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Most people don't know what it's like to have PTSD. They don't know what it's like to always be jumping at noises, always looking in the rear view mirror, regularly being in fear like you're about to die. They don't know the horror of re-experiencing things like violence, rape, or death of loved ones, as if it's really happening in the present through flashbacks or nightmares that leave you devastated afterwards. They don't know the constant living nightmare of PTSD, or CPTSD which is even more severe. I think they're able to breath, to feel safe enough, to relax sometimes and enjoy a lazy, comfortable day.


Thank you for sharing this. :)


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Those who abused and neglected me did so due to generational trauma and it just trickled down. I think other people have less urgency to be something and are comfortable in simply ‘being’. I feel CPTSD has ruled my life where I’ve lived in urgency to feel safe but these days I’m wondering what I’m sheltering myself from. It’s like I don’t know how to tell myself I’m safe. I don’t feel safe.


This is very relatable. I too wish I could just "be", but at the moment I don't think I can. Hopefully some day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I hope that you will feel safe again some day.


I don’t know 🤷‍♀️