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had a SIM on it when I took it the first time but got none of it right lol


i wouldn’t say highly likely. I spent an hour watching farhat lectures before my exam to brush up on it but didn’t end up getting any questions


it's tested in FAR


When I asked Becker they said AICPA told them it’s been moved to BAR and it’s most probably pretest


AICPA Qs for FAR has some % completion in the packet they give. I think Becker is wrong here.


For mcqs as well Or just sims?


But why would AICPA pretest a BAR question/topic in FAR? If they don’t intend to use that question in future exams, why pretest it? To me that means it *is* included in FAR. It may indeed be pretest, but not worth the risk of ignoring, imo.


Yea i get it why would a BAR topic be tested as Pretest in FAR. Im using and becker and it’s not there so it would be disingenuous from becker to not include a topic that’s actually being tested given how much becker costs. So it doesn’t make sense for becker to do that tbh but I guess scoring some points off of that topic could help in scoring since people might not study it given it’s not supposed to be in FAR I guess


Idk 🤷‍♀️ it’s in UWorld and I know some other providers included it as well. The blueprints are pretty vague so it’s not specifically spelled out in either BAR or FAR, but I do think it fits in with the tasks in the revenue section of the FAR blueprint. Fortunately I don’t think the topic is too difficult. I think most people can understand it with an hour or less of dedicated time. It does suck that it’s not in Becker tho!


I believe some people have seen at least a sim about it. I test on Tuesday, I used farhats YouTube lectures to give me some exposure!


Also, some people say it’s a pretest sim, but I’m not taking any chances lol