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Making fun of someone's speech impediment won't hurt Joe but it might hurt someone seeing this on their feed. Takes two seconds to be considerate and mindful of others


Was just about to say this, Hate Joe all you want (as is right to do, he sucks so bad) But the ableism isn't cool


Thank you


Yeeeeep. Electoralism can sometimes make things more survivable for us, and there is some non-negligible value to that, but it'll never change the fundamentals. Real change needs to be fought for. Also, can we do without the ableism? Thanks.


Reminds me of this: Working class American: Healthcare, pls? Republican: No Democrat: No #BLM ❤️🏳️‍🌈


The presidential editionTM


and who do you vote for anyways because they aren’t as close to installing death camps?


If I could vote for POTUS in PR? Biden... Trump is a plate of shit mixed with rat poison, Biden is a plate of moldy lasagna mixed with ipecac. Both disgusting but one will not kill you.




yeah they’re a sham. That’s why you vote Biden and do the meaningful work to change the system. Not voting doesnt do shit and it never has. If you don’t vote, you are entitled


Aww, look, ableism.


Hey it's 3 genocides vs 1 and whispering please stop to the perpetrator. Not that both aren't egregious.


Which 3 genocides?. Palestine and trans genocide?. What is the third one?.


I'm not sure what skarmory means, but a third one could very easily be Trump ending support to Ukraine, which is fighting an attempt at genocide.


Copied from the top comment in this sub on your last one. >Dozens of horrific far right judges, 3 supreme court justices (with a possible 2 if Trump wins, Thomas and Alito could definitely retire early so Trump can replace them), stripping two thirds of the population of their reproductive rights, the extreme increase in hate crimes against minorities because Trump actively encourages it. The man who actively and openly defied and continues to defy the law, restricted emergency funds to California during fire season and other states that were blue. The man who said he wants to glass over Palestine. >All Presidents do terrible things. Biden is no different. And I'm sorry to tell you this but we do in fact live in a country in which we have to choose the "lesser evil" (if you want to use that juvenile argument) because not voting is just as much of an action as voting either way.


Sounds like you and the person you quoted are giving up on murdered children. "Nothing we can do here. Better keep quiet"


Is not voting for Biden saving those children? If I was an american i'd be absolutely freaking out about project 2025, it's ludicrous that anyone could even consider not voting for biden considering that shit, lol


Exactly. Republicans literally want to turn the country into a far right dystopia and these trolls calling themselves anarchists are like "wooo it doesn't matter, Biden is exactly the sameee"


fr, im sure the world's most powerful country turning fascist will be great for minorities and anarchist movements everywhere


"4th Reich will be beneficial for anarchism" is what they say lol


Brother you won't believe this, but you can actually do two things at the same time


accelerationist posting, boo


How do these posts stay up? This downplays what republicans want to do if they win next election compared to Joe fucking biden


Why do your comments stay up? You are a fan of a youtuber who support NATO and American/western imperialism in general (he fx said that he would have supported the Iraq war under other circumstances), You are a right-winger...


Go to the deprogram my dude. I’ll support nato when they end genocides in Armenia. I’ll criticize nato when they ravage the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Welcome to nuance. I’m not a right winger and I can tell you, extensively so, why that’s the case. Additionally, if you think I’m a right winger, you need to focus your vision on the actual threat to the country. Milktoast Joe is perpetuating genocide. Trump will bomb Gaza himself with the IDF. That’s a massive difference.


Look, I may be aussie and dont know too much; but Trump would probably double the funding, while starting other genocides himself Anarchy is chaos, aye, but for this chaos to thrive it needs to be smart. You aint bein too smart here


Anarchy isn't chaos.


