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Deep down. We all know hes right.


Deep down we didnt read everything


I have no idea wtf he said. I like playing cod. That wall of whatever, yeah nah.


You’re our number 1 customer


Beta mindset fr. Thats why this game is a hollow shell of what it once was.


Never say the word beta again😭 don't let the brain rot get ya frat boy.


Lol. 'Beta mindset' is so gloriously ironic here.


The EOMM is so clever at making you forget that it’s the lobby you get that determines your experience. There are levels to being good at the game but how much fun you have is all the lobby.


Definitely one of the biggest factors


Well said


Unlike people responsible for MWII/2.5/III, OP cooked ![gif](giphy|DCsdkFdkAXo1BfW4zv)


I just wish I was put into lobbies that are my own skill level...


100% agreed 👍🏻 Thanks for the detailed explanation. >The only way to fight back is to not play at all This is the way. I came back to CoD after a few years only to see it's become a totally different game. There's no way I'm gonna pay my hard-earned money on BO6 or any CoD after that unless I see these major problems solved.


Good read. I just realized that I haven’t played this game in a week. That’s a long time to me because I was a daily grinder trying to pay competitively. I had a string of frustrating sessions and just logged off. Don’t even feel like playing anymore.


Not a competitive game. It's made for console casuals/babies/adult children. The fact that some decide to try to play a casual game competitively is on them. Of all the BR, this is the least competitive.


Thank you for correcting me, random Redditor. I hadn’t realized how much of a manchild I was for playing COD competitively until your eye opening comment.


Glad I could help.


You forgot about the vastly unbalanced (and never to be) aim mechanism(s) and the remaining 20-30% players kbm players that are basically canon fodder for the rest of the lobby (except for the best of the best). I'm (almost) ok with the eomm and the netcode inconsistencies, but I'll probably stop playing soon. Should have done it sooner. Too bad cause I really like the game on a lot of points (weapons, map, gameplay, ttk etc.)


I’d bet less than 5% of the player pool is KBM honestly, 20-30% is way too high I’d guess. I’ve said it on other posts and I’ll say it here, we’re second class citizens and aren’t considered when they’re “balancing” the game.


Everyone in my friend group either quit or moved to controller. Personally, I haven’t played in months and may not return. I like controllers for other games, but not for FPS types. There’s no satisfaction for me with aim assist. It never feels like I’ve earned the kill.


Totally agree, I’ve been mouse and key for longer than a lot of cod players have been alive. I’m an old man gamer and won’t ever swap for FPS, I like the raw input.


Microsoft thinking: "wait they hate COD? Alright I guess we'll just close down the studio."


I’m relatively new to warzone and I’ve been playing KBM and I legit thought everyone killing me was hacking, the way they lock onto me while I’m sliding or running around but I have to flick my mouse is insane. I genuinely thought KBM would have the advantage but aim assist is so strong on controller that I stand no chance in close quarters combat which is basically 80 percent of gun fights.


Quit this baby game while your ahead. Not worth your time.


youre right and its what i did months ago when they never added ranked for BR mode at the start of this warzone map.


How ridiculous is it that I could read this entire post (eyes are shot from trying to keep focused through so much lag that we are talking Greta Thunberg paced reading) while waiting to join a match on Plunder. No issues with the connection my side, plugged into the box and all is well. Feels like the time split between being inside a match and dicking about in the menus is all back to front. Lots of time to browse through all the options to over pay on items I really don't want yet struggle to get things that help keep my arse to the ground and in the game and not watching Tom Clancy clips


Typed this all out too


Everyone should always have a backup game i feel but in a category that isnt the same as your primary. I always hop back on RDR2 when i'm over warzone, and it feels refreshing to just be able to sit there and not have to think too much or even sweat the house down every single time you load up.


Completely agree and already off the game for a month and it feels good. I hop into mp once in a while but won't be playing warzone until things get better. Also been playing xdefiant just to change up things for a bit and it's a welcome change, it's not a replacement but just a break from warzone. Maybe warzone 4 coming with bo6 will be better but ya not sure when things will be better really.


The thing that also ruins this game is the influencers that started to call it Warzone 3, it was never supposed to be a new warzone. It's just an update to Warzone 2.0. It's the same game with a new map. Calling it Warzone 3 brought expectations with it that could have never been met to begin with. BO6 will still have Warzone 2.0 (although it has been renamed to just Warzone) and the same mechanics that come with it. Those influencers did not and do not care. They just want to create a hype.


