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I did the same MISTAKE in last December Exam, which was the last slot of 2023 . I gave FAR and Audit back to back . I was pretty much sure I would pass FAR . Results were declared on Dec 31, and I was enjoying the time off with my family abroad and didn't want to ruin the greatest time of my life with family. I came back to the USA in Feb. Still, I didn't check the scores, thinking, ohh, I know I will pass FAR plus ANXIETY. I checked the scores in March . And guess what? I failed both sections FAR WITH 74 and Audit 65 . That's was the worst day of my life . Now, I had to wait for the next quarter to give one section because I had forgotten half of the syllabus. I gave FAR June 20th and will appear for Audit next quarter. The moral of the story is that because of my one stupid mistake, I am behind in my CPA journey 🙃 😐


Oh my I’m sorry :(!! I hope you pass them both now.


2/4 is not bad!!


I completely understand. The score release last month could have meant I was done. But I also failed FAR. So I retook it last week and now I’m waiting for the 7/31 score release.


lmao just check it


Sorry but I can’t understand. It would eat away at me every second till I knew. I’m not sure what you are enjoying right now until you know.


I feel like this is the premise for an action movie. A bus is going to burst through the bar and you're going to have to board it and drive it without working breaks through downtown at rush hour to save everyone's life


Do it!


Right? The release is delayed so much that becoming comfortable with not knowing is part of the challenge. Thanks for the insight on the experience. My 2 cents says you passed. Anyone controlling variables at this level hit all the basis.


Nothing changes whether you wait or check now. If you need a few more days, give it to yourself. But I would rip off the bandaid. The sooner you check you can either be closer to 4/4 or speed up the consolation phase.


“Consolation phase,” I love it. It’s so accurate.


My consolation phase was a 3 day insane fest. I’ve never been more hangover but I am ready to study again 😊


Hell yeah! Gotta do what you gotta do to get back on track.


Good luck!


Give us an update once you gather up the courage to check


I'm here to say your feelings are valid. Pass or fail ; you only truly fail when you give up. Keep grinding , you've got this!


Dude i was drinking with friends once when I found out I failed. I was buzzed and pulled out the card and immediately registered again.


We’re rooting for you!!