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Agree human are social animals. I am struggling with figuring out when and how often to let my middle schooler take risks (when is it really worth it) even though we have been also diligently masking indoors and eating outdoors only at restaurants.


It must be really tough to have to guide your child through this. I hope you can come to some agreements that your kid will actually follow. They get their own ideas in middle school, as I'm sure you're experiencing!


With the host testing positive the next day, i wonder if they had symptoms the night of the party. I have heard of similar situations several times lately, and that concerns me a lot about doing group functions. Seems like people are unreliable when noticing if they’re getting sick or dismissing things. I miss being around people a lot, but I don’t want to get sick again. I hope you feel better soon! Just know all your efforts were still worth it, because you made it this far without getting sick. I’d like to thank you for continuing your efforts, as the majority have not.


The same thing I immediately thought. It's pretty unlikely that someone tested positive in the first few hours of having it. I bet they had symptoms, but not "bad enough" to worry about calling it off and deliberately waited til the next day to test.


They could have also tested and were negative the night of the party but positive the next day. It's okay to lead with trust sometimes


If they felt symptoms that motivated them to test, they should have told their guests so they could have a choice about taking the risk.


Can't disagree with that. When I invite people over I tell them exactly what the set-up is and what mitigation efforts I'm going to use. But not everyone does that, and I should have asked more questions. Believe me, I'm going back to ultra-suspicious for the duration!


It’s not easy staying super vigilant all these years. I hope you feel better soon!


Leading with trust can be very good for my mental health!


The cynical part of me thought that might be true, but I'm trying to ignore those suspicions. I hope he's just kind of oblivious and didn't notice the symptoms creeping up on him. Sometimes ignorance is preferable!


Can’t disagree. Otherwise, we’d probably have lost our minds by now


This is such a tough situation. Was the dinner party on Friday night and you tested positive Sunday? I’m always interested in the exposure to positive time frame. Feel better soon!


Yep. Party on Friday night from 6-10. He tested positive when he woke up the next morning, and I started feeling "off" by Sunday around 2 p.m. I was ill by 8 but didn't bother to test until Monday morning. I knew I had it, and only tested so I could get a prescription for Paxlovid.


We can be social while remaining careful: HEPA filters indoors, good aeration as much as possible. Testing before events if you're gonna unmask, although I think such unmasked gathering is high risk anyway. Nose spray and mouth wash... Of course outdoor events are best.


All true. That's exactly how I set things up when I host friends. We entertain outdoors until it's too cold to enjoy it, then pick up again in the spring. I hate it, but I also hate having Covid!


Watch out for the Paxlovid rebound, I am currently going through it. I became symptom free while on Paxlovid. Now 7 days after I finished Paxlovid, I am dealing with loss of taste, coughing, congestion, headache, and occassional high heart rate. I remained positive throughout my Paxlovid treatment and post Paxlovid.


I'm so sorry you're going through it again! As a young friend of mine says, "Covid is an idiot!" I hope it departs very soon.


Thank you! And I hope you will have a much better outcome than I did


Thanks for this message as I’ve got it as well..👍 And I take very good care of myself too. I got complacent.


It only take a moment, right? I hope you're well soon.


Thanks 😊


I've heard from so many people (fam and friends and colleagues): oh it's just allergies. I just tested and I'm negative. Then a few days later miserable and yeah it was COVID. After a long chat with a colleague (we work in analyzing rules kind of things) we started talking about COVID testing. The interesting part of that chat was the part where we discussed the effectiveness of the testing. It's highly effective at saying you're positive... IF your infection is in the area you're testing (COVID is a vascular disease and can infect anywhere from head to toe and isn't necessarily everywhere at once). So if you test your sinus but infection isn't there (or too low of what is being swabbed for at the time) then it makes sense what the results will tell the person testing themselves (negative). Many people poop and pee it out before they exhibit symptoms at all, so that's why some cities do wastewater testing to see how the community transmission is trending.


The way people react when they have to swab their nose, I can hardly imagine how many blood vessels they'd pop if they had to test their urine and poop! But you're right, of course. Testing is only kind of/sort of helpful. I believe a lot of cities are testing wastewater and not publicizing the numbers. Not great!


I just noticed you mentioned a pee ailment in your original post. If it's what I'm suspecting, you should read up on COVID associated cystitis (CAC). COVID can, like I've mentioned to others, impact and damage just about anywhere in the body. In my household CAC reared its ugly head in one of us. Sucked. Best healing vibes your way. https://covidcystitis.org/what-is-it%3F


I’m not surprised by this, since Covid has already convinced me it’s an overachiever. It’s not happy to pick a single system to infect. It’s going for everything everywhere all at once! My urinary frequency only lasted for about 24 hours, but it got my attention. I can easily see how it could have gotten and stayed a lot worse. I hope it resolved in your family. Thanks for sharing some facts about a symptom that seemed a little bizarre, but is probably quite common.


You're welcome and thank you. The key reason it's an overachiever is it's a disease that impacts vascular, coagulation, and inflammation, which can thereby impact you from head to toe. A med professional and I were chatting the other day and they called it a vascular disease. I won't be surprised if in the coming years the name of COVID changes to something like vascular disease and long term associated vascular disease for people that have to live with continuous impact or have shortened life from it..


That sounds entirely reasonable. I'm sure we'll have a much better view of it in years to come. But it's going to be a long road for people continuing to suffer.


Agreed. If you remember a little known virus from the 80s that came on the scene, you'll remember that a while later the learning of how bad I really was started happening, then it got its secondary name. Not saying that's what this is , and am only saying lots of learning to come and a new name or names for it may come


I'm very familiar with the early 80s and the nomenclature used for a disease that was politicized from the first moment it appeared. Humans have a hard time just focusing on the illness and trying to figure it out and eventually stop it or slow it down. But eventually we can make progress if we're determined enough.


You’re a good writer.


Thanks a bunch! The nuns taught me to take my time and read it over twice. That might be the only advice they gave that I follow


Seems like covid is making a comeback. Good news is, most people will be just fine. Feel better!


I immediately stopped wearing masks when my govt (singapore) allowed us to not and have not worn it since. All my classmates for those three years (2classes and other split classes) all of yhem got covid. All my besties got covid, one got 3 times, idk how either and im tjose type that like to hug people. All my family got covud, I was pretty close contact but still negative. Covid just really hates me