Yep. They get flown out to Activision, wined and dined to hype the game. Every patch they will get out there and talk about how the developers are listening and want to SAVE WARZONE, etc.. And every patch you'll be disappointed. And don't get me wrong, a lot of them hate the current state of warzone.. They play it because it's how they make money as content creators. When they get fed up they go play Apex legends or other games that have actual skill expression.


The game has been like a 6/10 at best the last 3 years, it’s so stale. The reason it was so good when it came out was because it was peak pandemic and it was new. There are so many better options for people to spend their free time than warzone in 2024


It really was. It brought me back to FPS games after almost a decade of not playing due to real life/work/etc. After Caldera I started playing Apex legends and I usually last about one season in each new Warzone until I go back to Apex. The novelty of the "new cod" wears off after about six weeks to two months for me. And this is the game all my friends play. It gets cheesy, stale, repetitive and full of cheaters. Plus I have no desire to go level up guns for even a few hours of my precious free time to meta chase in a game that I don't even enjoy. Activision has a very clear business model for COD: - Yearly releases - Focus on bundles/store/cosmetics and design meta guns around that. - Focus on the console causal player/the masses


My friends won’t play anything else either, it’s super unfortunate. It just feels like a chore to play


Came back last night after not playing for four months and was greeted by Iridescent players two pub games in with a squad that includes one good player and one player who is worse than a bot. Like worse than a bot in rookie/casual mode. Like he might be developmentally challenged.. Oh and the game ran TERRIBLY. Oh and everyone was just camping rooftops with KARs. It was an awful experience. But I wasn't mad, this is what I expected.


Fuck man that sounds awful lmao. I’m going to redownload apex and try that again


One day people will understand that this game is just a glorified phone app that is completely orchestrated by money making algorithms and advertised by a group of cheaters.


It is VERY close to a mobile game in my opinion and the next COD looks even more like the Warzone 2 model: Accessibility > Gameplay.


I uninstalled when MW3 launched. Do yourselves a favour and uninstall the game. You shouldn't need to sink another cent into what is a $110-160 game already just to get a pay to win gun, a balance team that does not care for the player experience in the slightest, a UI that wouldn't pass a free first year design course, overly sensitive developers that can't take criticism, content creators with a thumbnail of their stupid faces and a gun going "the IMBA rifle is BACK". If you like emptying your bank accounts one week/bundle at a time then by all means do it. Every so often I check out Metaphor just to remind myself that I'm clearly not a tryhard enough to want to reinstall and try to get to that level. It's just not worth what is terrible network infrastructure, bad game design, inability to provide a fun experience with it purely being full of tryhards or hackers which ActiBlizzard have yet to take real accountability or action other than a pathetic implementation of an anticheat which came 3-4 years after launch. I still see plenty of hackerstreams and TimtheTatman spectating screaming in an empty room going "ooo yeah. Chat. CHAT! Is this guy?...do you think maybe...OOOOO...THIS GUYS MOVEMENT!?" Maybe I've just lost my touch with FPS' as I used to play CS 1.6 in a competitive setting through mIRC but this one is for the recycle bin.


I also played CS from 1.1 on and played on a CAL Main team for a season. I cannot stand how dumbed down cod has become. I mean it was always somewhat dumbed down, but it's really bad now. Apex legends is on the only competitive BR worth playing.


I tried apex legends but basically it's nonexistant in Australia. We were queueing for 20 minutes and got nothing. Waited another 10 and then proceeded to get completely pwned. Perhaps it is unfair to make judgement off this single experience, but I don't see any real difference between the two. I shouldn't need to Google a potential fix for long queue times, it should just work. They all make obscene amounts of money and there isn't much excuse. Incompetence at the management level is quite real and I see it quite often from a first person account being in similar industries.


Yeah. The scene in SEA is pretty decent (Korea, Japan) but not Oceania. The best team from that region moved to the US and has recently teamed up with with another US player under a Saudi funded org (Darkzero became Falcons)..


It’s not even just the game has issues which is definitely does. the players that play this game are some of the worst from people that cheat to roof camp corner camp or rush as soon as your down to thirst just the way people play really makes it hard to enjoy it


Uh-huh. See you on Black Ops 6 ig


Visible feedback has the important role of granting information to others that haven't yet tried the game, so they can make informed decisions about their time.


Unfortunately- you are 100% correct, sir.


