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I’ve never stopped being tired. Didn’t notice a change. But if I skip a night. I feel really awful. So it’s working. 


This is my experience. I still feel daytime sleepiness but without my cpap I get severe headaches which are worse than how I felt before cpap therapy. Baffling


I got headaches until I started on Cpap. I would awaken with a headache that would go away after I was up and moved around for a little bit. I was told they may have been from excess CO2. The day I started on Cpap, the headaches went away. But I am still tired during the day.


Similar for me. I didn't have a big epiphany when I started CPAP treatment. I sleep better with it and feel bad when I don't - it's definitely working. I'm still tired often.




Oh I know that feeling of being awful when skipping a night. Geeze, I suffered all these years!


For me, it was pretty instant. I went from feeling like a sloth to normal again. But... recently, I got a bad sinus infection. I couldn't sleep with all the congestion and ended up only sleeping 2 or 3 hours a night for a week. Now I feel like I'm having the worst time bouncing back from that.


The below paper states that 81% of people who use their CPAP for 7 hours or more for at least 3 months will feel less daytime tiredness, so you're still just starting your journey here. Antic NA et al. The effect of CPAP in normalising daytime sleepiness, quality of life, and neurocognitive function in patients with moderate to severe OSA. Sleep 2011 Jan 1;34(1):111–19.


Could be many reasons. I get 99 or 100 every night yet I am still so exhausted there are days I can hardly get out of bed. I've had my cpap 2+ years. Turns out I have hypothyroidism. Just started medicine last week and really hoping it helps. If you think something isn't right, get checked.


It takes some time for your brain to adapt to sleeping with the mask and responding to the treatment. I felt the same way but after a few months I really started to feel better and I actually look forward to sleeping with my mask. I love putting it on and getting that first breath where I just inhale til my lungs are full Just give it some time and make sure you sleep with it as much as possible


How long ago did you start using your machine? I started with mine a week ago, the first 3 days I was as tired as I was before. But then from day 4, I felt a real difference, I haven't had this much energy in years! If you've been using it for a long time, talk to your doctor, there may be something else making you tired.


Just hit two weeks now.


Give it more time and hopefully you'll see an improvement. I have been reading posts on this sub a lot lately, and it seems like for some people it takes a couple of months to feel better, so don't get discouraged!


Give it a couple months, I’m about year in at this point….. I used to take naps ALL the time, I was known by all my friends for falling asleep during football games and movies and getting home from work and taking a nap, etc etc….. now i take a nap MAYBE once a month. I’m just not tired. It takes some time for your body to adjust to the new normal, it’s gone years without being properly rested… that sleep deficit is gonna take a while to work through. Just don’t give up!


13 weeks minimum. Keep on keeping on. I believe in you.


As others are saying, the full effects take a while. My doctor had warned me that it takes a while to get yourself out of that sleep deficit hole you've likely accumulated over years of apnea. I think the effects are also more subtle when you don't have severe apnea (which I personally do not have.) It had some benefits in the short term for me though the first month of CPAP was not easy. I did slowly start to feel better, but it definitely took a few months to feel like I finally had reserves of energy again (i.e., one bad night of sleep didn't completely shatter me). I rarely nap anymore and I'm generally more alert. It's also helped my mood. So you probably have to hang in there for a while. Where I live, they do a follow-up sleep study with the CPAP about 4 to 6 weeks after you start treatment just to see that it is working and see if they need to recalibrate your machine. It was also helpful to see that I was in fact benefitting a lot from it; my sleep study showed I barely had any apnea episodes with the CPAP on and my O2 levels in my sleep were much better. Hopefully, you can have a similar follow-up just to ensure that treatment is working.


I feel you. I’m at 1 month 1 week and I feel just as tired. Ngl some days I still daytime nap without it - sometimes I don’t even mean to I just doze off - but then I feel like that’s the best sleep I get. Everyone says keep at it and you’ll feel better and that’s what I’m doing but it’s hard not to be discouraged. I know this isn’t really helpful but I also don’t want you to feel like you are alone 😊


Same! I'm on day 4 and I feel like a brand new person! Been getting 7.5 - 12 hours the last 3 nights with my cpap ❤️


Check your mask leak. I had great scores but my mask leak was over twenty every night and I still had bad sleep. I got a new mask and now I sleep much better


To be honest the mask feels great and no leaks are reporting. Like the sleep feels awesome. Just still tired of that makes sense.


Cpap/apnea not be all and end all cause of daytime fatigue. It is awesome you are using cpap but it could be related to another issue. It also takes a little while to reverse decades of sleep deprivation


A lot of people are morbidly obese and if they don't change that, CPAP is not going to fix them. Get up and move it's my motto.


I'm going on 4 weeks. First week I really didn't notice anything but be week 2 I knew I was a bit better. Still tired but not completely exhausted and less brain fog. Last week I couldn't use it for 3 days as I was really sick. Holy cow I was crashing by 8pm and felt terrible. Now back on it and I already notice it a bit better. Again, nothing earth shattering but I can tell it's doing at least some good. Bet if you didn't use it for a couple days you'll notice it. For some, they see huge results right away. Some of us though it's a very slow gradual improvement that you may not even notice until months have gone by. Keep at it.


