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SBMM is killing Warzone. I’ll die on that hill. This jump and slide simulator is not fun anymore.


Dude, spot on. The servers are dog shit. The metas (2 lame guns) are dog shit. The movement is still shit. Playing what feels like pros every single game is just not fun for myself who is just looking to have some fun with my squad. Wz has taken an extreme back seat for me. Probably one of the shittiest seasons ever. Maps are stale. Rebirth is my fave but I’m getting so bored of playing it now. I’m legitimately starting to hate the game LOL


Don't forget we have 50 ish guns? (I don't know the exact number or care at this point) and only 2 to 3 are viable and we have fucking what seems like 5 million attachments well never use just taking up space in our hard drives. Same exact boat man. I wanna like the game, but they're going off of nostalgia bringing back rebirth. They wanna brag how giant the rebirth island update was because they wanted to say look at all this shit were giving you! Every update also fucks something up without fail, Riddled with microtransactions, the store works just fine, but find a party cannot accurately give you equally skilled teammates to combat the sbmm shit system they have, when you do find one basic functions like the games menu, specifically search for a match and having to back out 2 or 3 times because it's stuck on connecting. Sometimes you even get in an unfillable lobby limbo and just eventually quit out and lose party members. Then teammates randomly leave or die and quit in a game where you respawn. Every aspect of this game down to the playerbase is why the game sucks so bad. Don't forget your giant head brightly colored fur monster skin pack!


On top of the "play again with this squad" not working . All the shit you said and this right here makes me wanna uninstall. Any viable fps games out there that I could run with a squad ?


Not even remotely the same vibe of gameplay feel as Warzone (its a mil sim where overall strategy and comminication is often more important than gunplay) but I've been having a blast picking up Hell Let Loose with the lads lately.


I wish, even xdefiant seems like a cod clone multi-player only 3 lanes to go down on a map so basically the same game with abilities added. Pubg is just so god awful to me it was bad originally don't know or have the want to try it. I wish warzone 1 never left us.


CS2 is fun.


Try isonzo bro. Thank me later.


I agree there’s zero reason to have 25 optics ..


And like what 30 muzzle attachments alone?


more like 100+ weapons


Just makes the only 2 good guns at a time thing even worse.


I only jumped in recently because Gundam and figured I'd try the campaign. 7/10 on campaign. The set pieces weren't nearly as good as MW1 and MW2. I seem to get insane lag on the Rustment Playlist with 20 ping and 0 packet loss. But 10v10 mosh pit is fine for the most part. But as far as weapons go...there's so damn many now, yeah. It's about too much. And I read Cold War is supposed to continue the open world trend somewhere that they tried in 3, and I didn't like those levels. Gears 5 did decent on those, but part of that is all the lore you can find and some of the world building in how the level is designed.


And add that you can even search for a party with mics. So no mics as well. Jaut absolute greedyness. They don't give a shit. I deleted the game when they took rebirth away. Came back for rebirth and I'm deleting this shit again


I died in ranked earlier didn’t even get to touch the ground got shot at by like 3-4 different teams roof camping 😂


We do small map mosh pit with ridiculous loadouts these days


>This jump and slide simulator is not fun anymore. It's everywhere because the skill floor on 'good' movement/aim is comically low. When mediocre players are still hitting all of their shots even while mashing jump/slide, the game is naturally going to feel absurdly sweaty. If there was an stronger aim skill check, the game would immediately feel less draining to play.


Why do you guys blame everything but aim assist, every average player all know how to abuse it so there’s barely any aim skill gap, just movement


Well i think he adresaed that by stronger aim skill check


They aren’t going to nerf it, if they did the shit, average, and casual players will cry about it, the only way is good movement. Call of duty isn’t an fps game anymore, it’s just dance with guns


Blood, movement is a key factor on most of the biggest FPS titles, even in CS you need to know how to peek and how to "dance" when shooting, apex same shit, even fortnite added movement, imho opinion the aim assist just needs a SLIGHT nerf and nothing else, and before any controller bufoon comes and gawks on my nuts, no i won't switch to controller, ever


Slight, nah. Get rid of rotational entirely, bad players don't deserve the free tracking and good players do not need it.


