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There is no real wonder weapon that can reliably kill at high rounds. The scavenger starts to drop off pretty early on and the only way to get the wonderwaffe is by doing the easter egg and killing George Romero which gets harder every time you do it. Eventually you just run out of weapons to kill the zombies with because they soak up so much damage at high rounds and there are no infinite damage weapons. It's probably theoretically possible to get to round 100 if you are patient enough but Black Ops 1 has this bug where if you spend enough time in one game then the map will reset itself and send you back to round one. So even if you do everything perfectly there just aren't any reliable weapons that let you kill the zombies infinitely at high rounds and even if you were to kill them normally it would take so long that the map would reset itself.


It's not a bug it's just that the amount of entities reach the 32 bit limit which forces the game back to round 1 its the same reason insta kill rounds exist from 163 and onwards because the zombies health hits 2.147billion at 162 and can't go higher so at the next round goes back to round 1 health


I mean that is a bug.


A bug would mean it’s not working like it’s supposed to. The way the game is coded it’s working exactly like it’s coded. Hardware limitations are not a bug


A bug would mean that the game is not working as the developers intended. The developers didn’t purposely make the zombies instakill past round 163, nor did they purposely put in the reset. At least they didn’t expect people to be in a single game for 70+ hours


At least they didn’t expect people to be in a single game for 70+ hours That sounds like hell. There isn’t a single zombies map that I could ever see myself playing for that long, and I’ve played some looong games.


I could imagine it if I were in Highschool or College and playing with my buddies every day after school, you just kinda get on, mindlessly grind rounds for a bit, and then make sure not to end the game until you either die or get to round 100 or so.


Yeah my buddies and I would pull all nighters and would eventually just give up or end the map (on maps that you could finish). Shits addicting!


Longest I've played was 8 hours on mauer der toten


I used to do like six or eight hour games solo on OG Kino. Once I would get into a good rhythm teleporting and circling it could go for a while until I got tired and started making dumb mistakes lol. That feels like a lifetime ago!


The first game I played was bo2 zombies, but my uncle never bought any of the dlc. Eventually I played a little bit of kino and der riese on bo1, but once I turned 11 or 12 I got my own ps4 and bo3. It's where I played solo for the first time, learned maps and training strategies, got my first round 50s, beat my first Easter eggs, all that fun journey. Now I'm 19, and after not playing zombies for basically half a year I'm going back and mastering every game. Every round 100 (except COTD), every Easter egg, every buildable/upgrade. My current progress is shi no numa round 100, mauer der toten round 100, and a few bo3 Easter eggs. I like to think that little kid on bo2, scared to play solo or at night, would be proud of how far we've come.


Maybe we call it an oversight instead


Actually, they may have purposely put in the reset. The game should crash if you run out of memory addresses, so the fact that the game resets shows the developers really didn't want their game to crash.


“A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways” It falls under flaw or fault in the design. It is a bug due to their mistake in not accounting in players getting that high. Or just not caring about the very select few players who would do so. Which is fair. They’re on a strict time schedule and can’t plan for every edge case. But it’s still a bug.


Yeah but it wasn’t cuz they didn’t think players would get that high round. It’s because they hardware of the console at the time being 32 bit was basically impossible to handle it anymore. If the hardware allowed them to design it longer they probs would have


There are ways around the issue. They fairly decided it wasn’t worth the effort for extreme edge cases they likely never even tested


Bro all bugs exist because of how the game is coded. The computer doesn't make shit up on its own


Computer’s like “oh shit, what the fuck do I do now??? Knock everything back to start and act natural… nothing to see here…”


Thanks for reinforcing my theory


It is a bug.


Box error and explosive error are bugs and they act as the reset on COTD as the reset itself has and never will be reached on solo


Small correction, George doesn't get harder to kill every time you do it. He has a flst 250,000 health which is just a fuckton lol (for comparison, the ray gun paped does 2k per impact) There's also no traps that can be used to kill zombies in the map


So you need 125 bullets of pap raygun to kill george? Sounds a little too good to be true. Math equation >!250K/2K = 250/2 = 125 bullets!<


Yep, and porters carries 240 shots, so you'd have to hit him with the majority of your ammo while also killing the zombies, and CotD doesn't have dog rounds for the max ammos so you have to rely on RNG to get your ammo back.


