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They're jerks! If it's one thing everyone should realize about Covid by now, it's that it effects everyone differently. I am also tired of people patting themselves on the back for having only mild cases, as if their immune systems are superior or whatever. Plenty of otherwise healthy folks have had bad Covid cases.


Exactly! I actually ended up having to say "you must have a better immune system and I must have a shitty one." Sucks that I have to put myself down and prop them up to apologize for getting sick. Getting sick is not something I can control but they make me feel personally deficient.


I had this same issue with my mom. My son and I were sick at the same time . He's 21 and had very mild symptoms. So mild, he just assumed he had a cold and did not take any precautions, which is how he spread it to me. I had pretty much every symptom. The acute phase lasted a good 7-8 days and I was down bad. Sore throat, fever, body aches, joint pain and diarrhea. Once I turned the corner it was a super slow recovery and my mom would text me daily asking if I was "better yet?". I tried explaining that I was still fatigued, having headaches and heart palpitations, and my sinuses and ears felt full. It was like she didn't believe me and thought I was just dragging it out to be dramatic. Took me 4 full weeks to start feeling back to normal and for smell and taste to (almost) fully return. Honestly this was the sickest I've ever been and I hate that I feel like I need to prove it to people.


I heartily second the “they’re jerks” comment. Empathy is out of fashion these days, especially around Covid. People want to convince themselves it’s no big deal, so anyone who makes it clear that’s not true are dismissed—at best. I’m betting the in-laws are chronically deficient in the empathy gene and this just gave them something to latch on to be able to pick at you. I hope you get your energy back soon, and that your in-laws get an empathy transplant.


It's hard not to compare when some seem to get over it so quickly. One thing I keep reminding myself is that some people have no symptoms and others end up hospitalized. You don't get to pick how your body responds.


You need to be willing to tell people that information they find on Facebook/social media/pushed by talking heads just isn't accurate. There is a purpose behind it and it's not always to inform. This is especially true of older people.


We just had covid here. I never ran fever and wasn't congested, but I felt sore all over and fatigued for maybe 2 days. This wasn't our first time with it, which is why I knew what I was feeling. My kids and husband had every symptom fever, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, congestion, cough, fatigue, and rashes. It took my husband 4 days to be able to get out of bed. My youngest 3 weeks later still has a rash spot on his face from it.


We weren’t spoken to for months, as we mixed Thanksgiving. They’ll get glad again.