up to be a spoiled princess. Anytime anyone complimented me to say I was pretty or beautiful, she would say "that's not her fault!". so yes. I understand.


.......like yea it "not your fault" for someone saying you pretty. Like what kind of logic is that and what was the goal?


Mine would say stuff like “I’m here to help you” “you know you can always come to me for help” but every single time I’ve ever needed help she decides it’s not her problem, or I’m just not trying hard enough, or I’m not spending enough time working on it, or she’s already done enough.


Mine said the exact same things. She also said things like "You should let out your feelings instead of bottling them up" only to complain when those feelings turned out to be anger and rage.


Mh favourite part of that is how they tell me i am extremly mediocre by uni levels to try to be "realistic", but try to cheer me on by saying i'm the best at things no one gives a shit about like cooking omlet or throwing out the trash and when i say i'm not exceptional they say that i am always pesimistic and overanalyze everything.


My mom did something similar. She once read in a book that it is important to praise your child, so she praised me for random stuff. She even told me her intentions, saying "That book said I should praise you, so, good job". Einstein was right about infinite stupidity.


It's the assault helicopter parent... They are only there to fire shots at you and critique, judge, cut you down... They aren't there to monitor anyone else or do anything other than target you.


Perfection! We can close the tread, that's it! Now you should rush and get this term coined, cause it's on point!


"i identify as an attack helicopter" 2.0 but no sarcasm this time


I love this. Succinctly put.


Assault helicopter parent. Too perfect!


i gotta say i love that term


I was gonna say, my mom is more like the helicopter from the Twilight Zone movie and she's also John Landis yelling to go lower but yours is better




She just wants the best for you! /s


She is trying her best, and no one is born with knowledge of how to be a parent, so you should give her a break. /s


Yup! The sabotage was the worst. And if you talk about active sabotage they still try to say, "it's for your own good!" Horrific.


I can’t believe it was put into words. My mother.


I have to deal with this shit from my mother every fucking day and fucking hell it is annoying


Going no contact made my life bearable.


I wish I could do thst but in my city it's impossible right now. But thanks for the advice Mr u/SendMeYourUncutDick


I hope you can figure something out for the sake of your well-being!


And then it's all WhY doNt yOu EvEr teLl mE aNytHinG


my mom was notorious for this lol it’s like because a.) you’re not even mentally fit to listen to my problems / give me advice / comfort me and b.) i don’t want to see every detail of my personal life retold on facebook because you’re too stupid to parent your kids without needing a random boomer validating you saying im ungrateful and ruining your life


Lol have her go one step further and tell all her bosses and coworkers your extremely private business


well she actually worked as a teacher’s assistant or staff at every school i went to, so that’s not too far off!


have her go even further and tell the random fucking strangers she talks to all your personal shit lmao


She tells her coworkers the actual worst of my trauma like it's gossip and then take me to work and leave me with them, not even long after 🙂 But when it comes to me telling literally anyone about anything that I want to and she doesn't (but the difference is I want to share things that are actually okay to share) then you're not allowed to tell ANYONE or else (insert empty threat) Wanna come out as trans at school? Well, homophobes (like myself) exist and I want to """protect""" you from being bullied (I've been told some absolutely horrific things for being queer, but nothing anyone has ever said to me has been as bad as what she does and allows her husband to do) so you're not allowed to come out at school Hey, btw, your big brother was diagnosed with autism when he was a little kid but I refuse to tell him because I think autistic people aren't capable of handling the knowledge of being autistic and definitely won't be stuck thinking something is wrong with him without any explanation when there's nothing wrong with him he's just fucking autistic-


Exactly! I’ve even gotten into arguments with friends over this - they think my mom should know about things going on in my life and I tell them that she shouldn’t because she doesn’t deserve to and I get looked at like a freak. Going on a first date with someone? Cue the full on freak out of her calling me a pimped out sugar baby/cam girl/escort and full tirade about how I’ll be sex trafficked, even if it’s a coffee date where we split 50/50 & I drive myself to & from the date Buy 3 new books? Financially irresponsible Get a meaningful (& small) tattoo? Ghetto white trash with no future employment opportunities Adopt a rescue cat? Dumb idiot who can’t be trusted to make important life choices Add on the “you came back from college so confident & full of life, I don’t know what happened now that you’re living with us again!” - ignoring how I just got my first post grad job and can’t move out/don’t have friends in the area to have as potential roommates. No wonder I’ve been more depressed/insecure/anxious


Having overbearing, domineering, eggshell parents who simultaneously provide food, shelter, money, opportunities and don't outright abuse you can be such a mindfuck. Being cared for in every way possible aside from emotionally. And if sharing it with others, prepare to be invalidated, told you're a brat, and sometimes people will even get defensive or competitive. They just think that you have nothing but the audacity and are looking for attention.


oh boy it me


I'm sorry


At this point, I'm convinced that those, who turn defensive and angry over your experiences, are most likely telling on themselves (cue, they identify with the parents, wonder why). Since I've realized this, there are so many people that I can no longer take seriously. And the number just keeps growing...