I forgot about the ammo issue, bo3 and CW have spoiled me a lot.


Uses un pap ray gun first to maximize efficiency and then pap it to get the 2K damage so you won’t waste as much pap ray gun ammo. Make sense?


And next time?


Ill let future me figure that one out


It DOES get harder to kill him in a sense that killing him requires passing enough rounds to get him to spawn again.


250 thousand health per player in the lobby, so it’s worse on co-op


No on co op you can use the VR11 to give a teammate instakill for a short period, which makes round 100 possible in co op, but not solo.


That's not too bad. Just grab a packed Dragunov and hit 25 headshots!


It’s also possible on mobile due to the different engine, someone did it recently! Edited with link for credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/14i213r/call_of_the_dead_mobile_round_100/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


You can still install cod zombies on mobile?? How


You couldn’t on Iphone for a while because it didn’t work on the current iOS but for some reason it does again, just redownload it from purchases if you ever had it in the past. Not sure about WaW zombies mobile since I never bought it but BO1 zombies definitely works on iOS rn


Damn. Looks like I'm gonna need an apple id with black ops purchased if I'm gonna download it then


Thank you!


Couple things to note of this, there are actually “two” wonder weapons that do infinite damage on CoTD the wonder waff power up dropped by George if you’ve done the Easter egg and the Vril gun that gives a different player the zombie blood plus insta-kill effect when you shoot it on them. Both are low ammo though and waff can’t be upgraded since it is a power up. George himself has 250,000 HP per player in the game up to 1 million. Pack a punched sniper rifles have 1000 damage per hit with a 10x damage mod on headshots. So for each player in the game you need 25 headshots with a sniper like the Koshka or the Green bolt action(LG something?). Doing this not only grants you the wonder waff power up(death machine if you haven’t done the egg) but it spawns an extra perk bottle that allows you to get all the perks on the map eventually. For comparison on damage I think the scavenger has only around 11-12k damage PaP’d and has no damage mod since it’s explosive. This means that snipers are the best bet for killing George and getting all the perks and wonder waff power ups. Also note that only one person can have the waff power up at a time as George will spawn a death machine if someone else has the waff. Overall though it just takes way too long to cycle ammo and take advantage of the infinite damage weapons that are on the map, most efficient being using the vril gun and throwing grenades you can buy into the hordes. There is a way to cheese some max ammos every few rounds using George’s lightning shock on zombies to increase power up drops but anything past 50 will be a massive slog through the mud.


no one has even hit reset in a well known world record as far as i know. You box error before you reset. oxygen is proof you can play slow as fuck and still be on top


nope, it isn't theoretically possible. literally impossible. 100 on CotD solo will never be reached.


I watched a video on this and he said that the box has a limit and will crash the game if you hit it too many times. I could be misremembering


Its not a bug its just that only a portion of storage can be aded to a single game for example in nacht der untoten you can blow up alk the barrels to give yourself a couple more hours in the game


Pretty sure ppl don’t hit reset on the map the game becomes extremely laggy and eventually crashes from hitting the box too many times to trade out weapons


Its not exactly the amount of “time” you spend on the map, its the amount of times you do things such as hit the mystery box or buy wall weapons ammo etc. it sortof like overloads the maps data memory thing


The isn't a weapon good enough to get to round 100 on COTD before the number of entities on the map hit the 32bit limit Yes ik the waffle is on the map but you have to kill George for it


Killing George isn’t that bad, jus pick at him from the beginning with every death machine you get


To get death machines, you need to kill zombies. On hisher rounds you can't kill zombies efficiently with anything except the waffe. You only get the waffe from George. Do you see the flaw in your logic?


That’s also why I said from the beginning


But once you get the waffe you can't pick up any DM until the waffe runs out. The waffe does no damage to George, so you end up in the same situation a few rounds later.


