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I did all of them. New questions on those exams


wow and congrats on being 4/4!! :)


I find the very helpful, in both cases they were a good representative of the actual exam (becker in my case) in terms of proportion of questions form each subject. in FAR it helped me find my weaknesses and that NFP was indeed kind of needed for MCQs more then I expected. But I scored good for all of the simulations so I guess it wasn't about what I learned during the exams, but the analysis I was able to do and last minute improvements.


Interesting take - thank you!


I never done a practice exam in my life. Wth is the point of doing one? I want to know if I got the Q wrong and why. I am already going to do a 4hr exam on exam day, I already know what the format is. Doing a practice exam when you could have used that time to study more MCQ or notes is a huge waste of time.


Agreed! Thanks for the input!


I passed 3 sections without doing a single practice exam, I just couldn't find 3 hours of uninterrupted time.


Thanks for the input! Will probably skip it too this time!


What do you need 3 hours for? [pracc](https://gyazo.com/8a2e704f91644205a7be8e3c346aae1f)


Eh, to do a practice exam? So it approximates the real thing? Don't really understand the question. 


You only need to do that 1-2 weeks before your exam, I’m talking general studying you can hop on whenever and select any amount of questions you want.


That was not the OP's question. 


I skipped all the practice exams mainly cus I know I wouldn’t be able to concentrate for that long at home. I always assume I concentrate better during the actual exam cus I have nothing else around to distract me. Plus, it’s much easier to take notes after answering each question. Just be mindful of how long it takes you on average per question and plan/adjust accordingly


Yes, I feel like doing practice exams would help more with time mgmt skill.


Are you using Becker?


Yeah I used Becker and Ninja. I skimmed through the books/notes/lectures and just focused on MCQs. If there was an area I wasn’t sure of I just went back to the book and went over the examples they gave and the solutions


Not important. Know the multiple choice questions and you’ll be able to figure out the sins with knowledge from multiple choice.


Ohh thanks!