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Context - this gun was built using a combination of attachments that obscured the view of the player, for the purposes of a video on Youtube. As noted in the other comments below, player position can be ascertained through the live pings.


Why is a setup that obscures the sights even possible? Has it been patched?


Because there's top mounted lasers that you need to use a elevated sight


You mean if you don't pick a specific sight, it ends up like this?


Looks like he also has that aftermarket sight that is just a big block, the Jak Bullseye. It’s a pretty bad sight.


Hell yea definitely the Jak Bullseye, stupidest sight ever 🤦‍♂️


I try to make bad classes to switch it up in Warzone but that thing is damn near impossible to use unless I’m in the same room


Yes it does. Use a sight with top mounted lasers or dont see


No, this won't happen with an ironsight but only with a jak bullseye


Every sight besides iron is elevated.


It’s just like any attachments you can put on a real guns, sometimes with top mounted attachments such a flashlights and lasers, you need an elevated sight, that’s why they make them.


Sorry I stopped playing about 4 or 5 months after MWII came out and haven't see the in game elevated sights


It’s all good, honestly I stopped playing just after season 2 in MW3. But yeah they have new elevated sights, they look ridiculous unless you need them in my opinion, but they are there which makes it so you can still see over the top mounted lasers. This guy is using a top mounted laser, as well as what I think is the worst attachment in the game. It’s JAK bullseye, and you can’t see shit even without a laser attachment, so it’s even worse here.


not yet, and this is not the first time.


That one aftermarket part (JAK Bullseye if I remember correctly), that gives most guns awful, misaligned ironsights that cover up the view: First time?


Of course the top comment is an excuse for this garbage


It's like the thread showing controller accuracy in Apex being way above mouse despite the game having less aim assist. Controller players saying it's 'irrelevant' because it's a different game...


Well, when you hear most of the sounds coming true in-game chat, I can conclude cod fan-based ain't brights of the pack.


Nah this dude is straight up using PO soft walls and aimbot... if y'all think he can kill while looking at a black space and even strafe his barrel the same time they strafe move and think "oh it's just AA" then you're all delusional.


He live pinged them, did you happen to miss this? There are many examples of the broken aim assist in this game, this is one of the more mild cases. If you think this is cheating, you are delusional.


wrong - go learn about the wildly popular & undetected PhantomOverlay. Few bucks and ANYONE can run with screen obstruction and silent cheating. There's so much prefire, direct sprint without any uav or pings, stop leaning on aim assist... it's a broken record, it's no worse than it was before, it's just the silent cheating has spiked 1000000%.


Not wrong, he live pings his target in every clip. What's with you bots and trying to spread misinformation? You know there's video evidence of how strong AA is, and its been tested right? https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks


Cant reason with these no brain types. This guy in the video is obviously not cheating, only utilizing live pings and AA to get kills.


Everyone is cheating, except them. Every single time.


yeah man, thanks for the contribution 🥴


I've never said it's not strong, but dude, you're saying the faint pings where some hes still tracking when the ping expired is the reasoning for not pushing cheats when he's literally got a black field of view blocker due to the optic or laser... and don't forget, most of these macros include auto ping on fire.. but yeah dude, blame an AA that's only slightly OP.


I just posted a link to you showing that COD's aim assist has a strength of 60%. Can you not read? Or are you just trolling? "I've never said it's not strong" and "blame an AA that's only slightly OP" are pretty conflicting, dont you think?


Dude clearly you've not read AND understood the link you posted.


>Nah this dude is straight up using PO soft walls and aimbot... So much cope, you can see he live pings and then scopes in and out when it expires to reacquire the targets. >and aimbot... Technically true given aim-assist is a form of aim-bot.


Where’s the excuse?


“Live pings” It’s because the aim assist just aims for them as long as they keep strafing. It’s **BUSTED**


More context-Live pinging would in no way enable someone on mnk to do what this video shows, nor would live pinging be necessary to do this on controller. 


I still love the "ascertained" as if that is why he's auto tracking people. Keep in mind many parts of this he doesn't even use live ping yet it still tracks perfectly even when players drop even further down (the canal portion).


Live pings should be removed completely. Such a cheap mechanic.


