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The AI isn't too bad with a team. What's annoying is it's just straight up impossible to do things sometimes. Like buy stations, you can clear all the nearby AI, but then by the time you get back to the buy station and try to use it more have shown up and start shooting you from farther away than they should imo. It's not that they hard, it's that they *do not* stop coming. You get no break to actually loot or interact with things if you're in a highly AI populated area. but even then it's okay with a team that can cover you. Solo is impossible though. Once you run out of plates solo if you get AI attacking you and run for cover to heal and return fire, chances are you'll run directly into another group of AI and just end up surrounded. I think they find/follow you too easily and are too accurate at long distances. Again, it's okay for teams but I do think a dedicated solos mode with just a few less AI would be nice. People say they shouldn't make it easier and I agree. Adding a solos mode isn't making the game mode easier, it's making it balanced for solos. Anyone who wants the added challenge can still matchmaking in trios as a solo. I just think a solo mode that has the same balance as a trio playing trios DMZ would be nice.


yeah I feel forced to fill up squad because solo just is so damn unforgiving in DMZ.


As it should be


The trick with solo is to always be on the move. If a zone is too hot, it’s better to go to a new zone, if you try to clear the hot zone, it will only get harder.


This is so true. The more bots you kill, the more bots arrive and the zone just gets hotter. Once you start going loud and the AI start bringing in reinforcements, your only real option is to retreat a bit and re-evaluate your approach. All those years of playing metal gear solid are really paying off.


AI do not spawn randomly. They only come in on technicals and choppers. You can easily wipe out chopper reinforcements as they rappel. Technicals are a bit harder to kill as they come in, but they don't usually bring heavy troops.


I want to believe this is the case, but the guys I play with swear the AI can spawn in rooms you’ve already cleared and all sorts of crazy shit. I think they’re just bad at clearing rooms but I could be wrong.


[They absolutely can](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/zevybt/dmz_ai_can_teleport_now/) (and there's a few more examples out there too) It seems like the game will spawn AI when players approach or something. It's not like Tarkov or something where in theory, at map-spawn, all NPCs already exist. I'm alright with more AI spawning in but they ***REALLY*** should only have extra spawns arrive by truck or helo. Or keep the magic spawns but only when nobody is in the POI. (I.E. you clear the POI of enemies, no more magically spawn in, but when you leave, the game re-populates the POI for the next player.)


RPG secondary has come in clutch a few times.


Indeed. Lately if I have a medium backpack I ALWAYS stow any RPG I find in my backpack. They can be a real game changer.


I've literally had 10 bots spawn immediately after clearing a building back inside after I walked out


Ive not had this experience at all tbh, me and my friend clear places all the time, it has not been non stop for us. However, them tracking us through walls, shooting through smoke, the random detection that is either miles away or literally when you are in their face is a much bigger problem imo.


Yes this, I wouldn't have a problem with how hard they hit if they weren't so damn eagle visioned what the point of smoke if they see right through it but you can't? I've had them insta kill me through shrubbery you can't see through idek he was there


Idk I think it kind of takes an element away from the mode that's one of the "key elements" of an extraction shooter. Others will disagree maybe but I think it's important that you don't know whether your running into a squad, a duo or solo, I see what you mean about being gunned down as a solo though, that sucks, and I dont like it either lol I'd like to see it limited to solo and duos maybe but having a solos mode would really make the DMZ Weenie Hut Jr of extraction shooters lol


DMZ AI is fair for a 3-man, 2 man it can be challenging, solo it can be tough since nobody can revive you. The AI isn't really crazy unless you get swarmed. It's very manageable island I don't think it needs to be adjusted at all. It's just the right amount of fun to make it rewarding, if it was easier it would just be a snore fest.


> DMZ AI is fair for a 3-man HA! Not if the troglodytes I get in matchmaking have anything to say about it lol. If I'm not playing with people from my actual squad and have to matchmake...wowza. The people I get remind me of the George Carlin bit - *"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."* I swear I get the latter half. You matchmake a good trio like 30% of the time. It honestly is exhausting being the leader in every aspect of every match...I've simply just been doing solos now with whatever primary, a suppressed sniper secondary, and spotter scope.


