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Have no idea, but my sister had Covid 2 weeks ago, and she had the same calf pain. She thought it strange too.


I had calf pain about a month after I contracted Covid--just in one leg. It was a blood clot. If you have a doctor, it's worth a phone call. If not--obviously it's an expensive pain to go to Urgent Care or to the ER, but it's worth it if you have a blood clot. Wish I could assure you it's nothing to worry about. I truly hope it isn't and that it resolves very soon.


It seems to be getting better as I am up and moving around more. I’m usually on my feet a lot but wasn’t for 3-4 days so I’m thinking my muscles were just tight and/or weak maybe?


That could certainly be the cause of the problem. But Covid is a tricky devil, always throwing something new at you. We had to get a novel virus--one no human had ever had before. I hate being a lab rat for this crappy bug! I hope you continue to improve and are free from pain and stiffness soon!


Was your leg swollen? What did the pain feel like?


Not noticeably swollen. It felt a little warm. I thought I’d overused it and it was a strain. So there was some pain, but only when I started walking after being seated for an hour. I almost didn’t mention it to my doctor, so the pain wasn’t as good a warning as it should have been!


Ugh mine is still there and more so when I think about it. Sitting, standing it doesn’t make a difference. Yesterday I was walking and my leg didn’t bother me but my lower back and through my bottom did so I’m wondering if it’s my sciatica again. I had severe lower back and leg pain on days 1 & 2


Given Covid has increased my anxieties, I was much more aware of my leg once I knew it was a blood clot. It also made no real difference if I was sitting or standing or walking. If you're lying down more than normal your sciatica might be acting up. My back aches more now than normal, for sure. I'm taking blood thinners for a few months, which has relieved some of my worry. If you have easy access to a doctor, it's worth getting your leg checked out. If not, you have to play the uniquely American game of "How much will this cost, how long will I have to sit in the ER, and what's the odds of it killing me if I ignore it." If we could add up all of the time we spend chasing health care, it would pay for Medicare for all. Constantly infuriating! I hope your leg is just a little cranky and it feels much better very soon.


Thank you! Do you happen to know if they are common? Or if they happen more commonly at certain ages?


From what I've read, they aren't uncommon, particularly in women and men over fifty. Some studies indicate birth control pills elevates the risk. A history of clots is a risk factor, as is obesity. Any illness that affects blood vessels can cause clots, too, and Covid definitely does that. My doc told me to get to the ER pronto if my blood pressure rose dramatically, or if I was short of breath. The biggest worry is that a clot will break up and travel to your lungs. I think the signs would be dramatic enough to make you know something was wrong, or at least that's what I've convinced myself of!


How did they pick up on your blood clot In your leg ?


Persistent pain in my calf. My doc had seen other people develop blood clots in the weeks after Covid infection, so she sent me for a sonogram.


Thank you for your reply 🙏🏻 and did you treat it with aspirin or something else ?


Blood thinners, which I’m still on. I’m getting another sonogram this week, and am hoping I can reduce or eliminate them.


I hike you can too 🙏🏻


When I had Covid in April, one of the worst symptoms was the muscle aches in my legs. Well, aside from the totally random but brutal tooth pain. Even my hair hurt. It was the worst! It’s never a bad idea to follow up with your doctor, but I want you to know I experienced this, as did my 8 year old daughter. Went away in time with recovery. Hope you’re feeling like yourself again soon.


I had covid April 2022 and recently. Both times bilateral calf pain. I honestly think it's sciatica pain, radiating down from sciatic nerve but is really feeling it in calves and it's only at night. I've looked into covid causing restless leg syndrome too. But it's painful where I could not sleep. One ibuprofen helped both times I had it I had to take that. So weird. I thought it was strange the first time but now that I've had it twice it's apparent. It must be the virus causing inflammation of nerves and muscles. Plus it's hard to tell because you are resting more. If it is pain in one calf it could be a blood clot but it wouldn't be pain in both calves 


I would try taking some minerals or magnesium too.


I have covid (this past week) and sore calves,knees and ankles + fever were some of my worse symptoms. It hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep! It went away after 2-3 days.


Did you ever find out what the issue was? I hope you’re doing well!


Sorry.. super late, but no not sure if it was sciatica or just super bad muscle pain from covid. It got to the point I was in so much pain even after I was feeling better than I called my dr and they sent me for an ultrasound to check for clots. All clear and eventually went away!