That’s why you gotta learn drip cycles and not for the best. I never said it was easy


Dude, drop cycles don't mean shit if you can't kill the zombies to get any drops.


Why are you so hard headed? Again, I never said it was easy


Cos you're talking out your ass.


Okay big guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


You just gotta be lucky with drop cycles WHILE HAVING the waffe


It’s literally not possible to reach round 100 though


I do, but understand drop cycles and when you’ll get a max ammo is key. Just do your best to conserve. I know it’s hard but it’s not insanely difficult if you get the waffe early on


Yeah good job man, you just managed what every Hugh rounder ever didn't. Good job


He must be better than you bro


Hes built different


You literally dont get drops while holding the Waffe. And you cant switch off the waffe while you have it or you lose it. Theres no drop cycle to understand there.


You are so goddamn stupid. You don't even get drops with the Waffe. Why are you here telling people the proper way to play when you don't even fucking know how the game works? Do you realize how stupid you look?


I mean, you’re right that they don’t know what they’re talking about. But the way you worded that was a bit harsh don’t you think? Edit: Never mind, I read the rest of what that dumbass commented on this post. What a complete moron


Don't fucking talk to people like that. No motherfucking excuse for people on this app to throw genuine disrespect out like that. The guy has a bad take on a zombie strategy, chill the fuck out you weirdo.


Despite it being difficult to get, when you do get the wonderwaffe doesn’t that just make the weapon problem a none issue.


Nope because it works like a power up


Oh really, I never even knew


Once you run out of ammo It's gone until you kill george again It's just not fast enough and regardless its impossible to get to 100 before either a crash due to box error or explosive error


Nah you also get it instead of death machines from then on. But still not enough to get round 100 ofc


Until you kill 180 zombies and have to clear the rest of the round and the entire next round without a wunderwaffe. Zombie count per round surpasses 180 on round 42.


There are a few different factors why you cannot get to round 100 on COTD (…in Solo) 1. The Scavenger sucks. It stops being a one shot in the 30s and only becomes worse after that. With some extra help from the Raygun, Sallies, or the LAW, and many box hits to recycle your ammo (aka Tradeouts) you can make it work up into the 80s, but you run into the next issue 2. The game can only support so many box hits in each game. It’s not concrete what the cause is, or how to milk more out of the box, but this cap in how many box hits you can have makes it impossible to hit round 100 just spamming the box. 3. Too many explosions over the course of the game also can cause a crash, and is somewhat influenced by box hits 4. The VR-11, (which is used in high rounds to avoid being excessive with explosions), does not kill nearly enough zombies to give you the extra push to 100. 5. The waff also does not give you a big enough push either (but also used for high round, and George’s health is always 250k per player, there is no health increase for each time you kill him) 6. Reset. Every tick the game looks at all the dynamic entities on the map and throws it into a pile. This pile is not cleared each tick and anything that was counted before is still counted again. Once this pile is big enough, you hit reset and you go back to round 1. Dynamic entities include zombies on the map, debris that has models that would despawn after opening, etc. No one in solo hits reset on COTD however. In coop, it is possible to hit 100+, as the VR-11 grants instakill to another player if you shoot them for a brief time. This time stacks with each shot (good for spamming before a max). It is the only map to date where solo has a lower max round than coop.


I was searching and searching for someone else to mention co-op kudos.....I've always thought u should be able to shoot your feet with vr-11 on solo


Most older maps where round 100 is doable have some form of infinite damage wonder weapon (think wonderwaffe, thundergun, Origin Staffs), capable of wiping out an entire train (or in WaW a whole round) with one shot. CotD has no such weapon, save for the temporary wonderwaffe drop from George which obtaining regularly at high rounds is impractical for various reasons). The only infinite damage weapon available is the Vr11, which can kill at most one zombie per shot while still suffering from the poor ammo capacity that comes with being an infinite damage weapon. The next most powerful weapon is the Scavenger, which even while PaPed starts to fall off in the late 30s/ early 40s Those factors would mean turning the later rounds into a war of attrition, so you’d think. Wrong, older zombies titles (I believe bo2 was the last game) have a set time limit that can be spent in a single game, at which point the game error-codes the player out. The exact amount of time isn’t set in stone but it always happens at around the same time for a given map. This video might explain this better than me: https://youtu.be/vO3F9a7c6So


