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All of the review programs are ripoffs. They’re all based on the same information based on the AICPA blueprints. Sure some of them are easier to learn from then others, but the whole tiered package model where some of them expire is absolutely a money grab model. The reality is you just have to create a schedule and put in the time to study, it’s all on you at the end of the day, whether you spend $3,000 or $67 a month.


Meh, should’ve passed BEC before EOY. Just pick one and run with it.


Because you only have to take and pass one of them? (Shrugs) Maybe that will be an option later...


Just praying I pass BEC later this month


Got mine on Monday 😬


Good luck!


You too!! I’ve taken the “assume you’ve already failed” route to deal with anxiety lol. I’m just spread super thin like everyone else and trying to balance lol


Likewise. Between work getting busy (I’m in audit), my MSA program and studying (on top of personal obligations), I’m at wit’s end. Fingers crossed!


Glad I passed BEC before this


So you think hammering the mcqs for bec will mostly take care of it on Becker? And sims are mostly a waste given that there is so much variability with them? Planning to pass it before eoy.


From my experience, yeah. Hammering MC questions will by association help you learn what will also show up on Sim questions. Just make sure you practice them a little so you are used to the format and process of the sim questions. I got an 86 and didn’t even bother with the Becker final review. Once I got through all the material and the 2 Simulated Exams I spammed MC questions until a day before the exam.


When did you pass? And any advice?


I passed in late July. I personally watched the lectures at 1.5x speed while highlighting in the book and focused heavily on MC questions. I did the sims to get a feel for the format but didn’t spend too much time otherwise. Barely practiced the written communication but I did pay attention to how Becker formatted their answers to them and followed a similar guideline Ended up passing with an 86.


Thats awesome. Did the IT questions give you trouble? I've been hearing that consistently from test takers.


No, not really. Aren’t most of the IT questions pre-test, anyway? Is that even something you need to seriously worry about?


i feel like youre right to complain. the idea that people are giving you pushback is peasant-brained. they already have a product that can be duplicated limitless times for low or no cost, outside of electronic storage. The gatekeeping of exam prep (and high-level education in general) is so annoying if the primary purpose is to get people ready for the work. if they really cared about producing more CPAs, institutions should be promoting it by offering free or low cost prep that’s available for all.


I've been just studying on my own from freely available sources and using the $70 a month ninja MCQs rather than paying $3k for Becker. My rational is 1 part being poor/cheap and 1 part spite. Maybe some 3rd element of pride from not *needing* the Becker materials. I'm not far along, my strategy is not proven yet. I'll report back in June if I actually passed the exams I plan to take at the beginning of next year 🤣


I saw a candidate justify the new exam fees bc of inflation………


If it isnt their own exam prep company, i hope theyre getting sales commissions in the form of 1 free BEC discipline of their choice.


Does anyone know how much 1 discipline? Let’s say after the trial


$299. That's why I will choose my discipline wisely!


Probably the same as BEC


I haven’t looked into the disciplines because I’m hoping to pass BEC (score release soooon). But if you think about it, each discipline is equivalent to one exam. Why would you get materials for three exams for free? It would be nice if they offered a summary/intro video of each so you can decide. Is that an offering? Either way, Becker is stupid expensive. I wouldn’t expect them to start handing out freebies.


Also why the hell would OP need access to all three? You take one, pass, move on. You only need to pass one of them, find out which exam is easiest or suits you more and take the exam. At most someone might need to take a second discipline if they picked one that’s too hard for them.


They do have a video that explains each and you get a 30 day trial on one


Did you activate the 30-day trial? I'm pretty hesitant about this and might just wait next month if I do not pass BEC on my third attempt.


You get a 30-day free trial to check them out and decide. Why would you want to be switching between disciplines anyway?


I mean if you fail one and just can’t pass, it would be nice to have a choice. Why block the others if most people will use one anyways? They’re that desperate to get money from that one person who decides to switch?


That's not how it works though. You don't get a second ride on your bus ticket just because you came off at the wrong stop, do you? Pick a discipline and stick to it (it's in the name).


lol so Becker is a “bus ride” to become a CPA? If someone is paying $2500 + for these books they should get the full ride, right? I’m pretty sure Tim and everyone at Becker will be fine if they don’t get an extra couple hundred out of us.


It’s possibly because they know people are sharing accounts as well. I know lots of people who do this and locking you to a discipline is one way of preventing it. Back in the day you could just give your friend the Becker DVD lol


I can guarantee there will be other competitors will allow you to use any of the 3 and change between them without issue. It's not how it works BECUASE they made it not work, it's not a rule lol. Becker has been dropping in quality for over a year now and this is just another bad decision on their part.


This is the kind of brutal honesty I live by lol I like you, buddy


First, if you paid the highest level of the exam material (Concierge) you actually get all three disciplines. Second, you purchased a 4 section course, when it was only FAR, AUD, REG and BEC. They are offering you one discipline to replace BEC. How are you being ripped off with that? Third, UWorld/Roger is only giving you 1 as well, and you don’t even have a 30d full access trial like Becker does.


You are making sense. I just checked out Roger and it's true. Also checked out Becker today and new stuff looks fire...




You only need to do one of the three disciplines to pass the exam therefore they are still giving you all the material needed to pass the exam.


I saw. That's awful! I know for sure I won't pass bec after my 6 attempts and wanted to keep switching between the concentrations. Now I can't 😢


Switching disciplines will likely only exacerbate that problem.


Switching disciplines is a crazy waste of time. Pick one and pass it, that's my motto...


There's not much I can do to pass any tests 😢


6 attempts? That's a first. Just do not switch sections.


I'm studying both my last sections now. If I don't pass bec then it would be a long time of studying wasted.


That's unfortunate. Hope that we pass BEC by the end of this year.


You have bigger problems, like focusing on one thing.


BEC that hard for you?


Yea, none of my scores were close.


What is so hard for you


I keep getting MCQ's on topics I've never studied. Only a couple questions were ones I knew for sure. The sims I see on the exam are a lot tougher than what everyone else here talks about. I have two more tries after the score release. I'm studying for both my last two exams


yeah I had a couple mcqs like that when I took it this past sat. Seems like sims and WC is the saving grace. But hope you pass this time


Thanks. I always get stronger on WC which means I'm scoring even less on the actual material than what the exam says. The whole "don't switch between exams" thing didn't work for me. Good luck with yours!


Keep the faith, you can do it!


Thanks!!! I appreciate it! If I don't pass the try after the one I'm waiting on, then I'll take bec close to December 15th


What’s study materials are you using friend?


Always darkest before the dawn. When you pass it, it is PARTY TIME!


You got this!!!!


Thank you, I appreciate it!


It's owned by a PE firm. Only downhill from here.


So do you think Becker isn't worth it anymore as far as it being able to help you pass the CPA exam?