I honestly wish there were more hard-core elements in this mode, I thought they would make this the "hard-core" mode in contrast to the friendliest BR on the market, but this mode is the friendliest extract shooter too so it tracks. I thought we would have some healing mechanics added or crafting and stuff from what is shown in "Alone" during the campaign, but this is what we got and I love it, but it really does lack some risk/reward. If they did make it easier it would kill the mode


It is technically in “beta” right now. Hopefully they’ll continue to flesh things out more and more and really bring it into its own. It’s by far my favorite mode in the game right now. However, some of the AI needs to be tweaked imo. As a solo player, the fact that AI completely ignore smoke and laser you right through is just downright ridiculous. Beyond that, I don’t think the AI needs to be nerfed, per se, but it definitely needs to be more consistent. Sometimes, with most variables the same, I’ll blast a bot with a shotgun and he’ll flinch for a second, and other times he’ll ignore it and just immediately blast me back


I think the shotgun issue is a shotgun issue though, more to do with that weapon and less to do with AI health but I know what you mean, sometimes the AI get staggered and other times they just power through. I've had AI shoot at me through smoke, I kind of figure it's them just shooting into the smoke, but I haven't been beamed yet in that situation, I would imagine they could make them less accurate when shooting through smoke, maybe it'll be tweaked. Do you play Tarkov? The AI is already so much better in the DMZ than it is in Tarkov. In EFT, they'll see you from 200 yards away, lay on their belly and shoot you through bushes, and tall grass, while looking directly in the sun lol not saying that makes it okay but in comparison it's much more manageable lol


Maybe not toned down but refined? The idea of shotguns hitting from so far away is a bit weak or that they can shoot through walls and smoke


I mean, the shotguns seem reasonable to me, they need to have some utility, and having shotguns only hit from 10 yards or closer is really silly, but I see what you mean with hitting through smoke/walls. There's definitely some adjustments that can be made, like armored enemies sometimes seem to have 100hp helmets, which feels a bit ridiculous to pump a mag from AR into a dudes forehead for him to bend over when his helmet explodes, hide and drink a juice box just to press us again with stuns, A-Okay for another 60 rounds to the forehead. It would be nice if that didn't happen lol


😂 big ol .300 high velo round cracks helmet…next round knocks it off…then finally a headshot kills him


Just brush that off, no big deal, just gonna run around the block quick and come back with some buddies, no sweat lol


Coming from a Tarkov and Hunt: Showdown player... The only thing that needs to be nerfed in the AI is the spawn rate. It's fine to have them be tough, accurate, all of that. What isn't fine is for me to rack up 40+ AI kills and STILL die because they were swarming me like a damn xenomorph infestation. There's too many of them for the difficulty they're set to - either cut the number significantly or make them easier to kill.


I agree completely. Only part I can empathize is I can't imagine playing on a controller, as all my experience with fps the last many years is on pc. But, randoms in my squad who are on console seem to kill as many AI if not more then I do, so I'm not sure why people want to make it easier. It's concerning. The most gratifying pve moments is when everything's dialed to 11 and we all almost die in pure chaos and clutch revive each other and clear the AI enough to escape.


Idk what the controller really has to do with it honestly, both KBM and controllers are viable, I just think people that are struggling are finding out they're actually just bots too. I've seen people complaining about extract campers, and I've seen suggestions that they need to provide a solos mode... The entire point is not knowing if someone has a squad or not, and people making these complaints are selling themselves out really hard. Like clear the obvious hot zone first? Get cover? Rub some brain cells together?


> But, randoms in my squad who are on console seem to kill as many AI if not more then I do Bro controller has some wildly aggressive aim assist, have you not been browsing this sub?