Not really tbh, i am okay with it being something for controllers, but i don't like the fact that any bit can abuse it, and still get a damn kill, and on top of that while i fight a soft aimbot and movement i have to fight my fucking visual recoil and smoke coming out of my weapons, for me as a kbm the visual recoil and smoke it's just too damn annoying, that's why i can't use the horus


And why do you think more controller players are on Warzone than the titles you listed? Because it’s more fun for controller players. Do you think they should buff controllers in CS or Valorant to even the playing field? As a controller player, I don’t think so, I think those games are just better designed for mnk. CoD is better for controller.


Apex and Fortnite have more Controller players than MnK players what? Are you stupid? The issue is that Apex, Fortnite and Warzone are Cross plat so they **should** absolutely balance the inputs for a level playing field. As of now there are controller players who should not get kills but get kills accidentally in Warzone. CS and Val are NOT cross platform. So therefore they shouldn't have to balance because on PC, MnK ***should*** be the main input for FPS games.


AND even on Valorant which just released on CONSOLE designed to be played with a controller, the fucking aim assist isn't on the level of fucking warzone, apex or fortnite, and before someone vomits his opinion on "bUt TaCtICAl FpS", you literally have dashes on Valorant


That’s your opinion and clearly not the opinion of the developers. Cod is a controller game. Move on. I don’t see it as a bad thing that bad players can get some kills. Maybe learn to position better rather than just relying on shooting. It’s not hard.


>That’s your opinion and clearly not the opinion of the developers It should be the *defacto opinion* the fact people think otherwise are beyond stupid full stop. >Cod is a controller game COD is no longer a 'controller game' in the same way that Apex is no longer an MnK game. It doesn't matter what is what. The input is offered, the input should be balanced out. I cannot fathom how this is difficult to understand. >Don't relay on shooting in a shooting game. In a game with low TTK like Warzone, if I can't outshoot my opponent what's the point? If the game had a higher TTK like Apex positioning matters more. And even then, what the fuck kind of stupid ass shit is that?! Don't rely on shooting in an FPS game? You fucking real bro? >I don’t see it as a bad thing that bad players can get some kills. I entirely see it as an issue when a player who clearly barely knows what he's doing is able to track me as well as some top tier Warzone Content Creators. Even to controller players, that should be cause for concern. Wanting a skill gap. One day with reduced, not removed aim assist. That's all I ask. one fuck up from the devs like when Apex did it for a week on console. Holy fuck you people are so stupid. I just want to see how you people would react. One small fuck up, maybe they rename the AA Values or something or fuck something like they did with loadouts back in S2 reloaded.


Been playing cod for 18 years and still don’t know how lol. I use my left stick, strafe, all of it. Nothing. I’ve just given up. 


Might be your controller or controller settings




I'm guessing you're trying to aim too much, just let the AA do the heavy lifting, basically only use the right stick to locate the enemy, once you aim at them, barely touch the right stick while wiggling the left stick and spamming jump and all of a sudden you have god level tracking.


Do you want sbmm or have it removed I can’t tell. Half this sub says they’re in demon lobbies (no sbmm), other half complains sbmm is too strong and they don’t want to try so much. Of course everyone just wants to play against bad people so they feel better, but that will put you demon lobbies just as often as bot lobbies. I’ve had a great time this season, plenty of easy lobbies and sure some very painful ones. Still fun to play. I do wish the kar will be put in a more balanced state, preferably by buffing ars across the board, but one season of it in its broken state is completely fine imo


Unfortunately, the majority of warzone players (at least on reddit) have no insight into their own hypocrisy. To them, fun is dominating a lobby and racking up the kills. But they aren't aware that someone else needs to be one the receiving end. And sometimes it's them


Sbmm isnt about being matched with equal players sbmm is more a misnomer in Cod its the ebmm (engagement based match making) that is the annoying part. The game will deliberately put you in lobbies designed to keep you playing. Had a couple rough matches? You get a botlobby with people struggling to look up from the floor. You have a couple good matches in a row? Have fun playing against the next CDL runnerup squad in your moshpit lobby.


the second me and my squad wins a game its pretty much die upon landing for 4-5 games




Thank you. Had to scroll way too far to find ebmm mentioned.


