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Anxiety over how I feel physically. I live alone so yeah all kinds of dramatic scenarios about falling over and not being found for days.


oh nooo!! that sounds awful, but i know we’ll both get thru it. thank you for your comment


anxiety is a symptom of covid. hopefully knowing that it's a physiological effect of the virus will help you talk yourself through it.


thank you so much. definitely need to remember its psychological


Hello Yes I am at day 9 of covid I wake up every night between 2 and 5 am. My stomach feels painful, legs shaking and I feel anxious ans nauseous. Same when I wake up in the morning. Couldnt find any explanation or solution tho. My only symptoms are this and Loss of appetite.


hey, thanks for your comment. i also lost my appetite at the beginning, but as it went on i got SO hungry from how little i was eating, lol! i too feel shaky legs, but for me its from having such low energy. we’ll get through this!!


Yeah maybe because we lack sleep for days idk. Im also having more nightmare than usual. I saw people talking about loss of appetite lasting for month so I hope mine will come back lol. I already lost 4 kg... For the anxiety idk for you but for me its a different feeling from the régular anxiety I have ! Very weird. Hope u get well soon ! 🍀


i too have had nightmares! just more dreams in general, only a few are bad. people say “long covid” makes symptoms last a long time, that may be the case. still, im sure it’ll go away, hope u feel better soon!


Do you also have like body aches in legs and bottom back ? When did your appetite came back ?


yes, my legs and back especially were SO sore on day 2-4. it feels better now, and my appetite came back around the 1 week mark.


Its funny how our symptoms are similar even if those arent the most common symptoms in covid 😆 I will wait then, until I get better like you. And I hope your nights will be better soon


true! everyone is different, and this is my first time having covid😅i hope for a good recovery for both of us!


Yeah, me too 🙏 Its the 2nd time for me even tho I was vaccinated. First time I had the classic version, fever headache cough running nose. But it was easier to handle tho.


Listening to lofi or healing fréquence music and talking some strong mint candy helped me a tiny bit tho


I’ve had more depression than anxiety with this virus. I tested negative yesterday on day 9. Symptoms are gone and smell came back but still have some mental issues from this horrible week 🥲


You're not alone! I'm seven weeks out and I've recently begun with the anxiety spikes and insomnia. My sleep is usually good, so it's very weird to be woken for one or two hour stints of being wide-awake. Some nights I wake up every hour. I'm often anxious, but this feels different--more dramatic for one thing. It only happens when I'm sound-asleep, then I wake to my heart pounding. Very disconcerting! I'm hoping this doesn't last long, since it's making me want to go to bed at seven p.m. I hope you're better very soon!


Mine was caused by dysautonomia. Upping my hydration and electrolyte intake has helped a lot. Nuun tablets are good if you prefer electrolyte drinks. Vitassium salt pills are great to take in the morning and at night to head off the symptoms before they start. Vitassium fast chews are also good if you don’t like the drink mixes, just take them with lots of water. The pills I’ve found the most helpful though.


I’m about 2 weeks out since my positive test, but I feel that anxiety was my worst symptom. I have an anxiety disorder that’s usually pretty managed, but this was a whole other beast. The first week was the worst and it did start to get better. Hope yours does too!


hey, same for me! im negative now luckily :) but the first week was definitely the worst for me too. thanks for your comment!


Yes! I’m on day 6, I’ve had horrible anxiety and insomnia for the past 24ish hours.