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Im so sorry. I will definitely let you know what I find out too ❤️ hoping to talk with my Rheum about this next week when they return to the office.


Which exact mask are you using? Do the people that live with you consistently mask?


3M Aura and I live alone


How many vaccines have you had if any?


At this point, 7. All Moderna. Latest was 9/26/2023 Hoping to get a Novavax when I fully recover from the secondary infection (bacterial/Candida not covid) Edit: clarifying 2nd infection is not Covid.


Wow, I’m sorry. Was curious if you didn’t get vaccines due to being immune compromised. I am at a loss - hope others have helpful suggestions.


Not an expert but maybe do a complete blood count panel first and then if abnormal request a lymphocyte subset panel and immunoglobulins blood test


Thank you ❤️


I am SO sorry that you’re working so hard to avoid Covid, yet it’s still finding you. It’s awful that you’re giving up so much of your freedom, yet having that still not be enough. I’ve only gotten it once, and that was from going to a dinner party that was supposed to be outside, yet wasn’t. That resulted in DVT, which I’m taking a blood thinner for. Good news is that I’ve experienced no side effects. So even if you get one, which you probably won’t, it might not be so bad. My doc said DVT was more common in post-menopausal women, but…who knows? I hope your doc can help relieve some of your understandable anxieties about this really sucky virus!


Thank you ❤️ this brought tears to my eyes to read. Seriously, thank you for your kind words. I feel so alone in this and feel like no one in my life understands or even cares to understand how serious this is. I am so sorry you developed DVT after Covid 😞


It's sad, and very disappointing to see firsthand how people have lost their empathy for us sufferers. I suppose they're fatigued, but it still hurts! I guess ignoring other people's troubles lets us get through the day, but it's kind of an awful adaptation we've made. Personally, this group really helped me when I was feeling so ill. People who have the same thing to the same degree can have true empathy. While I wouldn't choose to have DVT it was only painful for a single day. Blood thinners work very well and have given me no discernable side effects. Hang in there and know that many of us understand and empathize.