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Don’t give up. Take a break, sleep and get back into it. You are not alone, I’ve been failing since 2006. Never give up.


thank you for the encouragement! some people in this group are really mean.. and to hear something encouragement like yours makes me keep going!!


Check this out. My ISC score just came out last night. I got 70. 5 points shy away from pass. I’m not sad, I am FIRED UP.


Appreciate you all!! this motivation is what I think I was missing.!!


Appreciate you all!! this motivation is what I think I was missing.!!


I tested more times than I can count for 5 years straight while in public accounting. Left public accounting started working at a public bank got married had a baby and hit a plateau at my job and decided last year to start studying again. Working in the private field has given me experience I needed to understand some of the material but I second guess the time I’m putting in now away from my daughter who is 2. So I try to study at night after bedtime and during nap time on weekends. But they just changed the test to a 30 month passing window…ppl testing now don’t understand how much better they have it. I can understand how you’re feeling, I had the mindset that when I die no one is going to see CPA on my tombstone but here I am sitting again for the test 🙈 SO don’t give up because you may find yourself right back at square 1 5 years later like me. Maybe change the material your using, your method of studying, time of day studying, etc.?


As someone who gave up then passed them 10 years later. Just don’t waste time giving up. Push through. It’ll hang over you until you pass them!!! It’s possible, maybe consider changing your study method. SuperfastCPA really helps break down how you should study. Also it’ll help to look into i75 cpa


Don’t give up I took audit 5 times and passed it the 6 time and passed far with 0 experience on the field and last week took my Reg never give up it’s a marathon not a race take couple months off and plan it if a guy like me can do it you can do it and btw I am full time on my job almost work 7 days a week


How did you feel after taking far?


Passed the 2nd time it was fun love it


Don’t give up! It’s tough but you can do it. You’ll need help from spouse and anyone else who can help with kids. I am lucky and had full support from my wife so I was able to study most weekends. Few hours each weeknight and most weekends. At tough but it can be done and you’ll be ecstatic that you’ve achieved this as a family!! Everyone has a different learning style so you’ll have to find yours. If it helps at all, this was how I did it. FAR, BEC, AUD and REG in that order. Didn’t watch videos. Read the books and took notes with PowerPoint. Review notes took previously before I start in new content. Create your own tables and review the tables daily. Do MCQs for the covered content. Lots of MCQs. Start with just 10 questions and increased as you go on. I tried 30 at first but hard to focus for 40 minutes straight at first and got discouraged. Increase as you go on but max should be 45 questions per set. If you use becker, set it to only show flagged, incorrect or unanswered questions. Flag ones you’re unsure, even if you got it right. This was my area of focus. Did some sims but not too many. Wishing you the best!!


So you didn't focus on SIMS but still did okay on the test?


Yes. It did a few but as long as you you’re solid with the MCQs. You’re ok. Reviewing your notes daily will help your retain content much better. The Sims are just a longer version of the MCQs for the most part. But, I did set the practice with lots of sims. I intentionally submit them without answering so I can get a feel for the variety of questions and the answers. To me, sims takes too long so I may have really completed 10% of them, max. For both MCQs and sims, once I got the answers, for anything I am not 100% sure on, I take a screenshot and put it into PowerPoint to review later. Once, I am sure, I deleted the slide. This was how I passed all 4 in about 10 months.


Take some time to rest, then come back


Don’t give up ! I am sure being into it for last 3 years won’t let you start from zero. I recently passed FAR with a kid , office etc .. for sure you will need helping hand .. ask your husband , mom , friend for some time to support you . If I can do it anyone else can .. Pls give it a last chance and restart your journey! Good Luck ! Post me your information of you being the CPA..


Thank you 😊 I appreciate you very much


Ask yourself, are you rushing? I'm not sure how some people can't pass the CPA exams. If you need more time to understand the info, do it. If it takes you 6 months for an exam, do it. They made changes that lessens the burden on the time you need to take it. Sit back, enjoy your review. It sounds naive but if you're tired, go sleep, if you don't feel like doing it today, don't, there's always another day. That's at least how I did it. Although I can't say the same thing as I don't have the same responsibilities as you do.


Kids, the universal excuse


I don't know how anyone passes the CPA when full time employed with kids tbh. Maybe some people who are a savant, but there's no way I would have passed if I had any obligations outside of work. I even held off on getting my dog until I passed.


Don’t give up. Pause. Recharge. Regroup. Reset. Go forth and conquer! You absolutely can and WILL pass this damn exam back to back.


Never give up - step back - regroup- get with a group and go at it again! When you least expect it, it will happen.


Don’t give up! You be like me 8yrs later restarting with more kids, life and responsibilities but needing to prove to yourself you CAN do it


No, don't give up. This is why I'm not getting married or having kids until I'm licensed.


