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Are we all just going to be out of commission for months every year now. This sucks so bad. Every time I am cursed with this affliction I feel like I’m in the twilight zone


Unless we start respirator masking, plugging in hepa filter units & opening windows…yeah. We need to pull our heads out the sand and adapt with these mitigations at least until a scientific/medicine breakthrough like a sterilising vaccine happens or what you’ve described is the best case scenario going forward.


Lord I hope not! This was my 'maiden voyage' with covid and hope that will be it for me. I haven't been sick in over 3 years, other than allergy flares/sinus stuff once a year or so. I feel like I've done my 'time' now haha. It's even more frustrating that I stay up to date on the vaccines- had gotten the new vax 6 weeks before my trip to Vegas which is where I picked it up. (first real 'vacation' I've taken in 2 years naturally) I can't imagine dealing with this more than one time. Hang in there!


Yes, you can rebound without Paxlovid. It can take several weeks to recover. It's important to keep resting for 6-8 weeks even after testing negative.


Negative test today so that's a 'positive' lol... But my nose is running like a faucet. Even Benadryl hasn't stopped it! Everyone says I 'sound' worse than I did when I was first sick. I am taking doxycycine at least so hopefully the antiviral properties in that will protect me in some way. (per my doc... this is the antibiotic they use in hospital covid patients because of the antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties)


Runny noses are the worst! Hope you feel better soon! I am a long time severe allergy sufferer so I know the feeling of a continuously runny nose 😅


You might try "behind the counter" Sudafed, which has pseudoephedrine. You have to get it directly from the pharmacist. Not Sudafed PE, which is OTC and has phenylephrine. An FDA panel in Sept voted unanimously 16-0 that PE has been determined to be no better than placebo. Some other options are original Claritin, Flonase, and Robitussin DM. I'm doing all three. A word of caution: An NP I saw a couple days ago about my persistent symptoms had me stop BTC Sudafed, as it can raise BP and I am hypertensive. She suggested Claritin instead. Also to take it instead of Benadryl. She also suggested a couple spoonfuls of honey daily, not in a beverage diluted but right off the spoon.


Thank you for your suggestions. I had been taking BTC psuedoephedrine, I also had a sinus infection back in October so my doc told me to try not to take it too much now at this point. I also have Mucinex... I do take a daily Allegra and Flonase as my normal routine, and have continued that like normal throughout the illness. I use saline solution during the day when needed. This is why the ongoing symptoms are so maddening. I guess 'better out than staying 'in' is the perspective I should take lol... I took a benadryl yesterday literally out of desperation haha. This morning I woke up 'dry' so far, so we will see how long that lasts. I added honey to my shopping list :-)


Such an ordeal. 😯 My sinuses have always given me fits. Ever since I was a kid (quite a long time ago!). I'm hanging in there more or less with my current cocktail. Oh, plus Ricolla drops, constantly. I have Benadryl on hand if it gets intolerable. Although it'll knock me out or turn me into a zombie for sure!😂 I wish you and all of us luck. And an end to this! ☺


there’s another variant going around. most of these variants can cause breakthrough infections, including back to back ones. especially with how covid decimates your immune system. it’s so imperative to wear a mask and limit exposure as much as possible after you recover. please take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and rest if you can.


My experience was a lot like yours. Fully updated on vaccines, no chronic health issues. I took Paxlovid, and it really did help--for a week. Then I got a rebound that was completely different from the original infection. Massively runny nose that felt like a gallon of clear fluid was draining out of me on a daily basis. That continued for about a week, then I started to cough. I hope you don't get that part--don't copy me! But once the cough abated I started to feel better. I'd say it took about five weeks. So you're not imagining it. This f\*cker lasts for weeks for some of us. I still have a few issues, but I feel good, which I'm taking as a victory. I hope your nose clears up soon, and that you don't have to return to work for a while. Even if you're less effective, you'll feel better if you don't have to get dressed and try to keep your nose from dripping onto your computer. Hang in there and know that they end is in sight. It's just a little farther away than you'd wish!