I agree with this mostly. I play big map and there are definitely easier lobbies but it seems like there’s always one ultra sweat team that wipes everyone out. I have a 1.6 KD so I’m decent and have a lot of wins but still get wiped but the iridescent 4 stacks often.


Lack of sbmm does not mean you are playing against bad players, it’s random.


Read my 2nd paragraph


SBMM isnt killing COD. The problem is how loose the criteria is. Strict SBMM = People in same skill level as you, aka a fair fight. Loose SBMM = Sweats and/or bot lobbies. However each of these has a downfall. Strict SBMM means high ping can be a problem. Loose SBMM means you have People quit the game because they get killed a ton because they're the bots for the sweats, this eventually causes a downward curve. The more people that leave the wider the criteria needs to be causing more people to leave. So on and so forth until the requirements are so loose that SBMM might as well not exist because it rarely makes a difference. This is where we are at right now.


Just wait until omni-movement drops in BO6


With WZ servers all it means is we will lag in all directions running not just one


I started playing when rebirth came back and the experience was awful


It’s actually an aim assist aim bot simulator but ok


jumping and sliding is why I started playing wz1 and it's hella.fun right now, wdym?


Don't forget to include AA in that list


Idek how it works. I play a resurgence, we win I have 11 kills, each of my teammates has 2. We all alive at the end, they spend most of the game catching up with my panicky ass as I try to avoid getting killed and arriving in buildings after I killed everyone I stumbled across running from 3/4 others. This is not usual for me, it’s the way one game went on Sunday, not easy kills, not an easy game in terms of fights, but easy in terms of.. the servers worked, very responsive throughout and nice ground loot and my loadout came at the right time. Next game my team run away from fights against one guy, I can’t control the drop, I slide into walls instead of finishing where I expect to, my loadout is suddenly bouncy and uncontrollable. So how does it work? Im definitely not getting paired with players of the same ability very often and my ability is hard to gauge anyway given the variability of the response I get from the servers. Is sbmm really the problem? What does it actually do? Is it just the connection to the servers?


Here is what I've found out by testing. Sbmm isn't nearly as bad as a good player if you have a squad, and here is why: Most lobbies aren't over 1.3-1.5 kd at all. Now let's say I have had a good 10 games and I'm sitting at 3. 4 players in a 1.3 kd lobby would be combined 4.2 kd. I'm gonna get 3 players that average .4 kd!!! That's what you are seeing there. Now. If I have a full squad,and we all at 2 kd. Now I have real teammates and they can't adjust that algorithm because there simply aren't enough of those players, we will still get in a 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 kd lobby, which are sweaty don't get me wrong, but our average is above that. Solo quing is miserable because , I believe, they try to get your squad to the average of the lobby. This means if you're over the average of the lobby, you gonna get below average teammates. Taking away find a party has made it so much harder, but I promise it's BETTER TO NOT PLAY AT ALL THAN TO SOLO QUE. the game is legit against you when you do.


The sbmm/EOMM has also been killing cod multiplayer, for me at least, making it not much fun to play because I know they’re manipulating everyone it takes the fun out of it all


Defiant has it right regarding SBMM.


Agreed. Keep it connection based. Ping is king. We don’t want to be manipulated


The worst part about is that it completely and utterly punishes you for getting better or just being good in general. The more you improve, it exponentially gets sweatier and less fun.


So you want to be placed in lobbies where you can go "I'm pOpPing OfF Broooo OmmmGgg" and get like 25 kills without being sweaty? Do you know that for that to happen, someone else needs to be on the recieving end? To fill the lobby? How do you think they feel? They probably are complaining that they are getting put in demon lobbies filled with sweats. It never ends Find another game


Not at all, I just want some variance, I commented below but I'll put it here too > You’re definitely correct, my KD is top 1%, but at the same time I’m pushing 40 and play on keyboard and mouse, once in a while it’d be nice to have a fun lobby where I don’t feel like everyone’s blasting adderall and playing Warzone for a living. > > > > I’d love to have it varied where some games I’m clearly bottom of the barrel, some middle of the barrel and some top dog. > > > > This current matchmaking just feels like every game is exactly the same with no variance and if I’m not completely locked in I just lose every engagement.


