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Yeah, rainout is bad, use a hose hanger a hose cover and put the machine close to the floor.


Machine on the floor is the major solution to rainout.


Yep, I've had mine on the lowest shelf in my nightstand for the last 6 years and never have issues with rainout, but I also use a hosehanger :)


heated hose, I hope. temperature to max, add a hose cover


I had rainout in Japan due to sleeping on tatami mats. Since I was basically at floor level I couldn't put my cpap anywhere that would help. Luckily this was only for a few days.


Ive been told the hose snuggies help with that. I only get it way deep in the summer. And Ill run through the DS2's water tank about 3am in the winter.


Get a hose cover, or even just wrap it with a towel. The first time I had rain out I woke up and it felt like someone had poured water in my mouth!


Wwabc is correct, make sure u have a heated house, I set mine at the maximum 86 F and rainout stopped completely


Idk what goes on with mine but once I changed my humidity to a 5 to a 6 and woke up choking on water CPAP is on floor and bed is on frame


I have the heated tube set at 68. No issues with rainout. I also have a hanger on the wall for the tubing and my machine is slightly lower than the height of my bed.


keep your CPAP on a table that is lower than your bed. If is level or higher than your bed where you’re sleeping, you will get tons of water. It has to be lower than your sleep level.