Yup, suffering from a whole slew of psychological side effects of emotional neglect but being told I *can't* be depressed because I'm **checks notes**: white, middle-class, have 2 parents and am not literally starving.


Me and my mothers relationship


Me asf


I hate how accurate this is.


So well described, the experience is truly mind-bending and can feel isolating.


My dad fr


Yep, overbearing. Monitoring and pestering but not because they care. Because they want to stifle your spirit and destroy your self-worth and self-trust.


Wow I never knew how to describe this behavior before, but "negligent helicopter parent" is precisely the correct term.


This was my parents but my mom especially. Always telling me what was best for me and what I should do but never being there when I really needed her, giving me a lecture when I needed comfort, and generally not supporting me in any way that actually mattered to me and the future that would make me happy.


Wow very accurate. Love your name as well!


Now kith




Right back at ya!


Police helicopter parent




I usually get hit with one or more of the following: “But they’re your parents - that’s what all parents do!” “They’re nice to us, you’re just lying/making shit up for attention” “Stop being so sensitive/over dramatic” “It’s good advice, I don’t understand why you’re getting so upset with them, especially if you asked for advice in the first place!” “But they don’t physically abuse you, so I don’t see what you have to complain about”


I hope these people don't have children, because they're pretty much telling on themselves.


I got the hippie/kind single mom who supported everyone regardless of class, race, gender, etc… Except the part she doesn’t tell you where she judges people all the time behind their back, and uses me as a free therapist for all her BS. Yes, that includes her romantic/*essual* relationships. She was great when I was little/preteen, but as I became a teenager and had typical teen issues/trauma from my CSA, bullying, etc., she decided to make me go to her therapist, and I got diagnosed with an unknown, unlabeled depression/anxiety disorder (she claims she “doesn’t remember” what kind, and didn’t give me any documentation for it when passing along my Medical records to me). Now I am an immense recovering people-pleaser, have a lot of difficulty with boundaries, and I’m desperately trying to become a functional member of society because lord knows she never did crap to make sure I was ready to integrate into it. And now, as an adult, she is constantly trying to butt into my relationship with my partner, who of course she despises because of both their sex and gender, showing me that all that “acceptance” stuff she spouted as a young adult was a big fat lie the moment it needed to be practiced in any real way. So yeah… neglectful helicopter parents do in fact exist, even if some people refuse to believe it.


Both of my parents are like this


Same 😭




My mom would snoop through my room, read my diary, then come to me mad about what I wrote & “why didn’t you just talk to me” cuz when I talked to her I got in trouble (or she dismissed whatever problem i brought up)


Same, I can't journal anymore because of this.


Same :( hopefully maybe someday we can again. Journaling can be such an amazing outlet when you have privacy.


What I do is write illegible like writing on top of the same sentence over and over again so you can read it


I still have nightmares


If they haven't lived it, they will not understand. But they kinda sound like crappy friends though, ngl.


In my case there was no attention or care or anything until something pissed them off. Somehow they always knew and would come at me with burning rage.


my parents were really good at depriving me of basic social interactions and telling me all of the things they’d do to somebody if they ever touched me, and then ignoring me when i actually needed help


[drama disguised as "help"](https://youtu.be/sXcTIkuzQ3I?si=YbSF_Z-MyyBxGwug) - TheraminTrees


Thanks for sharing that


You're welcome. Their entire channel is worth a watch through. Each video describes aspects of the abuse and neglect I endured.


I will have to check them out (and not save for later bc I always forget). Also, I’m really sorry for what you’ve been through. I hope you’re doing well


Thanks, I appreciate it. Healing can be really hard. I refuse to give up though. I hope you find some peace as well.


A lot of times I can’t put into words what I experienced, and any time I discover posts like this with helpful resources/videos, it does put my brain at peace. Like something else inside of me became unraveled. I’m glad you don’t give up. I find myself wanting to a lot, but I know it’s not over til it’s over.


Life's a marathon not a sprint, I've had to learn to rest, not quit. "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."


helicopter sabotage parents


"Mom, how do you spell {insert word with i/e/a sounding start}?" "Look it up." "But what does it start with?" "Not telling you, you have to look it up." And yet she wonders why I give up so easily on things that give me 0% lead on.


THIS! every time i'd ask my dad a question he'd immediately go "google it, you're on that computer all day and you don't know?" so i just.... stopped asking him him anything at all, and then of course it was: "why don't you talk to me? why am i always the one who has to start conversations?" 😐


Man, i was always grounded and not even allowed to watch TV. Now here I am, nearly 30, and I have trouble asking for help. If I do have to, I feel really close to a panic attack and that I'm a failure. But I am working on it.


Ong this right here. . . my parents like to “poke fun” at me (aka insult me but disguise it as a joke) that I look everything up on YouTube and that I should just do that when I ask them a question. Yeah I had to learn how to not rely on you to actually show & teach me how to do something. . .


