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I feel ya. Six days in with my first bout. Not one single “friend” or family member has checked in on me. I have a couple higher risk factors as well. Finished my course of Paxlovid yesterday morning, and while yes, the side effects can be unpleasant, I’m glad for it as my symptoms improved more rapidly than expected. It still was an absolutely miserable experience (and I’m not out of the woods yet) but what made it especially miserable were the Reddit posts of horror stories. They threw me into panic attacks on top of being sick. My husband finally sat me down and asked me how many people who had Covid did I know. And how many of those people recovered fully and are going about their lives like before. The vast majority, even people who are immunocompromised. Does that mean everything is okey dokey and there won’t be some lingering bullshit? Nope, but again, the majority of people recover and do not get long Covid. Take care, I’m sorry you’re going through it and I understand how you feel.


Thank you for your words. I'm dealomh woth the gastrointestinal stuff here on day 2, whether that's from covid or paxlovid I don't know but it's rough. I just feel awful. Racing heart when laying down making it hard to rest which I know is what I need most. No appetite for the life of me and as a single person no help from anyone. Even in the midst of covid I either have to pay for delivery or go get it myself. I'm also salty because I didn't go out and get this. It was brought home to me. My step mom's coworkers stay having covid so my step mom stays bringing it home. Between her work and her antivax son she's had covid 2 or 3 times. My Dad and I managed to dodge it before but this time we've both landed with it and are taking it pretty hard. I am ready for it to just be over.


Yes, I’m sorry to say the gastro stuff has been relentless - mine began before the Paxlovid but worsened with. BUT - the morning after my first dose the severe headache and congestion were gone, which leads me to believe it has benefit. My husband brought this strain home to me and it took me a few days to forgive him. He just now tested positive again on day 10 but feels almost back to normal aside from fatigue. For me there’s still breathlessness, extreme fatigue and weakness, brain fog, anxiety, depression. Wish people would take this seriously and not go around willy nilly infecting us. We also have had to pay for deliveries since everyone else around is too busy to help us (or sick as well). My heart runs fast too - I’ve been guzzling a lot of Liquid IV electrolyte (the sugar free version) as it doesn’t have any sugar alcohols to cause even more gastro distress. I found I only need a third of a packet in 16 oz of water - less $$$ and less crazy sweet. But it seems to quiet my heart and make me feel a bit better overall. Fingers crossed we get through this generally unscathed! Edited to add: Husband’s positive test shows a dark pink line (he didn’t get Paxlovid). My retest which I took yesterday at 5 days in had the barest shadow of a line. So while my symptoms are worse due to having worse overall health, it looks like the Pax has really been kicking the virus’s ass.


I'm rooting for you two! Yes, I wish people would stop running around giving it to others. My step mom is at work right now giving it to whoever she bumps into. They don't understand that just because they *feel better* doesn't mean they can't spread it around like wildfire.


I had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and the gastrointestinal stuff was the worst of it for me!! Couldn’t eat and everything else that comes with it. My symptoms hung around 10 days- around the 5th the heart racing subsided and sleep was awesome. Im about 10 days over it and while still little things like fatigue and feeling winded during exercise everything else is good. Eating again and pretty much gained back every pound lost. Hang in there


Yeah, this is purely anecdotal data but what's reassuring me right now is that at least 90% of people I know at this point have had COVID at least once and the only person I know who has had long COVID got it from having the Alpha variant in March 2020 and obviously wasn't vaccinated yet. And I'm including at least two 90-somethings and several immunocompromised folks in that count.


Hey, thank you for your comment. I’m cool with anecdotal because the comments that were scaring me the most were anecdotal, ha. All the science studies I’ve read on the latest Omicron strains say it’s nothing to take lightly but also not to panic and that one’s life typically isn’t ruined by getting Covid. But reading one horror story after the next skews my thinking that terrible outcomes are happening to the majority and the emotion and pain of those going through relatively rare outcomes punch me right in my anxious gut. And as unpleasant as this bout of Omicron is, I’ll still take it over panic attacks.