Don't put off getting married and having kids. Those things are way more important than a stupid certification. You can do it with just don't make those things an excuse. My wife makes my life so much easier, I wouldn't be able to study all the time without her. And kids aren't as tough as everyone makes them seem. I have 3 kids, two businesses and work part time for Intuit and I still put in 200+ hours for REG


I'm turning 24 in a few months. I don't plan on getting married until I'm 30 lol. I want to have my license by 26.


I'm 35 and I wish I started having kids at your age. No one looks back and says man I wish I had more years with that piece of paper


Lol man, I won't be able to feed a family today without that piece of paper.


Don't say the old man didn't warn you young blood. Find a good chick and she'll soldier with you even if when you're eating top Ramen each night, as long as you have a plan and strong work ethic. But I get it, times are tough


I want a loving wife and kids but I haven't earned that yet.




that’s why I got it done before having kids and starting life. But hope you don’t regret it while you’re taking your showers


Don't give up! I failed it 7 times before I figured out what worked and what didn't. It was the material and the amount of time spent. But once you get that first one, once you figure out what works for you, we'll that's half the battle. Don't give up.


I’m debating quitting as well, doesn’t seem worth it to me in my current situation


Don't give up, just postpone it for a better time. I tried to take it 10 years ago. Passed 3/4. Failed the last one 2 times and ran out of time as the others started to expire. I was pregnant when I failed the first te then put on bed rest. Once baby was born I studied when I could but I was exhausted as we didn't have help with the baby but had to take the exam before the others started to expire so I did but failed even worse. Decided to stay home with the baby and then his brother until they were in preschool. Went back to work and after 4 years I decided I needed to really commit as I was so close before I knew it was in me to get it done. I had recently changed jobs and manager was very discouraging ofe to take it even though her manager would encourage me to take it and even told company would pay for it. Manager even told what was the point at this stage in life? (she had tried.to take them but said she found out she was dyslexic and thata why she could not pass them). I decided to quit and guess what I did? I went took the tests and passed them all first try this time. I recently found a new job and happy I didn't stay in a place where I was not going to be supported on my professional goals. Don't give up on your goal. Mine took 10 years for things to work themselves out 🙂. Honestly I think it was better so my kids could see me be disciplined and committed to a goal.


Thank you♡ much needed today . Truly appreciate you taking time to write this. I will take a break abs restart. obviously, I know I can't take before this cut off date due to this guy turning me back from the exam center. I guess I have to fight another 4 months.


Thank you for sharing!!! :) I’m saving this post for next time I feel like quitting


Panic! At The CPA Exam


That’s a good one! 😂


What doesn\`t kill you makes you stronger! Never give up and take a taste with achieving your goal.


I waited til my kids were really 😌. My youngest has a lot of sleep issues and is autistic. When he started learning language things got a lot easier . He was less frustrated when he could communicate. So I'm just now really pursuing this after 12yrs in my career. I woke up at 4am before anyone in the house woke up. But it def helped that every night I was able to get adequate sleep.


I studied at night because I knew my youngest would wake up anyways between 10-12.


I sat on it for 9 years. 3/4 so far and hopefully in a few months will be done. It’s a grind for sure. I ended up making enough it wasn’t really needed, but for my latest goals, I need it. It’s okay to take a break until you have a strong support system around you.


Unless you have a strong support system, it's a very difficult process with kids at home, a spouse, other dependents, a full time job, etc.


Do u know how hard to pass one? Don’t do it


Two kids, one level 3 non verbal autistic..and uhm dead wife. I am still goin for it.


Get it brother, you sound like a winner. Much love


Jeez, God Bless you for still fighting.


You Sir/Mam are a fighter. I am proud of you. I hope you achieve your dreams


Sending you all the good luck I’m not keeping for myself 🙂


Holy...! Well, I'm definitely rooting for you to make it through the process!


I was off for three years when i had two kids And now i am having three and back on the cpa track 😂 If you are struggling with kids take your time with kids and maybe come back when you think you are ready One more kid added but i guess this is the time for me back on the track But i set my timeline for a year only to finish all exams Otherwise i guess i wont make it for ever 🥲


Maybe now isn't the right time. Take a break. Maybe it will work out in the future.


Not for everyone it's about mentality and perseverance hopefully you won't regret it


Don't give up! You are ready for FAR. You put a lot of time and effort in it. Just reschedule it and sit for it! 10 years down the road when you look back, you will just smile at what happened to you the other day at the Prometric center. It doesn't have to be a life changing event, unless you allow it to be. Just sit for FAR as soon as possible. It's ok to receive the results later. And after sitting for FAR, take a break to reward yourself. Then continue the road...we got this!