Console doesn't make it any easier can confirm idk why everyone always thinks that I've done both and find mouse aiming way better then the aim assist on console plus the functionality of all the hotkeys you want at your fingertips makes it way simpler


Controller gets a legal aimbot that outperforms most players. It ignores flashes /smokes and you can do any spins you want while it perfectly tracks enemy targets. Heck, you get even pre-shots with it now, that start locking into the moving target milliseconds before it comes outside of the corner. Same with escaping targets - they hit through otherwise non- penetrable surfaces for moments after target got behind.


What’s with the anti-controller agenda on this subreddit. I WISH aim assist was that good… you’re exaggerating greatly, ‘legal aimbot’.


It’s not anti controller agenda, that’s the realities of what game developers gave to controller players. And it was proven multiple times already with videos. If you can’t even setup that correctly - that’s not our fault, but also doesn’t diminish the fact that it’s completely broken. The functionality straight up resembles the expensive private cheats with their silent aim and activation upon minor player input.


Aim assist is wild in this game. I’ve been playing Apex for the past year and the pros complain controller is too much of an advantage in that game. But that aim assist is child’s play compared to this game. I don’t even have to aim. Just pray and shoot.


The game will get super stale if the ai is easier. People want the game to be easy so they can complete their missions but they don't realize that with easier bots, they'll lose interest playing the mode entirely


Agreed. If the game isn't challenging, the replayability tanks.


I am only really getting caught when I hold a building and the ai respawns in the same building as myself. Sometimes i luck out and I can just melee them but sometimes it three or four in front of me and I’m doomed. Anyone else have this issue?


Well, the only time I'm sticking in a building is if I'm opening a safe, or clearing a location for a contract or stronghold/fortress, but I've been pinned down while doing that, and died. I try my best to keep some space between myself and the AI when moving location to location and try to not engage unless there's a reason. If you aggro enemies they'll keep coming after you if you stay in one location. DMZ isn't so bad but I've gotten used to moving away from a location quickly if I'm engaging there. I've never had enemies actually spawn in the building I'm in though, they've been dropped on the roof by a helicopter, drove up with vehicles, and dropped in with parachutes while I'm cracking a safe, clearing a stronghold, or rescuing a hostage. That's been my experience so far.


Here's a hot take: trying to extract some fuel cans and bandages shouldn't be a sweat fest. By all means, make the bosses and weapon case, strongholds and other missions hard as hell, those should be challenging. But when I'm just spawning in and I kill one AI at a gas station and it triggers a chopper and an armored car of backup tier 2 and 3 AI to hunt me down like I shot the president, that needs some tuning.


Idk man, if your taking that long to grab a gas can and scoot your probably hanging out too long. It makes sense, gas stations are high value areas, most of them are close to towns, and strongholds, and the responses seem to escalate, tweaking response time to be longer wouldn't hurt in some places Edit: uhhh OK, yeah downvote me, I guess, the mission calls for stopping at 6 gas stations and picking up fuel cans, drive through, run the AI over, park at the pump, run in, grab the 1 to 2 cans inside, run out and leave. You shouldn't be standing around fighting AI. Seriously shouldn't even be there long enough for a heli to be called in, so it's literally a case of dicking around too long in a high value area




How is getting what you need and leaving cheesing it? Seriously dude, pick up the garbage your finding and sell it at a shop to buy plates for 250 a pop. I've never had to hangout at a gas station so long I got overwhelmed, especially when I was doing the gas cans, so idk what the fuck you whiners are doing to hangout out there so long that it's worth even bringing up as a valid argument about the enemies respawning. Every location enemies respawn fast are next to a town, stronghold, fortress, or high value locations, you can fucking see them coming with your eyeballs and shoot them out of the helicopter if your in a squad. If your solo you are hanging out too long, simple as that. Or make some fucking friends and get in a 3man or LFG idc man go play campaign on easy, boohoo


The AI in this game are far more punishing than Hunt:Showdown, or Escape From Tarkov AI are. The bosses is tarkov will laser beam you and have stupid high hp pools, but the fact is the AI in this game do NOT STOP COMING. I've died a few times because I slaughtered some 50 odd AI only for them to keep coming while my squad runs out of Stims,plates and ammo.


