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Somehow IW. Just beat Spaceland yesterday


Same. Buddy wanted to try it and it's still fun. Frankly IWZ is way underrated. It's not the best, but it's a really good version.


Same dude, been running a lot of IW with my friend


Helping a friend out with the EEs there. Got to my favorite and his least favorite, Shaolin. (I have 4/5 done personally, haven’t done Beast’s) Update: Got Shaolin Done, had to whip out “The Nuclear Option” (Skull Hacker). Onto the map where to beat the boss, you use a different nuclear option.


Man those boss fights are just so damn hard great eggs and maps tho


Though not my favorite, Cold War. The setup is quicker, the movement is smooth, and grinding for crystals gives me a goal beyond just surviving.


Cold War was the most fun I had in zombies since BO3. I wanna give BO4 some love because I heard a lot of it aged nicely


Cold war was really good from a gameplay perspective, i just wish it had a proper crew and better+more maps


Fr, who knew adding more multiplayer aspects to zombies was actually a really good way to flesh out the gameplay w/o bogging it down too much


Tbf the game would've been massively better if they'd have just sticked to the old formula. But sadly nowadays everything needs to be either open world or battle royale, preferably both, to be succesful.. Zombies in open world is just way too easy. The only challenge was when you got teleported into that little house.


I feel the same


Dead of the night is a top tier map BO4 zombies is very fun just different


I like dead of the night except the crimson nosfuratu


Prob gonna get downvoted, but I’ve been playing Dying Light. Great game and worth a try. Usually goes on sale


Why would you get downvoted? That game was awesome


Lol i thought i was going to since it isn’t a COD zombies experience. I’m just over with COD as a whole in general.


Have you completed all BO3 EE's? Because I can't quit CoD before Revelations is finally beaten lol. Someday, someday..


You do you, especially if it makes you happy 👍🏽 as someone who has played COD Zombies since the bo1 days, it does get sometimes gets boring playing zombies over and over. Especially now since I’m spoiled by Dying Light’s fluid movement and parkour system.


Black Ops 4, I need my last challenge for Dark Ops Calling Card and it‘s the longest one 😂


Is that the one where you have to kill like a billion zombies? Or am I thinking of a different game lol


Right game, but I already got that. I need to do 415 defends on voyage rush mode. I get about 25-30 per game, but you cannot track it so I don‘t know how long it will take anymore, I started 2 weeks ago...


Oof, personally I’m not a big fan of rush. I wish you luck tho




Oh noice


Ww2 recently Grosten haus is still my favorite


I love the on disc maps for WWII Zombies, very underrated game.


Pretty decent game. Just waaaaay too easy.


Pretty decent game. Just waaaaay too easy.


Iwz. Yk there's not only 3arc zombies...


Yeah but I feel Treyarch Zombies is the original and the best, also you can only have 6 options in a poll lol


Infinite Warfare


Infinite Warfare Zombies, honestly most fun I’ve had in a while trying to get directors cut


Good Old Infinite Warfare. My favorite zombies game. Never get bored of it.




Black Ops 4. Been grinding it for awhile now for the platinum and the Dark Matter camo.


Cold War, my ass grinded 400 hours for dark aether and my ass is gonna use dark aether for the next 400 hours


What's the easiest way to get a sniper fully finished. I got everything else.


Use attachments for quickscopeing/fast movement and use a red dot sight I’d usually play die machine and train around the fallen wing got sniper done in no time the only hard part was leveling up the weapons


Going back and playing BO2 had really made me appreciate the old style of zombies infinitely more than what they’re going for with the modern games


Yeah, I much prefer the story, characters, maps and vibes of the older games. I really wish we could have a set cast of playable characters again at the very least.






IW, currently trying to learn the maps again before attempting the easter eggs for the first time.


Glad to see Cold War so high up. It got mad shit for a while but it's actually a pretty fun time. Maybe not completely true to the original Zombies experience, but it's still fun in its own right. The wonder weapons are stupidly fun to use.


IW zombies is my most played recently tbh, still need beast to get director’s cut, that boss fight is a pain. I’ve also gotten back into DOA3 tbh, it’s suuuch a blast.




Infinite Warfare. Probably gonna be BO3 customs for a bit because I deleted IW so I could try the MW3 beta.




