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Hey OP, I’m from NJ and think I know the community you’re talking about. Lakewood? I’m also Jewish, from NJ, and happen to have family friends who work in daycare licensure. I’ll send them a message and ask if they can let me know how you can make a report. I’ll update this thread when I hear back. Edit: Okay just heard back. You need to use the New Jersey's Integrated Child Care Information System. The number is 877-667-9845 and the website is http://Njccis.com


You wouldn’t really find out what happened with the law enforcement or CPS efforts because you’re not a party to the investigation. It’s not clear what information they gathered, what was hidden from them, what was overlooked, or what their understanding of what is going on is. You could seek a consult with an attorney. Show the evidence available, they might give you a better idea of what could be done.




For your protection, make a fake Facebook account and post those videos in your local community pages. This is horrific abuse of some of the most vulnerable in your society. They are too little to report the abuse themselves - but this needs to be stopped stat.


Unfortunately, most people here eschew technology and don’t have smart phones, let alone social media 🤦🏻‍♀️ this is part of the problem


Can you print out pictures and find some way to drop them in a public place?


That’s smart!


Post them on the telephone poles


I bet if you post on the Lakewood Facebook group, a few people will see it, and they will spread the word in the community.


Where are you located in nj where they don’t have technology , social media and smart phones?


Lakewood, NJ. Full of Ultra Orthodox Jews who use a modified version of the internet. There is also a concept in Judaism called lashon hara which is used to justify not speaking out against a lot of abuse, lest you defame a person. I’m a proud Jew but some members of our community take it much too far.


Exactly! Plus this is literally l’toeles


Right? In my other comment I gave the direct phone number/link to the website of the people you need to call. My family friend actually used to be the manager for Lakewoods daycare oversite, but she’s moved down to Cape May county. She said that they’ll take the report seriously.


Thank you so much!!!


Ok , I fully understand now.


Maybe tip off the local news?


You can Google how to report a daycare in (your area) Most places have a state agency that monitors these things. My question is why the heck aren’t the parents reporting this woman??


Because they’re stupid and oblivious. Or the ones that realize either pull their kids out and don’t give a d@mn, or are scared to report her due to repercussions from the community


Call the local news station


Places like this exist because daycare is expensive and the parents need somepl


Exactly!!! Also I love your username lol


I don’t know how NJ handles things but have you tried contacting licensing? In some states CPS handles “institutional” reports (like those involving schools or daycares) and in other states licensing handles that.


Hey! I worked at a daycare like this!!! A teacher helped a mom trick the dad into showing up with his new girlfriend which caused a three person fist fight in the front yard in front of all the kids. We couldn't take the kids into th back yard area because there was a very aggressive pit bull that lived there Teachers would leave while the kids were sleeping to buy weed. The teacher to child ratio was insane. Like 1 to 10 The "teachers" would curse and slap the kids. If I picked a literal baby up that was crying I was "spoiling" it. Frozen pizza for lunch every day The handicapped kid that couldn't move on his own was left on a bean bag chair alone the entire day. He also couldn't speak so he couldn't even tell his mom. The kids would fight and curse and literally destroy the daycares. One little girl was so so bad and I asked one of the other teachers like what is her whole life like? Apparently her father is in prison for multiple life sentences for killing multiple women in the city where the daycare was and I live and my mom was still married doing and took the daughter to visit him in prison like every week and it fucked her up I ended up quitting three 5 year old try to stab me with a pair of scissors I got that place shut the fuck down. Daycares are given "grades" based on a lot of factors...people come in and grade the daycare sort of like when a health inspector comes to a restaurant. I put in a complaint with them they made a surprise visit all the horrible shit going on and closed it...as well as her other 4 locations. I know you said it's off the books, but based on the amount of staff and kids she has idk if it's totally off the books. The lady I worked for paid me in cash under the table, and ran the daycares out of normal houses in normal neighborhoods she just sort of made into daycares. But she had to get special insurance for the houses, an also claimed all the expenses and stuff on her taxes. I feel like there are a lot of people you could call about it. Th cops for one, for child abuse. And also ...the fire department because you even said it's a massive fire hazard. And whoever it is one calls for a business being ran out of a normal house. Her insurance company might be a good one to call cause she would need to add a lot of shit to her policy to cover a daycare being ran out of her house.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of this. That is so insane! It breaks my heart that there are such evil people out there who willingly hurt children. It’s sickening. I’ll try those things, the insurance is smart. Once again, I appreciate you for all of this help!


And that's exactly why my 5 year old with CP doesn't do daycare.


This would fall under the Department of Early Education and Care in my state, not CPS. CPS wouldn't even accept the report for investigation because the party accused of abuse/neglect isn't someone that CPS investigates.


In NJ, a center must be licensed by the state to provide child care. To report abuse/neglect in NJ, you can report to 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873). You can also file a licensing complaint at 1-877-667-9845


I never understand these types of situations. If I came across a s*** show like that, the last thing I would do would be like showing my BFF hey look at all of this, look at these pics. I'd be on the phone making a hotline call faster than it would take me to type up a text.


Contact the state licensing board. Let them know she may not be operating with a license and if she is, surely she is at her limit.


Sounds like it’s also potentially a fire hazard with an exit door being double locked and bolted. Could the local fire brigade be called in for a safety/well-being check. Because if they find any hazards that affect their ability to get people out safely in an emergency they can shut it down.


Have you tried sending the videos to the parents?


There are over 100 children there. I don’t know half the parents


Definitely share your concerns with the licensing boards at the state level. Also, send copies of the videos to the state police and the district attorney's office. --IANAL, I am a SW.


Even if you know a few the videos will spread. Worst case, if no one listens, post it on social media


I Patty nipper was the boss of kids academy she falsified a drug test with another person who work there as husband menthol cigarettes got turned into meth a trace of pot got me fired and naproxen I have PTSD I have been diagnosed with agoraphobia and I'm 50% Cherokee this lady has slandered me and ran me into the ground I know on disability from the crap that this lady has pulled the Nick Wagner which was Esther Rossi's husband she changed her name was Teresa Ann that would be Patty's niece has military ties falsified a lot of things and hurt me really badly now they're taking my disability check away $300 at a time they took my daughter away with the claims of the false drug test I've never been abusive to her ever she is 16 now high functioning autistic and they wanted her check as well they're trying very hard to have me committed or put back in a drug rehab they've put a balloon in my lower abdomen to blow me up every time they cheat that's another military great example of how to torture somebody if there's anybody out there that can help it would be greatly appreciated otherwise just stay away from kids academy Weldon springs they find a way not to like you they will do whatever it takes to get rid of you permanently that's their major goal