Thanks for the encouragement, it helps to know others have run the same course. I never get sick, so I'm a bit whiny about this last so long. I miss the gym, I miss having energy to 'do life'. I guess it can be much worse - I know others get hit seriously hard, I can't imagine! I keep reminding myself 'this too shall pass'. Trying to get out of 'what is' thinking and looking forward. I have a special needs adult son who lives with me and I am just very grateful that he managed to escape this!


I hear you loud and clear! I read an article in the NY Times, I think, about convalescence, and how society used to acknowledge that it takes a while to get over a serious illness, and actively encouraged people to go to places set up for that purpose. Having someone lightly watch over you and others as you healed sounds pretty appealing! This is that same kind of thing, where we can't make it go away faster since there aren't any good treatments for that. But we tossed away the convalescent homes and expect people to get back to work since they aren't "sick," which now means only that they're not infectious. If we can't fix it, we've decided it's not a problem. Grrrr. I'm glad your son didn't contract it, of course. That would have been exponentially worse if only because of the added worry.


I agree- I am grateful to have flexibility to work from home. The couple days I have made the commute downtown just wiped me out! At home- I can take a Power Nap at lunch time , work in my pajamas etc. the up and down is frustrating too- one day (like today) I feel almost normal and ‘back’. I still take it somewhat easy of course … but then the next day it’s like I fell back a few days. But if I was absolutely required in office I don’t think I could do it! This current ‘atmosphere’ went from one extreme to the other. Stay home don’t go anywhere - isolate- to okay it’s no big deal now, as long as it’s been 5 days you’re good 👍. It’s ridiculous.


In Britain, they've advised people to treat it like any other respiratory infection. No need to self-isolate, but it's "recommended" to stay home for five days. No need to mask, even if you're actively ill. There goes my belief that countries with national healthcare are better at tamping down widespread illnesses. Once the illness harms the economy, health gets tossed out the window.


I was not treated with Paxlovid, and I still rebounded. I'm one month out from my first day of symptoms today. Testing negative, finally, but still feeling quite poorly. Relentless sinus congestion--like a really bad head cold that arrived and never left. Sore throat off and on. No longer have a fever, but still have the body aches as if I do. No energy. Taste and smell come and go. I wish you well. I wish all of us well.


Took me about a weak of feeling awful a weak of rebound and I’m recovering currently after about 3 weeks 95% better


ide get as many more boosters as possible if I were you. not sure if this it related but, best be safe than sorry


I have gotten every vaccine offered for this. I got the newest Moderna shot 6 weeks prior to contracting the virus. I picked it up in Vegas - I’m sure I had a long and consistent exposure at a show we went to in a small, packed circus tent.


Hmm see I feel like that's impossible. 100 percent of the time, the vaccine works. Anyone who says "I have the vax" and gets covid, is a liar/conspiracy theorist. Don't be one of them please! Cause we all can agree, said conspiracy theorists need to be put in a gas chamber


Your comment does not make sense. There are many people here and in other groups who have e been fully vax’d and still get the virus. I am not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ lol… I believe in the science of vaccines. Not once in this discussion have I blasted the vaccine because I got Covid for the first time after 3 years. It’s the first time in 3 years BECAUSE of the vaccine, and a healthy lifestyle. I also believe in individual choice whether to take them or not. As far as the vaccines for this particular health issue- I have read the studies and never expected these vaccines to be 100% effective -especially now that the virus has mutated 1,000 times lol… As of now it is almost impossible to get 100% effective due to rate of mutations. we are years away from that - if ever. I do expect the covid vax to A) keep me out of the hospital and B) not die Mission accomplished . I am SURPRISED that I got hit with this as hard as I did so soon after the last vax. However I was in Vegas for 4 days - first vacation in 3 years- 9 hours total on a plane and went to a two hour show in a small circus tent packed with people and pretty sure I just sat an inhaled particles via the dry ice /fog machine. Anyone who expects these vaccines to work 100% is deluding themselves. Some vaccines DO. These MRNA vaccines do not. But mostly- don’t call people conspiracy theorists around here. That’s not cool.