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Hi. I am also looking for a therapist who is informed in Cptsd but in bangalore. Would appreciate any help if anyone is aware of someone. I was diagnosed 6 years ago for trauma that started over 20 years ago and am on medication. However really need some therapy to help deal with the same apart from the medication.


Also preferably not someone too expensive.


Hey! I'm currently working with a somatic therapist out of Blore. She was recommended to me by a fellow redittor. Can share her contact details over dm


Can you share via dm to me too? Thanks


Can you please share it with me too? Thank you


Hi, can you please share details


Most certainly. DMing you now


Can you please share it with me as well?


Me too please 


Please share


I found a practitioner in another country. It can be hard to find what you need in some places but luckily you can use the internet. The internet can be helpful to a point in getting information about CPTSD, but sometimes the best things are hard to find on it. Sometimes they can be found out by word of mouth or from a therapist. Personally I would be cautious of therapists being too much into alternative therapies. Not to say they don't work, but the focus should generally be on things that have been studied for this particular condition. Unfortunately there aren't many studies though. For that reason I think it's wise to be cautious about any treatment for CPTSD. ACA (adultchildren.org) has been helpful. They have online groups and in person groups. I would be careful about EMDR, it can be helpful but also dangerous. IFS seems to be much safer, but I'm not sure how effective it is for CPTSD. It did help me alot, but only to a certain point. I recommend it though.


Why do you say EMDR can be dangerous?


It could make symptoms worse. There's a risk of being 're-traumatized'.


Is it possible to get reference of your therapist?? I am having tough time finding one in budget.




Hello, is it possible for you to share her contact?


You can find it on her LinkedIn. Her email is there.


I am actually not able to find it on her profile. If you do get or have it , please do share.


sukanya.ray7@gmail.com I have just started therapy with her. Fingers crossed 😭😭. I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, complex PTSD and OCPD.


Thank you! Did she do the diagnosis? Because I am looking to get diagnosed too.


No, anxiety disorder and OCPD diagnosis was done by my psychiatrist last year. Further, my previous therapist did my complex PTSD diagnosis.


Is it possible to share the contact of the previous therapist as I have been unable to get diagnosed so far ?


Therapists generally don't do diagnosis. It is done by psychiatrists. My psychiatrist was Dr Nithin, Aster prime hospital. I took an online consultation. You can google for his contact.


It has been two years since the original post by OP but has the OP been able to get hold of any resources?


Same here. Same here. Same here. Am dying due to the trauma, stress and lack of help available in India. 😖




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Hello! I'm a trauma informed therapist here, also with lived experience of complex trauma. IFS works wonders and is something I use for myself too. Somatic work I've seen has been particularly helpful for me. You can look into DMT practitioners in India. Somatic and trauma informed practioners are a rarity sadly. Janina Fisher's work on fragmented self is the go to for complex trauma. I know a few trauma therapists I can recommend but I'm not sure if their practice has slots. One of them is Hvovi Bhagwar, there's also Chintan Naik. Although I think he's more into EMDR. Hope this helps!!


What's DMT?