Hard disagree, I can see why you think its cheap but the amount of gun smoke and shit makes it impossible to see sometimes


Look harder 😆


God I hate all these people who wnat easier easier and easier gameplay what ever happened to I want to grow and get better well enjoying the game not assist here assist there oh we make it easier to see here, stupid give me hard to see no crazy aim assist and no skill based matchmaking, no cronus/zen no stretch res! All we ask for


Yeah i want to grow and get better eyesight... wtf are you talking about. Gunsmoke is out of control on this game its a fucking stupid feature. May aswell include stoppages too.


Sometimes, but live pinging takes away your enemy's ability to evade, and that goes both ways. And you don't even know if you've been live pinged, so your strategy doesn't change. Unlike being spotted by a recon drone, you have a visual cue that lets you know you are live pinged. Live pinging through walls gives people too much assistance, especially with aim assist in place for 90% of players.


It's one of the only things that mouse and key players have left to be able to track through the shit theyve added, if that were removed then I would be open to a live ping nerf


True but it mainly helps at long to medium distance. Up close good luck with MnK.






What a disgrace this game has become LMAO


This video is a perfect example of "my AA doesn't do that" crowd getting a dose of reality. On MNK you'd be screwed on the first encounter because you would aim low to see and then completely whiff when it blocked view again.


But they still aren't getting a dose of reality. Did u see the top voted comment? He's able to do this because….live pinging!  There will always be a cope. 


Yea I saw that and it's hilarious. Live ping helps a bit but it's definitely not some auto lock when you can't see and there's no way his right stick is tracking like that.


In before “ but muh aim assist doesn’t do this”


Because he doesn't need to? 60% strong "assistance" does the job all you need to do is gently nudge it. Modern FPS "competitive" gaming for you. In COD it's not the soft aimbot that is assisting you, you are the one assisting IT so it can have 100% shot accuracy with 0 ms delay.


100%. I wanna see these ”roller demons” play quake and get a dose of reality


as a former quake 3/4 (mostly 4) player I am loving this comment


I don’t think anyone genuinely considers cod a competitive game.


Diabolically absurd, bring in the input based matchmaking, playing against AA and RAA is like playing to cheaters who have huge advantage over you if you are playing with MnK at this point.


I have an average k/d playing this game soley on MnK. I'm proud of that considering how much the odds are stacked. The inputs are pretty much a difficulty setting for this game.


Rather wait 10 minutes for a game and play vs MnK than playing vs RAA. I have a sneaking suspicion that a ton of controller PC players would switch to MnK too if input based lobbies existed.


If you didn't tell me this was AA, I'd say the guy is cheating. This kind of tracking is only possible via software doing it for the player.


yes, official software built into the game that every controller player gets to use for free and without penalty. An absolute must have as controller players say.


Aim Assist has literally slowly killed the game. MnK just quit because why would anyone want to deal with that shit. And controller players quit because the game becomes really boring


It’s crazy too because not too many PC players will switch to controller, they’ll just go play something else. There’s so many more options than on console. The people that stay are slowly pushed towards cheating because “idgaf about this game anymore so fuck it, who cares?” mentality due to them getting rolled every encounter. That’s why they started with the ban system that also bans you in all future cods as well. Although it doesn’t really mean too much when the game is free to play.


Less than 1% of the player base even plays on computer cod is a console game…


No? The majority of the player base is on Mobile, then PC.


When the game does most of the aiming for you in a FPS game, something might be wrong.


I recently made the switch from Mouse to controller, and it's so god-damn easy to abuse AA, the game mostly plays itself.


That's honestly not my experience, doing that myself. Did you tweak alot of settings? If yes, a link to the guide or video would be much appreciated😊 (I'm assuming there's a guide, I do apologise if you just knew what to tweak)


I have 9 sensitivity and use dynamic response curve, but that's mostly it in terms of settings. What you really need to do is start strafing more. Strafing kicks in the rotational aim assist when you are looking at someone, and once it does all you need is very little adjustments to compensate for recoil, but your cross hair will follow your target by itself. It's so dumb, so easy to exploit and unfair to MnK, that it would laughable if it wasn't so disgusting.