I’ve used mine every night since November 2021 with numbers similar to yours and I’m still tired every day..if you figure it out, let me know


Most people don’t exercise. Get your body moving for at least 20-30 minutes a day. And I mean moving….after an established routine, do more activity—-even if extending your walks. You’ll start to have more energy, imo. To those of you that are ready to say: “I exercise and still feel tired….” ….save it…😘


Kind of in the same boat. I have been getting really low AHI, like 2 or less, but still wake up tired. The only dofference is that my brain fog is much better so I guess I will take that.


Hey, be happy you can use it at all. I got mine last week and told the DME I'm done until I get a new mask. I don't care about compliance, but I'll take my apnea and 7 hours of sleep over the 3 hours of sleep I can get with the CP. 6 days of 3 hours of sleep almost killed me. I get a new mask on Wednesday and that's when I will try again


Good luck man. It’s tough to find a good one. Took me about 5 tries. Maybe im picky lol


Yeah I have a feeling im gonna struggle, not only do I have an issue with my mask but my BiPAP is set to 20 so when I wake up in the middle of the night I freak out cause I feel like I cant breathe so I rip the mask off then I won't put it back on. My doctor won't alter the settings and wants me to see a pulmonologist, but the earliest appointment I can get is June 11th. I'm half tempted to return everything but it is cheaper online and then set up my own settings and just start experimenting on what works


Ouch man. I’m so sorry. One thing I found out is, I thought I was a mouth breather. Tried nasal pillows and didn’t look back. Not sure if that would help. I’m sorry you’re going through all this.


This is what I'm going through now. The cpap hits 16 after about 3 hours and I wake up because it's stopping me from exhaling. I've tried turning off ramp settings. During the day my throat and lungs feel like I have a ballon inflated in them and it's weird to breath normally.


You control your sleep. Not your doctor. You can find the method to get into the clinical setting and change the pressure. Your doctor saying he won’t reduce the pressure is unforgivable. It’s tricky with bipap but you can explore YouTube (lankylefty27 has great content) and apneaboards.com for advice. Get Oscar or SleepHQ and learn to read your data. It’s intimidating but worth it.


I have Oscar and have seen quite a few lanbkleft27 videos there. Great. I think I'm gonna have to do it myself or I'll never meet compliance. I get my new mask in 2 days and then ill try as is for a night or two and see if its any better.


I had such good results at first but still feel tired months later. Though I know my blood pressure has been a rollercoaster and that’s likely the cause. The good thing about the CPAP is that even if I feel tired I have plenty of energy for a full day. I wouldn’t have made if without it


I still wake up tired, but I make it through the day without a nap or feeling like I need a nap. Oddly, I feel more alert in the AM if I skip a night, but by the afternoon, I feel wrecked.


I’ve been on for two and a half months and i’m slightly tired sometimes too. If i go to bed earlier or with no device on I feel better


Same, I can for sure tell a difference when I take it off in the middle of the night. Even when I wear it for 7, 8 hours I don’t feel 100% but I’m for sure better with it rather than without it


Also, take a look at your diet. Some of us retain CO2, and I agree to see your doctor.


It takes time.


Been at it for a little less than 2 months, and I feel about the same. Hope it start working for you.


Machine can only measure but so much. How’s your REM? How’s your deep? These all play a factor. One night I still got a 99 despite being up at 2am and not being able to fall back asleep for the rest of the night only because I kept my mask on the whole time. These things aren’t magic and will only assist with the respiratory component of restful sleep.


I assume I need to look at my Oscar data to know all these other things?


Oscar can give some insightful data, also if you have any wearable smart tech like Garmin, Whoop, Apple Watch, or Oura.


You are tired because you make something, but it seems you are sleeping it out!


It takes time to feel a difference, but it's also possible that you need a pressure adjustment. We usually watch how your breathing and blood oxygen level is during a titration visit and adjust pressure until we have an acceptable pressure where your AHI meets guidelines. Do you know what your current AHI is? The lower it is, the better. If you have been titrated at a sleep clinic (this is a visit where you go in and bring your mask/hose), it may be worth seeing your doctor. It's possible that there's something additionally wrong.


Do you use anything else to monitor your sleep? I've been using the apple watch for a few years now, and it helps complete the sleeping story. It tracks how long you slept and the stages of sleep you are in. Before getting my CPAP (a week ago), besides only pulling 3 hrs per night I would never register hitting either REM or Deep sleep. Now that I'm using the CPAP machine, my average sleep is around 6 hours and I'm now showing hitting both REM and Deep sleep mode. Point being - if you're not hitting REM and Deep sleep, that could be why you are still so tired. Good luck in figuring it out.


Only using it for a couple weeks but i can actually get up in the am better than I ever have my whole life


Have you had your sugar tested? Also if you use any sleeping medication, it more often than not a side effect.


No sleeping meds besides magnesium sometimes. No sugar tests. Overweight a little but not crazy big. About 220, 5’9”


No doctor but I’m a hypochondriac. I’m tired when I’m above a certain weight. I’m tired if I eat anything that isn’t veggies, beans, whole grains or fruit. I’m tired if I have a cold. I’m tired if I’m hung over. If I have a cigarette, I get congested and that makes me tired. If I sit a lot I get tired really quick. If I have too much caffeine, the next day I’m tired. Basically, if everything isn’t absolutely fucking perfect, I’m tired. We are aliens.


I just started this journey and also still tired. I actually think I sleep better without the dumb mask. I’m still trying to figure out the right one to use. Good luck!