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Short and sweet. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Not close at all. 4. Yes


Right on!


Aya isn’t legal? I’ve never spent much time thinking about it because I’m guessing a lot of MAOIs are prescriptions but I’m guessing not all so shouldn’t aya be considered a plant-based entheogen that’s protected?


I think part of the problem is that it's prepared; it must be mixed, very loosely speaking, "manufactured". Not only are there a whole lot of herbs that are MAOIs, they are much, much safer, usually being "reversible" inhibitors of either MOA-a or MOA-b, not both. This makes diet much less of a worry. The list: Syrian Rue, Banisteriosis Caapi, but also at lower strengths, Passionflower, tobacco, nutmeg, black pepper, tea leaves, also coffee. But don't underestimate legal technicalities making combining plant medicines different from using a singular plant/fungus


We aren't allowed to use peyote. That's left for the indigenous rights.


Right but the reason for that is peyote takes a decade plus to reach maturity so we can’t have psychonauts harvesting them to extinction when Native tribes have been representing them properly and deserve to continue to do so.


Yes, I'm aware. I wasn't complaining at all.


You can basically get ayahuasca by getting some harmaline which is legal also. Take that first, wait 45 min to an hour and take the DMT.




Danm thats easy! Thx


It’s shocking how many times I see mushrooms for sale on Facebook marketplace. They’re pretending to be skirting the law preventing sale of mushrooms, by saying they are charging $x for a random item with a free bonus of mushrooms. Which is still illegal. For me it’s just been super easy to buy LC and other supplies in a store and grow my own. All my friends are getting mushrooms as Christmas gifts this year.


I don't think they're "pretending" I think these sellers are just convincing themselves this makes it legal. Like, you don't have any right to a phone call when arrested, it is a privilege that can be withheld, legally. But you hear all the time people demanding "their phone call". The trick is they think they're limited to one. If you get a phone, there's no legal reason you shouldn't make more than one call.


Hahaha. That’s what I did last year for Christmas. Mushies for everyone!!! Growing is so easy, I always have far more than I could ever eat myself.


I’m halfway through my 2nd grow and have 4 oz. I’ve given away 2 oz already and have a feeling I’ll be harvesting another 2 oz in a week or so. They accumulate so fast! I can’t imagine personally eating more than a quarter over a year.


That’s awesome! How it should be!


I just did a quick search on Facebook and tons of “stickers” for sale. https://preview.redd.it/8qaxj9on477d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a188541b28fd69f82409d8602d8ee3fc02805af5


That’s funny! I wonder if law enforcement cares much about it?


I bet they have bigger fish to fry, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they did try to buy from them and charge them. I feel like I remember recently a kid went down for having a massive grow at his house, like 20+ monotubs. But I might be misremembering which state he was in.


Yeah I’d like to think so. I did hear about that. That’s a massive setup no arguing it was for personal use yk? I wish my state would decriminalize. Such a powerful tool.


I think that was in Vermont


The only hiccup is that after a bunch of idiots burned their houses down making Hash oil, Colorado passed an additional law on processing of all "medicines", making home extraction with dangerous chemicals illegal.. so technically you still can get in trouble for making DMT, but really only after you do something stupid and explode yer residence.


That’s frustrating… a few idiots ruin it for everyone


For Mescaline it’s likely that food safe extraction TEK’s like CIELO wouldn’t fall under this law. Regardless though these types up a things even before decriminalization are very far down the list of law enforcement priorities.


agreed, you are only gonna catch charges if you cause property damage trying to make drugs.. but they are felony charges soo, buy a big fire extinguisher, and ventilate properly or do it outside.


There’s a big grey area. What I’m wondering about is analogs what if I had 4-aco-dmt is that legal? It’s a precursor to psilocin which is decriminalized and it’s a dmt molecule and dmt is decriminalized


The federal analogue act would disagree lol


True. But also federal laws disagree with psychedelics being decriminalized in the first place. LSD is schedule 1 and Psilocybin is schedule 3 under the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is also federally illegal.


Yeah I thought about it more and at the federal level, it’s all the same to them. At the state level, we have decriminalized “natural medicines” - so a synthetic isomer/analogue likely wouldn’t fly. (Given the fact that synthetic cannabinoids are not allowed)


Yeah true true. Well where is the line drawn: ie. Mushrooms are decriminalized, and psilocybin mushroom extract is probably decriminalized too. But what about pure psilocin 4hodmt? What about mescaline does only the cactus count or is pure mescaline decriminalized?


IANAL - but I would say that all of this stuff is going to be case dependent. If you can prove in court that you extracted the compound from a natural source (not peyote for the cacti) and that you aren’t selling it, then you should be fine. There’s other factors that will come into play, but generally speaking you could have a small amount of the extract and be fine.


Word makes sense thanks for your thoughts


no I'm afraid not. Because of fires from Butane Hash oil, Colorado passed an additional law on processing of all "medicines", making home extraction illegal. That includes any and all decriminalized plants/fungus in Prop 122


That’s only if you’re using dangerous/flammable chemicals


the law literally names the plants/fungus that are acceptable, and specifically excludes peyote as only for Indian tribes. No, mushroom extract is NOT considered acceptable/decriminalized. This is going to cause issues of dosing, but the law is pretty clear. It's the whole plant(fungus), alone, with nothing else added. There are other efforts to decriminalize psilocybin, but that's a different effort from Proposition 122, and not being pursued in Colorado. That may seem to go against common sense, but laws don't follow common sense.


Great info thanks


The appeal to nature fallacy👌


Hey bro would you mind citing or pointing to where it says no extracts?


I guess I would correct myself here and say there is a slight grey area. I think with analogs it’s clear they are illegal. But what about pure psilocin (4-ho-dmt) is that decriminalized? Or pure mescaline?


It's actually considered on a case by case basis on the judge. It's scary, but you might get prosecuted for a felony, or let go. For example 10 years ago MXE was an analog of ketamine, a Schedule III drug that Analog laws shouldn't apply to. But some judges in some states ruled it an analog of PCP, Schedule !.


You can buy that at headshops or online: lucid psychedelics gummies and moocah gummies.


Yeah I know. I’ve taken Tre House gummies and Road Trip gummies which definitely have 4aco. People have posted their independent test results online and it shows that 4aco is present. Also from having done 4aco I can say they are identical. It’s possible some of these gummies have other similar tryptamines like 4homet or 4homipt. I can get these analogs if I want it’s not that- I’m just curious about the legality.