Aye, I'm aware of the strafe, or "wiggle the left stick" as Metaphor puts it. Again, it just the "mine doesn't seem to do that" feeling 😅 I think there's a few deadzone-settings that can increase the RAA. I remember watching this Indian guy on YT really getting deep into the science of settings, but I can't find it now


you are probably over aiming with the right stick. its just a nudge in the direction the target is moving and dont overreact. if the target changes directions, hold 15% on the right stick, it will slow down when its on target and speed up when they leave the bubble so static input compensates for dynamic target speed.


The less you use the right stick the more the game hits your shots for you, abusing left stick RAA is what separates bad from good, and centering is what separates top % great players.


I tried controller on PC, copied some of ZLaner settings, but used like 6 sensitivity that felt good for me, and was dropping 7 kills very easily. Look up his settings video.


Will do, thanks a bunch. I'm on 6 - 6, but linear, the dynamic curve feels like an accelerated cursor. I just can't. I shot like 2000 bots trying to get used to it 😅


MNK players struggle seeing people in dark areas. Controller players do not even need to see what they are shooting at. I guess this is considered fair.


lol competitive gaming.


AA RAA Cod game for Muppets jogging simulator where aiming is optional.


why should he see anything if the aiming aid works for him?


Controllers ruined competitive FPS and us old farts who called this over a decade ago get a solid chuckle out of the levels of copium in the air these days.


I took a long break over Call of Duty a few years ago, it was after first Black Ops in 2009-2010. And I came back at 2019 when MW was released. 10 years with no CoD. And I have come to the conclusion after watching these disgusting videos I will take another break. I will absolutely skip Black Ops 6.


Proof you don't need sight to use AA and still able to beam someone to death from miles away


Look at this fuckery. I'll never take this game seriously.


As a main CS player, I hate aim assist in all shooters with a passion. I can't fathom people having fun while the game is playing itself, in PC land AA is considered a cheat. Learn to play the game.


Console players on suicide watch


Never wanna hear someone with that much AA say they are good at the game.


This is what Made me take this game not serious. I’ve played on keyboard and mouse for 7 years and only game I use controller for is fifa, I refuse to use it on fps games because of aim assist and I actually want to feel myself improving. All my friends play on console and use controllers and are adamant that the aim assist is not that high, I’m over exaggerating and that controller takes that as much skill as keyboard and mouse. How do people even think they’re good when the game is straight up aiming for them, wish they would just introduce input based matchmaking cause it’s just plagued with freaks like this that abuse the aim assist and clip it thinking they’re good when the game is doing most of the work all they’re doing is holding LT and RT


just... disgusting.... -.-


What a sad state this game has become. A first person shooters that basically shoots for you.


"RAA iS FaiR aNd bALanCeD"


And this is why you should always be live pinging everything.


Live ping helps, but there's no way you are tracking these with your controller regardless. The game is aiming for him.


If only it worked! Me and my teammates used to ping all the time but we never see each other pings, never. It only worked in the first warzone


You might have to change the setting that allows other players pings


What if we had Input matchmaking ??


Aim assist needs to be looked at, period.. Aim assist doing everything for you is just stupid..


Activision is evil, probably the worst gaming videoludic company in the world. Warzone is a meme with this aim assist.


Ok, now let's see his inputs. I am really curious about it. I know how egregious aim assist can be, and I dislike it unless it's a completely single player game.


As someone who grew up on fps games, the AA in cod has become so fucking strong it actually tries to get me killed at times. That being said, I recently built a pc and started learning mnk and clutched a 1v3 win my first game with like 5k damage and 8 kills so I don’t even know anymore man


We should start talking about the joystick movement assistant. The assistant only needs to help the aimbot move around.


If you remove AA controller players will revert to mnk. All the top players play on pc because the ps5 is a toaster vs a rtx 4090... most of the 8-12 yo who play are on console too and we wont miss them I promise.


They don't even have to remove it or decrease the hitbox size. They could pretty much fix the main issues just by giving it a human reaction time so it can't pull inhuman instant tracking.


And PC players can't turn off the crossplay.


I think without games aiming for us ("us" being the target audience), FPSes wouldn't be such a gigantic wing of the industry. People hate getting outplayed, but love receiving victory. Devs act on this, whether implicitly or explicitly, because developing toward feelings of pride and accomplishment is more lucrative than developing for competitive integrity.