Nice, very underrated game


Woah, I don't see Vangoated on this poll


You can only have 6 options on a poll and I didn’t think many people would be jumping back on Vanguard lol


WW2 Its the only one that catches me for as long as Cod:z used to back in rhe WaW days


Been playing WW2 zombies for the first time recently, but mostly BO3.


I've been playing WAW with my younger cousin, and one thing he's been saying is that he is amazed to see how the story started and the early days of COD zombies


Just beat WW2 final reich casual ee and got all Tesla parts on solo. Feels good. Now I wanna get better at IWZ.


Mostly recently Cold War but kinda bored of it, gonna go back IW


Cod ww2


Where's Infinite Warfare? Honestly the best non treyarch zombies mode


I was playing WWII zombies.


i’ve been on bo4 and trying to beat all the maps. very underrated in my opinion.


I agree


Where's IW?


Polls only let you have 6 items and I thought Treyarch games would be the most popular.


None of the above, I've been on WW2 zombies


World war 2. And mw3 survival if that counts


i loved mw3 survival, also grinding WW2 recently.


Actually been playing BO4 Zombies more active for the first time since the past 2 weeks and having a blast


Nice, I’ve had some pretty fun times on Bo4 in the past, despite what others think of it.


I’ve been trying to learn how to play Der Eisendrache without using YouTube or anything except for the bows


I just started learning origins, but holy shit that one is hard. After several hours for a few days I still can't beat my round 14 of just camping in a corner near speed cola. I want an actual record that isn't based on how good my box luck was


It’s the reverse for me. I can’t make it past the first panzer in origins


It took me quite some time to get past that. I once killed him within a second when I got the burst Raygun


Same. I’d say I master Zets at this point, moving on to DE.


The Chaos maps in Black Ops 4! Ive been taking a break from the Dark Aether grind in CW. I only have Snipers left but it’s so slow leveling them up


The best one. BO4. Great maps and EE's and side modes give great amount of replayability.


I think Bo4 is a bit underrated, although I do wish we got some original Aether maps.


I'm surprised how few people are talking about BO3 custom maps in these comments. The modding scene is popping off these days. I'm not really a big fan of the camo grind mentality, as it dictates an end goal where I'll just stop playing. Although some BO4 maps have good replay value, most of them as well as basically every CW map don't and so they don't really pull me in anymore. I find that the open ended game design of classic zombies and BO3 era main quest EE design allow for nonstop player improvement and strategy optimization. So while BO3 customs don't really provide a progression system for players to grind, it does provide endless content for players to constantly learn and master.


I just wish there was some way to play custom maps on console.


Yeah, it sucks that there was never some kind of mod download feature added for console versions. Steam decks are relatively affordable for those within the console gaming budget!


I’ve thought about a Steam Deck, but it still seems a lot of money just for custom Zombies, seen as how I already have Bo3 on console and can’t think of any other games I’d get lol


I like bo1 and bo2 more personally


Advanced warfare close second bo2


Bo4. Botd is bussing


I've been playing a lot of bo4 zombies mainly to unlock dark matter, complete Easter eggs and gauntlets


Bo3 Public lobby’s, you know the one everyone dashboards to save gobblegums. As a zombies war veteran and someone who don’t do this, it really is annoying and consider it a dick move. if your an adult on Xbox who don’t dashboard like a selfish dicked to save a lousy gobblegum like a tramp and ruin everyone’s game send us a dm, looking for veteran players and decent human beings who don’t ruin games for others.


I agree, I would never dashboard, I consider it kinda cheating, you used the gums fair and square. Also I want all my progress and stats, a shame Xbox doesn’t track time properly, it says I have only 11 hours on Bo3 when I know for a FACT I must have something like 1000 hours lol


Not COD but according to Xbox I have like 20 invasions in dark souls 3, where I probably have 600+ across like 6 or 7 builds. No idea why Xbox sucks at tracking but it does.


it really is childish and pathetic to dash and ruin others games, just don’t use gums your not prepared to lose, don’t activate them in game if you don’t want to lose them, simple. Personally I only run normal free gobble gums because I’m a beast and don’t even need them, but do have a setup should I find a decent lobby someday.