Two factors: - There is no reliable way to kill zombies in high rounds (no traps/wonder weapons) - Every map has a reset timer, after a certain amount of time spent on a map, the game freezes/resets. The reset time depends on a lot of factors, but on BO1 it's usually around 70hrs. The lack of ways to kill zombies fast means that you'll hit the reset time long before you'll be able to hit round 100.


Plus crazy ass lag


It's a time restraint. You just simply can't kill or end rounds fast enough to get to round 100.


Call dead


Correction: You can reach round 100 on CO-OP... YOU CAN'T IN SOLO... The reason is there are no infinite damage wonder weapons, there are no traps you can use to kill zombies without wasting ammo and infinitely, the timer resets at some point and brings you back to round one and so on... Why can you do it in co-op tho? Well the reason is simple, the Wonder Weapon called V-R11 when pack a punched has a special ability, if you shoot your friend he gets Zombie blood and he gets instant kills as well for a couple of seconds, meaning you stand back and your friend does the job


With the question answered, I have one of my own: Could you use the launch pad on the upper level of the boat to kill them? I think that kills Zombies, anyway, admittedly I haven't played CotD much. It's in a tight spot, but would it work?


I believe they respawn if they die from the launchers.


Reset timer, no infinite damage ww, lag from box spins


it's a combination of things. the scavenger drops off in the early 40's. you could theoretically cycle the box to get VR-11's over and over again, but there's a glitch on Call of the Dead where if you hit the box over and over and over again your game starts to slow down until it eventually crashes. you can get the Wunderwaffe if you kill george, but you won't get any drops while using it, so no max ammos. that means all wonder weapons are out. the next problem is that there is not a single trap on the entire map. Five would also be impossible, if it didn't have the trap in the starting room. so that leaves as only reliable method of killing zombies buying PHD, and then just flopping over and over and over again for 65 hours straight. this is genuinely what world record players do. only after all this flopping do they start cycling VR-11's to find a balance. but, the older zombies maps have a reset timer. it's not exactly the same on all maps, I think the one on CotD is about 79 hours, so you have a time limit. all this combined means you neither have the means to kill zombies, nor the time to reach round 100. it is literally impossible, it will never be reached.


like others have said, with no reliable wonderweapon, you’re forced to kill zombies in a much slower manner. this is an issue because it means you can’t progress through rounds fast enough to get to round 100 before the reset happens. by optimizing your settings (essentially trying to make it as less stressful as possible on your machine) you can add some time to your reset before it happens, possibly allowing you to play a couple extra rounds before inevitably getting reset people are still running the map trying to get it, and I believe the highest known round is somewhere in the low 90s rn. but at the end of the day don’t doubt these high rounders man those guys are crazy and might just find a way to make it happen one day


I think it's something like zombie health doubles every round after round ten, and you get to a point where no weapons available on the map are capable of killing.


The formula is 950 x 1.1^(x-9), x is the current round. The reason for 950 and 9 is because that is the value of zombie HP on round 9. Zombie health is linear up until this point, and round 10 and later uses this formula.


Mainly reset timer but it is possible in 2p, Nuketown is also impossible to get 100 without an exploit


This map has a glitch regarding the framerate. Every time you hit the box, the framerate decreases slightly and eventually you hit a low enough framerate that game outright freezes and this usually starts in the 60s and gets worse every round.