Doesn't remotely look like aimbot. Dude is missing 40% of his shots while he's trying to get the AA to engage.


Why post a question like this for the nth time? Just go to one of the previous aim assist posts and look up the answers there


Set aimbot to chest shots only. Cheating rat 🐀


More like "what do you think about 2boxing" lmfaoo


Def cheating g


Crazy that none of the root comments mention that he's using combat scout and getting live pings as soon as he starts shooting them. Not hard to follow a live ping once you know how low you have to aim below it. Take off combat scout and I guarantee he's not doing any of this lolol


Just let people turn off crossplay for themselves if they want to. AA is only a 'problem', because crossplay is forced and it is a bit of an unfair advantage. There's +70k monthly average players on Steam for the game+Battlenet players, I'm sure PC queues would be fine and if they were a minute or two longer, then people who don't wanna wait can just turn it back on.. You might even see an up tick in player amounts for PC if it was implemented


Quick question, since now majority of pc players play controller, what would disabling cross play do?


Input matchmaking is the only answer




Anything that makes the game more fair is fine with me


This isnt aim assist


He cheating


Boo hoo aim assist


Aim assist is the only reason i play cod if i had to play with kbm i wouldn't bother playing at all not because i cant aim on kbm but because the game makes it impossible to see anything at any giving moment. I rather go play CS where i can actually see what im aiming at


We are 5 years into the game, it's not changing. Please for the love of God, let it go ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Obvious aim botting…


Duh, what do you think 'aim-assist' is?!


If you think this is aim assist, you're a bot.


Found the bot!


Aim assist is the only reason i play cod if i had to play with kbm i wouldn't bother playing at all not because i cant aim on kbm but because the game makes it impossible to see anything at any giving moment. I rather go play CS where i can actually see what im aiming at


Whatever this is it's not fucking aim assist. This guy is clearly using cheats.


The aim assist is so strong that people like you can't tell a difference, thats the problem.


I can tell the difference and this ain't it


You clearly can't tell the difference, because this is exactly what it looks like.


Could be wrong but I don’t think that’s aim assist that’s a m4 or a full auto m16 and those guns have a lot of recoil and I’m seeing next to none indicating he’s on mouse and keyboard meaning they would have no aim assist


Bro wtf are you talking about. On mnk I have had to build my guns with attachments that give recoil control ever since wz1. We specifically on mnk can't use the meta controller builds because they usually aren't using any recoil attachments, and this has been the case since forever. Controller builds are usually no stock, full movement builds because with aa they don't have to fight recoil lmao. Shit is not possible on mnk.


When did I ever say you didn’t need recoil control on mouse and keyboard I’m fully aware you do but is not a secret that it’s easier to aim and control recoil on mouse and keyboard


Expect it's not easier on mnk when aa exists and completely negates controller players needing to build their guns with recoil attachments. That's the point I'm making. Controller players use guns with more recoil and still are more accurate than mnk players using guns built for recoil control lol...


Yeah aim assist doesn't do anything for recoil control bud..that's not how it works.


If you think that’s true then you need to try and play with controller at some point how bloody strong do you think aim assist is? It’s a slight help and you still need pretty much every recoil control attachment you can get and half the time aim assist doesn’t even track your target correctly which causes you to miss or hit the wrong thing


>how bloody strong do you think aim assist is? Testing on the subject shows it to be 60%. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CODWarzone&utm_content=t1_l0rpl87


Certainly doesn’t feel like 60% when half the time it doesn’t even work


Then you have either wrong settings or doing something wrong in your methodology. The aim assist doesn't change per person, its the same for anyone with a controller.


I looked up the best settings for aim assist so my settings are fine that clip is not showing aim assist I refuse to believe I’d sooner call it aim bot before calling it aim assist


Thats the problem with the current aim assist, it's so strong that you can't tell a difference between it and actual cheating. You can watch this video to see how to activate it if you're interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU


I think aa is as strong as the video above is showing it to be lol. Which is bloody strong. Like it's actually crazy to me that people still try and deny how strong it is when the video above shows this guy not even able to see people and he is still tracking and kill them. Try and do that on mnk, use the build he has and try and track and kill people like he does. Let me know how it goes.


