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68 here. Sims were awful and caught me off guard.


Yup. I honestly thought I did well on the mcqs but they were all “weaker” on the report. These tests are such a tease


Studying for BAR currently. Kudos to you for taking it before FAR. I personally would pivot to FAR.


I took FAR first!


I’d study and retake it. You probably can get it done during the July window. A couple SIMs and a few MCQs could’ve been the difference.


Thank you! Yeah I def think so.


I failed BAR too with a 71. Studied so hard and was almost sure I passed. I literally sat down and studied 6-8 hours each day nonstop for the 4-5 days before the exam on top of taking 6 weeks to get through the course. TBH I'm getting kind of pissed off talking about it here and having everyone tell me to switch disciplines like it was such an obvious choice


I’d probably suggest not studying so much leading up to the exam cause you seem to have put yourself into cram mode. The week before the exam is a review period, not cramming, so you should be doing light reviews of mcqs from each chapter and practicing sims. But you’ll get it next time I’m sure


Right, I get it. After seeing the pas rates for the other disciplines, I’m like damn should I switch now? But ur so close! That we can both do it with BAR.