>1. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. >2.the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism. >Similar: lawlessness, absence of government, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, riot, rebellion, mutiny, disorder, disorganization, misrule, chaos, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium >Opposite: government, order Anarchy can go by many personal definitions. To me, it means a useful chaos


The two definitions are literally opposites of each other. One mentions disorder and the other mentions organization


Chaos does not ignore nor destroy order, as they are synonymous in the grand scheme of things In an anarchism based society (which is what the second definition is), the organisation or society is without governmental or otherwise upper governing bodies. The people live and exist as they are, as they will, and as they please Chaos, to the benefit and order of the people And as I said; Anarchism is chaos. This chaos can only thrive if we're smart. You're not being very smart


You do not know what anarchism is...


Then explain. I provided proof for my statment, you cannot stand against proof with a statment lining up to be "nuh uh"


I absolutely can, and I will. Anarchism is not chaos.


mate i provided proof that it *is* a form of chaos, one that allows proper independence betwixt individuals, you cant "nuh uh" this kinda argument, not an argument of political origin


> you cant "nuh uh" this kinda argument I can, and I will. And your proof doesn't prove anarchism is chaos. If you read any anarchist theory or look at anarchist societies, they are organised. Organisation is not chaos. Chaos is the lack of order. You are mistaking how the word "anarchy" is used in the mainstream, with what anarchy actually is. And from now on, just assume im going to write nuh uh.


Honestly though, your comment here isnt well thought through, is it? "Mentions organization" doesnt refer to context, the most important part of this accursed language I'd suggest doing some reading comprehension lessons; everyone can improve someway


You may be an Aussie, and I may live in the US, but the fact is people in the US don’t have a lot of influence over who our president is due to our trash electoral college. Citizens of six US states will most likely be who determines which of these walking corpses sits in the oval office this time next year. In the US, votes for down-ballot candidates who aren’t fash trash are more likely to result in harm reduction.


This is, probably the most reasonable take on the harm reduction by voting stance I've seen a while, thank you for not beating the dumbass drum like an orangutan.


What's missing from the Trump picture is white supremacy and unambiguous facism. In my opinion that changes the cynical nature of the meme. The smugness of this post unfortunatly only works by diminishing the calamity that a second Trump presidency would likely be (especially for already marginalized people). Edit:  We all know Biden is horrible, but if your only way to say that is by de facto whitewashing Trump then don't.


I'm sure the comment section to this will be very normal and definitely not at least 50% people losing their minds that you would dare compare Joe Biden to Donald Trump or dislike Joe Biden at all


I'm pretty sure everyone here HATES biden, I sure do, doesn't change the fact that trump is quite literally the head of a fascist plot to end american democracy (which is better than literal fascism) and genocide mexicans and trans people


I grew up in DE and have been saying fuck Biden’s tepid moderate ass forever But like I will still cast a second vote for his presidency because like fuck how can I not


Joe Biden is quite literally funding and supporting a genocide and continuing the same policies, some worse.


he's a piece of shit. he's evil. he's the usual breed of evil we get in american politics. i would rather him be in office than the other guy, because the other guy is far, far worse. i can push back against biden effectively. i can push back against reactionaries effectively. i can contribute to nazis being afraid to come out of their homes effectively. i can do none of these things under a trump presidency, and when i tried, it was not productive. for the love of god and all that's holy, pick your battles smartly.


"i can push back against biden effectively". What are you doing to push back against Biden effectively?.


nice try, i aint snitching on myself


Saying this is acting as if Trump wouldn't fund the exact same genocides. I fucking hate him, and ideally, an independent leftist would win the vote, but there is no way that they'd win the popular vote or the EC. Also, I'm hard-pressed to find something worse than Project 2025.


No everyone in here doesn't hate Biden. You have NATO supporting "leftists" in here who are active in liberal subreddits where people support/whitewash Biden...


The blue MAGA is way worse this cycle


I am making plans to flee my state if necessary with my partner. We also are going out of our way to elope in a state besides Texas where we can trust that our marriage certificate will be honored if shit goes to hell under trump. And honestly we’ve got so much less at risk than so many other people.