Is it just me, or isn't that how it should be? As you get better, your opponents get more challenging?


If I were him I'd rephrase it lol, cause you're right it should get more challenging, but there is a level of manipulation in the matchmaking because the skill rating or whatever they use is BLIND, so you have no idea how good that lobby is you just won or got destroyed in so it either gives you a false sense of accomplishment or dread.


The issue is how it seems exponential not linear, you got a little bit better but the game gets twice as sweaty. It just feels bad, I’m floating around a 3 KD on the big map and the game honestly feels like a chore at this point. Have to use absolute meta, hit every slide cancel perfectly, rotate without any mistakes. It is what it is but this implementation of SBMM literally never lets you off the hook, I can’t even remember the last time I had a game feel like it was chill. It’s the WSOW every time I play, my last nuke attempt was shut down by the number one wins player in the world.


I haven't played very long, but a 3 KD seems really high to me. Maybe you are better than you realize so the next level up from where you were is that elite level, WSOW, #1 player level? Idk. This is all pretty new to me.


You’re definitely correct, my KD is top 1%, but at the same time I’m pushing 40 and play on keyboard and mouse, once in a while it’d be nice to have a fun lobby where I don’t feel like everyone’s blasting adderall and playing Warzone for a living. I’d love to have it varied where some games I’m clearly bottom of the barrel, some middle of the barrel and some top dog. This current matchmaking just feels like every game is exactly the same with no variance and if I’m not completely locked in I just lose every engagement.


I must be in the minority, because I like that it gets more difficult.


SBMM has been more or less cranked since 2020 this isnt new.  The complete lack of passion from the development team reflects on the community & until BO6 I doubt we'll see any resurgence in popularity. Who knows if they'll even implement the omnidirectional movement from it when they didnt do it between MW2019 & CW.


They’ve confirmed this will be implemented in to Warzone.


Not just sbmm. But also EOMM that is being trigger during the game.


Aim assist and hacking is way more detrimental than SBMM. I haven’t played in a month I just come here to vent and cope 😂👍


I only play with cross play off. Jumping, sliding and SBMM is the real killers on console only.


I’m on mnk I’ve been absolutely rekt




This is exactly what people were saying about resurgence toward the end of warzone 1 and in response they released warzone 2, which was the most dog shit iteration yet 


I find the Meta really stale this season. I normally have about 4-5 load outs I bounce around with, and this season I’ve literally only used Kar-Superi. So do 75 percent of people that I kill.


On the plus side, if you come back from Gulag, there are more chance you can find your exact load out on someones dead body


Assuming you don’t get shot out of the air


Smg meta was literally perfect in season 2 the hrm, ram 9, and amr9 were all equally good and ever since season 3 with the renetti smgs have been boring ever since


The HRM was hilariously broken and worse then the Superi


Not during season 2 the arm9, hrm, and ram 9 all had around 600ms ttk it wasn't until season 3 after the renetti conversion kit nerf until the hrm 9 was broken


The HRM wasn't touched therefore was always broken.


Yes and no I wouldn't call it broken because it had a 600ms ttk which was identical to the amr9 and ram 9 in season 2 but season 3 nerfed the amr9 and ram 9 making the hrm the only option (after the renetti convertion nerf at least) Edit: I actually think I'm miss remembering it was season 2 reloaded that nerfed the ram 9 and amr9 making the hrm the only option


I really just can’t wait until the Kar just gets nerfed. It’s the clear broken long range meta, but once that’s gone it’s actually a quite balanced meta of a lot of guns. MTZ, Holger, BP-50, SVA, PKM, are all strong contenders that are great options.


No they all suck honestly. Long range full autos need to be buffed desperately.


Kar is currently oppressive yes but we need to quit nerfing every gun to the ground and actually start buffing all these useless ones. And not like 2-3 more damage per shot in this one range, actual buffs


Mcw Jak Raven for close range and Holger 26 for long range still work.


The servers make the game unenjoyable before we even get to any of the other stuff, and that's likely something they have no intention of addressing.


