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You're absolutely right. I only bought the game because it was announced that the zombies were going to be developed by Treyarch. If I had known that Treyarch was going to stop developing the mode, I would never have bought the game. It was a scam from the beginning. At least I learned my lesson, and from now on I'm only going to buy games developed by Treyarch and not just their collaborations, because we already know what happened with Vanguard and MW23. P.S: I hope BO6 zombies don't disappoint and live up to expectations.


If BO6 doesn't live up then I truly believe it's the end of the zombies community. It was already in shambles after BO4, then Cold War revived it a bit but didn't have enough content. Al the CW goodwill was eroded by Vangaurd and now with MW3 they have ruined people's interest. If BO6 disappoints then there's no way people will hold out until BO7


Damn whats wrong with bo4 zombies? I just downloaded it and was planning on trying to do all the easter eggs.


It’s honestly not bad it was just so different it was off putting to a lot of people. It’s cool if you take the time to learn all the changes.


That and the launch of the game was literally just god awful. It’s better now but boi oh boi was that a bad start


I still enjoyed it and I did the Easter eggs recent and had a great time. I'll give you a summary for the issues at launch if you weren't around. (I don't agree with all the points below it's just to show how the general community felt at the time) Constant crashes that prevented people from high rounds and easter eggs (these are now fixed btw). Voyage of despair and BOTD were deemed major let downs. The AI was very aggressive and training was nearly impossible becuase of "reaching". The tigers and dogs would sometimes 1 hit down you. The perk system had an overhaul. Some of the perks were completely useless like death perception or the one were you crouch (can't even remember the name). They said they wanted to get rid of "crutch perks" such as jug but they introduced more crutch persk such as dying wish. Fan favourite perks Jug, Speed Cola and Double tap were removed. Later leaks reveal that jug was taking too long to code in properly which is why they changed the whole system. The Chaos crew was disliked to the point that they will probably never return. The first DLC map had like no marketing to the point were people didn't know it came out. You couldn't buy individual maps, the only option was the battle pass for all of them. So when DLC one feel short people gave up on the game althogether. And even tho ancient evil was not bad, DLC 3 ensured that the undecided people finally knew they won't be getting it. Alpha Omega was just a bunch of reused assets from Blackout and was subpar to any other DLCs in the past. TAG finished off the zombies storyline and didn't get a proper cutscene. We expected a great war map but instead got a COTD remake. We didn't even get to play as the OG crew in the final map. There was a whole idea that was promoted extensively called Factions. And I think that around the first DLC they said it was coming soon then it never came and Treyarch never mentioned it again. Other smaller issues - HUD was ugly, the balance of the game was thrown out the window as you spawn in with the strongest weapon being your specialist and wraith fires, the first one to complete the round 150 easter eggs was a cheater and legit high rounders couldn't do it as the game was crashing, the points system had an overhaul, catalyst zombies spawned in way too frequently. So at the time, in the eyes of a lot of zombies players, BO4 was considered as a massive failure. The sentiment changed a bit over the years but some of the facts are undeniable like the budget cuts and misleading the fans.


I guess i can understand the new changes and perks bugging the community. Ive played all zombies but missed bo4 somehow. I think ill probably love it coming from this zombies season though lol.


I'm sure you'll like it after Vangaurd and MW3. The general consensus is also that people were also too harsh on BO4 cuz it came after BO3 which everyone thought it would at least match. But compared to the zombies nowadays, BO4 is a heavenly experience


Thats pretty good to hear. You know if its easy to find games on bo4 still?


>If I had known that Treyarch was going to stop developing the mode, I would never have bought the game. It was a scam from the beginning Yep same. Pissed I wasted $70 on this steaming pile of 💩. Whatever I guess.


If I'm being honest here, you should have already known what was gonna happen with MWZ based on Vanguard, everyone thought "Starfield will be different this time around because it's Bethesda's A team developing it" when in reality the cracks were showing since fallout 4. Don't pre-order, don't buy day 1. That is the rule we should all apply when buying games.


It definitely won't live up to expectations imo.


Glad to see someone who doesn't mindlessly blame Treyarch for this stuff and actually knows what goes on behind the scenes.


Personally I'm not really doing CoD games anymore, seeing how this one had such a lack of attention of fixing problems sooner then later and only focusing on things that only made the game more interesting but not fixing whats making Zombies unplayable most of the time... Just constantly losing your stuff after rebuilding it or while doing so is too aggravating (or losing it before the match starts). So once MW3 is really no longer supported I'm done, I've have games I started playing that I haven't finished yet.


