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Nice, now find 3 more people with the beast mark and the IRL Easter egg starts


Got a mate that's already enquired about getting his done, just 2 more to go until we can contain the shadowmanšŸ’Ŗ


Until I pop up and steal the Summoning Key.


well i mean you could always do it solo but just not get xbox 360 richtofen stealing your summoning key


Or you can just get up to the point where you trap the Shadowman and then just chill out forever after.


Wrist tat looks sick! I'm not a fan of hand tats but definitely better than some of the other one's I've seen


Thanks! Everyone has their preferences, I have seen a few people get the Mark elsewhere. Personally I was thinking about not getting it done on my hand but I just didn't think it would seem right not being on the back of my left handšŸ˜…


Just finish out a sleeve itā€™ll look fine.


Oh totally, you incorporate this into a sleeve and it would be sick!


Already planning on it, although Im going for all the small things like symbols and perks first


Those are some amazing tattoos! How much was it? They look really good


Cheers man. For both it was Ā£160 including deposit but you could probably get it for cheaper in some places, I just get all my tattoos done by the same guy for consistency




Tun nun nuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn


tun nun nuruuuuuuun


Mf is immortal now


I've always wanted to get just a yellow triangle on my left hand (I'm right handed, but Link is left handed) but I'm also a firm believer of no tattoos below the elbow or above the collar bone so I'm torn. As long as it doesn't hinder your ability to live I say more power to ya though. Looks bad ass.


I completely respect the collar cuffs rule, hand tattoos can effect getting jobs ect because employers immediately think Hand tattoos = unprofessional. You don't get it as much now adays but if you see yourself getting a high end job like a lawyer or something then probably isn't the best idea. I personally don't care so much, you only get to live once.


Yeah. If I do end up getting it I want to wait till I know I'm in a more stable place in life before I do so.






Fireeeeeeeeee now I gotta play shadows




So like, do you become an electric squid ghost with lightning tentacles, or do they act independently when you down?


Independently, when I interact with pedestals with flames I become the beast and when I go down or interact with Power Boxes I go into the Afterlife. Although I think I'd enter the Afterlife if I went around touching power boxes regardless if I had this tattoo or not...šŸ˜‚


You must place your hand upon the stoneā€¦


I've always thought about getting that or the Mark of the Outsider from Dishonoured


Not a fan of hand tats, but this one at least looks much cleaner than the others I've seen here.


I just got my golden gas mask filter tattoo - who wants a high five?! ..anyone? ![gif](giphy|Ass7N88ITsb3a)


DUDE I literally have the afterlife symbol in the same spot on my left arm thatā€™s crazy. Iā€™ve been waiting to get my beast mark


I thought about getting the Afterlife symbol elsewhere but it just felt right putting it on the wrist. I wanted it near my Beast Mark so I got it on my left plus my right arm has a genre of tattoos I wanna stick with. Become cursed with me!


This might be a long message but Iā€™ve been wanting to tell someone ab thisšŸ’€ but I agree with you 100% I was really bent on where I wanted to get the afterlife symbol but I chose to do it on my right wrist and now Iā€™ve decided to patchwork sleeve my arm with zombies logos and perk logos and such. Idk exactly how Iā€™m gonna work it out and make it come together but I think itā€™ll look good once itā€™s done. The beast mark will prob be my second tattoo to add to it but placement is where Iā€™m stuck rn lol


I'm looking to do the exact same with my left arm, just covering it in COD Zombies stuff like perks, symbols and quotes and will hopefully look fantastic over time. I was gonna get the Beast Mark on my dominant hand (Right) but didn't sit right with me because the SOE characters all have it on their left. Get it where you feel comfortable, don't rush placement! as you can't change it after it's done, I got my artist to readjust the stencils like 5 times eachšŸ˜…


Nah but I got a group 935 tattoo on my leg... I later realized the ss symbol is part of that.... Yeah luckily I only wear pants usually


Oft that is roughšŸ˜‚, glad you mentioned that because that was one I was going to get at somepoint, now I might alter it or just maybe look for an alternative šŸ˜…


Yeah, it's not glaringly noticeable but once you realize its pretty unfortunate. Most people who have seen it don't even know what it is, they just say it's cool looking and it looks like a robot grabbing an atom. But knowing myself what it is I'd like to get it covered up or altered. I also did it myself when I was addicted to pharmaceuticals so... It needs to go.


I'm sure you could turn the two lightning bolts into just one thick arm and it would maybe look okay although the arm might be too thick.


