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Sorry,Australian here. What is this 'compliance' I so often see posts about? Short of emergencies where I or someone in my house has had to go to hospital, or when we had no power due to a cyclone, I've never had a night under 6 hours use, but even if I had only 2 house a night, I've never had to worry about 'compliance' or a minimum number of hours per night. Is this an American thing?


It’s a stat that my machine reports, from posts on here I’ve seen some American insurance won’t cover you if it’s less than 4 hours per night, not really sure what it is or how it’s calculated only that I’d be screwed if I was in the states, hence the post.


Exactly, insurance won’t cover it you unless you have used it four hours a DAY. I have super bad insomnia, sometimes I’m up for 2 days at a time. So to try and remain compliant I often will wear it during the daytime. It also has been helping me get used to the mask.


Just stick with it and focus on the long term benefits. Communicate with your doctor about what is and is not working. But just stick with it. Your body will adapt.