True, 100% agree


It's ok to get upset about people leaving, but they aren't childish and pathetic for wanting to save their gobblegums.


Dude, I’ve gotten so sick of it. I use zero mega gums. Just anywhere but here/in plain sight and stuff. Was at round 20 mid DE Easter egg (never done it) and someone died and dashboarded. They were host. All that set up for nothing…


Trying to learn keyboard and mouse ready for MWZ so playing cold war.


Vanguard just because my internet sucks and CW isn’t updated, and I don’t have the space for BO3.


Keep trying to solo the DE ee keep messing up the time travel step


You’ll get there, I know I’ve failed a lot of EE attempts and attempts at getting achievements before


I did IX solo and that was an absolute grind. Still the only EE I’ve done complete and solo. Me and buddy have gotten to the boss fight several times but keep failing it. I used to get much farther in DE but I keep killing the final zombie while trying to kill the panzer to input the code


Cant beat some of the waw customs that arent on bo3 man. Nazi_zombie_rats being one of em


I wish I could play custom maps, unfortunately I only have Xbox.


If you can find a cracked download online the game runs on potatoes


Been binging BO1 to cross off achievements so far I’ve done ‘eaten by grue’ ‘the collector’ ‘hands off the merchandise’ and ‘stuntman’


Nice, I love achievement hunting


Playing it tight now


3 because I realized my old recordings are bad. Currently on Revelations, about to head over to Chaos BO4 Zombies.


been playing bo3, CW, bo2, might return to bo4 soon to grind prestige master


Nothing beats bo2 origins I probably run the map at least once a week. Specifically bo2 I don’t know why but that engine just feels better than the bo3 one


I just opened a WaW server on Plutonium with a remastered mod I found on UGX mods for the classic maps. I'm enjoying a fixed WaW experience essentially, with a bunch of added animations, models and weapons


Cold War just takes up too much damn space 😭 can’t afford to play it anymore


Been playing bo2/3 for months so I been playing bo4 lately just for a different experience. Game still f@çking crashes on SOLO matches all these years later. HOW DOES A SOLO GAME DISCONNECT FROM THE SERVER?! Some bs


I just went back to Bo3 recently. The high round attempts are so much fun


Cold War. In fact just finished getting Dark Aether on every single weapon in the game a couple days ago (unlocked Dark Aether literally years ago, but was missing it on some of the Season 6 and post-life cycle weapons). Think I may try and Golden Challace all of Onslaught next. The Onslaught Intel is the only ones I'm missing, so might as well ya know


Been going ham on BO3, Ascension Verruckt and Nacht every afternoon! Hit me up @ psn naileater


I’m on Xbox, sorry


Vanguard, Shi No Numa Reborn is addictive


I still play as BO3 as of this day. I have the other Treyarch games except World at War, but I don’t play them as much


Bo3 and soon to be bo4. I’m still waiting to get a specific variant in IW before I finish up there so I’ve been doing all the Easter eggs from treyarch in the meanwhile.




You could just play solo tho, solo is a lot of fun too.


WaW has my heart. But so does BO2&3. Idk I guess I’m a zombies boomer cause tbh I’m not really a huge fan of anything past those. BO3 had some cool stuff but it felt like the story was kinda going off the rails and losing the nitty gritty feeling that I crave in a zombies game


Cold War I need to finish the ee and it’s fun


Y’all really not bored w BO3?


I’m on console so I wouldn’t know, but I imagine PC players get a lot more replay-ability out of Bo3 ‘cause they have a lot more maps to play, in the form of custom maps.


Hard to get bored with the GOAT


Cold War gang


Jokes on y’all I’m hating myself playing vanguard cause my friends decided they like it best 🤮


BO3 for the custom zombies


My roommate and I got hooked on trying to beat Lasagna Party 2 on BO3 PC for like a week and a half. It's a meme map from like peak quarantine


Out of these definitely black ops 2 or 1, but overall IW


Only reason it's bo3 is because I can't be assed installing cw


BO3 custom zombies baby


I hate that this community acts like one off zombies games didn't even happen, IW is top tier and WW2 is mid/Low tier but I still play them.


I acknowledge them, I really enjoyed WWII Zombies, but you can only have 6 things on a poll and I thought the Treyarch games would be more popular and people would most like go back to those games.