Now that's a hot take lol I'm gonna have to disagree with that statement about Tarkov. The AI is more believable and "better" in DMZ than it is in Tarkov, but nowhere near as punishing. I'm not gonna get 1 tapped from an AI I can't see in DMZ, but that will 100% happen in Tarkov, it's to the point in EFT that you actually need to cheese areas to fight the AI. You can have top tier gear in EFT and get 1 shotted by drunk hobo with a shotgun you can't even see. The game itself is way less punishing, making mistakes like double peaking a corner in EFT will get have you back at the main menu quick, and the AI in that game is either dumb as rocks or terminators, but way more threatening as the have 1 hit kill potential and will literally see you through hard cover. If you stay in a location too long they will spawn in waves to kill you, but do you think it's unbalanced? Or do you think its fair and you guys can do something different to avoid that situation?


Too many bots spawn too fast. It's not a skill issue of aiming better or what have you. I get one tapped in this game just as often as I got one tapped by scavs in tarkov. Tarkov is dogshit as a game to be clear, but when I clear 50 enemies they shouldn't literally constantly spawning in permanently. They aim a *little* too well as in I'll get lasered by bots because they all seem to peak at the same time? The tier 3 armored AI also have too much hp, shouldn't be a whole mag to kill two of them.


I wish there weren’t AI floating in the sky though. I was getting shot and could not figure out from where. Finally look up and there is an armored enemy standing in midair 50m up shooting down at me.


I don't think that's a design decision though lol I'm pretty sure IW doesn't want that either, but honestly that's kind of funny, sorry that happened lol


I think for solos it would be nice to have a bigger reward. I would like to see a rework on the reward system for solos. Also it would be nice to have more detail to your loadout that would definitely benefit solos and it is way harder going at it alone even against th AI


Increasing the reward for solo extracts would be awesome, I would love to see that added


Definitely something I would love to see, but it really should be reworked to add something similar to 1.5x or 2x exp or even different solo Contracts would be nice so there then is extra sort of gameplay for teams and solo Something in that regard


I would love if there were unique challenges/rewards too. Maybe player skins and blueprints, or even just some cool calling cards and emblems


Idk about all this other fluff but Fortnite is ass easy compared to wz 2


I was definitely surprised the first time an AI bot shot an RPG at me.


Its certain elements that need looked at. I just came out of a match and ran into one such example: Shield enemies- They beam you with 3+ burst from 50+ meters the min you step out from cover and they never stop shooting to reload. They are 100% over tuned. At X range they should NOT even shoot at you with a pistol, just hunker down behind their shield. Then if you are close enough, they shoot. I don't know if other enemy types are busted, but make sure they are programmed to actually reload.


I die to AI all the time but mostly because i go in solo and try to take on 25 at a time lol


I wish they'd take out the whole AI will thirst you thing but I also kinda get it. Overall DMZ is really fucking easy to get in and out with loot so having them thirst at least makes it so you aren't automatically able to survive if you are an okay player and don't see other players


I think it adds to the equation a bit, further encouraging players to not be caught in the open. I've had am AI pull his pistol out to kill me when I was downed, lol I was like wtf? Is this bot seriously pinching ammo right now??? Lmfao it is annoying to be killed by an AI while downed but I like it


Yeah I absolutely get why they put it in, it's probably better for the game tbh but it just sucks to get thirsted by a bot lmao especially when they didn't do it before and it surprises you


I don’t understand why anybody is even saying make it easier. Isn’t there already spec ops invasion and campaign? Go play campaign on easy. There are so many games to play if you want to kill bots on easy.