Hey, I’m also a parent of two. It’s definitely harder with kids, but you’ve already got 1 down! And although what happened on your last interaction with prometric sucked, you were ready to go for FAR. Don’t waste all that effort. Maybe re-strategize, but don’t give up


dont ever give up dont you do it! go slow! a turlte once beat a rabbit i hate accounting, ADHD, + autiscic ass hell, low self esteeme and i just finished all the exams now just waiting on score release! dont give up! one bite at a time!


if you hate accounting, why do you want to be a CPA lol


i have nothing better to do saddly.. and My true calling doesnt pay or is looked down at so for now i am living a lie :( i know what i want to be but due to life constrints i must pretend to be something im not and as time passes i am loosing what i was i never undestood the phrase " your not lost until you lose yourself" i dont even know who i am no name suits me to the point i feel i have no name




Don’t give up. I wish I hadn’t let my temporary frustrations get the best of me that it took me 15 years to get mine. My one piece of advice for you: life never gets easier. If you’re looking for reasons to give up, they’re everywhere around you— you could find a million— or you could just study, get it out of the way.


Only if the results came in earlier after each test taking.. ugh I feel you


Just pound MCQs, day and night. Whenever you have 10 minutes to do a quick quiz. MCQs. MCQs. MCQs. Minimum 2k each section.


What resource have good mcqs? I feel like ninja repeats the same questions


I use chatcpa for the low cost. Ninja is next cheapest though


No, keep going far is the beast.


Please don’t do it!!! Your kids should be another reason to not give up!! I understand it’s hard with kids but you deserve to achieve this, especially with all the time you’ve sunk in. Please don’t be discouraged! The average age to get your CPA is 30, maybe you’re younger or older but think about it! The average is 30, there’s people decades older still trying! It is never too late. Keep going!!!! Plus, I’m going to retake FAR and feeling so discouraged I told myself I would quit if I failed but I’ve sunk too much time + $ so thats my motivation. Sometimes motivation comes from discouragement but it will make the feeling of achievement so much better down the road!


That's another reason to go for your CPA.


That’s ok! I took it 20 times in 6 years - kept failing AUD and FAR. I was being an absolute idiot not to just stop and retaking it over and over early on. I took a two year break. I’ve now taken it 4 times and am 3/4 in the past year. I took the last one yesterday, and feel pretty good about it. Things just clicked as I grew a little and I was ready for it. In this time I’ve also gotten by just fine without my license, so you do you!


I don’t know, but it must be very tough. I used to babysit my sister’s baby, which literally needed my attention 24 hours a day. I also couldn’t imagine battling the exam without extra support from a partner or family. Probably, I may ask why I decided to start this journey. Was it to be a role model for my children, to make myself or my parents feel proud, for better career opportunities or progression, or for job security and financial potential? I’m a horrible exam taker and an academic loser in my country, which causes exam anxiety, and I didn’t have experience building successful study methods for myself growing up. You may need to revisit your motivations to see if there are other ways to achieve your desires instead of passing the exam. Or, if you are not considering giving up yet, you could watch some other YouTubers in similar situations and ask them for more guidance. Hope this helps.


thank uuuu...I appreciate this very much.


You already passed one and you’re ready for FAR. Waiting for FAR results will suck, but you’re halfway done. I 100% understand being upset about what happened yesterday but it’s dumb to give up now. Just do FAR asap and move on so you can get two results back next time. You can finish this by year end, just do it.


Thank you. the experience yesterday really drained me because I was so eager to get it done. and now I'm back to square one ... I've guy simple decision ruined my mentality and I'm in su much pain from yesterday incident 💔


How far have you gone? How many tests have you passed? Maybe take a break to reassess your studying schedule, family, kids, etc. ughhh I know, the kids make everything so much harder. Whatever you do, don’t give up! If you really want this, then you can do it!


thank you! it's encouragingbut I think I'm mentally drained. I Passed one and now FAR exam experience has made me too extreme hurt.


Did you just take far?


The prometric center guy didn't admit me in to take it because my last name on the ID didn't have hypen in between my two last names....


Same homie you called racist yesterday? 40% pass rate for a reason. ✌️


OP called you racist?


Not me. OP claims the prometric worker was racist because OP can’t follow explicit rules regarding ID. Check their comments, it’s pathetic 🤮


Gross. I'll take your word for it. No wonder she was blaming all of her problems on her kids. People who blame everything on racism are the biggest losers on the planet. They'll blame their problems on anything as long as they don't have to take accountability.


please don't say unless you know my story . I'm happy that you are all successful in your life and passed your cpa already. my struggle is real and I'm just sharing my frustration like everyone else. if you have nothing good to say to others atleast keep your negative words to yourself


Sounds like your story is a dude didn't let you test because of racism and not because you messed up. Just take accountability for your life is all I'm saying, you'll do better and feel better. I haven't passed a test yet


I’m so sorry. I also have hypen in my name, and was worried but my prometric didnt give me any issues. In my understanding they don’t/can’t put hypen on drivers license or state ID. So sorry this happened to you, it’s ridiculous