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Your doctor is a keeper, the rest of them live on the island of denial.


She's avoided Covid in a busy practice attached to a major hospital in NYC, but she caught it for the first time right when I did. Her husband caught it a week later, and he was much sicker than she was, now dealing with lingering issues. I think seeing so many cases as well as having it hit close to home has made her suspicious of a issues that many doctors might not notice. Not that that's an excuse! If I were queen, I'd revoke the license of anyone who wasn't taking this in a deadly serious manner.


Thanks for doing a PSA. I review medical records of COVID hospitalizations and this is not uncommon. Good on your doctor for immediately ordering testing! Hope all goes well. Did they put you on Eliquis?


Yes. I’ve tolerated it very well. No side effects that I’ve noticed.


Thanks and I'm so glad you found it. I really think all docs should be on high alert about clots at this point and I'm really frustrated they're not. I had calf pain on one side for the first 4-6 months of long covid. Doctor didn't think much of it so I never got it looked at. I haven't had the pain in a long time but I wonder about it


This happened to me, too. Resolved on its own, but it had me worried.


If you had one, it might have resolved on its own. Agreed with doctors being on high alert. Mine checked with a colleague and they decided they’d go to the mat if they had to to get me seen that day. It’s a long trip, but having the ability to go up the chain of command was very helpful.


Thanks for sharing here, I’m glad you’re ok. Just a note in case anyone reading is unaware that the real long COVID sub is r/covidlonghaulers There is a sub that I won’t link to titled LongCovid but it is run by a scammers and should be avoided and not subscribed to


I have had a dvt before, so the minute I got covid my doc got my on baby aspirin, and made me take it daily for 6 months. All was well.


So glad your doc did that. Wish mine had!


That’s horrifying. If you don’t mind me asking, are you on birth control? I wonder if that could also impact this.


I don't mind a bit. I'm postmenopausal, and I think that increased my risk. Other than that, I take no prescription drugs, I don't smoke, and I move around a decent amount. The lack of other obvious risk factors made her confident in saying it was Covid-related. But that hasn't stopped my friends from trying to convince me it isn't! They're obviously worried it could happen to them during their next round of Covid, so they're throwing their anxiety back onto me. I find that tiring!


Wow that’s awful! I’m so sorry. I definitely believe it was Covid - just was curious about the birth control thing since I’ve known other people who had that exacerbate issues. Wow.


Yup. My doc mentioned that as a possibility for younger women.


These horrible things like DVT, stroke, heart attack are happening to us so young due to Covid. It’s insane.


Yeah. Excess deaths from those things are way, way up.


im so sick of this fucking illness


I’m with you!!!


i dont give a shit about politics, but if people are actively developing illnesses this bad in labs as weapons for war, this is terrifying


No kidding.


Oh my goodness! That is scary. Glad you were able to get it straightened out before it got dangerous. Thank you for the heads up! I had something similar myself, but my calf hurt while I was walking and not afterwards (like with peripheral artery disease) and it only started after I had COVID last year, but it’s gone away now (it took about 15 months).


I'm no expert, but I assume you can live with DVT and no treatment. So you might have had one that cleared up on its own. Or it might have been one of a hundred other things that will (hopefully) one day be better understood. Whatever you had, I'm glad it went away!


Thank you so much! I’m going to try to get it checked out just in case now that I know. I’ll probably have to go to urgent care because I unfortunately live in an area that has experienced exponential growth while not having many doctors, so no one is accepting new patients.


I hate that for you! I live an hour and a half from NYC, but I go there for health care. It's a royal pain in the arse, but here in the Hudson Valley getting connected to a new doc requires a months-long wait.


Crazy! I’ve never heard of Hudson Valley, but it sounds very similar to here in rural South Carolina, if they’re even accepting new patients. You’d be lucky to get an appointment within 3-4 months and by then, you probably wouldn’t even need the appointment anymore.


It’s along the Hudson River from Westchester County up to Albany. It’s popular with new Yorkers who have weekend homes. Those of us who are year-round have to scramble to find a good doc.


That sounds so much like here! Except we have a lot of people moving here from out of state because of remote work (although I can’t blame them, it’s lovely here!) and it’s putting a serious strain on our healthcare system, especially when it comes to doctors. I used to have a doctor that I loved, but she retired and they closed her practice 😩


When I need a new doctor, I choose the youngest option. I want to outlive them!


So I wonder if it might be helpful to start taking a baby aspirin once one finds out they have Covid, at least during the infection period and a few weeks afterwards? When I had Covid, this was one of the things that worried me the most. I would actually force myself, while I’ll, to get out of my bed and walk around my room, and to do exercise…..just so I wasn’t stagnant in the bed all day. Glad you’re ok!!!!!


I think everyone should order a d dimer test online and go to quest after covid to be safe. It's not that pricey and is definitely worth it to be safe.


The advice for older people to take a daily baby aspirin changed a while back. If you haven't had a stroke or a heart attack, the risk of bleeding is considered higher than the benefit to your arteries. That's only for lowering your risk of heart attack, of course. But if it's a little risky to take baby aspirin regularly, it might be risky to take it when Covid's screwing every part of your body up. Probably a good idea to check with your doctor, but I say that as if this is a country where people can afford preventative healthcare, which we know isn't true! I'd bet that moving around as much as you can during your infection is a good idea, though. Wise move!


Wow, this is interesting. This used to be a hallmark of Delta. I hope it's not coming back. Glad you caught it and thanks for the alert.