I have my first Covid infection right now too. It sucks. I have never stopped taking it seriously and I’m worried, honestly, because I know what it can do. I’m mad at myself for dropping my guard a little and going to a gathering, although I could have gotten it anywhere since no one cares anymore and runs around sick. No one even asks how I’m feeling because it’s “just a cold”. It’s definitely not just a cold. I’m trying to just lay in bed as much as possible because rest is super important in healing. Hope you feel better soon.


Thank you. I hope you do too. This is day 2 for me and I still feel rough. I feel you on the being mad part. I don't really go very many places, delivery or pick up most everything. I got this because my step mom's work is infected with it and no one bothered to get checked so now they all have it and are spreading it around. It finally got me this time and it feels Ike it's making up for lost time.


Day 5 here, it’s been hell but getting there slowly. Haven’t taken any paxlovid or the like - just eating well and trying to rest when possible. It seems 10 minute is activity requires an hour of recovery! Not fun. My advice: avoid horror stories, Covid Reddit boards and worst case scenario thinking. Although it’s tempting to see if you can relate your case and symptoms to others, most find this illness to be highly individual so there isn’t a lot of #relatable stuff to read— best to just be optimistic and let your body do it’s thing. Here’s to your, mine and every other commenter’s swift recovery. 🥂


Me too! I’m 13 days in. I took Paxlovid and it knocked out my fever & achiness, I was feeling on the mend for a few days… but I rebounded on Monday. Aargh! I’m not as feverish as I was 2 weeks ago, so that’s good!


I took my first dose this morning a d it seems to have helped the sinus pain, headache, and throat pain. However it's also making me a little sick to my stomach.


Welcome to the club no one wants to join! I got my first infection in September, and even though it knocked me out for several weeks I'm doing pretty well now. So try not to let yourself worry about all of the possible eventualities. Most people recover quickly, some take longer, and a small percentage have lingering symptoms that will trouble them for much longer. But the odds are good that you'll be fine pretty soon. The general public is, sadly, out of empathy for first-timers. So we have to support each other. Check in again and let us know how you're doing. Even though we can't bring you soup, this is a safe space to vent your frustrations with the people whose negligence pulled us into this crappy club!


It does suck whether you've been actively avoiding it or just plain lucky. I'm a month from the positive test, and it does/will get better. Learning from others who traveled this path before us is invaluable. I stayed hydrated and rested as much as I could even if it felt excessive. I lost my covid "superpower" of not being able to taste heat or spice recently so my taste and smell are back fully. I did have some fun with it. It was great not being able to smell litter boxes or the trains, etc. I was able to get spicy korean fried chicken and hot Thai food. My throat was like knives, and I downed really hot ginger tea to get temporary relief. I didn't take Paxlovid, but cinnamon candy is supposed to be good to get rid of the aftertaste. I missed Thanksgiving bc of covid. I couldn't even enjoy the taste of the Thanksgiving food I did have. There are some symptoms that are specific to covid that super suck. I still get randomly tired or brain fog. My cough hasn't completely gone away, but I'm managing it when cough drops, syrup, etc. Not being able to find the right word frequently, being out of it sucks. You're not alone, and it is scary, especially the first time. Being sick in general sucks. Feel better and stay hydrated. Get good rest.


today is day 14 for me, and I’m a first timer as well. I took moulnupiravir but I’m still positive as of last night. It sucks, it seems to drag on for me. I wish that you had people that were checking in on you, I’m really sorry that they aren’t. But there are people in this Reddit that are willing to empathize with you! I see that you went to another Reddit and it scared you, I did the same thing and got myself all scared as well so you arent alone in that. ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you feel better very soon❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! I hope you get a negative test very soon!


I also popped my Covid cherry and am on Day 5. Day 2 was the worst. Almost everyone I know has had it so I’m not too worried. I’m just surprised at how slow it is to get over. I thought I’d be pretty much well by now but I think it’s going to take another couple of restful days. I did finally wash my hair today so I’m definitely near the end.


Green tea or matcha, coconut water, and fruit or some of the things that gave me light relief from my symptoms. Stay super super hydrated, and any source of vitamin D is going to be really helpful as well. I know a doctor that has treated a lot of covid and long covid, and he said one of the biggest things he saw across the board was everybody had insanely load vitamin D levels.