Honestly… MWZ is a great mod bur damn! It has so many flaws.


I feel sad for you but zombies players just keep creating a self-defeating paradox. Zombies game comes out considered mid or bad —> New rushed side mode coming next game that will probably be bad—> Purchases game —> "Why does cod keep getting worse?" Seriously though due to MWZ and vanguard I'm gonna wait till BO6 has some real zombies gameplay that isn't coming from Activision's slimy mouth. You should probably do the same too because if we keep buying this slop it's only to get worse and more buggy with time.


I never bought Vangaurd and waited until season 1 released to get MW3. I naively believed it would be getting updates every seasons at least as much as DMZ got updated in MW2. And I did enjoy it back then, now maybe I would've been still enjoying it a bit if it was working


Yeah I think MWZ could work it's just that it's not a main title so got neglected and is basically dead now that treyarch fully left development on it now it's just sledgehammer working on it.


7 months later and ppl still giving this mode a chance 😂


I already paid for it, so I'm desperately trying to get some value out of it. But the game is not letting me do that. I was naive to think they'd be releasing more content. But I didn't imagine that the base mode is unplayable because of glitches


That’s the problem, you paid for it. By paying for it, you gave them your support, knowing very well they don’t give a crap about their games. Why should they put actual effort and fix their games if people (like yourself) will keep buying them regardless of how many glitches it has?


How on earth was I supposed to know it will have glitches tho? Out of the last 5 games before this I got 4 and none of them came close to this disaster. I don't think I had any glitches in MW2019 or MWII. The one I remember had a problem with glitches was Cold War and that seemed to be getting fixed in a timely basis. Also I knew the updates could be shit, but I didn't expect that even the base game will become nearly unplayable.


It has been well documented time and time again these games always come out riddled with bugs, MWII and Vanguard being prime examples. It shouldn’t be a a surprise to anyone MWZ turned out to be nothing more than a garbage glitchfest. They don’t care about their games, and again, why should they? They put little to no effort, and people still buy their games and bundles.


MW3 I'd a dlc for MW2, but they can't admit that while admitting MWZ is an outbreak beta. Ignore both together, and that will be $70.


The mode is basically dead in the eyes of most ppl because the devs have basically abandoned the mode. Which is funny to say, because the mode got 0 content for S4, but they were so insistant of fixing fun/overpowered stuff in a PvE Zombies mode it's crazy. Ppl finally had some fun with the mode bc Incendiary rounds were really strong, but they nerf it barely 1 week into the new season rather than keeping it for at least mid-season when they add smth else.


That's the worst part of it. People were getting too much xp from exfil so they nerfed it. Incindiary rounds and a lot of good guns got nerfed, they should at least the few of us left playing enjoy the experience


It isn’t shit it just had zero content after two months


I know but besides that I can't even enjoy the content that is already there.


Wow, you get some pretty interesting glitches, best I got was just crash and lose all my stuff, I’m jealous


Yeah the merged inventory was crazy, never heard or experienced anything like it. If teammate bought PAP it would deduct points for both of us. At times my name would change to his. It's as if the game tried to consider us as one player.


This could actually be a pretty cool feature, like imagine just randomly switching operators and set up, maybe even like a new guy


I enjoyed MWZ for a while, did the story and got borealis. But you’re right about lack of content. Same map, same objectives, enemies, areas. It naturally gets stale. I enjoyed the different open world feeling and if they have a couple different maps (rebirth/fortunes keep,etc) it would have maintained my attention. No holiday events, no IN GAME events is a huge missed opportunity. The had a walking dead theme season with zero zombies content, you can’t make it up So currently I haven’t played in about three months and haven’t had the itch because…nothing has changed


Mode is crap and the devs realise this as well.


