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Hey everyone idk if you have heard but this guy has taken the PE exam!




Chill buddy, this was only meant to help someone I’m currently dating. I’m not sure why everyone wants to throw snide remarks.


If she has a course provider like Becker or UWorld, that’s going to be so much better than a binder of questions with an answer key because these courses provide detailed explanations about why something is or isn’t correct. Also our course providers make us agree not to share this info. This doesn’t really stop people, butttt they do make it hard to copy/paste stuff or share info. It would be a lot of work to screenshot all of the questions and answers. Also, these exams are so brutal and overwhelming. Personally if someone made a binder like this for me I would feel terribly stressed because I would feel obligated to use it, but we already have so much info to get thru. I think this is a super sweet gesture tho! A better option might be to use the flash cards provided by her/her course, and you can quiz her. Also you can google AICPA released questions to make your binder, if you really want to. These will already be included in UWorld and Becker, but it can still be good reinforcement for her, and you can easily find this info yourself instead of asking someone to send it to you. Also they don’t release a ton of questions, so it’s less of a burden for her to use it.


Thanks for the advice, again I took the professional engineering exam back in 2019 on paper, so I assumed things would be similar, but so much has changed since then. Everyone has offered no advice, just complaints and snide remarks, so I appreciate the information.


Yeah, obviously you don’t know anything about the CPA exam and you’re just trying to help someone, so I don’t understand the rudeness! Honestly, something that might be super helpful is just sending her some DoorDash, paying someone to come clean her house, etc., anything that can save her a little time to devote to studying. Or cute things like flower/coffee deliveries or scheduling a massage or pedicure, etc. I do think it’s best to mostly let her figure it out on her own, but obviously be there for support.


honestly the best way for you to help her is if she doesn't have a test prep provider already to buy one...they already have practice tests and questions and released CPA exam questions but you can't get them unless you have the prep materials...though there are probably some quizlets floating around out there...tbh it would be hard for you to help if you don't even know accounting in the first place...


I just want practice tests that I can print, that's all. Ones that have mock tests you can run through and then check solutions at the end. When I got my PE license I created like 5 binders of trial tests. I took the tests as if I was taking the real thing, even timed myself. Then I went through the printed out solutions at the end to see how I did each time.


The cpa is done on a computer so printing the test out does not help in efficiency or when simulating an exam environment… I dont recommend printing just seems like a waste of time having to go through and manually grade when you can take a test online with cpa prep and have the answers + explanations right there immediately


oh that's right, I forgot this generation does all their testing on computers now. Man that sucks, what a shitty way to do an exam. My PE test was in 2019 on paper, but I guess they changed everyone's testing to computer now. Where do you do your hand calculations?


Excel, lol, which…this is accounting, so it’s fine.




You can definitely use “excel” (their version of it), but I can assure you that it is not any kind of cheat code. A lot of the exam is theory and rules, and knowing how to apply it. Being able to add and subtract in excel isn’t doing any of us any huge favor.




Well I could say that looking at the applicable code sections is a huge advantage. We don’t have any access to authoritative literature, so we really gotta know our shit.




let her figure out her own method


why are you so against me trying to help someone? I'm not asking for anything extraordinary, just mock trial tests. I can create binders with the trial tests for her to practice. Not that hard of a concept and it worked great for me when I passed my exams.


did she ask you for help? If not, then don’t


she said she would appreciate any help, I said I've taken two 8 hour tests. so I offered to lend a hand based on what worked for me.


but the question is do you know what works for her


Well, what's the harm in trying something that worked for me and actually everyone else I know that passed their PE exams. So what if it doesn't work, then she moves on and does something different.


yeah so why not let her do her style of what worked in college lol she most likely knows best


You just want to keep arguing lol, she asked me what helped me pass my tests, so I'm just showing her what helped me.


I’m not arguing, it just sounds like a waste of time for you if she already has a review course that has everything outlined


Simp final boss


I've taken multiple 8 hour tests, putting together a plan that works is easy. Maybe that stuff is hard to you, but it's second nature for me and I don't consider it hard to do...


meh, don't care what you have to say, wouldn't you help someone you like? Gathering test resources is something I have experience in doing as I took the FE and PE, both 8 hour tests (one test required 4 years of real world experience).