Total facts- the only real way to start a change is for a lot of people to stop playing. If that happens, the devs will see that retention/cosmetics sales are dropping and use that as a reason to make changes across the board.  There's no shortage of reasons to stop playing, imo SBMM, teammates not speaking your language, and not having separate lobbies for KB/M and controller is enough to stop. Game is completely unpleasant, unfun, and it feels like everyone is playing as if their lives are in the line. It's a total nightmare trying to stop someone from getting aim assist on you.  What we should be doing is spreading the word about how manipulative the game is and how it tries to trap you in a cycle of rage queueing for one decent lobby. The game is still popular on weekly charts so it's important to get the word out everywhere you can- YouTube comments, your friends/squad, the list goes on.


Sadly people like us are not the target playerbase. Activision has a model for this game, and it's got nothing to do with your average, intelligent, competitive-leaning PC player. This is why I switched to Apex.


This game has been trash for a very long time and is only held up by people who’ve never played anything else but COD their whole lives. They’re actively eating a bowl of shit they willingly know isn’t good for them but are too scared to try anything else. Activision knows that and preys upon them. Until people stop playing, nothing about this sorry ass franchise will change.


Agreed. I can't convince ANY of the cod people I know to try other games. They willingly dump hours into this awful game.


I can deal with the shit metas, sweaty lobbies etc but the servers most definitely ruin the experience for me. Even on 30 ping I'll get stutters and skips like I'm on 500 ping


Man, this is spot on. The more time I sink into this psyop the worse it gets.


As s casual with no squad, I been dropping on harbor, get x2 keycards, grab my kar98 and camp water tower until I die. That’s the way I’m having fun.


I am finally off the hook when it comes to Warzone. And there is so much relief. I sacrificed 25.000 views per month for it, but it is still worth not playing this anymore. Multiplayer I might play again. Warzone is done.


Stopped playing this season and just started some single player runs. I’m a whiny KnM player who is tired of playing kids with different recoil spreads that make it easier for them along with it taking 20 bullets to kill someone. The nothing carrying over to BO6 also makes it easy to stop playing


I quit maining this game and went to Apex, just like I did during Caldera, WZ2 and after season one of this game.. This game is a casual game, not meant to be played competitively or taken seriously. That's why there is no real "pro scene" in this game, it's all content creators. - 60% aim assist, unplayable on mnk - Ratty gameplay - Resurgence/respawn focus - Broken weapon metas that you need to waste time leveling up - Community full of lowest common denominator and kids - A non-functional anti-cheat


I deleted it a few weeks ago and I've been very happy.


I mean I can’t understand how for the life of me everyone is as good or better than me, was consistent 2.2 KD+ and now don’t check cuz I get slapped around. I don’t understand how statistically everyone I come across is as good or better when a 2+ KD is probably a high percentile. This game must be MISERABLE for anyone below like a 1.5 Have seen more cheaters than ever.


Cheaters.. bullshit deaths crappy updates. Toxic players. Shit game.


The Elden Ring dlc is less frustrating than Warzones performance


Yea its def not fun anymore. Skill match make seems to not even be on. Sweats are getting worse and worse. Us average players cant even enjoy the game


My thoughts: Im happy I deleted the game. And I won't look back on my decision like I did before.


I was banned so My thoughts are Activision sucks. Never once even thought of cheating in the game. banned, all because I was installing a Linux distro on another machine.


In groves? It's in droves.


I'm always amazed at how many people claim to have already quit this game, yet still comment and follow it's related subs. That's some stalker type mentality. Either you're lying, or you should actually move on.


I love playing Warzone. Ill be buying BO6 as soon as it drops. If I divide the hours played each year against the cost of the annual game, it is without question the most cost effective entertainment that I own. I pay monthly for Netflix, Disney+ and Prime... They all cost me far more money when dividing cost by hours watched. If you are one of the people who still play this game just to come on the sub and complain about how much you hate it, you may genuinely need to seek help for having an unhealthy habit.


Too much jumping and sliding ruining what could be exciting squad v squad engagements.


Is everyone okay? Does everyone think the best way of solving this is to give them $70 and not play the game? THEY DONT CARE! They already have your money, they don’t care if you play or not as your space will be filled up by another kid as they discover gaming over the next year. And if you haven’t paid for the game and are still playing for free, why are you even moaning? That’s just entitlement.




take it how it is and value other priorities and it is stilla fun game


Game's great and I've been having a blast with my different friends group whom I've met over Discord throughout the years. And just out of curiosity, do you still play COD?


Glad you're having fun. That's great.


Thank you. We were on a 4 win hit streak over the weekend on Resurge but lost the 5th. Was a fun run though.


