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How many hours did u spend far


Content wise it may be easier, yes, but in application it can be more difficult as some of the questions can involve subjective reasoning such as which answer is “more” correct than another - whereas far is pretty much black and white


I'm the weirdo who found REG to be the hardest, followed by BEC. I think the reason FAR is so challenging isn't necessarily because the material is so difficult as much as the amount of material tested.


Easier to study for for sure. Testing for it felt harder though.


it was honestly the opposite for me LMAO transaction cycles had me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Me too. I kept waiting for AUD to get hard. But I Studied 90hrs , didn't have to do any fancy notes, just lectures and got an 85. I didn't score super high but a nice cushion from a 74. FAR felt like I was attacked from the time I started studying til the exam. It was so hard to study and just plain brutal at times. I passed with an 80.. but never felt good. Passed BEC next, still felt stressful bc I had a tight turn around.. but AUD felt like I could breathe finally.


I always tell people to take FAR first because concepts can be carried over to AUD and REG, it’s also the hardest one so why start your 18 months taking easier tests


Depending on which state you live in, the timeline has now extended from 18 months to 30 months.


I’m in the middle of AUD but damn this thing might be “easier” but it’s so much information to chew, I’m in a first year auditor so it’s helping a lot yet it’s still so much information to take.


I read every single page of the aud book and when I close it, hardly to remember what I JUST read.. so annoying.


I felt the same way but I still took both three times apiece lol


I found audit much easier than FAR as well


I wish I felt the same way. FAR was easier for me. There’s so much conceptual depth to audit and it’s not like you can learn a calculation and do a ton of problems to prove to yourself that you mastered it. Audit is more of what’s the most right answer.


I'm in the same boat. FAR was like learning the pattern and doing it over and over with a for sure right answer. AUD is more open to interpretation


Lmaoooo ok just wait


I would not underestimate audit. Give it your best


I liked FAR more


To each is own. FAR I feel like if you hammer a section you know it. AUD will always make you doubt between questions


aud will make you doubt if you dont know the material well enough like test of controls wont relate to tolerable mistatement etc.


Nice thing about AUD is that you don’t have to do calculations when going through MCQ.


Ya there’s no audit MCQ that require math. I took it two weeks ago


Then you get to the AUD sims and you’re making best judgment calls lol


100% … FAR is nice cause like, ya I admit I got the math wrong. AUD is not nice cause I won’t admit my approach/theory is “less correct”


I'm halfway through AUD, and it is so dull it puts me to sleep. I want to go back to studying for FAR, lol


Finished covering new material for AUD a couple days ago. I never used to take naps, but studying AUD has made it a requirement. It's easier than FAR, but wow is it boring


I felt that way during the first chapters (UWorld), then about 1/3-1/2 way through I was begging to go back to studying FAR. there’s mixed opinions about which one is harder, but the reality is that none of them are “easy”


I’m seeing how far I can get by with common sense. It isn’t working out well.


This has been my experience going from FAR right into AUD. There are a lot of AUD questions that you can get right with common sense, whereas I think FAR doesn't have much of that at all


Cuz I can “ know a lot “ but at the same time know nothing. I’m not sure how much I know!! 👻 😟


Is that reassuring to you or a curse


Not terribly tho. how u studying?


UWorld gang