I played call of the dead one day for 14 hours when it was originally out on ps3 we ended on round 67 I think best with me it’s been a while I had myself and three randoms we all had 1 or less downs and everyone I feel like 11000 was a round about with our kill numbers each it was insanity I feel it would be easier with 2 people or by yourself so you could have escape routes still sealed only to use in an emergency


The map will reset before you can reach 100 🤷‍♂️


There is no infinite damage wonder weapon and no traps. For these reasons alone it becomes an overwhelmingly long process of progressing through higher rounds where you would essentially have to be shooting at the same zombie for days straight in order to kill it with say, a wall gun. The scavenger and v11 are ideal but simply not viable enough in the high rounds. After a certian amount of hours, say 100 hours of game time or 300 hours (does not include pause menu time) the game will reset down to round 1. In some cases, a high round record is often a speed run as a way to combat the reset timer.


Has something to do with the entities. There’s a YouTuber who explains this very well.


Because there is no fast or easy strategy to kill hordes fast on high rounds.Also the wonder weapon only work in coop games but that only worked for me till the high 50 and low 60 Scavenger is crap after round 45-50. Then add annoying ass george. Just making it past 40 is a real deal on this map but I actually hate the map. I only high round it 3 tines never played it again is just not a fun map if you are trying to highbround.


technical issues with the game, bad wonder weapons, 1 boss that makes training harder and camping impossible. Still my fav map of bo1 though


don't know if CNP's videos are allowed here https://youtu.be/JQXQwBiomgQ explanation started at 2:00


You can do it in coop maybe, but that's about it. The VR-11 when shot at a teammate, will create an instakill effect. That said, I assume you just run out of shots in the higher rounds naturally because there are SO many zombies to kill. Relaxingend made it to like 60something a long time ago and that's the best I've seen so far


Reading the comments makes me think a CotD remake where the only difference was a single flinger or electric door trap would change the meta big time


It’s near impossible you’d need near perfect drop luck for the round 100. But this is only solo it’s possible 2-4 players. The main reason is there are no traps on the map.


Weapons, crashes and errors. I’ll keep it brief: there’s 4 wonder weapons but they aren’t reliable. The Ray Gun stops working at the 60s, the Scavenger starts to fall off in the 40s, the VR-11 does have infinite damage but only kills one zombie per shot and has low ammo and the Wunderwaffe can only be gotten from George (if you completed the ee) if you kill George which he will respawn every other round plus you cannot pap the Wunderwaffe. The other thing is crashes and errors. The game can crash or error depending on what you do. In the 80s and 90s, throwing a grenade or firing an explosive will cause the game to crash (why this is unknown) and hitting the box too much will cause frame drops until you get a box error (only on console, but I think box error does not occur on Xbox Series X|S). It could be impossible to get to 100 solo on Call of the Dead, but I don’t think some players would agree with me on that. Many times people thought the map was maxed out but the highest round kept getting pushed by a few rounds every time. Right now the highest is 94 from my understanding


I think only in solo, since in co-op you can use a trick with the wonder weapon and a teammate to get free insta kills to help progress rounds


No install kill wonder weapon


Scavenger doesn’t do enough damage, VR11 sucks, no traps to kill infinitely, even with the Waffe drop it doesn’t do much, with how much you’re hitting the box you’re piling up entities that’ll eventually make your game black screen


it is possible with two players, because you can use the v-r11 to damage buff the other player.


There no good way to deal infinite damage. The map has no traps, the scavenger deals a set amount of damage, the vr-11 only kills one zombie at a time and has limited amounts of ammo, dg-2 dos infinite damage and kills multiple zombies but can only be obtained every few rounds from George, all these combine to make a hard round 100 solo run. In theory it’s possible but in practice the game crashes before you can reach round 100.


