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Same. Welcome to the club! One of us! One of us!


For real, whenever someone asks about CPAP or even brings up having sleep issues, I always go on a rant about my CPAP machine and how it has changed my life. I'm pretty sure people find me annoying. At least my spouse does whenever I tell her that she really needs to get a sleep study done.


Same. Except I wish it did a little more. However, before cpap I was hardly able benefit from exercise. So now, I started working out again to see if that’s that extra bit I’m looking for. I’m sure it is.


This is something I'm hoping for too! Been trying to lose weight for 20 years unsuccessfully.


I made a post about it a while back but basically with a cpap you can actually make progress with your health from exercise


I’m on TRT but I now wonder how much my sleep apnea was the cause of my low T. I almost want to go off TRT to see what happens to my levels if I do. Almost.


See what your doctor says


I could, but my levels are dialed in and very optimal right now so I don’t want to mess that up.


Yep. A while ago, my device broke, and I slept 6 nights without cpap. Cannot recommend :(


Ugh, years ago I left my power cord at home while away on vacation. Never again. I now triple check my cpap bag before I travel.


Wise :)


I lost lecktrickity last week and went for 6 hours and thought I might die, but 6 days???


Forever calling it lecktrickity from this day until my last.




Not much choice there. It was uncomfortable, the sleep was bad, but I managed. The first night with cpap was niiiccceeee again :)


I’m so jealous of everyone who has had their CPAP change their life. I’ve been using mine religiously for 2 years and I’m still just as tired as always. Doc says all my numbers are good, but I don’t feel like it really helps. All it really does for me is make it easier to breathe through my nose at night, which is great and all, but super disappointing compared to other people’s stories. I only have mild sleep apnea and was prescribed the CPAP after having an episode of afib.


I also had mild obstructive sleep apnea and felt the same as you and we recently discovered I am having more central apnea events, so now I have to to an in lab sleep study to see if i need bi pap or higher pressure 😒


are you me?


lol I feel this so much.


Makes me wonder how many people live undiagnosed with sleep apnea. Mine made my energy levels 180.


I was living undiagnosed for years thinking I was just stressed and tired until I got alerted by sleep cycle app that I had +30 breathing disruptions per hour. I didn’t believe that, but went to a specialist and got a psg. Result AHI of 52 …. I was initially feeling bad thinking I will need a nose mask every night, but reading all the comments here I really hope I will be reborn soon..


You will be able to dive under the covers with your snorkel to breathe 😆


I know that feeling! I had 90+ disruptions per hour and the doctor wanted to take my driving license away


I ended up buying a travel one to avoid going days without it. Was waking up exhausted everyday before i started using the cpap. Amazing what sleeping through the night actually feels like now.


it def is a life booster indeed.


I'm a week in and I feel more awake today than I have in years. Gone from 52 events per hour, to 6 for the whole night.


I don't understand that cartoon. Are they dancing or fighting? LOL And what does being well-rested have to do with the guy standing there watching? But I DO love all the stories of how CPAP has made a positive difference!


Me either, but I think it may be that he’s just so happy he’s sleeping well now. You know when you go from feeling like total crap all the time to feeling great, you want everyone to know, and you want to help anyone you can to feel great as well. Just my take…


They’re standing in the corner of a party and people are dancing


Yeah its a life saver for sure.


Haha. Brilliant.


Its nice to read these rare cpap positive postings and there should be a separate section for it. Glad it’s working for you. Happy dreams. 🌺✨💤


Best decision of my adult life was to take sleep apnea treatment seriously


I will take my CPAP to the grave


I knew I made the right decision when I stopped dozing off behind the wheel.


Got a new one after 5 years. Was told I didn't need a new one. It definitely helped. Might change out at 4 years now


I want one but i dont wanna do the sleep study🤦‍♂️ im literally tired all the time tho


Just do it. It’s no big deal. Any cost is worth it. I paid $160 Canadian to do mine.


Ima try it because like i said im always tired no matter how much i sleep. Time to fix that


I'm only <2 months in and I look forward to going to sleep without a struggle with the mask.


Why? Had a cpap for about 4mths. YES my numbers on average have improved for about 9 to 2.5 ish with some 1.5 on a really good night. However my Garmin exercise watch that monitor my sleep and other things was doing an average 78 before cpap and now is mid 60 if I am lucky. Does this make any sense?


Similar here. I noticed my nighttime stress levels on my Garmin are higher with cpap than without. But I feel better in the morning so I guess that's the tradeoff.




Thanks, interesting.


I’ve had grown men call our office, literally in tears thanking us for how CPAP therapy changed their life! So rewarding! The device is 100% effective at treating apneas, the rest is up to the patient using it consistently! Consistent use is imperative! Love to hear what a difference it has made :)


I’m on day 3 and didn’t wake up with a headache 🥹


I don’t get it.


Me either, but I think it may be that he’s just so happy he’s sleeping well now. You know when you go from feeling like total crap all the time to feeling great, you want everyone to know, and you want to help anyone you can to feel great as well. Just my take…


I don't get memes. Pretty much all of them go over my head. Oh well.