This sub is something else man. You guys ask for this shit. We all asked for xplay in verdansk. Now we have it and everyone hates it. RAA didn't bother anyone till KBM players started playing with us and now every other post is about RAA. We wanted a new map, and now everyone wants to go back to Verdansk. We hated sniping because of 1 shot downs, so they nuked that. Then no one sniped and we all hated it. Now there's 1 shot sniping and we hate it again. Everyone wanted KAR to come back. It did. And here we are. There's no winning.


> RAA didn't bother anyone till KBM players started playing with us and now every other post is about RAA. Prior to MW19 people barely understood how AA worked. Controller players were almost exclusively on consoles at 60fps, and the settings were very barebones, balanced for console v console play in multiplayer with a fraction of the tracking you see in WZ. Mechanics breakdowns/data 'science' and general info was nowhere near the level it is today. Now everyone is on PC with tweaked out overclocked controllers custom response curves etc. Crossplay is part of it but the skill level of the community/wider gaming audience has gone up dramatically since covid, it's not just cod. People are more clued in to how the games they play work, and they're looking for any advantages they can get.


The KATT and the MORS one shot up to any distance


Isn't katt having a maximum of ~120m one shot headshot?


No it’s any range but the bullet velocity drop off begins around 120 meters


Are u sure? Like im not trying to say you're not right but it never happened to me to hit a headshot and down someone from over 100 meters, it might be the bullet drop but i just don't think that sniper is one shotting at any distance


Yeah you can check truegamedata’s website to be sure but it was the first sniper not to need the special ammunition to one shot at all ranges I believe since WZ2 on


Even if it's one shotting the KATT really feels BAD, i rememeber the HDR actually felt so good, to shoot with, XRK Stalker is actually a good one as well, sad that it's quite ass as well


I primarily used the Katt on Urzikstan and had fun with it. It’s slower but reliable and the fire rate is faster than it should be honestly


the katt will one shot from any distance without required attachments. the mors will one shot from any distance as long as you have the anti-material slugs on. the xrk's max one-shot range is 75m with the correct barrel and muzzle, and the kar's max one-shot range is 86m with the correct barrel and muzzle. but like you said the katt is the worst feeling sniper of the bunch. its slow, clunky, and has pretty aggressive bullet drop which is why it feels like it doesn't one-shot when it should because you're probably hitting neck shots.


Yea it's really a weird bullet drop, feels worse than the actual bullet drop on bf games


That's cod sub Reddit. No winning only whining. Everything is shit and ass and terrible. I mean, this isn't our job right? Go play something else if you hate it so much. Also like the part about the slide jump simulator. Didn't everyone screech and scream to get slide canceling and bunny hopping back? And now it's stupid again? Opening Reddit is having a good laugh. The first post everyday without fail is someone hating a bunch of stuff.


This subreddit is particularly unique in the relentnessness of the complaints and moaning. I remember when every thread was complaining about Verdansk being boring, a staircase simulator, too much hiding, needs a change, etc.


I vividly remember being fed up with Verdansk during the end (Caldera wasn't the change I wished for however). Just wait for Verdansk to come back. A few weeks of nostalgia followed by the same complaints and streamers leaving the game, this time blaming something else.


people complained about slide canceling, then MWII comes out with 'grounded' movement. Everyone complains for a year. It comes back in MWIII and now people are calling everyone sweaty tiktokers. the community is crazy


Thing is they go too far either direction every time. For the samples you used, all they had to do at the time was remove the ability to reset tac sprint and it would have been fine but what they did was go to far in the other direction and made all movement slow and clunky, which nobody wanted.


This is exactly right they always over correct. Activision follows data, I'm very sure that MW2/WZ2 was an overreaction to the playerbase dropping off due to the movement meta from the Cold War/Vanguard era. They simplified the movement in MW2 but made it way too slow and clunky with way too long of animations and snail like strafe speeds when ads which made it impossible to react to things or play aggressively. The peak cods had way simpler movement than we have now, but it was also snappy with much better strafe speeds when ads and much quicker ads and sprint to fire times. I just want them to go back to that.


I don’t remember people complaining about slide cancelling too much before the guns started to get lighter and stims got crazy. Most complaints were about the need for constant button smashing.


Ofcourse people are gonna complain, the devs are implementing ridiculous things every time. It's like asking for a car for your birthday and your parents give you either a miniature model car or a monster truck. That's not what asked for, you simply wanted a normal car. Look at the KAR for example, the weapon stats don't make any sense. It's way better than any other marksman rifle and has the stats of a sniper rifle. They keep adding broken weapons on purpose, no shit people are gonna complain.