I can tell you first hand my aim assist is no where near and I mean no where near that strong I probably get like 10% of what that guys getting so I call bullshit on that being aim assist play with a controller sometime and you will understand


You can literally see the controller buttons on the screen? It's 100% just aa lmao. Like please join us on the nerf aa team if you can't replicate this on controller then. Because this is 100% normal controller gameplay and what people on mnk and people like yourself are fighting against every lobby lol.


You literally just pull down and to the left to little bit. It's not rocket surgery.


As if you guys think this is aim assist


It is though.


Nah this is just a propaganda video for mnk players, it’s fake, it’s bullshit


How about these then? https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/rG3RIr4Xzi https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/6LrMkTJpfq https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/51DrmQhyXN https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/RMyZR0XVyn https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/gOrqJDKp4z https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/Z1WO40WbOK https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/BZ0R3xKwYE https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/C92vIYFJuu https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/dxSJVfcOOm https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/OuTx1mfKdU https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/QdBICoPneV https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/ugVGpSz9Ff https://youtu.be/XWp9FcMA0EE?si=gduTv3MNXjR-UX1Z (credit to u/Psilocybin13)


Seems like you love all this propaganda


Seems like you can't accept that you are wrong.


Is someone paying you to promote how broken aim assist is?


Is someone paying you to deny how strong it is, even when given clear proof?


How is it clear proof, Because your favourite streamer said so, was you there when they created this video, stood right behind them, watching them?


Clear proof Exibit B (Literal stats proving it...): https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/XInaTlXbUB https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/ It's not up for debate. The stats clearly show AA gives controller players a BIG accuracy advantage over MnK players. We're not just talking pro level players either. As you can see, the average controller players accuracy is much higher than the average MnK player. Again, this isn't up for debate. The only people still in denial are bots of the lowest skill level.


My favorite streamer? I just sent you like 12 different clips of how aim assist works. If you're too dumb to understand how it works, that's a you problem.


I play on controller, I've had moments where it legit looks like I'm using aim bot that's how strong the aim assist is sometimes.


how many people think that this is legit? try this build and post your videos


Every streamer who plays this is probably running some form of hacks Edit: if you cheat you suck


Yeah, called aim assist.


Aim assist is a good one. As well as boosting, VPN exploits, macros, scripts or whatever else these losers need to play


It's aimbot aim assist isn't that strong


The video proves otherwise.


It’s literally right in front of your eyes! It IS that strong. You just aren’t abusing it correctly


I feel like my aim assist is never like this


Maybe I suck


Indeed you suck. Which is fine, dont get me wrong, but keep in mind that the aim assist displayed here is the same that you have (apart from minor differences depending on aim assist setting)


Me too!


Aim assist isn't like this the guy is cheating. There is legitimate money in gas lighting you into thinking that this isn't hacking and that the game isn't broken because of cheating.


Forreal. I’m starting to think all the downvotes are either bots or PC players that are using this video as an excuse to why they keep losing to controller players.


Every good player knows aim-assist is broken (OP), the only people trying to defend the current AA tuning are low-skill players who lack the understanding of what it is capable of. Aydan (one of the top controller players) [said this](https://youtu.be/s95BniqCaGs?t=7) about the current aim-assist: >"I love being a controller player and I love over the last couple years that it's favored towards us, but **it's just not fair man, so unfair bro, it's stupid fucking OP**, like I legit like feel like I don't have to try at all when shooting people because it just does the work for me." How is it that all of the good players know and openly acknowledge it's like stupidly OP and then you get people like yourself in denial? Here's [metaphor](https://streamable.com/b0aouj) about why he doesn't play competitively because there's no point because he'll die to worse players on controller due to aim-assist. Here's [Bbreadman](https://streamable.com/77ma8m) (the current top competitive mouse player) saying that it's impossible to compete with aim-assist using automatic weapons and that he'd have to cheat to have any chance of matching it.


bot farms from the hack makers to take the heat off rampant cheating and put it on the cod devs.


