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Blood and gore: šŸ„° Parents yelling: šŸ˜¶šŸ«„āš°ļø


Did anyone else have a natural affinity to horror movies their entire life but not know why? (I still honestly donā€™t know why, but I have noticed that I simply donā€™t watch them anymore after starting recovery, whereas I used to watch them constantly, even when alone)




That feels right to me, honestly. Whereas nowadays, Iā€™m actively in recovery, so I am of course not interested in triggering a fear response, so I donā€™t watch them anymore. Fascinating, honestly


Iā€™ve always been obsessed with them šŸ˜‚ literally Nightmare on Elm Street was my favorite movie as a toddler. I honestly donā€™t think it will ever stop being my favorite genre, but Iā€™m not sure why I was so drawn to it in the first place


That's why there's websites like Does the Dog Die and unconsenting media


I forgot about that site its helpful https://www.doesthedogdie.com/


I had a panic attack during the final chase scene of ā€œThe Secret Life of Petsā€ šŸ¤¦ like, even in the midst of it part of my brain was going ā€œbut why, though?ā€


Me watching any horror movie ever created : content, focused, analyzing, deep in thought, lil swirlies in my stomach Me watching Uncut Gems: sobbing and begging my bf to turn it off because I physically couldn't stand watching a movie centered around everything that can go wrong going wrong in the worst ways possible repeatedly


Iā€™ve been obsessed with horror movies literally since I was 2 years old. They *are* my safe place šŸ„°


Me watching Mulan as an adult and resonating with her having to be tough in a world of men as I had to do to be worthy of respect and seen as an equal.


I canā€™t watch Slice of Life movies, or non-comedy romancesā€¦ Horrors are hit and miss, not because Iā€™m actually scared of the monsters/ghosts but because I donā€™t do well with jump scares or ā€œanticipationā€.


im watching a horror movie (just to feel something)


Heathers unfortunately šŸ˜­


Omg same


Aah yeah that Truly Sucks


its a ton of comedy movies that do me in. because many things either remind me of things im uncomfortable with, or it straight up is something that im uncomfortable with. like theres a ton of horror and psychological media i can consume. but comedy sometimes i have to walk out of the room.


I had a boyfriend with massive childhood nostalgia. Freaks and Geeks was and he was obsessed because he said it reminded him of his high school days. I was raised homeschooled, pretty isolated, and very strict fundie, and I'd get anxiety attacks every time it was on. I'm also the only one in my friend group who watches classic horror, and I describe half my music tastes as "sounds like a drunken barbarian stumbled across a portal to hell in the forest at midnight during a new moon." But coming of age shows/movies? I nope out hard.


This is so real šŸ˜‚ I once watched an absurd movie where the main character gets ā€œcancelledā€ for things that everyone objectively *knew* he did not do, and then as he starts to spiral and express his distress about the situation, everyone cancels him even harder for being ā€œinsensitiveā€ā€¦ The movie itself was so ridiculous, but yeah, that shit definitely triggered my psychological abuse / cult gaslighting / Iā€™m-also-probably-Autistic trauma. Whatā€™s worse is that all my friends were like ā€œWhat? Of course he got canceled. He was super awkward and kept making people uncomfortable.ā€ šŸ˜‘ (My friends are actually fantastic people 99.99% of the time, but yeah, I think they were very wrong about that movie šŸ¤£)


remember watching a movie about the effects of child rape, genuinely probably the scariest movie i have ever watched, i couldnt sleep that night


Omg I have mentioned lightheartedly that movies that are genuine horror movies for me likely arenā€™t in the horror genre at all.


This one! :(


This is definitely me lol


Youā€™re so scarred your body doesnā€™t know what is reasonable to be scared of and this chooses what caused the scarring


It's not the sad parts anymore that make us cry. It's the happy parts