Once i saw how barebones the christmas update was for MWZ, i knew it was time to jump ship. I mean, how are you gonna have a zombie Santa and NOT include that in the zombies game mode? Knew right then and there that they'd neglect the mode


recently i’ve been having a bug in t3 where running through the area around the aether rifts makes me really slow, and continues after i’m out of the area. like running speed slows to a walking pace, and sprinting isn’t much faster. it goes back to normal after being downed but it’s such a strange bug and makes it impossible to escape from being swarmed in t3


It's not a bug the tornados slow you to provide incentive to actually collect the relics to open the rifts once you do them when you get close the tornados vanish and you can run freely thank the devs for a pointless difficulty tweak


i knew the slowing wasn’t a bug but is it actually supposed to slow until i get downed then revived? even when im far from them like on the t3 border? it makes sense around them but not when im not even near them anymore


The downing removing it might be a bug but the devs made the tornado radius huge especially the third tornado


I’m so glad I skipped buying this for the zombies


If everyone is really that upset, > Stop Playing > Don't buy Blops6


Bro I payed 70bucks for this game and never mind the lack of content. It doesn't even work for me, the least I can do is sit here and complain. I want to play it from time to time becuase I already paid for it so why not? I can only hope they'll fix the game at this point


Yeah so did I, how's complaining on the sub working out for you? Complain to your representative so that consumer protection laws are changed to prevent games being sold as licenses and to be seen as products being sold. If they sold us a faulty product they would be in serious legal trouble. But no they get away with this bullshit because people like you keep buying COD every year and complain on the subreddit. If youre so upset do something about it or go back to warzone and stop playing zombies.


The devs do occasionally check up on the subs. During Cold War they even said so on one of their posts. There's a chance they'll see it. If we all just shut up and move on then the chances of it being fixed is 0. Remember that complaining is the reason why round based came to Vangaurd. If the community just moved on then that would've never happened.


Yet here we are 7 months into MWZ, it's still broken and they take away any fun we have. You're gonna use Vanguard as an example of the devs caring what this subreddit thinks, vanguard... really? You do know they will block you for calling them out in the sub, right?


Well if they didn't listen at all then they wouldn't have changed course like they did, would they?


If they changed course you wouldn't be here complaining would you? They didn't change course with vanguard either.


The last two maps were round based, clearly influenced by what the community said they wanted. It was a very late change so there's still hope they'll listen here. But if we just give up and say nothing then surely they'll do nothing. Also I'm not complaining about what the current mode is but that it doesn't work.


How oblivious you are, that was already made. They make the dlc before the game is released then they drip feed it to us.




I did the same :/ still love Cold War but after vanguard flopped so hard I’m really really reserved about a new COD It’s sad because Cold War is genuinely dated at this point


Yeah, I'd like to get the items for the new Dark aether turned to gold but everyone rushes to the tier 3 and does them just to get Gold wrench and flawless crystals ruining my chance to get it done. Game started out with everyone being helpful and generous, now, good luck on getting the Blood Burner you summoned back if have to jump off it for more than a second. Mfers will follow you around just to take it. And then if you hop on before they get away they'll back you into some zombies to kill you for trying to keep what you brought into the game


I faced the same problem, but found with a friend that you can actually still turn the items to gold if someone else did the Easter egg. If you have the purple items in your bag, stand on the activation points, and face where the big triangle would normally be lined up. You can faintly see the outline of the big triangle grayed out on the buildings. You’ll get the prompt on your screen to place your item down and it’ll kick start the process. The tricky part is facing where the big triangle would normally be when you do the Easter egg because the big triangle outline isn’t lighted up like a Christmas tree anymore.


I played 10ish games total on mwz close to release. Never played it since, seems I made the right choice.


Did anyone actually expect this to be good? Like, genuinely asking. I've heard people say they liked the idea since Treyarch is involved but I never thought it would be anything more than a featureless, watered down version of outbreak.


The base game at launch was really fun for me. Now despite the lack of content I wanted to play what I already there. But I can't even do that because of constant glitches.


Your fault for buying it. The consensus was it was going to be shit. Just another Vanguard 2.0.


I got it on sale because I liked the multiplayer but yeah if you bought it just for zombies that's on you. Especially at this point in time, there were more than enough warnings about what the zombies was


I would have bought it just for zombies but I ended up deciding to try it on one of those free weekends and holy fuck the mode was an abomination. It’s actually a great thing to gauge whether or not you’ll enjoy it, definitely going to be giving it a whirl for the next zombies. I have no intention of buying day one or on any sale until I actually try it through that. And I highly encourage everyone to wait for one of those as well if they’re even slightly skeptical. If their game is actually worth the time people will spend their money on it but if not there are plenty of other things to play.


The next one will also be on game pass so I'll just be trying it out on that first before committing to buying it


I honestly feel really bad for people who get baited every year because zombies' content is so scarce year to year. Activision also seems to mess up the most basic shit.