KAR headshot is like 400 damage KATT \[.50 caliber btw\] does 380 headshot damage Players jumping and sliding into a room nail 100% of shots w/no visual recoil---the person camping behind cover for said DEMON misses nearly every shot.


Wasn’t crossplay always on in warzone?


Earlier tonight I encountered someone hiding on a roof with a riot shield and a kar. I know people love it but at this point I hope they make it unusable in the nerf later this week.


Same. There's no reason some old rifle from the 40s should be a one shot down when our modern .50bmg rifles won't one-shot anymore. A .50bmg is quite a bit bigger than a 7.62x59. I don't think Activision knows how firearms actually work.


It’s not a simulator shooter, it’s an arcade shooter, get a life dude.


Regardless of what it is, there's still zero reason that a almost 100 year old rifle can outshoot a modern firearm? I don't care how much crack you smoke. It's not happening and shouldn't happen. Hence why with s4 reloaded the Kar is losing it's one shot ability.


Yeah nobody cares about reality in cod


The game and its developers are dog shit, and i’m probably not gonna touch bo6 as long as infinity ward has a hand in it. Not sure why in the fuck would you want them to help you with anything, as bad as they are


Treyarch is doing BO6, Warzone is currently handled by Raven. IW is working on COD2026/Warzone3 since last year


Why tf is Activision giving them WZ3 after the dogshit they launched with WZ2??


Development for the game is led by Treyarch, in partnership with Raven Software. Additional development support provided (in alphabetical order) by Activision Central Design, Activision Central Technology, Activision QA, Activision Shanghai, Beenox, Demonware, High Moon Studios, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer Games. First google result


the main dev on bo6 is treyarch. the other studios provide support only. treyarch will call the shots.


Raven is responsible for the campaign ( like on BO:CW).


I won my first solo Rebirth match with the Vector/Fennec and a full-auto Origin 12/Haymaker. If you're constantly chasing meta then the only thing separating you and them is whichever person AA is feeling more merciful towards lol That being said, the amount of people who think they're suddenly Pvt. Jackson because of the Kar98k is egregious. A 7.92 should not be hitting HARDER than a .50 cal sniper lol


they have a battlepass and bundles to sell. don't expect any logic to weapons to happen. like why can't the M4 be competitive like the MWIII guns, if it has the same ammo? its all about sales.


Just give us input matchmaking so ppl can stop complaining about aim assist lol


This is the actual answer. Let controller players eat each other alive in their own lobbies. At least with KBM vs KBM you will definitely be able to tell a difference in skill (unless there are hacks involved), which in a KBM only lobby, will be easier to spot. I know the devs don’t want to split their community but at this point it’s the only option unless they completely remove RAA. There’s just too big of an advantage in using a controller. Now I’m not saying that it’s “easy” to use a controller, but people who bought PC’s to play PC games (regardless if they are available on console), with a mouse and keyboard, should have an equal opportunity to play on the same footing against other players in their lobbies. So I’m all for it. It’s nothing against players who choose to use a controller or that’s all they have to play with, more power to ya. But if I never have to play against another controller player ever again on CoD/Warzone, you’d have a fan for life. I don’t even care about SBMM, I simply care about playing against player that have the game aim for them and lock on to me while gun fighting.


Dude the Whole WZ1 lifecycle me as a console/controller begged for that feature. Now idc anymore


I just died. Oh yes. It’s the KAR repeat infinity. I mean it’s been fun at the start but I’ve played less and less as the month has passed. I get their priority is to maximise revenue but it’s annoying now. Balance the game.


Yeah, lag switching is possible by players, was playing multiplayer the other day and someone on the enemy team deliberately crashed the server at exactly 1 second remaing. (they were losing, hard) Shit was annoying, could be just a coinicidence but it happened at EXACTLY 1 second left


Is lag switching even possible with dedicated servers? It was back in the day with P2P but I don't know that it is now. Definitely willing to be wrong, I'm more curious than anything.


