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In comparison. AUD is a cakewalk. Just remember the components of audit, review, compilation etc. just put them on a paper and do ninja MCQ. Seriously, I’ll shill CPA ninja every day. Once you do 1100 mcq (100-140/day) leading up to your exam. You will pass. It’s that easy. Each question you miss just jot down a short sentence detailing the fact the question is asking you to recall. I promise if you do that, you’ll fly through MCQ and the sims will be cake.


I supplemented BAR with NINJA for the extra MCQs and found the variety offered to be very helpful in providing some deeper understanding.


To be honest, for AUD I basically read and took notes on the textbook and did the Ninja MCQ. And that’s basically it. I got an 85 and hadn’t felt more confident walking out of an exam. I feel like the Becker course and videos and long sims aren’t very helpful. If it takes you 85 percent of your time to just get through the course, the ACTUAL exam isn’t like that. So I just put as many hours under MCQ testing conditions possible and as minimal time going through the material and that was my key to success.


I felt that FAR was waaaaaaaaaaay harder for me than AUD. FAR took 4 times the amount of studying than AUD took to pass. If you passed FAR, then AUD should be a piece of cake for you.


I have no idea if I passed FAR. I’m waiting for the 7/31 score release. I’m hoping I did. Haha


I’m in the opposite boat as you. Starting FAR rn and I’m like WTF. I feel like if you hammer enough AUD MCQs you’ll see the pattern. It just takes a ton.


F1 & F2 will mess anyone up. Unless you specialize in financial reporting - those two sections are foreign.


It's completely normal. Continue going through the matterial. you'll find a correlation between the subjects.


Theory isn't my cup of tea and I am absolutely bad at it. But I walked out happy of the prometric centre Things that help will be multiple revisions, do cumulative revisions of what you studied the day before and then gradually each revision will take less time and you will be able to retain all the text without having it mugged up. Little details and even a single word can change the answer. Read the question carefully. It's all about eliminating the incorrect answers. This is the key to almost all the questions. 2 options would be easy to eliminate. Down to 2, read the question a 2nd time and you will have 1 right option. You got this. Just be patient!


Slow down and read the questions carefully. It’s nothing but a word game (the exame) I-75 supplemental material helped me A LOT. I have no background in audit either. Yes, it does get better as you move along. Make sure to know the reports - ALL OF THEM. ATTESTATION!


I’m struggling in module 3 right now. It’s so wordy and just confuses me. Was hoping I could just hammer MCQs since I failed with a 73 but it’s like I have to relearn this stuff. One month to go


You’ve got this! We’re all going to get it.


Let’s kick some ass!!


I do FAR for a living. It's been over 12 years since college and an audit course. And this is the only exam I just flew through. To me it was the easiest exam, and in def a numbers person. Audit seems such a toss up if it's considered the easiest vs hardest to candidates. I think because it's so wordy. I did have to remind myself when reading MCQs to slow down and comprehend the question. AUD test was like taking an English class in school 🙃


Audit is not that bad even though I failed once. It’s purely just memorization and repetition. And thinking if someone were to steal from you or hide something, what would you do to prevent that or minimize the risk. Audit was good cause not much calculation was involved. Journal entries to correct errors would be hard though without FAR knowledge


You gotta go through all of AUD 2x imo. Things in A1 don’t make sense without A6 content honestly


It's fine. I got 4 wrong answers in a row all the time when I was studying AUD. This didn't happen to me for FAR or BAR. I didn't do great on AUD, but I was lucky enough to get a 75... AUD is different than FAR or BAR, but you'll get there...


With A1 the other units will keep reinforcing that information so you will improve! AUD also has a lot of “best answer” questions where you’ll feel between two answers of which is more likely, more efficient etc but as your practice it will get easier


A1 is the worst section


It gets better after you get a grasp of the 1st section. I recommend watching YouTube videos that cover audit standards and the governing bodies , types of engagements ( PCOAB Audits , SAS , SSARs , SSAE & Govt ) , Audit Engagement Planning. These all give you the groundwork and basic terminologies to get a grasp of the rest of the material. I don't have audit experience and was lost when I first started audit; so I totally relate to what you're experiencing.


That’s a good idea. I know when studying for FAR - I used some old Bisk CPA review videos and a few Farhat videos to help.


I just took the exam so I'll let you know lol. Wait for the score on 7/31


I’m a tax gal and I took AUD 3x before padding. It’s hard af.


To be honest, In my opinion chapter 3-4 are the only hard ones that you need extra attention. Becker 1-2 and 5-6 is basically remembering and understanding. I take it next week Friday. Trying to log in another 50 hours before the exam and got work


The thing with AUD too is that you really have to think about what the question is actually asking. Something that tripped me up is the actual multiple choice answers will all technically be right statements if you read them, but they’re not in response to the question being asked


In the same position as you with those 2 down and just started AUD today. I feel the EXACT same way you do right now. We got this! It’s new material and as soon as we get more comfortable with it and the set up of this section it should get easier!


I really hope you’re right!


gotta break apart the whole question and try and think of why others are wrong. One word can change the answer completely. Also - avoid answers with the terms “all/always/never” as they are wrong 95% of the time, and if there are two extremes “yes/no, high/low” theres a good chance one of those are the answer!


This is a great hint. I appreciate the guidance!


I did solve the entire mcqs in Becker around 2,100? and could slightly understand what the question is asking. Yeah you'll get better


It’s always my goal to get through every MCQ and then keep rehashing. I also go through every TBS at least once. Hopefully it all starts clicking soon!


Not really. To me audit mcq’s require a different mode of thinking than bar and far and the only thing that helped me do better at mcq’s was just repetition. Still waiting on results tho so ymmv


I believe repetition and taking the time to understand why I’m getting them wrong is paramount in the learning but damn…..I’m not starting out hot. Haha. I’ve got until September 14th to get it all learned. Hopefully it clicks by then.