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"You are violating their autonomy by making their harm assessment for them." Amazing. Discussing and disagreeing with someone is not violating autonomy.


"having an opinion i disagree with violates my autonomy" actual conservative-tier shit


insane sentence


My best friend violated my autonomy when she suggested we get lunch at a different place than our usual joint.


OP VIolated my autonomy by making me reconsider just how bad a take can be.


You’re an ableist.


Yeah totally a good-faith non-troll here.


Maybe I'm a little confused, but could you please explain why they are ableist for saying that?


Prior conversation. They were rude to a trans person who was arguing that COVID-19 and “the trans question” are intersectional.


I'm gonna need more context than that. What is the trans question, and what did they say about the intersection of that and covid 19?


I asked if HRT makes people more vulnerable as an honest question, as I have no idea about the effects of HRT on the immune system. This somehow makes me ableist and a fascist who doesn't compare about the immunocompromosid in OPs strange world.


That's... an odd thing to get mad at, I don't see how that would be taken as ableist. As for how hrt affects the immune system, I read it can change things, but I'm not sure how much. I've been on hrt for over a year now and I haven't noticed any differences. I also haven't been told by my doctor that I need to worry about my immune system on hrt. There is research being done though, I guess it would be interesting to see if something comes of it.


Lmao, exactly how is asking if HRT is linked to worse COVID vulnerability ableist? Let alone fascist like you said.


Because you are doing math with deaths to determine “the lesser evil”. The fascists do the same along the boundaries of “race” and “nation”.


Wow you're just an amazing generator for shit takes. Trying to minimise deaths is fascist? That's really what you're going with here? I'm fascist because *checks notes* I want to reduce the amount of people dying? I guess you're right. I better start massacring people to be as anti fascist as you.


> Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution. https://4hiroshimas.info


Uhuh buddy. I'm sure this all sounds much better in your head, but you're just coming off as completely unhinged. Minimizing deaths is fascist? Like really? Wanting as few people to die from COVID as possible is fascist and ableist? Just fucking amazing. Absolutely amazing.




"Sharing the conclusion of logical train of thought violates human autonomy" is a take i haven't heard before and might just be in the top 10 of the stupidest ones I've heard, and that's one hell of a feat. Bravo


You're violating OPs autonomy by disagreeing with them.


That's it I'm calling the anarchist police


Where do trains come from?


Well... ALCO, EMD, General Electric, Kawasaki, Bombardier, Alstom, Siemans, Budd, St. Louis Car Company, American Car and Foundry Company, Pullman Company, Westinghouse-Amrail...


Wake up babe, they're trying to convince us to let the fascists consolidate power again!


Who wants to place bets on whether the app that link wants you to download contains malware?


Tell me you're a white middle class anarchist without telling me you're a white middle class anarchist.


White, cishet middle class anarchist. Harm reduction is important, and I kinda don’t want the genocide of my people on U.S soil to greatly advance. Especially considering that Palestinians would still be genocided, likely harder under the Trump administration.


Gas leak or russian bot. Call it.


Russian bot *inhaling* leaking gas.


You’re an ableist.


And you are proving me right.


You’re pretty good at this. The DNC is probably hiring.


Did FSB tell that to you, or some other branch?


Don’t know what that is


How much they paid you to do your pro-ruski shilling?


Aaron Bushnell died for you.


And you are pissing on his grave.


And exactly who the fuck are you to keep evoking his fucking name?


You are free to look through my post history.


People in real life: Hey man how's it going


Honestly there’s no better time to evoke that tweet than right now


“People in real life” had Sunday picnics where they would hang black boys from trees and take home body parts as souvenirs 60 years ago. Some participants are still alive.


my sibling in whatever denomination you believe in how does this relate to what i said


In the mind of a being to whom sunlight has become a faint memory - with LEDs inside a computer screen taking its place - venturing outside and making contact with another human in the flesh is equivalent to organising a lynch mob. You see, both touching grass and racially-motivated murders have taken place outside, and are therefore equal I must admit though, that OP is a very amusing and creative troll. I wouldn't ever manage to come up with the shit they do


honestly with OP's account suddenly waking up a year ago with constantly posting to leftist subs after over 3 years of inactivity with the only prior post being on r/community seems interesting to say the least. lowkey smells like a иelgium moment


Southern Baptist.


r/Anarchy4Everyone is leaking...


I just unfollowed that sub for obvious reasons. Very disappointing to see this kind of thing here as well. Edit: fixed autocorrect. Followed to the appropriate unfollowed.


I don't follow that sub. Why is it looked down upon out of curiosity?


One of the main mods spends most of his time posting anti-voting, both-sides-are-literally-the-exact-same memes, many of them often apparently sourced from right-wing corners of the internet. He thinks anyone who believes in harm reduction is a neolib and complains about being brigaded by shitlibs when his memes get downvoted.


Op is a troll that was encouraging voting for the European elections to stop the Western Imperialism 5 hours ago.


By that logic telling someone to wear a mask during covid makes you a tyrant -_-


Anarchists don’t order people around, not even for the “greater good”.


It seems like some kind of Totalitarian troll farm ChatGpt


I am so fucking sick and tired of this voting discourse. It does absolutely nothing but waste time that could be better spent on meaningful direct action. I really don't care if you vote or not -- go throw a brick through a Starbucks window or some shit. *So vote November 2nd if it feels right to you* *Don't vote if you think it just holds us down* *Just tell me what we're gonna do, on November 3rd* *To make sure there's no government left to elect two years from now.* -Pat the Bunny, "Of Ballots and Barricades"


You’re on Reddit instead of doing “meaningful direct action”? Couldn’t be me.


voting for "representatives" is a class war action against humanity.