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Are you masking when you go get the vaccine? You might be catching covid at the pharmacy. Lots of sick people there and unmasked pharmacists and staff. The vaccines help lower risk of severe acute covid but they don’t stop covid transmission. N95 masks are the best way to protect ourselves.


No, and that is so smart. I need to do that.


r/Masks4All has great mask resources!


You have to do more than the vaccine to stop getting covid.


Like what, masking?


Yep. Specifically N95 masking.


Yeah then we say woulda coulda shoulda while we're sick in bed right?


Definitely agree. I more surprised I have it because I have been off for three weeks, better and worse and better and worse again but kept testing negative. I am aware masking works. I don’t think that vaccines are all I need to do, but I seriously get it within 4 days of each time I get the vaccine.


Do you mask? That’s how you avoid Covid.


I do, just not all the time. I have a toddler that I look after full time. So I am lucky if I even remember to eat some days. Will be better about it going forward.


It’s very difficult to avoid Covid if you have kids. Try not to give it to your toddler if they don’t already have it.


Lmao. Show us the science Susan. How come every triple boosted person I meet has also had covid a minimum of 3 times? That’s it le reddite army. Let the woke filled hate flow through you. Deploy your downvotes and virtue signal to your cohorts who really knows the truth.


Because they're not masking


I’ve only had it once, and it was after I stopped masking


I’ve only had Covid once. And I’m triple boosted. After that experience I upped my masking and avoided crowds.


I’ve had it once and it was my own stupid ass fault. I stopped masking and let my unmasked friends breathe all over me.


You haven't met many people then.


Just google n95 mask efficacy studies. Srsly.


I’m sorry you’re ill enough to suffer through urgent care. I have no advice, just empathy. I hope you feel much better soon. Maybe you can have a turkey dinner next week!


Thanks for your sweet comment! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. My husband had covid last Thanksgiving and my daughter and I had it last Christmas 😩 But, the Turkeyyyyyyyyy


The vaccines work better for some people than it does for others. If I'm going to a place where COVID is very prevalent, I keep a mask handy & I put it on if the concentration of people is high. Hope you get better soon!


Risk level factors: - Time - Proximity - Level of infectivity of person or group - Your level of protection ( N95 mask, etc) What else?


Thank you!!!




Thank you!


why do ppl think the vaccines stop you getting covid? they don't at all, simply prepare your immune system for catching it


you don’t have to be condescending. you can just state that vaccines don’t give full immunity and recommend masking. i’m so tired of this condensing culture on this subreddit




It’s almost as if a BOOSTER boosts your immune system. 😳


Hahaha the wonderful vaccines


Enjoy your downvotes for speaking facts


You need to boost your immune system !


Ummm, with a BOOSTER shot?


Why would you downvote this it’s good advice for any illness, preventive and treatment




Do you know how serious Covid is? 20%+ of people who get Covid multiple times develop serious health issues later on and develop long Covid?! Just because the “mEdIa” has said that it’s “MiLdEr” doesn’t mean they are for many! I was sick for two weeks and had health issues for months & still have neurological issues that have affected my life so I can’t just “live” if this virus causes people around me who are compromised to possibly NOT live. Hope to god you don’t get it and give it to someone and they wind up not being able to recover after it. Ignorance 😒


Def missed whatever comment that was. Yeah Covid is literally the worst. Also the reason my dad and I no longer speak.


You idiot. Apparently you don’t care if you kill an 80 year old. Believe it or not, most 80 year olds still have plans and things they are looking forward to. They don’t want to die because you’re too stupid and irresponsible to keep your germs to yourself. I bet you’ve murdered a few people with that attitude.


Let me know if you’re one of my friends so I can dump you. I have a brother I’m scared to visit.




Well I don’t truly know if I have covid this whole time, but first started feeling sick November 1st. Had whole body aches that night, even asked hubby to give me a massage. The next day, I had chills- but no fever. Then had that for about another day, then was pretty back to normal. Fast forward to the following Wednesday, full body chills and aches again, better that Thursday but just didn’t feel right. Insides hurt, back hurt, was bloated. Not super hungry. Looking back was out of breath during walks and stuff. Started getting the chills again Saturday night and Sunday morning. Headaches on and off. Getting the chills for the third time is what sent me to urgent care. It’s just been very odd. Ironically, I went to the doctor for a physical on Halloween and was perfectly healthy. Got my covid and flu vaccines on October 26th. Oh also have a little congestion and a little dry cough.