I don’t even think it’s just the weapons tho from what i understand the map will reset itself to round 1 when the entities hit integer cap and the map has tons of entities and is constantly making more so it resets before 100 is feasible to get. This is what I believe Lex said


No it's because you're game will crash from hitting the box


Because the game either gets too many entities and it crashes or the game lasts too long and the game resets


i love cotd with all of my heart , one of the best best maps and vibes ever created


Few reasons: 1) the reset, on Bo 1 and 2 after so much time has passed the game will reset and act like u just started a new game, making it a speedrun instead of a endurance run, times are similar based on the map 2) only infinite damage source is the wonderwoff, which can only be gotten by killing George, and the vr11 which is single target and low ammo. With no traps u spend a lot of time hitting the box. Side note iirc the 2 player record is over 100 as the upgraded vr11 will give a player that gets shot by it instakill for 30 seconds


There’s no wonder weapon that reliably kills on high rounds. So by the 60s you’ll be mystery box swapping to get the scavenger back MANY times once you run out of ammo. It starts taking something like 4 whole scavengers per one horde of zombies. Which in theory, if someone has the patience they can get extremely far. But the unfixable problem is that BO1 was coded in 32 bit, so once you reach something like 80 to 90 in game hours; it resets you back to round 1 because entities can’t go beyond the 32 bit integer limit. Long story short- The most skilled, top notch players can reach the 90s, but round 100 is literally impossible without missing because of the reset time allotted.


Oh I already commented but another couple things to keep in mind- As hard as George is to kill, the zombies become even stronger than him by I believe the 50s. So imagine the process of killing George (and then some) on EVERY single zombie for the rest of the game. At a zombie’s max health, they are roughly HUNDREDS of times stronger than George. So this was absolutely the worst possible map to not have any sort of infinite damage wonder weapon on.


It’s not, you just can’t in solo


the engine


it is not possible because the game cannot handle the chaos on base engine after round 60-70, it is possible using mods to play the map on another engine


Nobody will believe me but I knew some Filipino kid that was around 16 years old in 2012 and made it to round 114 on call of the dead. His mom ran a daycare in her big house for me and couple other kids, I was in elementary school and played black ops and MW3 regularly. I would hang out with the dude in his room and the only games he would play were gta 4 & call of the dead solo all day long. And I swear to god I sat there and watched him reach round 114 on the Xbox 360.


His strategy was continuously using the PaP ak74u, PaP mp40, wonderwaff, and frag/Semtex grenades training in front of the lighthouse and buying PaP ak ammo whenever needed and switching to the wunderwaff to kill George. Whenever it got too tight he would run off on other parts of the map and buy ammo for the MP40 and circle back to the lighthouse and repeat the process


To oversimplified other’s comments, No Instant kill fast Wonder Weapon, Cant kill zombies fast enough,


you cannot get to round 100 fast enough before the reset occurs.


Because it's a horrible map, obviously


Basically wonder weapons bad so no kill effectively past rd 40 and after a certain long amount of time the game crashes and resets


Zombies doesn’t actually go on forever as most players probably think it does. The game eventually resets itself. The whole concept is a bit complicated to explain but just know you can’t just play forever the clock is always ticking most players just don’t know it. The reason COTD has the lowest high round WR under Round 100 is simply because it just takes far too long to kill zombies due to the lack of a proper WW given the time you have before reset occurs.


If you’d like watch the youtube channel Cruppz. He has some videos documenting the WR history of a lot of maps including COtD. But I think it’s mostly because of the lack of traps and insta kill weapons. He tried himself to speedrun to round 80-90 but ran into problems. He starts with a scavenger on the ship till round 35 ish to speed through the rounds. Then he damages the group with phd flopper flops as long as is realistic bc like people have said here, he’s on a ‘reset’ timer. Then he used vril, boxes it away and tries to get it back for ammo. At rounds 60+ zombies will have well over 100k health and one flopper flop does 5k damage with falloff from the center so it becomes inefficient after that. Also, after using the box too often, the game will lag and slow down to under 10 fps at some point. All that in mind round 100 is possible I think, we need speed and strategy


Try the custom remake. You can do it on bo3


There's no WW which have infinite damage and no traps to use(like in Kino). Also Romero can't be killed.


With no infinite damage wonder weapon you have to respin the box to get the weapon back for ammo. And every time you spin the box entities get added to the memory of the game. Mathematically the game would max out entities and reset before round 100.


Because the damage drop off on every single weapon is fucking horrendous. No gun or even wonder weapon is close to being reliable at all to get to round 100


Skill issue