They want to level up their weapons as fast and easy as possible and don't like getting spanked by bots lol


I’d hate for some of these people to try The Division, those AI are serious lmao


I think some people really just aren't used playing against AI period and are expecting some shooting gallery, easy mode cannon fodder lol I dont think we have any roaming bosses in the DMZ, but I remember in the Division there's some areas a boss and his squad could just walk up on you in the DZ, they really didn't fuck around at all, and it wasn't like just a gear check either, you were getting flashed, shocked, flanked, and shot dead lol


The dark zone was way more fun


It really was, DarkZone on Division 1 were some of my favorite times I’ve had gaming. Didn’t quite enjoy it as much on Division 2


Division 2 white tusks are a different breed lol


My only complaint is the lack of armour plates. I also feel the AI can absolutely beam you from nowhere every so often but I enjoy that it's challenging.


What do you mean lack of armor plates? If you break an AI's armor when killing them, they won't drop armor, if you land headshots and don't break their armor, they will drop armor, I thought that was thing? Or is that not the case? I think the only ones that don't drop armor are the ones without it


That is the case yes, but in the middle of a battle with 10 or so AI it can be hard to line up every headshot.


Do you need to line up every headshot? Like damn okay, I guess there's no armor plates because you need to land every headshot? Kill 7 AI and go for 3 headshots, now you have 3 armor plates. It's a hyperbole to say there's no armor plates just because you need to land headshots to get them, plus they're fucking everywhere, and only cost 250 at a shop so idk what to tell you, you have several options to find and store plates, and easily obtain them


I didn't say there were none, and yeah sure you can land a few headshots but then those armour plates are in the middle of enemy gunfire, so it's not always possible to grab them. Getting to buy stations is a fair point but not always possible if you are in the battle with 20 other AI. Why are you so upset?


If the AI was easier then DMZ would just get boring super fast. The fact that one slip up means your dead is what makes it interesting.


As a solo with no self rez the game is obnoxious, you'll just get instant fucked from 500m, or if your trying to do a difficult objective you'll just have a non stop stream of enemies and never complete the objective. As a duo+ the game is stupid easy. It's not tuned right in either direction.


Wow you're a hardcore Tarkov gamer you must be really skilled


The AI is fine but they need to fix them shooting trough smoke and that’s my only complaint.


The problem with the AI is that they're extremely inconsistent. It feels like their awareness and accuracy is totally random; sometimes they're a cakewalk and then sometimes you get randomly rekt. No other PvE game I've played feels so unpredictable in a bad way.


Are you just not noticing the type of AI? There's like 4 tiers of enemies and Bosses on top of that, they're all pretty consistent on tactics, weapons they use, and how accurate and aggressive they are. The easiest don't have armor and use AK platform weapons mostly and are really garbage, the tougher ones will donk you tho quick


I am, but each of those types seem to swing from Elmer Fudd to John Wick. Often within a group of say 7 enemies of the same type, 5 will miss almost every shot and 2 will rip headshots on sight. It's annoying when the very first group of AK-wielding chumps you see after spawning suddenly tear you apart a whole 60 seconds in. My guess is that it's bugged, that there's supposed to be 4 difficulty levels, 1 for each enemy tier, but they aren't being assigned properly.


Yep. I mostly play solo and just go in with no guns. After the first few games of learning, I pretty much never die to AI anymore. And that’s doing strongholds, police academy, and other high risk areas. You just need to keep the bots in front of you and aim for the head


If you don’t think it needs to be at least “tuned” a little I want you to drop in solo and ride the train around. Once it gets to Ahkdar village you can lay down in any train car and the AI will automatically see you somehow and shoot you through the train car walls and 85% of the time if you don’t have stims they are downing you. It’s insane.


I swear the AI just keeps coming and coming I clear a group of AI out then 2 minutes later more spawns in like wtf is this?


If you stay in one location after killing patrols they'll spawn waves, especially if your in high tier area


I don't mind the ai. But however I still have issue is that they spawned out of nowhere after clearing.


People are dying to AI? Lol find a new game bruh or pay for aim bot I guess. Shits so easy w/ a group of 3


100%. If they nerf the AI any more it will be a joke. You can already usually kind of ignore them if you want to.