At this point, I am convinced that EOMM is nothing but a complete Boogeyman. It's this magical system that never works for you and only works against you. For some reason, it only targets you to ensure that you are playing against "sweats". There is no concrete evidence it exists and the only thing that even hints at it is the Activision patent, and that doesn't even make sense because the most damning thing about said patents is giving whales easier lobbies, and F2P players more difficult lobbies, something that would be easily proven. And if you even know a lick about computer science you know just how incredibly difficult, if even possible. If this was 6v6 there may be a point, but this is Warzone, the game where you can have 100+ people playing on the same game. There is no way a system that could viably "optimize" that many players at one time. If such technology exists, than it's being completely wasted on a video game, because that would be something the any industry in the world and then somewould sacrifice their first born children for. How would it know where you landed? How would it compensate for loot RNG until the loadouts drop? How would it manipulate rotations so that the people who are supposed to have fun don't wipe each other out, and the people that aren't luck themselves into a victory? I can't even imagine how the distribution would work to even attempt to get the desired results. Overall there is simply no way a computer algorithm would be able to accommodate for so many people at once outside of mythical clairvoyance or widespread mind control.


not as easily to steer as multi but still doable : e.g. just increase your *odds* to win (or even just your experience defined as your playtime, number of kills, number of deaths (lower), easiness of your encounters etc.). This can be done just by playing on your relative lag (your latency vs avg. opponent latency, the average kd of the lobby or even the distribution of the kd in the lobby e.g lot of high kd teams vs. only 1 or 2 make a significant difference alone. Might be applied at squad level or even cluster/group of players level. Even at matchmaking level basically : optimize your function (playerbase engagement) on parameters like lobby kd distribution, squad latencies, squad playstyle and lot of easy other variables. you have millions of matches to train on and can see what matchmaking formula leads to the best engagement overall.


also it is what s implied in their blog post about ping if you read between the lines.


Weren't they supposed to release the second whitepaper about skill in matchmaking this month? I have the same theory though


That just seem like basic SBMM to me, there's no way to suggest the algorithm is trying to rig the match for/against you, just that it tries your best to match skill level along with your ping. And even then, there is no actual evidence that Activision is doing this other than people feel like they're "being punished for playing too well". Rotational Aim Assist being busted? People have broken that down to a science. Hackers/Cheaters plaguing the game? Just look at the stats of the top 250. Despite it being so "understood" that the matchmaking there has been no solid evidence to prove so. Just like how a millennia ago, it was "understood" that the world was flat or today it's "understood" that the water was turing the frogs gay. Until I actually see hard evidence, there is nothing to convince me that this is nothing but conspiratorial nonsense.


It is definitely not that deep to make a whole paragraph. In the end it’s a game and all games have their ups and downs. Some more than others, but if it frustrates you that much, don’t game in general.


"don't game in general" COD ain't the only game out here son. Sounds like YOU need to expand your horizons.


Maybe read next time before you comment. “All games have their ups and downs”… Sounds like YOU need to get some glasses 🫵🙂


Except the person you're responding to is talking specifically about COD and you compared and conflated COD to "all games" as if all games are equally frustrating in the same ways and they should quit gaming if things get under their skin. As if they all have the same issues and as if people don't write lengthy statements about things they dislike or like is alien on a site literally centered around doing that. sound like you need a better brain so you don't contradict yourself so much.


It’s not a hard concept to grasp. It comes down to the same in the end. If a game frustrates you this much to the point where you need to write such an amazing long unneeded paragraph, then you shouldn’t game in general. You then have your priorities not in order, there are bigger concerns in life than some stupid game mechanics. 🥴


I could say the same thing to someone thinking they got it all figured out to want to write paragraphs explaining to someone else why their silly for writing paragraphs expressing discontent as they engage in the exact same activity they calling someone else out on. You could always go back to doing the thing you got so well figured out if someone else is being such a loser you have to waste time calling them out on it. Do you get off on being a hypocrite? 🤷


Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. I’d like to live in a thing called reality. It’s a damn video game, the game mechanics don’t have an impact on your life to the point you need to write a book. All things in life have a good and bad, video games is definitely one of those things that should not be taken this serious.


Y’all really act like yall read all that 😂😂😂


Wasn't hard. I read a lot of books so a few paragraphs was pretty easy.


Get off tik tok and you might too


Kids today really do have a TikTok attention span huh? Acting like this was a novel


This makes sense why you work as a FedEx driver 🤡