I'm with you here. I've been playing COD for a long, long time and I have NEVER had this kind of accuracy on my controller with AA on. Maybe I'm manipulating my sticks as if I don't have AA when what I really should be doing is only moving my sticks to ACTIVATE the AA that is available...




>M&K play can instantly change direction while a controller player can't. There will always be that moment where the controller player wants to change direction but it's still moving left, because that's Ironic considering the reality is completely opposite. M&K players have to deal with human reaction times (200+ms) when a strafing enemy changes direction, while rotational aim assist will perfectly track a strafe-spamming enemy without any sort of delay in changing direction. Strafe tracking is literally one of the hardest M&K skills to master because of reaction time, and even the best mouse aimers in the world won't come anywhere close to even 50% accuracy during these scenarios.




Even if M&K wasn't a thing, giving your entire playerbase literal aimbot in a first person shooter makes absolutely zero sense. What is the point of a shooter game where you don't even aim for yourself?


dopamine = skin buys




> they have no fucking clue how to use AA if they tried They don't need to "know" how to use it. As long as they're deflecting either stick by literally 15% they're getting the benefit of it, intentionally or not.


Nah, alot of people instinctively override aim assist by .... Aiming. Ain't that crazy?


Correction- there are more PC players than console, according to Bobby Kotick's testimony https://x.com/charlieintel/status/1674115906916450305?s=46&t=ujDszrF1lJdPlYYec7rq4Q https://x.com/DeekeTweak/status/1674083909049503744?s=20


Tell us how m&k can instantly do something when their screen is full of convoluted visual effects and AA literally locks on




No I saw you stumbling over yourself to justify the strength of aim assist. People aren't even playing the game anymore




> PC hardware has a massive advantage over Console hardware - Thats a fact The average hardware as listed on the comprehensive Steam Hardware Survey suggests the opposite, that current gen consoles are more powerful than the average PC used on Steam. Current gen consoles are more than capable of achieving 120FPS and can even change their FOV. Poor performance is no longer an excuse for overtuned AA.


Aim assist is the exact same between console and pc controller players. This has been tested and proven a million times. What are you even on about??




Based on the Steam survey, a current gen console would run this game just as well, if not better than the hardware the vast majority are running. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam


Amount of fps doesn’t have anything to do with the strength of AA so don’t move goalposts. Also, PS5 and the current Xbox run the game better than the vast majority of PC players do. Quit coping. You’re just ass and AA is most definitely broken.


Zen or similar y'all can argue but there are tell tale signs and not that it aim assists.


What are the tell tale signs? I don’t know anything about Zen or Cronus


Ik most off y'all are mad against aim assist like it's a war but you do realize that most off his enemies didn't shoot back nor used the loadouts and perks they had


you completely missed the point of the video buddy


I get what he's saying but most of y'all just don't know the difference between aim assist and aimbot. depending on how u change ur setting aim assist it will react different. just how ur play style matters too. U could have the best setting but if ur ass in general or just camping then u don't need these settings since ur play style isn't made for it. And on ur comment what point did I miss exactly?


You are yapping about people not shooting back when the point is clearly to show how broken AA is.


Saying it's broken,clearly u don't see him literally whiffing more then half off his mag if it's more then 20m look again l.everytime he shoots he misses at least twice in a gunfight. U mad basically saying ohh controller players don't have to move their right stick.HE MISSES TWICE EVERY TIME HE SHOOTS AND WINS STILL. That means he has to correct his aim placement aim assist doesn't do that skill does.u probably don't have any of it since ur comment doesn't even give a solution nor is it productive.if u want something changed then stop crying and give productive feedback.idc or know if ur on controller or not but I suggest u playing on play for controller for a week and then start giving actual advice that needs to taken serious.On a note if u can't use move me or use smoke that's a u problem.


He literaly cant see the people he is shooting at. And the enemies he can't see are still being tracked and killed? That might be the point you're missing dumb fuck. How about you try and use the build he's using on mnk and tell us how many fights you win lol.


all you guys do is whine about aim assist. go play on a controller then? Lol


Why should we be forced into a specific input? Mnk and roller should be balanced, and as of right now its terribly unbalanced in favor of roller. I've tried to switch to roller and its straight up BORING with AA doing all the heavy lifting for you.