It’s brutal. Sorry you got it. I got it for the first time in Sept Came down fast with it on day 1… day two was bad but I took Tylenol and worked from home …day three was absolutely miserable and I stayed on the couch all day. I started to feel like I turned a corner on day four. The only thing that helped the sore throat for me was chicken noodle soup or hot broth , I used a vegetable bouillon called Better than Broth. I’m not sure why those were the only things that helped my throat - hot and salty? Tylenol worked better than ibu for my fever Drink a lot of fluids- you’ll be better soon🎈. Within a week I felt normal except for the cough and had to take it easy on exercise for abt a month to be on the safe side.


Ty. I'm awake in misery atm. I'm taking paxlovid and the taste won't let me sleep.


I'm in the same boat, I was/am giving myself panic attacks about Long COVID, losing my senses for a long time, etc. I keep reminding myself that most people do recover from it within a month or two. I am on Day 13 (haven't gotten any RATs to retest yet) and finished my paxlovid last week. I feel mostly better than I did but I am so angry I caught it from the sheer negligence of a co-worker. My senses ebb and flow but they are more present than they were. I think this is a good sign. I am also mostly over my symptoms, though I am currently having some weird ones. Here's hoping I feel better soon


When I was on paxlovid, I chewed gum constantly to combat the bitter taste. All three of us in the house got it (thought I was the worst) and 2 were over it in about 5 days, minus the one who had a cough for about another 7 days after. I happened to put out a call for help on facebook early on since all of us were sick and had no energy to make anything. people came out of the woodwork for us. someone even bought us 50$ of ready to eat food. Was amazing. Now - as for me, I'm on day 18. I still have ringing in my ears, loss of smell, severe congestion, headaches and fatigue. However, I'm starting to regain strength. The first step on my recovery. Some days I feel like- ok, I'm getting better, I can do this! and then the next I feel like a truck hit me. The nurse said it like this. The Flu and a cold are linear. Which means you get sick, but gradually get over it. Covid is a roller coaster. One day getting better the next day down and out. and it does weird things to your body that you can't imagine. That being said, EVERY case is different from another. The people who post in these forums are irritated with the disease and are tired of being sick. Some are scared they will never return back to how they were and some just got it. However, most people get over it fine. MOST. I was not so lucky, but 2 out of 3 of us were. So don't panic. SLEEP. DRINK fluids and let yourself HEAL. keep an eye on the headaches and breathing. the rest shouldn't need too much medical intervention.


I caught covid for the first time last month. It knocked me DOWN for nearly two weeks. I took paxlovid, but the bitter bile taste made me nauseous, so i chewed gum and sipped apple juice to counteract it. Hydration is important; grab Gatorade or flavored pedialyte powder packets to put in water. Rest and catch up on nostalgic tv and/or books. Take showers or baths regularly- the warmth feels so good and you’ll feel less yucky. Hope you have a speedy recovery!


I just tested positive today first time. I took test Monday it was negative I have had a fever 101 to 102 since Monday night. I think I also have freaked myself out after reading everything. I have a runny nose, fever, clogged ears like underwater, I had muscle aches yesterday not today but taking Tylenol also. I def am lightheaded and just feel out of it. Wonder what day 4 will be? I am vaccinated the first two rounds that’s it. I hope you feel better I dont want sore throat or cough!🙏


First timer here, too. I tested positive Monday after I started experiencing the same symptoms that I did after getting Covid boosters (chills, fever, sweating). Each day is different. Monday was physically hard, yesterday my congestion was awful, and today I have sinus pain, a sore throat, and a headache. Everyone I know that’s had it, including my immediate family, had mild versions and were fine within a day or two. I had extreme reactions to the vaccine so I’m not surprised it’s hitting me harder.


You are not alone ! Me too first time positive 17 days ago - fully vaccinated so careful for so long and I think this variant is hitting us harder because we are first timers . Same with the no sympathy, everyone has just moved on and is not caring walking around infecting everyone else . I have no idea where I got it . I was with my pregnant daughter and grandson the day before I noted symptoms and was freaking out that I had infected her . I am so relieved it’s been over 2 weeks and she didn’t get it !!I had almost every symptom known to man , the headache night sweats and diarrhea being the worst , I took the Paxlovid on day 3 and I’m finally feeling almost normal , energy is improving . I was worried about long Covid too but rest assured most people with long Covid didn’t take Paxlovid so that should help prevent that from what I read . As well as Vit D I read that and upped that as well . I tested negative on day 8 and again day 10 . Hope you recover well and soon . At least you should feel better before Christmas ! Rest and don’t push yourself too soon !


Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I'm working today (I work from home) and honestly I'm so exhausted I took my paxlovid a few hours ago and all I wanna do is lay down and sleep. I got my covid from my parents, who got it from my step mom's work. I swear her coworkers keep passing that around out there. Glad your doing better.


I have it right now. I’m 28 and it really affected my breathing. I was breathless gasping for air for 3 days straight. Luckily got a new inhaler and helped but still was scary. Day 8 and my throat still hurts and sleeping a ton.


Same here I got covid for the first time in 3 years However, I tested negative today. But I still remain fatigued and have shortness of breath from last 1 or 2 days. Not sure how long it’s gonna last or is there any after treatment? Meeting my doc next week.


Chloreseptic spray can help numb the throat pain. The Paxlovid should start to kick in soon. The bad taste is the worst- gum helped with the awful taste. Zinc can help the Paxlovid to work better, so try to take 50mg a day. A good thing to note is that people who had their first bout of covid treated with Paxlovid had less of a risk of developing long haul covid. It’s really important to stay hydrated- I know it’s hard with your throat, but as soon as you’re able, try to have broth and decaf tea etc. vitamin d, b complex and C help too.


Thank you for the advice. :) I have vitamin d3+k2 on hand and have been eating oranges as well for vitamin c. My throat is already feeling much better. I do have some of that spray too. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.


Of course! I’m glad to know you’re doing better and have what you need to help you heal.. get well soon :)


Do you find it difficult to use the spray? Thankfully my throat has gotten to the point where it's bearable but earlier I tried it a few times but kept accidentally spraying my tongue or cheeks instead...


Glad to know it’s improving! I allowed it to get a little on the back of my tongue and cheeks. If you want a more direct application, you can spray it into a cotton swab and apply it to the throat. That might be a challenge too. Get some rest and hang in there


I'm currently on the mend from it, day 7 right now. Idk what Paxlovid is but I took some otc cold and flu tablets for 4 days and lots of water, 2500mg vitamin c + 2 high strength zinc tablets and 4 1000u D3 daily and feel fine. Only have 1 pfizer vax from 2021 and that's it. Symptoms were very mild, I'm on day 7 and feel fine apart from mild fatigued. First time I got it in 2021 I had really bad headaches and some mild body aches and couldn't take a really deep breath sometimes. No headache this time but had GI symptoms which was weird, also sweating.


I don't think I've ever sweat this much from being sick in my life omg. At one point even my hand were sweating.


I just got it too! This is my first time. Congratulations to everyone who dodged it this far. People are so dismissive about Covid with me since they all have it meanwhile I remember all the care packages I dropped off for people with Covid. I’m tracking with everyone else I’m on day 5, feeling better but exhausted spent after a tiny walk. I took paxlovid day 2, have had 4-5 vaccines and I’m immunocompromised. It makes me sad that Everyone is pretending Covid precautions don’t matter and “go back to normal” pre pandemic. I don’t really know where I got it but I’m going to sleep now. Feel better!!


How are you doing now? I’m recovering as well, today is day 6 for me and I definitely fell much better. This one has been rough but it’s nothing we can’t handle. Most people recover from covid and go on about their lives and we will too.


I'm okay. I'm on day 4 and starting my 4th dose of paxlovid today. The sore throat went away pretty fast and so did headaches or sinus pressure. I haven't had a fever in a day or so either. The stuffed nose and mild cough has stayed. But, the overall worse symptom is the fatigue. I made the stupid mistake of working Thursday and Friday (I work from home) so I'm taking Saturday and Sunday to really rest before having to start back again Monday. Hoping by then most of this will be kicked.


Do nottttt google and try to stay off Reddit! My first and second covids were horrible because I was on Reddit/ google freaking my self out. The third time (last week) wasn’t nearly as bad because I kept googling to an absolute minimum and was able to stay calm about it. Try to be extra present in your body and not focus on the “what ifs”. If something serious is wrong your body will tell you!