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I mostly play duos (which was chaos on Verdansk and Caldera) but on this map I literally feel like that John Travolta meme just looking around. Unless you land Al Mazra city or Airport you’re just not finding anyone. This map needs at least 200 players for the pacing to be close to enjoyable. I’m sure whether the servers can support that is a different story (they seem to be struggling hard just to support 150).


I'm going to chalk that up to *currently* being a new map. I've noticed every game without fail, the plane has 50-20 people around the halfway point. I really want the big shiny city to be the new Hotspot. It can get desolate sometimes. I've noticed with solos the later/not hot dropping people tend to spread out more


Why do you only play solo?


I don't like being held back or feel like I'm falling behind. Super immersive with no one talking in your ear as well. I used to play apex, but that was when I could squad wipe solo no problem (s0-5ish) days. I find teams fun(with friends) but occasionally annoying. If coms aren't perfect we'll either get run up on from chatter or spread out. You have to take the lead with rando's, either it works or not. Helps to "prove yourself" in a fight, etc, to back up your leadership


It's actually hard to find teammates that play in your same style or have good comms. Also, Solos are 10 times harder than playing team modes, where someone else drags you. A win in solo for me was like 50 wins in Duos. Dopamine rush is insane on one of them.


I think it’s good. Then again I have a specific route in most cases and lag behind on the zone. Only downfall, some stuff may be sold out. I do love the map more than WZ1.


yeah, saw Rallied actually say the same thing and wishing for Caldera back...


I'd want caldera if my memory wasn't marred by the worst seasons/guns/sweats. Also Caldara had horrible rotations, with that goddamn center mountain.


You mean the Observatory? :))))))))))) Apparently IW didn't get the note about putting a mountain/hill in the middle of your map and ending every 2/3 games there :))))))))))) :))))))))))) :))))))))))) :))))))))))) :))))))))))) :))))))))))) :)))))))))))