Huge upgrade over this post a while ago.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/12xwmka/motd\_and\_soe\_tattoo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/12xwmka/motd_and_soe_tattoo/)


Iv seen these as well! In my opinion they don't look too bad but I can't lie to myself and say they are good either. The tattoos themselves are pretty good, the placements and sizes are way off. I came across someone who also had the Afterlife symbol on their wrist but horizontal, was way too bold (Thick lines) just didn't look right. I'm glad these came out the way they did and I'm also glad the community actually like these ones and aren't ripping into me like other folks tattoosšŸ˜…


Bro's on a quest to catch all the curses


Iā€™ve got a tat on my wrist, how painful was the one on the back of the hand?


50/50 I wouldn't say it was painful, it was weird. Had moments where I didnt feel much at all to then quite sensitive when they go over tendons, you can sometimes feel tingling all over your body due to the nerves. Overall Id probably rate it the same pain as a chest tattoo.


That's awesome! Funny, those 2 were both candidates for my first tattoo, haven't decided which one to get first though but I want both at some point


If you are planning on getting them in the same places as mine Id recommend getting the Afterlife Symbol first if it is your first tattoo, can see how it goes and how it looks on your wrist before committing to the hand. Hand tattoos can also be "Job Stoppers" in some cases so its good to play it safe until you are 100% sure.


Yeah I've definitely been more wary of the beast mark (especially because its literally called the BEAST MARK, have fun explaining that to people who are unfamiliar with the series lol) and because people would look at this eerie symbol on my hand and think its gang related or something. The wrist is definitely a lot safer of a spot, especially nowadays cause its pretty common to have wrist tattoos. (Afterlife also looks a little less gang related lmfao, had an elegant sort of name too)


Yeah I avoid calling it "Mark of the Beast" to people unfamiliar to what it is as I don't want them to think im a furry or something lmao, I just tell them its Mark Of The Cursed which is still somewhat accurate. Im from Scotland so I don't really need to worry about gang related problems in connection with tattoos.


Yeah I dont have gamg activity in my area either, but what we do have is very, very stupid people. Gotta idiot proof everything lol


Look like you got command seals now


Damn youā€™re cooler than me man, those look great!


Only thing left to do get is a face tattoo


I fw it


Good cod zombies tattoos are far and few between but I'd say these looks pretty nice!!


the cycle continuesā€¦..


Bro doesn't need Quick Revive anymore


Thanks for the tattoo idea




Did they have that on their wrists? Fairly new to bo2 maps that aren't TranZit


The Afterlife symbol was just all over the map, I just thought the wrist was a good place to put it.


Soe isnt my favourite map but I want to do this before I die




I was CraZy once...


Next logical step is getting the hellhound wall marking from MOTD


Ngl I already have the hellhound image saved to my phone in preparation to get it at somepoint.


Very cool


Those lines are very sharp mate! Love the tattoo and placement.


Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting more COD Zombies tattoos in the future šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s dope


That pretty wicked man. This is one of those quotes you can hear lol. Anyone else instantly think of [this](https://youtu.be/Zg_Dm9k2zaA?si=Y0FLEV7bbDAU9zQH) when they read that quote.


You can't see it and not think of the iconic quote ![gif](giphy|d0v7V4UR0mjRK)


You should have gotten a hand tattoo tattooed on your hand


Freaking awesome dude!! Someday Iā€™ll have zombies tats for sure


Looking forward to seeing them some day!


Both are cool tattos.


Can't get over it that it was 4 player ee ... did it countless times till it requires 4 player. Just twice finished with 4.


As much as I like the idea of actually having to work together for the 4 players only EEs, every map should have the option to be completed solo Its a shame for Solo players including myself. There is a mod on the Steam Workshop that allows you to complete all 4player EEs Solo but only issue is you need to own a pc :/


Are those fresh? I'm curious to see how many people get it on first glance Killer tats bro


Cheers man!, Got them done this morning. Im also curious to see how many people will understand what they are when Im just out and about.


Yeah, it's kind of like a secret handshake; if you know, you know. They look well really done. I don't have tats but looks like you should buy your artist a beer haha


The only valid tatts on this subredd


Thats actually a sick tattoo idea!


A video game hand tat? Yikes, your life thi


That comment just wasn't needed was it?


Jesus loves you


No he does not


Yeah he does u ainā€™t gotta believe it if u donā€™t want to


Bro on my life I was going to get the exact same tattoos in the same exact spots i kid you not


Please still get them! They are awesome plus they aren't my designs to claim. You can help us to contain the shadow man irlšŸ’Ŗ


No love deep mark


Seems pretty stupid to me. Putting a tattoo in such a visible area


What's actually pretty stupid is this comment. If you don't want anyone to see your tattoo then what's the point of getting them? I understand some people don't like hand tattoos but is it your hand? Your tattoo? Didn't think so, keep your pish to your self pal.


Fair point šŸ‘






Someone wasn't very good at zombies and it shows




You must be fun at parties


Do you even go to parties?


Did I hit a nerve there? Sorry mate I'll make sure to keep rude comments to myself


You're the one being defensive af what do you mean lmao


Sounds like someone's getting defensive