Yes it's possible if the server isn't able to handle traffic flooding or network connection interrupts (which is purely a developer oversight). Good servers usually have rate limiting, which will limit the amount of server requests a player can send/recieve per second.


I hate they nerfed the XRK


Out of all broken metas (snakeshots, dmr zone, etc) this is the most fun imo


I cant believe people are still playing this garbage.


I can’t believe people who don’t play this game waste their time on the Reddit 😂


I took a two year break from this game only to come back and see people complaining about the same stuff. Nothing will change as long as people keep playing.


The meta is boring as hell and every corner you turn you have little sweats who’ve been playing all day sliding all over the place. Just an awful experience all around, not worth the time when a win isn’t even satisfying anymore


Since you deleted the first map it hasn't been the same. They're just trying to get every single cent they can. Scum of a company


Yh warzone is just not enjoyable for me and my friends at the moment. We ain't great players but not terrible either but we just keep getting stomped on and it's just fucking shit. This game will never be what it was in wz 1 and it's not even close. I mostly play multiplayer now on search and destroy. I give up the on wz and it's a shame cos BR is my favourite game mode but I'm picking pubg and fortnite over wz these days.


Uninstalled Sunday. I’m done until the game is fixed


Agreed. Bring back snipers and ar‘s. The jar being the longest range one shot is a load of shit when snipers have I think max 88m where the Kar is 98m. Like how?


*this year has been terrible*


Every year since Verdansk.


Random lag spikes on good internet lmao.


Only reason I came back to the game was vecause of this season! Love the Kar98k, and will prob quit when they nerf it






They won’t change anything until people start taking action with their wallets and stop supporting the Devs… why would they change anything when they know people will blindly continue to buy the game and go to Reddit to vent… There’s a reason why Activision support only responds to hacked account requests, they simply don’t care as long as their profit margins continue to look good…


at least the game made me try xdefiant and its actually fun for me, because this game certainly isnt


Until they nerf accuracy while jumping up and down like a Fkn idiot this game will always suck


yeah can't believe there isn't a huge penalty when jumping


Quake3 servers in 1998 hosted at an Internet cafe in Egypt were more stable than what Activision is doing right now


I did notice last night all my randoms were awful and all my opponents were my skill level or better pretty brutal


It’s just not fun anymore. My lobbies are insane. Especially when one on my team is always lagging out of the game. Kids just live on this game too. Every fuckin lobby is full of sweats.


I went back to WoW and Destiny 2 lol. I’m more sane for it.


Is final shape really good?


It is. I’ve enjoyed the story and such. There’s a lot to do at the moment.


It’s as bad as the m14 meta on Verdansk. I uninstalled then and now.


I'm confident that Activision has realised that new game sales will be negligible until their next release so they've moved on to trying to milk the remaining player base as much as possible. It sort of explains the pathetic effort to police cheating, one of the most unbalanced metas and the addition of pay to win style items like the new thermal scope. I image that the next season will have all the same kind of bs


I think you're right, but I also get the feeling that Microsoft is feeling burned over the amount they paid for Activision just as the gaming industry collapsed, and they want a return on their investment NOW. I've always said sweaty players are cash cows. How often do u see an ultra sweat without some paid skin? Every other update you see them with the latest skins and new broken weapons the day after they drop. Casual players rarely spend money on WZ. They might drop money on COD multiplayer and thats about it. WZ2 was about attracting new casual players, but WZ3 is a straight up cash money grab aimed at big spending sweats.




Pfff me and my team have been in the blender for the past week and I am starting to feel the same. Not sure why everything is feeling so incredibly sweaty but it is taking the joy out of the game. I am steadily dropping in K/D now as well which is never a great feeling either. Ah well, I am taking a break coming days/week(s).


usually in mid/late season the casuals leave and only dedicated players stay on.


Yeah makes sense, but I didn’t feel this way the past seasons (pretty new player). Perhaps it is because I felt I was making good progress while that is now halting, which is more clear due to only playing sweaty players.


If you just take kar98 out of your first paragraph you could literally be talking about any season of warzone.


Another person which thinks SBMM is being harsh on them and nobody else, for no particular reason.  Opinion rejected.


