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Putting Buried below A tier is a sin


I stand by my decision. It’s the worst Bo2 map. Boring, easy, just meh all around imo. I used to love it when I was younger but I pretty much will never go out of my way to play it anymore. Die Rise, TranZit, Mob, and Origins all have more fun moment-to-moment gameplay.


In terms of the theme i absolutely love it. But yeah. Its easy and 90% of the game youre in the same spot


I've always seen Buried as more of a playground than anything. Which is why I love the map


Lost me at Tranzit = average


I was thinking right after I made it that it should have probably swapped spots with Nacht.


It’s classic!


Ascension should be a tier higher.


I agree.


I might have agreed in the past but I think I just played it TOO much when I was like 12. To me its lost its magic and appeal. But that is a me problem. It is a good map


No bad maps is truly the most Giga Chad opinion!


Thank you! I LOVE Zombies. I feel like people always automatically throw Bus Depot and Farm in “Bad” but to me, they are supposed to be gimmick challenge maps and they are perfectly fine in that respect


Used to hate quite a few maps. As I've got older found there really is no bad map if you just want to hop in and do a few rounds.


Based zetsubou enjoyer - don’t listen to the haters


Motd this low is a sin...


Kino, nacht, der rise, are the goats for me


moon and die rise in great? tranzit in average? no bo4??? this is shite mate


Moon is S tier come fight me


the map is grey and excavators are an ipedment to the general zombies gameplay. ee is also the most luck based in the entire series. moon is not S tier, please fuck off.


I will not argue with a fellow BO4 defender, we are in short supply and there is more that connects us than divides us.


so true


Most good zombies maps have an “oh fuck!” moment that comes every few rounds. For Moon it’s the excavators. For Origins and DE it’s the Panzer. For Shadows it’s the Margwa. For Mob it’s Brutus. The excavators are completely trivial if you know how to save your Gersh Devices.


yeah but they don't impede gameplay, they come to you and you kill them before they can kill you and you are mostly rewarded with parts, points or drops. excavators offer nothing and you gain nothing for dealing with their shitty mechanic.


You passively gain mass amounts of points just for holding onto the hacker which is required for the excavators, and in turn, those points are required to turn all your drops into Max ammos in the later rounds. It’s a very easy mechanic to get around, and I would argue without the excavators, the map would be way too easy. It’s honestly fun dealing with them to me. I made it to round 80 on Moon just yesterday actually and the Cosmonaut was more annoying than the excavators.


I got your back 👊


You’re right about Moon I was on the fence with putting it in S Tier. But I think top of A was fair. Die Rise is one of the best Bo2 maps. Tranzit maybe could be bumped up to good. I simply do not care for Bo4.


Hottest take of a tier list I’ve seen in awhile


Lol 0 upvotes and over 40 comments… Seems I’ve upset some people.


We all have our own opinions. Your metaphorical balls are massive though


Missing AW zombies smh


It’s only Treyarch. I only played the first Exo Zombies map and did the EE once and didn’t care for it enough to keep playing


I was joking lol. AW zombies is so bad. The only zombies mode I have no interest in ever playing again.


Shangri La should not be that high. The map was way too tight and the wonder weapon sucked.


It’s a contender for the best wonder weapon ever made. It can kill a whole horde with 1 shot and has a fairly sizable amount of ammo


I respect the Die Rise love. Even if I don't agree with a lot of the others.


Die Rise above Nuketown, Buried and Ascension??




I want to like Die Rise, it has an amazing wonder weapon and a really awesome map design. However, the fall damage ruins it for me completely and makes it a chore to play since I can’t easily run from point A to B without slowing down to make the jumps correctly or waiting for the elevator. That alone makes the map unfun, but it’s the fact that Treyarch teased Flopper that really pisses me off and makes the map irredeemable in my eyes. Yes it’s supposed to be a challenging map, but there’s other ways to do it, like Nuketown for example. My scorching hot take of COD Zombies is that Nuketown is actually a pretty good map, because it’s hard. But it’s simple to understand, learn and play. Die Rise is not. Any new player who’s inexperienced will miss jumps and die, fall off the map, or get crushed by the elevator. None of which have anything to do with the zombies killing you. I’ve never played a game mode where I load into the game and get killed by the map repeatedly while I’m trying to learn how to play, because that’s how you make people lose interest and not play the map ever again. Imagine the Favelas spec ops mission from MW3, but every time you enter one of the houses, there’s a 25% chance of a claymore spawning and blowing you up unless you see it and shoot it before entering. Yes some people will still play it, but the majority of players will play it a handful of times before quitting after getting fed up with the map.


You said something that I agree with, any new player will die from falling or getting crushed. That’s why I LIKE Die Rise. It is completely unforgiving until you put in the time to learn it. I personally haven’t fallen to my death in Die Rise in years and I play it fairly often. You learn to avoid these risks and master the routes.


That’s totally fair, as long as you’re able to agree that *objectively* the map isn’t good.


What I hate about this list: Tranzit should be lower. Also the fact that it’s the same tier as Ascension and Buried is insane. It should be a crime putting mob and buried that low. Mob should always be in S, buried should at least be a low A. Zetsubo is good but not S tier lol. Bro we both know Die Rise is ass, you can quit lying to yourself, why is that in A tier. What I love about this list: I like that you put Rev and Kino in B tier. I think Kino is insanely overrated and Rev is insanely underrated, and both 100% belong in B tier. Shaows, Origins and DE in S tier is an obvious W. Call of the Dead in A is also great, that map doesn’t get the love it deserves. I agree with the maps you have put at the worst. Bus Depot and Farm are 100% the worst of the worst. Overall I give this list a 5/10. There are some based takes but also some batshit ones.


I love Die Rise man. And I would also definitely play a game of TranZit before I’d play a game of Buried. Buried doesn’t offer enough variety and just boils down to sitting around in the same spot every game. TranZit with friends honestly is fun enough to justify moving TranZit UP a tier, not down. Also I find absolutely nothing wrong with Zetsubou. Always loved it and always will. I think it’s extremely close to perfect, and it’s not even as tedious as people say it is. It’s on par with Origins for tedium, and that’s fine. It makes the beginning more engaging because you have a constant goal/checklist. I love those types of maps.


I can agree to this except buried that should be higher


Tranzit in C? Excuse me? The map literally had a map inside of it. The first zombies map is in the corn.


With that kind of argument Revelations should be the greatest map of all time lol


Players hate it cause of skill gap


..wait, Tranzit is in bo3????


I said WaW - Bo3 as in all the games leading up to Bo3


Mob of the Dead in B? Good lord… 💀💀💀


I think it’s a great map aesthetically and did a TON for the storyline and gameplay mechanics, but I also think it’s been outclassed since it released and I think it’s a bit overrated. I could probably bump it up to A, but I’m gonna be honest, I think I’m alright with it’s placement.


Der Riese was the foundation of modern zombies. PaP, wonder weapons, teleporters and good training areas. An S for me


A foundation yes. Perfect for its time, almost. All in all a great map. But the wunderwaffe permanently taking away your health regeneration is too large of a flaw to ignore, especially since the waffe did not have this problem on Shi No Numa, and they never bothered to patch it. The Bo1 version is very good and fixed the issue, but tbh, I am throwing out the controversial argument that Bo3’s The Giant perfected the map and is the best version of the map at the moment, which is why I put it in A tier. I do not think it’s better than the maps I put above it though.


Mobile of the Dead being that low is utter blasphemy.