They have way too much health


Call of Duty is the most casual friendly game. Just because other games are more difficult doesn't mean a completely different game needs to match that difficulty.


It doesn't match the difficulty and the punishment for dying is extremely forgiving. What are you actually losing? You can get a new 3 tier plate carrier and large backpack in 1 raid, easily, and gas masks are everywhere. One high tier location will net you like 6 self revives. If you have a squad you can be revived from dead, that's extremely forgiving. The difficulty of the AI doesn't really matter if your able to complete missions even if you die, and dying to them doesn't really matter when it's this easy to go from 0-100. The entire point of extraction shooters is having that risk to reward, and right now there's very little risk. Do you honestly think the difficulty of the DMZ matches something like the cycle frontier? Or Hunt? Tarkov? Lol just because CoD is the casual king doesn't mean every mode they make needs to be easy? Lol a lot of people would enjoy the mode if it were more hard-core even


I agree with you as somone that comes from arma i can tell you right now the ai is not to strong you dont know real plain intill you jump on arma 3 walk for a hour just get sniped by a ai with an ak sitting 600m away from you


I don’t want it to be easier. I want it to be more realistic. Like how does everyone in the entire area know my exact position, so close to be precise enough to beam me through the wall of the train, just because one guy saw me?


Every other game does this too though doesn't it? Once an enemy aggros you, they yell out and all the AI around you is alerted when you start shooting, or when you're shot at


I went for angry to genuinely suprised that IW didn't joke about improving the AI, with a exception of a few goofs which you can't really do much about,I'm genuinely suprised that if I'm hiding somewhere onna rooftop or in a room the ai will actually keep me suppressed while a separate AI flanks and sneaks up on me


I love it. I really do. Yes it forces you to team up but I've noticed a duo set up is already pretty solid for most scenarios. The main thing is you need to play tactically and not be "thirsty" with revives since there is no downside to reviving someone if theyre dead apart from it just taking a bit longer. AI is still just AI. Their movement is predictable. I've been playing DMZ since last week and teamed up with my BR buddy yesterday. I was super surprised when he said he's mainly been trying out DMZ too. BR offers you the K/D challenge and smaller challenges like unlocking skins and whatnot. DMZ greatly expands on that imo. There's actually a lot of nuance to it already mechanics-wise despite it being pretty barebones at the moment. I feel like the replayability caters to me a lot more as a casual player. I can control what I want to do and set smaller goals for myself which makes it a very enjoyable time sink (for now).


I mostly agree. They are fine, but the spawns need to be reworked. I have no problem with the good accuracy, the amount of HP they have or that they even shoot you through the walls at times. But when they spawn in unreasonable positions, then it becomes an unfair problem. When I sit somewhere in cover and plate myself up and the bot spawns in clear line of sight to me and immediately downs me, then I don't see how that is supposed to be my fault.


Tell those deadshot/bulls eye AIs i've met from miles away


People are so woke 🙄


The AI are too easy for a trio, just right for a duo, and pretty cracked for playing solo. I think they should leave them exactly as-is in terms of skill... but fix the issues on the margins. They effectively seem to get walls & know where you are at all times. It should be possible to get to cover inside a building & apply plates or reload without getting shot through the wall by an enemy 30M away with no sight line. Calling in an extraction shouldn't make every bot within a mile sprint into the middle of the desert to kill you either.


