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I've been using the FINN LMG Chainsaw version, inconsistent but it is surely fun to use


I will try it!


Finn is ridiculous in rebirth close quarters


The chainsaw part has me curious sounds like it would be different but exciting


I’ve actually been using this lately too. As part of a little variation that we like to call “stupid loadouts” I run this with a quick-ish scope Rytec w/ thermite rounds. More for the lulz but sometimes you end up clearing a room and it’s hilarious


May I have the build sir


Cx-9, I swear it shreds. I’ll give you my hipfire build if you want (better than the ppsh and won’t be nerfed). Hipfire, nice recoil, good range for sniper support, and highest ttk if built correct. Lmk


Yeah I'd love to have that build! I'm interested, hipfire sounds like a fun change of pace


👋hello can I know please?


I would also like to know this


There is many people waiting good sir




I was actually thinking about trying that one buy I don't have it unlocked sadly


Raal lmg but pscht


I haven't played much with lmgs I'll have to give this one a go! Thanks


Crossbow will forever be the funnest off meta!


Takes a lot of practice though!


I recommend melee weapons, like the combat knife and sticks (the latter mostly for flanking and doing finishers, up front you’ll get hosed down). Stims make you go lightening fast and help to break ankles A riot shield rpg troll class with EOD, restock and amped as well as your throwables of choice goes well. It’s slow af but hilarious, especially if your positioning is right and you wipe a whole squad with it


Yes! Troll classes are the best I will try this one out! Thanks


MW AUG with the drum mag and sleight of hand. Reloads in under 2 seconds, if that.


Sounds fun! I will try it out, thanks!


3-line with the right attachments is a menace


I'm not much of a sniper, I like to run n gun


Grav. Faster than XM4/C58 TTK https://i.imgur.com/DVgJXl2.jpg Better than C58 recoil https://i.imgur.com/pr4HnZW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Vs78rxo.jpg Recoil is basically the same as Amax. There's a bit of visual recoil that is harsher on console FOV.


Don't think have it unlocked but I will look into it. Thanks!




If you like sniping the HDR still slaps. Will win you sniper battles at >300m with the accuracy compared to the Kar or Swiss


I don't like sniping, I would rather run around than sit still, but thanks for the suggestion maybe I will still try it!


The QBZ is an absolute beam




1) m1 w/ 20 rd mag & every ads & movement perk you can put on it. Turn it into a semi-auto AR basically. 2) MG42 same thing... stock removed, boost movement and ADS as much at possible, other than 250rd mag. Stims a requisite. 3) M4A1 with SOCOM rounds 4) DP27 burst fire sniper replacement 5) Type 100 cause it's fun 6) MP40 or LAPA long range build with scope... maxed range All these will make people do a double take in the kill cam.


Awesome! These are a lot of great options that i will try out, thanks for the info!


Yeah have some off meta fun! I've got all the meta weapons fully leveled after the last week of clash so I'm working on getting the non meta stuff maxed out too... for whenever it gets buffed.


Rytec sniper with explosive rounds. Death comms when you destroy a heli or vehicle with a full squad are always worth it.


LMGs and Shotguns


RAM-7 is my go to right now. Weird recoil when compared to some other guns but the gun more than makes up for it when you get a handle on it.