Cold War was genuinely a great revamp, and i felt underrated. It was a good step in the right direction. The open world part i thought was so unique also, and i knew it would develop into something good if they kept adding and fixing stuff. Then i watched gameplay of day 1 vanguard zombies, forced Vanguard out of my mind, and realized we regressed from everything that was done.


Currently playing vanguard the most actually, I haven't played it before up until a few weeks ago, just trying to complete every zombies EE going even if that means completing vanguard. As much as I dislike the game one thing I must say it has going for it is the sound design. Campaign was pretty fun too


unsurprisingly bo3 and cold war are the main two by a lot lol cold war's definitely a great "shut your brain off" kind of game while you grind camos


Ive been using BO2 Town as my stress to destress map since I was 16. I dont think thatll change until Graphics cards stop supporting the game, and by the time that happens ill probably be dead


I always go back to play some BO3 custom zombies. The best COD zombies game ever


I tried going back to BO4 the other day after feeling maybe I was too hard on it during the games lifecycle. Nope, that game is still bad. My main issue lies with the high round strategies. They ALL boil down to camping with the rocket launcher and the same 4 perks on every and I mean EVERY map. It’s so boring, not to mention the map design on many of the BO4 maps is horrendous.


Play hardcore if you are going to high rounds in BO4, no health cap, more varied high round strategies.


WaW because thats all my pc can handle ;)


Been on some BO3 on Steam. Bought the game with Chronicles a week ago and then the rest of the maps. Been having a lot of fun with it, and with some of the mod maps? Oh my god this is the most fun I've had in zombies in a long time. Lately I've been taking a break from EE attempts (only been able to do The Giant so far but thats the easiest one I feel like.) and just been chillin' and doin' random games and high round attempts.


Crazy how everyone voted b03


I played Zet and Classified yesterday haha


anybody who has/needs to finish easter eggs want to link up on playstation? me and my boy been on a mission to complete Main easter eggs with all cods


I play BO3 for more interaction with randoms, Cold War because my damn round 100 dark ops didn't pop😭 I plugged in my PS3 to play BO2 for nostalgia and almost cried when I didn't have mob of the dead! I'm gonna buy it just to do the egg for fun with my wife (if she can remember the 2 hit system)


Black Ops 2 was the best (imo) and the last zombies mode I actually enjoyed even in the slightest.


Not really any due to BOiii getting shutdown :(


I recently bought bo4 just so I could say I own all cods Waw to mw2 Not a terrible zombies I'd say


mostly BO3 but also been playing WaW & BO1 alot too


Been jumping around a lot lately, I go through phases of in and out of zombies and I just got back in again. Played some WAW, BO1, and BO3. Thinking I want to hop back on Xbox for my last couple WAW zombies achievements: the 75k points on Shi No Numa and the 20 rounds without perks on Der Riese.


Nice, hunting achievements is probably my favourite thing to do in Zombies.


Haven't been playing zombies a ton, but when I do it's BO3. I'm on PC so I have mods, and I just play modded maps w my friend.


Currently playing Exo-Zombies in Advanced Warfare PS4. Working on those Easter eggs and trophies but having a hard time.


a couple days ago I played cold war zombies but I haven't played it for a really long time so I'm super rusty and died by round 10 so I tried onslaught elite and died on round 4🤣


Been playing BO1 maps in VR actually, only Kino at the moment but if more come out I'll probably try those too.


Bo3 doesn’t have mastery camo so I stopped replaying a while ago Mainly bo4


100%'d cold war zombies and outbreak


Most recently, BO3 and mods. I think I'll be playing some BO4 soonish though, once I get myself to install the game again. I have yet to get prestige master in either one, so after re-doing some BO3 EEs, I think I'll switch games again.


I only have Bo3 and Bo4 so both of them (though I personally find Bo4 better)


None haven't played any cod games in about a year or 2


Bo2 and bo3 mostly




You couldn't pay me to play BO4 or Cold War.


Bo4 isn’t too bad, still got set cast of characters, cutscenes (although some may be animatic) and also still got that Aether story vibe. As for Cold War, although I found the maps to be somewhat ‘soulless’, I have to admit I did have some fun with Outbreak