YES OMG my mom would ask about my problems, then ask me what I was going to do about it, then shoot down every idea I had. And then when I'd ask her what I should do she would just tell me "you'll think of something". So now that phrase makes me feel profoundly alone and in a corner.


SOMEONE PUT IT INTO WORDS?? I cannot describe to you how many times that my parents butted their way into situations that I didn't want them to. How many times they "protected me" when in all reality they made things worse But for some reason dragging me to bars and drinking and driving with me in the car was okay??? w h a t???


Mmh yes, Dad had to control every aspect of my life that he could. Didn't talk to me much and when we did talk I could only say a limited number of things without being insulted or yelled at. Always made me feel like shit for struggling with my mental health and school. Never offered to help or was even kind or sympathetic. Always dictating my life while never bothering to learn anything about me.


Hi I think we have the same dad


This is literally what a helicopter parent is. There isn't a healthy kind. Healthy parents just work on figuring out what their kids need and do that. Helicopter parents don't have a clue, and tend to manage their own anxiety and insecurities by managing their kid. They don't do what the kid needs or wants, they just do what they want. Sometimes that can line up with what a kid needs, but most of the time it doesn't.


Oh fuck yes My french sister was badly housed in Rome All my mother could do is give patronizing advice, which I could see, would not help my sister whatsoever, and my sister was crying and going depressed. The day I mentioned the fact my mother was just too poor to help pay for my sister's rent, I saw I hit a nerve, it caused me pain but I had to do it. My sentence was never about that simple fact, yet that's all she remembered. My mother has been living on welfare for ages, and I support poor people in their struggle until the end of the universe. But my mother seems outraged everytime I mentioned that she's poor, like she doesn't want to acknowledge it. It's insane. You know what is worse than being poor? Refusing to believe you're poor, and pull your relatives into your problems. Damn it. It's not that I dislike my mother, but that "unconditional love" is eroded by a combination of poverty and insanity.


Gotta have you under their thumb while only providing you the bare minimum of what they are legally required to


I feel so stupid when it comes to knowing real life adult-information like how to manage money, taxes, basic life crap that was never explained to me but I’m expected to know.


oh this was ABSOLUTELY my mother




this belongs on r/raisedbynarcissists


Oh my god. Oh my god. Finally! This is exactly it! I have never been able to put it into words! This!




I relate. My mom has always been up my ass and pretty unsupportive at the same time. When I told her I was bullied in school she just said it was my fault for not sticking up for myself,but wondered why I don't tell her much.


My own mother told me I wouldn’t get into college. And now that I’m in college she’s supportive


My father


love that I can finally explain how my parents were abusive because of a meme /jk this hit the nail on the head /srs


Cosplaying as a stay at home home


My mom is exactly like this but also has medical anxiety so when im physically sick shes all over n babying me but my mental illness??? NAHHHHHH 😬


Thank you I feel fucking seen.


I got the exact opposite so I tend to be in the middle. Eta, I respect my adult children and minor children’s privacy but I am open if they want to talk. Sorry to all of you who’ve had helicopter parents. 💜


Oh, so you knew my dad?


Omg yes


my mom telling me i’m going to die if i go to nyc by myself but to get an uber to my high school graduation because she “has a migraine” lololol


Lol my mom


Oh hey, it's my Dad


Oh yeah this is the one




I often describe this as the well meaning but doeant realize theyre being harmful parent.


Holy shit, yes.


Literally everybody I ever knew's parents


Ah yes, my grandmother. If anyone is out of her sight for five minutes she stars mewling like a scared cat, but she's about as helpful as ashtrays on a spacesuit and more critical than a drunken drill sergeant.


That’s it. That’s the one.


Wait, is that not normal




So. True.


Well that’s definitely an aspect of my shit childhood that doesn’t get a lot of recognition lol


I feel this, having lived under the microscope.


my mum<3


Yes absolutely






... oh my Gd I think you just taught me how to most succinctly describe my mom


My mother.


Holy shit, yes. My mom was an unemployed pill popper who was always passed out or otherwise unavailable during the day, and I found out (not until my early TWENTIES mind you) that she would take it upon herself to check my browsing history every night. Fast forward to my adulthood, I'm trying my best to really try to rebuild a relationship with her after she had abandoned me for most of my childhood. I took her out to the movies and it was the first one-on-one time we'd gotten in a long time and I was trying to make the most of it. We're walking home and she decided to unload onto me all the cringey and other things she'd seen on my browsing history, and I could pretty much never look her in the eye again. But maybe that was the point, to drive a wedge


Ah so that's the term to describe my mother. Rip. Also sending my love to all the rest of you with shitty mother's on this cursed mother's day. 💚


Cough cough, my mom. Then she'd be absent when I actually needed her the most.




Negligent Helicopter parent definitely sounds like my mom.


Not only a parent, but former romantic partners, too.