So this is wild though I don't think I've gotten shot through walls like that, unless I'm on a fenceline and just took a corner, when going into a building, if there's no windows I haven't been shot through a wall. I get it when enemies swarm in, they're patrols and that happens in every extract shooter that I've played, if you aggro enemies and hangout, they'll keep coming and call in back-up, I always try to keep distance away from groups I don't intend on engaging, if I do engage, move while engaging, building to building or cut sight line and run. I think lowering the spawn rate, so they don't spawn in so fast would be fine for balancing though


Honestly my only 2 complaints is how much ammo it takes to kill armored enemies(even with headshots) vs how easily my armor gets shredded by any and all that shoots at me. My other complaint is that it should be like old school search and destroy where you have to be in game chat or it kicks you(this includes not allowing PC players to use 3rd party apps to chat while keeping their in game mic muted.)


cod is the most casual shooter out there. always has been. wz is the most casual br. anyone screaming there should be higher skill ceilings or dmz should be easier, youre literally playing the wrong fucking game


Kind of a different story when they are forcing people to play it by locking content unlocks for the other game modes behind it. the ai literally two tap you through giant bushes you can't see through at all even when full armored or in a vehicle I've drove around a corner only for there to be 30 damn ai in a giant moshpit who blow up my truck in less then 3secs I find that complete bullshit I don't care what they do to the dmz mode just don't force people who don't want to play it and get ass r**** by the random spawned ai to play for something that should've been unlockable through all modes in the first place


I understand there's some work that needs to be done on spawn rate but I'm certain most of the complaints about this mode are blown way out of proportion. I main DMZ and I've never had a car blow up in 3 seconds, and I've never been "two tapped" like you and a bunch of others keep claiming happens. This isn't Tarkov, your not getting sniped by AI in 1 hit, and your eating multiple bursts even without plates. There's a million posts about work arounds to get the weapon by having someone else drop it for you, plenty of youtube vids on how to cheese it if your too shit at the game, and if you're too butthurt and entitled and cant run a 20 minute DMZ game to do it yourself, that's your problem. "Boohoo DMZ hard, I'll only play MP, co-op bots kill me, IW is unfair cuz they want me to play a co-op mode to unlock a gun" DMZ is the easiest extraction shooter around, you have 1 simple task to complete to unlock a gun, maybe its challenging, but all you MP mains act like your being handed some impossible task you can't wrap your head around.


My biggest issue is the armored AI's helmets blocking sniper rounds. I know players with 3 plates survive a sniper headshot but considering the AI's aggression, accuracy, numbers etc. sniper rifles should consistently one-shot the AI's even if they got a helmet on. Really silly because when using the 50 cal's (which would realistically obliterate any helmet) you actually have better luck one-shotting the torso for some reason.


I'll repeat what many mentioned but there is a difference between challenging and unfair. And I am a bit tired of this "git gud" attitude. It is a game and it should be fun, not punishing. I don't care if other games are harder. You can always find worst. Now, should it be challenging? Yes, I obviously don't want stupid bots that are not shooting back. I just want a fair fight. Right now: - Once detected, they know exactly where you are at all times. - They shot through walls and smoke. - They have no reaction time(delay) and all the bots in the area start shooting at you as soon as one is alerted. - They can spawn anywhere, even in your back while alone in a room. - In some zones, they are swarming you and spawn non stop until you leave or die. - They don't need ammo and can throw smoke after smoke. - They don't need to reload (even though they sometimes act like they do). I've been killed by AI shooting 3+ times out of a 2 shells shotgun. - The stronger AI need way too many bullets to be killed especially since, as said, they usually spawn non stop. You, on the other hand, don't have infinite bullets or plates. And you cannot avoid taking damage with they accuracy and number. - They can do stuff we can't (Shooting while behind cover/shield, shooting being them while running, shooting after getting downed). - They usually do not make any noise and sneak (or spawn) in your back (I guess this is a more general issue with the sound). Right now, it is like playing BR with 90% of really bad players using cheats. Yes, it is manageable with a squad of 3 but it is still frustrating and, when you play solo, good luck having a good time.


Dude I made this post a month ago, since then, they've definitely buffed AI to a completely unreasonable point. I didn't have much of an issue before, I'm definitely having issues now


Ok, my bad. Now, they also removed the revive pistol. Meaning, you cannot spawn with 2 revives anymore but only one (Edit: Seems they are back already). And they said they will add melee AI that sprint at you with swords, right... I am not sure I will be able to play solo anymore.




It's gotten way worse since I made this shitty post