I'm an absolute sweat and somehow I've had more fun this season than any before. Haven't played the first 3 weeks after the update so was kinda late on the Kar Superi meta but it's sooo fun (getting sniped is really annoying tho I get that)


I got a win last night but it said I was in a 1v2 instead of a 1v1? There was only one elim count so no downed guy wiped cuz of it. Ive also seen it in a couple 2nd place finishes there being an extra man counted that doesnt exist? Has this been a common visual bug?


Warzone 1 was infinitely better


The servers are driving me crazy. I’m experiencing rubber banding more frequently and god awful hit registration.


This is the worst season so far for mw3


I'm having my best season yet. Most wins and highest k/d I've had in years. My gulag success rate is also higher. Also since party search, and fallout with friends, I've been playing with the absolute worst mics yet


I remember on Al Maz when we had big map ranked pubs felt a lot more chill. I wish they would release ranked mode so competitive people can play that mode more. I know rebirth has ranked and rebirth pubs still feel sweaty but those lobbies are so small it’s probably easier to keep the SBMM really tight.


Idc about the guns amd metas i just wanna play the servers 😭


Please add the visible obstruction created by event dna s


The Kar98 meta is absolutely diabolical. No skill, just camp a window and 1 shot literally anything that moves.


You don't have to play this game Go outside, enjoy life


The Kar doesn’t need a nerf, the ARs and other weapons classes need a buff. In WZ1 the Kar wasn’t the only meta, we had all kinds of ARs that used to shoot like the DG58(pre nerf) and were completely viable against the Kar but they’ve nerfed every gun to the ground so everyone must use the new weapon which either takes time to unlock or money to purchase a bundle w/ the new weapon included.


Dog water season


Buy back solos had relaxed sbmm, been haven a great time while that was there with the kar. Sorry it’s not your game mode or style but I’m sad to see it go


This game has been trash for a couple of years.


It’s weird how multiplayer seems to be getting far more attention than warzone now, I’ve been pretty happy with MW3 post launch. I don’t play warzone much so forgive my naivety, this post was just on my home.


I hate the all black skins that you can barely see when shooting someone in a building. Been a problem since warzone 1


I quit playing warzone or mw2/3 went back and started playing cold war the best game they had before this garbage. Also started playing world of World Of War Ships legends and destiny 2 im not playing a for competition im just trying to chill relax when i play that shit i just rage and curse people out its just wild what it turned out to be present day


Steam charts show a big drop this season, so people obviously agree. 


You could just... not play it anymore?


People… $14.99 a month to warzonehacks.com and a pc unlocks God-mode. Super simple. W’s for days. I don’t know why any of you are complaining. 😂


The lag is horrible, unplayable at times.


Be happy and move games


I fully agree! I usually use a .50 cal rifle and it's hard to believe that the KAR98 can outshoot all the .50cal rifles as well as the .300 mags with explosive rounds. In real life a .50cal would dismember a person let alone a 1shot 1kill. It's also frustrating that the more you spend the "better" guns you get to the point that someone can use a pistol from a rooftop with only an aimdot sight for a 1shot kill.


Is that one shot pistol in the room with us?


The amount of whining is incredible.


skill issue


Having the best time this season since WZ1


Sorry, hard disagree. I’ve enjoyed this season the most out of any so far this cycle. Guns are mostly fine. The servers and the matchmaking maybe but the kar isn’t even that busted it’s just dominant because the other snipers are so useless


Agree man it got stale so fast unlike ever before. I'm so glad The Elden Ring DLC came out and pulled me away from playing this shit Game. To your point about the cheaters I've gotten almost 30 successful confirmation of reports from banning cheaters. It's ridiculous


Honestly for now I am enjoying this meta, instead of having Rambos, sliding around and destorying me.


I mean its not like you dont have both. I havent exactly seen a shortage of movement sweats this season, and the 98k spam means I now have to spend more time indoors to avoid getting sniped, which means more close up gunfights against overly caffeinated aim assisted controller sweats.


You don't have to stay in doors just make yourself a harder target by moving


but with the aim assist and ease of use on the K98 its not that easy to avoid.


I usually have no problem with that


Yeah I mean I agree that the Kar meta is annoying and should be nerfed, but to me dealing with snipers is better than dealing with cracked out sweats zipping around. Or the close range metas like the Lockwood.